Helsing Academy [Inactive]


Hell's Angel
Wolfsrain123 submitted a new role play:

Helsing Academy - This is no normal High School

Helsing Academy is no normal High School. It was originally built to house vampire hunters, the principle being Abraham Van Helsing. After his death, the Academy started to house vampires and demons and other creatures that would never have gone to the school. Not only did it house creatures but it housed humans. They weren't vampire hunters anymore. They were regular human High Schoolers. The creatures and humans went to classes together but they lived in separate dorms. The humans didn't know...
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"You take my world and turn it up turn it up, turn it up yeah the way you move you burn it up burn it up and you set it on fire~" They sang together with the radio. Analisa sat beside Leon while his dad was driving and his mom was in the passenger seat. They were all rocking out with the radio. Analisa laughed. They were so busy laughing and having fun that they didn't see the truck coming toward them. Leon's father was blinded by the truck's headlights. All was heard was the crashing of two cars. Leon opened his eyes and saw Analisa lying limp in the car. She was covered in blood. He reached out to touch her hand. 'No...' he mouthed. He couldn't speak. Blood spilled out of his mouth. He heard the ambulance but was too weak. This was it. He was going to die. He had so much to live for. He couldn't die. He was only 10 years old. He slowly closed his eyes. He was drowning in his own blood. There was no chance he would survive. He finally closed his eyes for the last time.

Leon sat up with a start. He was panting heavily. He groaned. It was his first day of senior year and was dreading every minute of it. His roommate seemed to have already gotten up and went to the dining hall for breakfast. He forced himself out of bed. He's had the same dream since the day he lost his parents. He was nothing now. He felt useless. He slipped on his school uniform and brushed his long straight black hair. He went down to the dining hall. He got breakfast and then sat at a table with his friends. One said "your late as usual." Leon just grunted in response. He had a headache and was not looking forward to today. He picked at his breakfast. When he was done, he got up and said "I have to go finish getting ready." He got up, washed his dishes, and went upstairs to finish getting ready.
Ira was sleeping peacefully until her damned alarm scared her into rolling off the bed. She fell on her rear end taking all the covers with her. She huffed angrily as she laid there a moment. The only think that actually made her get up was the repeating buzz sound the alarm made. She ripped the cord out of the wall and got up lazily putting her sheets back on the bed in a pile. She took a shower got dressed for school. She put on some of her favorite ed hardy perfume and head out the door. She got breakfast and sat at the same table as leon. He seemed more down then usual. Ira made a mental noteto bother him about it later. She watched him leave and gave him a moment before she went after him. "Hey Leon! You can't hide from me come on now." She said through the door and leaned against the wall.
After finishing getting ready, he walked out and said "hey Ira. Want to head to the main building together? We have cal first period." He smiled softly at her. he was bothered by his nightmare but wouldn't let it get him too down. He hated having calculus first period but at least he would get it out of the way. "Calculus first period should be illegal." He ran a hand through his long hair.
Ira laughed. "I second that motion. " She said and took his arm. It was just something she did with any guy who walked with her. She liked to be escorted. Especially by Leon. "So what happened this morning? You didn'treally talk tto me." She pouted but smirked. "Everyone talks to me! Do you know who i am?" She said seemingly mocking the passing cheerleaders. Ira laughed at their reaction and looked up at leon. Ira hated how short she was. Her body type reminded people of a mini dolly parton. Except her waist wasn't as small.
Leon looked at her and said "don't worry about it. I just had a nightmare." No one knew that it was his parents in that accident so long ago and it was him that survived the accident. Being a demon, he healed faster than humans so he didn't even have the scars to show the accident. He wanted to keep his secrets safe with him. He smirked and pushed her playfully. "You love pissing people off don't you?" He laughed. He walked out of the dorm and blocked his eyes from the sunlight. "Damn it. Its too early for this. I am so jealous of the night class students."
Ira scoffed. "Are you saying i piss you off? Cause you can just find a new friend if so!" She said over dramatically. She pushed him back and looked up at the sky. "Aw the sun is just trying to wake you up!" She said happily. "You would think for being in senior year you'd be used to the sun..." she looked up at him with a soft smile.
"Of course not. Your one of my closest friends." He laughed. Despite how he said this, she will always be friendzoned by him. He walked through the main doors to the Academy. "I need to take a stop at the library. I need some new reading material. Want to come with? Or do you want to hang out in the calculus room like a loser." He turned a corner and walked through the doors of the library. He waved to the librarian.
Ira rolled her eyes and followed him. "You're such a jerk sometimes it unbelievable! " she huffed and looked at the romance section. She found a few goo one's and desided to check them out. "So what books are you getting?"
Leon told her "you should read something intellectual and not about girls crying because their boyfriend treats them like shit." He walked off to the nonfiction section. He ran his finger through the books and when he found what he was looking for, he pulled it out. He checked it out and asked "Ira, you getting anything?"
Aurora was up and about, and of course in the library as usual. She was perched up on one of the tables reading very intensely one of the various books on Shakespeare in the library. It wasn't in English but Romanian, her first language so she understood every word. Suddenly she threw down the book and let out a stream of foreign words that could easily be assumed to be obscenitys. She stood on the table and jumped off, not showing any sign of being embarassed. Sheran a hand through her honey blonde hair and sighed. This followed her normal morning routine.: wake up before dawn, head to the library and read Shakespeare or some ridiculously outdated writer (although they always frustrate herr to no end), and then head to whatever class she her perfect GPA good get her into. In this case it was calculus.
"Yes another dose of crying girls and mean boyfriends. you know it seems like everyone here is just a friend. I seriously need like a transfer student for me." She huffed and looked over to him. " hey you have a brother?" She joked looking at him.
Leon rolled his eyes and said "no I don't now lets get to class before were late." He walked past Aurora and out of the library. He was dreading going to calculus. He was good at the class. He just hated it. He smirked. "Ira, hurry up!" He called back to her. "Not waiting for you!"
Abel made his way down the corridor, calling attention to himself. He had only arrived the week before school startred and yet he managed to climb the social ladder and gain many 'friends'. He flashed his wolfish half smile and gave afew high fives and waved to people whose names he had already forgot. inwardly he sighed, maintaining his 'good guy' outer appearance was draining. Abel pulled out his schedule."Hmmm.....calculus....."He said, eyeing the word shrewdly."This is shitty luck I have."He muttered as he passed the library.

