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Futuristic ℋ℮їґṧ: SIGMA (Sci-Fi/Powers/Interstellar Warfare RP)

Lappi Lappi

(Just capitalize the Sabre Corps and Twisted Wolves. Keep in mind, the primary armament of all New Union tech will be hologram based, ie holo-artillery, holo-bolts, etc)

The metallic hiss of the depressurization chamber slowly faded into our ears, as the room became quickly filled with air. We're fairly certain that it's safe now, but our oxygen tank timers are still up, even though they're not counting down anymore. None of us are sure what the Smierc actually breathe. I mean, they all wear helmets, right?

Sooner or later, I took off my helmet, ready to pop it back on again if I start choking on some bullshit gas. But surprisingly, I was able to breathe well, and normally. The air does have that slightly repulsive smell you get when your hands touch metal, though, but that's the least of our worries in this situation. Relieved, we began moving forward, whilst opening our tanks to take in the air.

The door opened up, and a completely foreign hallway lay right in front of us. The ominous, strangely familiar yet eerily foreign alarm wails in the distance, as we made our way to the door to the weapon turret, our path illuminated by yellow light. Our footsteps were swift yet silent, daring not to disturb the enemy in their own territory. With unspoken words and poorly silhouetted hand gestures, we positioned ourselves for a breach.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot silhouettes moving toward our position. Security forces. We execute our plan now, with the Corporals sitting it out. They'll be holding this hallway. Parkins uses his robotic arm - a fine addition to our team, might I add - to smash open the door, as we charge in, and dispatch the crew quickly with our secondaries. One of them drew a sidearm and fired at me, putting a dent in my IRESS energy, before being shot to shit by Parkins and Davo.

We quickly moved to man the weapon turret, as holo-bolts and crystal bolts exchange locations in the hallway. It seemed to be firing a type of condensed crystal bolt, the same ones they fire in their small arms. And then, the thought dawned on us. The one thing that put a halt to our plan. I was certain none of us accounted for it, but still, I asked it just to make sure. "Wait, does anyone know how to use these things?"

Parkins volunteered. "Practiced with our own artillery back in training. Shouldn't be too different." he reluctantly said, before assuming the seat of gunner. Davo assumed the seat of loader, while I went ahead and helped with the hallway situation. We immediately get to work, as Parkins quickly figured the firing mechanism out and puts a salvo into a nearby escort frigate, with one shot connecting with its bridge, killing its command crew. The two-man crew yelled out in excitement.

Our success was short-lived, however, as a round, coming from another enemy turret, on the same ship, behind us, managed to get through the frigate's wreck and hit our turret. The blast took away the entire back part of our turret, engaging the blast door, sealing us from Parkins and Davo. I quickly fixed that, with a few holo-machete slashes and some kicks. We activated our magnetic boots, and walked back inside. Parkins had managed to hold onto the seat, whilst my friend, Dav, had been sucked out by the pressure.

One of the Corporals, Danielle, hopped onto the loader seat and started working, whilst John and I held off the security forces. The ones who had responded without their masks have died of suffocation, as the blast doors also engaged behind them, sealing them within this vacuum, for a slow death.

My friend Davo did a bit of magical maneuvers, as he quickly pulled out his Mark 10 Mortar, and fired it directly at the weapon turret that just fired at us, as the momentum from his quick exit pulled him in that direction. The shot disabled the turrets' guns, and rendered it useless. He then pulled out his Dzida and fired off the entire magazine with one trigger pull directly upwards, bringing his trajectory back down to the ship. Once he made contact, his magnetic boots fastened him onto the ship's surface.

Meanwhile, we had our fair share of shit to deal with. The remaining Smierc security forces with air supply continued attacking us, as we held our position. A few machine gunners have appeared, pinning us. Danielle had loaded one round, and was only beginning to load another, before I came up with a cunning plan.

I ordered Parkins to fire at the weapon turret in front of us with the one round already loaded, whilst Danielle strap the round he already has to a grenade. The shot goes off without a hitch, as it impacts with the enemy turret, surprisingly blowing it clean off. Guess the guns were loaded in there.

We quickly withdrew, throwing ourselves out the gaping hole in the back of the turret, using the same 'propulsion system' as Davo did, with Danielle going last, pulling the pin on the grenade he strapped to his round. As the security forces flooded in, the grenade went off, along with the round, and the entire turret was decimated, as we flew away like angels in a silly kid's cartoon.

I signaled the two Corporals to join Davo, whilst Parkins comes with me. Parkins and I fire our weapons to propel ourselves towards the bridge, while the Corporals actually use their Sabre Corps gear to get to Davo. Mid-flight, I give everyone the plan. "Alright, men, we have some work to do. Dav, you and the Corporals make your way to the engine room, plant your explosives there with a timed fuse. Parkins and I will make our way towards the bridge. We'll engage warp to some far flung location, and then the engine goes boom. Everyone clear? Good luck."

