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Fandom Help!! I Have Lost My Mind!![Multi-Fandom Survival RP]


Four Thousand Club
The sounds of seagulls drags you away from dreamland and into the waking world, But instead of a bed as one has come to expect you instead you find yourself resting on a beach and under a palm tree which provides you shade from the tropical sun. How did you get here? Where do you even come from? All you remember is your name anything else is a complete blur. You woke up to humidity; you're on a tropical island, and you're not alone. You're surrounded by people, animals, or other beings that may seem very alien to you. You also smell smoke as well and see plane crashed behind you.

You see a hut in the distance, meaning there must be a civilization nearby perhaps or was it built by the others. Regardless of whether there is a civilization or even a chance of regaining your memories, you just know you must survive.

And rest assured this island holds a lot of dangers, because you are here right? So there might be chance you might have brought something along.

Jacket awoke to the sounds of seagulls overhead "Fucking Birds, could they squawk any fucking louder" Jacket quietly muttered as he rose up from the ground, it didn't immediately occur to the hitman that something was wrong, though when it did. his reaction was not unexpected "Where the fuck am i?" he said to himself out loud as he studied his surrounding which to say the least was breathtaking, he was on a beach.

He noticed others around him but all of them seemed to be dosing off like he was just a moment ago. There was only another another person awake and he was a knight of all things, and he was just standing there near the water and letting the sun's rays cast off his armor
"Oi, Buddy what are you doing?"


Solaire looked towards the hitman while still facing the sunlight "Oh, hello there. I am just letting the Sun's majesty to wash over me. I Don't know why but i just feel complete here." The hitman simply stared at the Knight with a blank look and the knight felt as if he was used to such reactions. Solaire turned towards the hitman "I am Solaire Of Astora" Solaire held his hand out for shake which Jacket shook "Jacket"
Rahm Kota woke up, finding himself on a beach of an island. He looks around, sensing the presence of several others. His lightsaber was still with him and he still felt the Force. He notices two others nearby.

Donder172 said:
Rahm Kota woke up, finding himself on a beach of an island. He looks around, sensing the presence of several others. His lightsaber was still with him and he still felt the Force. He notices two others nearby.

'Jacket? Peculiar Name that for certain, but i have the feeling that i have heard stranger names' Solaire thought as he turned his attention towards the General, who he walked over too and reached out his hand to help the man off the ground "Need some help there?"
billthesomething said:

'Jacket? Peculiar Name that for certain, but i have the feeling that i have heard stranger names' Solaire thought as he turned his attention towards the General, who he walked over too and reached out his hand to help the man off the ground "Need some help there?"
Kota looks towards the guy, who might notice that the man is blind, yet able to find Solaire's hand and gets up with his help.
The samurai awoke from his sleep to see he was stranded on a island. He jumped before bringing his sword out, he wasn't in Aku's future anymore. He thought for a second "Where am I, what is this place". He kept his sword close as he inched towards the three people.

@Donder172 @billthesomething
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Donder172 said:
Kota looks towards the guy, who might notice that the man is blind, yet able to find Solaire's hand and gets up with his help.
As Solaire took a hold of the man's wrist and lifted the man up he couldn't help but take notice of the man's eyes which were milky white, indicating him as blind. but with how the man was easily able to find his hand, it was almost as if some sort of outside force was guiding this man.
billthesomething said:
As Solaire took a hold of the man's wrist and lifted the man up he couldn't help but take notice of the man's eyes which were milky white, indicating him as blind. but with how the man was easily able to find his hand, it was almost as if some sort of outside force was guiding this man.
Kota looked at the man for a moment "What is your name?" He says while sensing another man with a sword coming to them

@White Shamrock
Donder172 said:
Kota looked at the man for a moment "What is your name?" He says while sensing another man with a sword coming to them
@White Shamrock
"I am Solaire Of Astora" he introduced himself and then motioned to Jacket who had sat down on a rock that was between two palm trees and was looking off into the distance while smoking a cigarette "And my chap over there is Jacket" hearing the mention of his name, Jacket looked to the three warriors and gave them a lazy wave of the hand before turning his attention back to the ocean @White Shamrock
billthesomething said:
"I am Solaire Of Astora" he introduced himself and then motioned to Jacket who had sat down on a rock that was between two palm trees and was looking off into the distance while smoking a cigarette "And my chap over there is Jacket" hearing the mention of his name, Jacket looked to the three warriors and gave them a lazy wave of the hand before turning his attention back to the ocean @White Shamrock
"My name is Rahm Kota." He says, then turns to face the samurai "It seems like we are not the only three here. Put your weapon down, boy."

@White Shamrock
Jacket stands up from his spot. he wasn't going to discover where he is by sitting on his ass, now was he? Jacket lit up a new cigarette before he began walking. Jacket knew he wasn't going to discover where he was on the first day, things are never so easy. but if he couldn't discover where he was then he could perhaps find shelter.