Aurora gazed at Leon momentarily as he passed by, curiosity shining brightly in her blue grey eyes. Guys with long hair always interested her, not the guys themselves. Just their hair. 'Hmmm, I wonder is it soft like mine...' Her hand reached out, her fingers flowing through it. "It's soft."She confirmed with a satisfied smile. She skipped pass them and entered into calculus.
When he walked into calculus, everyone stopped to look at him. One of the boys said "awesome party Saturday!" Leon nodded as he waved to the kid. He sat in the way back as he leaned back in his seat. He yawned slightly. A few girls were flirting with him and running their hands through his hair. He let them as he talked softly with them. He hated how flirtatious the girls were but he was determined to remain kind to them.
Arabella calmly strode to calculus. It was her first day as a transfer student, and she was going to be late. But, she was in no rush. Her skinny jeans were rolled up at the ends, her sweater a bit oversized, but she liked to cover her hands with the sleeves. She walked into the classroom just as class was beginning, holding her schedule in one hand, her board in the other. Ara walked to the back corner and took a seat, tossing her things to the side. She didn't really want to make a show of being new, introducing herself and all. She noticed a boy with long hair being fawned over by several girls, a girl with grey looking eyes, and another boy.
Aurora sat down in the corner of the room next to the window, watching how everyone flitted around Leon, girls touching his hair like she had done not too long ago. "I wonder if that counts as flirting? "She asked herself, before shaking her head.'Nahh.... not my type.' She thought with a smirk. She gazed out the window, quickly finding herself bored with the proceedings of the class.

Abel walked in and he was welcomed by a fair amount of people, but he could easily tell who the most popular person was in the room. His eyes fell on Leon, a guy who he's yet to be introduced to. 'Today is better than any other day.' He thought with a shrug. He confidently walked over and sat precariously on the edge of a desk and held out his hand."Hello, I'm Abel. You must be Leon."He said, a small smile tilting up the corners of his lips.
Ira looked at Abel. She seemed bored already and class hadn't even started. "Hey leon ima go take a seat." She said and squeezed through the crowd to her seat. Leon hated this so much but Ira was so jealous of how he could just get any girl he wanted.
Leon looked up at the boy that introduced himself as Abel. "Like Cain and Abel but obviously your still alive." He smirked. He knew the story very well since they taught it every year in religious bible study. He hated the class because he didn't believe in any God. No God would be cruel enough to take everything he's ever loved away from him and force him to suffer constant nightmares of that fateful day.
"Obviously. But yes. Alive. "He said with a smirk. "In a sense anyway."Abel straightened up, sensing that class was about to start."Well, nice chat. Haven't met a......."He stopped himself, "Nevermind. Anyway nice to meet you."He made his way to an empty seat and sat down, steepling his fingers and resting his chin on his finger tips.
Ira looked at the man who sat next to her. Great another guy and another friend zone. She couldn't be rude though. "Hey... i don't think we've met... I'm Ira..." she said and played with her hair a bit. She looked away not really knowing what to say now.
Arabella was just settling into her seat when someone stepped on her skateboard and decided it might be funny to ride it down the aisle. "Hey!" She shouted suddenly, "Don't touch that." Her eyes glowed for a split second, but she restrained herself. The person rolled it back to her, surprised.

She grabbed her skateboard and moved to a different seat, one nearer to the boy being harrassed by girls, and some other girl and boy that apparently went by Ira and Abel.
Leon nodded slightly. "Yeah. The worst class that will ever exist." He rolled his eyes. "It might be worst than religious bible study." Some girls giggled in response. When the bell rang, the girls groaned and went to their seat. He looked out the window. He raised his hand to answer almost every question. Girls admired his intelligence and how good he was at calculus but he shrugged them off.
Arabella nodded and turned around. She could tell some people were staring at her, being new and all. Particularly, a group of athletic-looking guys in the front. But, as class started, they eventually turned away.
Abel turned to the girl who had spoken first, fixing her with a charming smile."Abel,"He said, turning towards her, ignoring the bell."So, what brings you to this place, Ira"Her named rolled off his tongue, his slight accent becoming evident.

Aurora looked up and over, her daydreaming interrupted by the bell. She answered questions as well, and asked questions too, her attention to the subject unwavering. She wasn't a big math fan but she also didn't think that slacking in any subject was a good thing. Aura didn't hesitate to call the teacher out on doing a step wrong either and informed the teacher that she wasn't doing anything wrong by doing so and that if they were feeling insecure about a single mistake then that was their own personal issue.
Aurora calling the teacher out made Leon laugh. He stood up and corrected the problem. "She's right. You did it wrong." He dropped the chalk on the floor, breaking it. The teacher growled and said "you may be the..." She thought better of what she was going to say, knowing she would be in deep trouble for saying it. Leon said "that's what I thought." He grinned and said "I'm going out for a smoke." He walked out of the room. A few people gasped at that since they would get kicked out of the school for even thinking about smoking. The teacher didn't do anything though. It was strange how he got away with so many things.

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