After about thirty minutes of walking and after an encounter with the island's one of numerous predators, it was a small brown fleshy creature which had lunched itself at his head but Jacket was quick on the draw and bashed the creatures head with his hammer, it looked edible so he would have to find something to carry it in, for now he would have to carry the old fashioned way.

he had discovered a series of overwater bungalows, he could hear loud inhuman moans coming from some of the bungalows

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Al roses up from the sand, he was buried in it. Alphonse looks around, he has never been here before. And why can't he remember anything? He gets up and looks around, While shaking sand out.
MTchaos1134 said:
Al roses up from the sand, he was buried in it. Alphonse looks around, he has never been here before. And why can't he remember anything? He gets up and looks around, While shaking sand out.
Jacket was walking back towards the beach when he saw Alphonse rise from the ground like a zombie. He walked towards the soul bound armor and motioned for him to follow
billthesomething said:
Jacket was walking back towards the beach when he saw Alphonse rise from the ground like a zombie. He walked towards the soul bound armor and motioned for him to follow
"Er, ok."al said,before cautiously following the stranger, you can never trust a stranger.
MTchaos1134 said:
"Er, ok."al said,before cautiously following the stranger, you can never trust a stranger.
The walk back towards the beach was a quiet one, as Jacket wasn't much of a talker. when they reached the beach they were greeted by Solaire "Oh hello there, Jacket am happy to see you still breathing." Jacket just handed Solaire the headcrab and walked away "Um, what this Jacket?" Solaire said holding the pumpkin sized parasite "Food" Jacket answered over his shoulder as he headed back towards the Bungalows. "Oh, Magnificent. Um where are you going now?" Jacket stopped and once again answered over his shoulder "Shelter, I Found Shelter. I need to clear it out" "Oh, don't think you might need some assistance with that?" Jacket shook his head and pulled out his uzi and loaded a cartridge "I can handle it" Solaire turned his attention away from the Hitman and over to the alchemist "Sorry about that, i may not have known him for long. but from the time that i have known him, i have learned that Jacket is a very quiet chap. I am Solaire Of Astora"
billthesomething said:
The walk back towards the beach was a quiet one, as Jacket wasn't much of a talker. when they reached the beach they were greeted by Solaire "Oh hello there, Jacket am happy to see you still breathing." Jacket just handed Solaire the headcrab and walked away "Um, what this Jacket?" Solaire said holding the pumpkin sized parasite "Food" Jacket answered over his shoulder as he headed back towards the Bungalows. "Oh, Magnificent. Um where are you going now?" Jacket stopped and once again answered over his shoulder "Shelter, I Found Shelter. I need to clear it out" "Oh, don't think you might need some assistance with that?" Jacket shook his head and pulled out his uzi and loaded a cartridge "I can handle it" Solaire turned his attention away from the Hitman and over to the alchemist "Sorry about that, i may not have known him for long. but from the time that i have known him, i have learned that Jacket is a very quiet chap. I am Solaire Of Astora"
"I am Alphonse Elric, nice to meet you Solaire."he sets out his hand, for them to shake.in the back of Al's mind, he is trying to remember what happened.
Jack tested his arm with the sword, he tried to figure out what it was. He felt good when using the weapon, he felt that it was something special. He didn't know his origin, his home, only his name but maybe it wasn't his. He attacked a tree, and with one swing sent it falling to the ground with a large thump.
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- Rapunzel -

"Um . . ." said a high-pitched voice some distance away from behind Solaire and Alphonse.

A bare-foot girl in a purple dress, with very, very, very, very long blonde hair, was peeking out from behind a coconut tree. She was clutching a frying pan close to her and looked scared, but determined.

"My name is Rapunzel!" she said bravely from behind the tree, "and I'm lost . . . I woke up and found myself in this island, but I don't know how I got here. Could you tell me where I am?"

@billthesomething , @MTchaos1134
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Zer0 said:
- Rapunzel -

"Um . . ." said a high-pitched voice some distance away from behind Solaire and Alphonse.

A bare-foot girl in a purple dress, with very, very, very, very long blonde hair, was peeking out from behind a coconut tree. She was clutching a frying pan close to her and looked scared, but determined.

"My name is Rapunzel!" she said bravely from behind the tree, "and I'm lost . . . I woke up and found myself in this island, but I don't know how I got here. Could you tell me where I am?"

@billthesomething , @MTchaos1134
Solaire turned around to greet the girl, but he lost his voice for a bit at the sight of her hair "Oh Hello, I am Solaire and i am afraid we can't help you. For we are in the same predicament almost as if all our fates have been intertwined. But i am sure we will be able to discover where we are and where we are from, through jolly co-operation"
Rapunzel looked crestfallen. She uncomfortably eyed everyone's weapons, but the knight seemed like a good man, like the heroes in fairy tales . . . but she couldn't remember which one . . . then she realized that she couldn't remember much about herself at all.

She panicked for a moment, then immediately told herself she had to stay calm to figure this out.

She slowly walked around the tree, still clutching her frying pan.

"Solaire, do you remember anything about yourself?" she asked, standing some ways away from the all-guy group.

Solaire took a moment to try to remember where he was from....But Nothing...Nothing but images of fire...Bonfires and a covenant of warriors, all lead by him, but he did not remember it's name.

"No...I can only remember a little, I was the leader of a covenant of righteous warriors. And the image of a bonfire continues to flash in my mind, i do not understand its significance" Solaire said with a voice full of melancholy, however his mood changed quickly when he noticed Rapunzel's pan "Would you know how to cook?"
billthesomething said:
Solaire took a moment to try to remember where he was from....But Nothing...Nothing but images of fire...Bonfires and a covenant of warriors, all lead by him, but he did not remember it's name.
"No...I can only remember a little, I was the leader of a covenant of righteous warriors. And the image of a bonfire continues to flash in my mind, i do not understand its significance" Solaire said with a voice full of melancholy, however his mood changed quickly when he noticed Rapunzel's pan "Would you know how to cook?"

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