After I said that, another channel butted into my comms device. "Hey guys, this is Carlison. I've secured a dropship, headed to you, ready for exfil, over." Carlie? What? Oh shit, we did forget about him in all the confusion. "Carlie? Where the hell were you?" Parkins added. "I had to hang back to help with the wounded. Finally found a pilot crazy enough to pick you guys up, and here we are!" Carlie replied, as I could hear the point-defence crystal bolts scrape his hull.

We sprung into action immediately, as I fired at the bridge, breaking the glass and initiating the blast shields, whilst Parkins gives a deft grenade toss using his versatile robotic arm, blowing up said blast shield. One or two Smierc crewmen fly past us, choking to death in the airless vacuum as we made our way inside. Meanwhile, Dav and the Corporals have made a quick entry point, and are quickly clearing a path to the engine room, quickly sweeping aside any obstacles.

As we entered, our magnetic boots engaged as soon as we touched the floor. I immediately set course for a far off place. Somewhere away from this battle, away from Smierc known installations, but not too close to New Union installations. Oh look, this place with a gas giant and a dying star will do. I set the course, whilst Parkins messes with the other control panels, destroying the ones that look important.

Over the comms, I could hear Dav and the boys hit some tough obstacles on the way. I didn't have the time to find out, however, as some security forces busted through the blast doors and came for us, a salvo of crystal bolts narrowly missing my torso, as I fired back with a more accurate burst of holo-bolts, killing a Mortus Knight.

As we took cover, and blind firing back at them, I could hear a familiar voice call out to me, intruding my comms channel. "Hey there, Reaper! Bet you didn't expect me, huh, motherfucker?" It was Ibrahim Deruga, the Twisted Wolf known for his mobile warfare tactics.

Living true to his reputation, he dashed directly towards me, whilst two Mortus Knights rush for Parkins. He immediately kicked my gun out of my hand, and putting me in a choke hold. He stuck a pistol into my face, but I managed to get him off with a smack into a control panel, and throwing him backwards. He quickly got on his feet, and pulled out his holo-dagger. I draw my holo-machete, and this is where the fun begins.

Parkins was doing fine, slamming one of the Mortus Knights so hard his face mask was dented, most likely killing him with the head trauma, and was now fighting the other one, who had pulled a dagger and scraped him a few times. I, on the other hand, suffered worse. I summoned my IRESS manually as my shield, and assumed the fighting stance that humanity had probably assumed so many times before me, with sword and shield. The shield proved mostly useless, however, as about a million kicks or so and a few thousand stabs and slashes brought it down.

I swung a few times, but they mostly miss, and with every slash I get two stabs and a slice in return. My armor was beginning to tear, I could feel the pressure of the vacuum weighing on me. Ibrahim assumed the initiative, the cocky bastard, and stepped in, dagger raised for a few quick stabs into my abdomen.

Big mistake, however, as I grab him with my hand and throw him over my shoulder with sheer strength. He lands on his back, but quickly gets on his feet, turning against me, ready to stab me in the back, when Parkins intervenes, having used the Mortus Knight's own dagger against him, as evidenced by his floating carcass with the dagger in his neck. Parkins uses his normal right hand for a punch against Ibrahim's ribs, causing him to twitch in pain.

He quickly turned around, and swung his knife to stab Parkins in the head, but was blocked by his robotic arm. I swing around, and with my holo-machete, I give him quite a deep horizontal slash along his back. He howls in pain, and turns around to kick me three times repeatedly, before Parkins grabbed him and headbutted him, cracking both their face masks. He let go of his dagger, which was embedded in Parkins' arm.

Ibrahim began to panic, and he went full on kung-fu bullshit on me, throwing mad punches and stupid kicks, managing to kick my holo-machete out of my hand, forcing me to defend myself with my awkward blocks. Parkins quickly drew the dagger from his arm, and gave him a punch with his robotic arm, staggering him, before slicing his neck with his own holo-dagger. He clutches his neck in extreme pain, and just to spit in his wounds, I grab him by the neck, lift him up, choking his esophagus even tighter.

"Hey there, Ibrahim! Bet you didn't expect me, huh, motherfucker?" I repeated his words back to him, before driving my hand into his exposed armor chest piece, retrieving his Focus Crystal. His magnetic boots deactivate, and I let him go, floating in his exact place, hand clutching his neck. And then Parkins and I gave him a proper goodbye ceremony, as he punched the guy with his left robotic arm, at the same time I kick him with my right leg. He flies out of the hole in the blast shield, his corpse floating in the vast space.

As we took our breaths, it seems that Dav and the Corporals have also finished their business down there. "Joachim, charges are set, fuses set, 15 second fuse, I'll set it off as soon as Carlie gets here. Over." Followed by acknowledgement on Carlie's end, as he pops up on my radar, pointed out to me by my lovely AI. He seems to be flying... a cargo shuttle? Yeah, sure. I mean, it's fair, all the dropships have been deployed for boarding parties. I won't question that.

As the cargo shuttle narrowly avoids incoming fire and swings around to Dav's entry point and extracted the boys, I initiated the warp countdown. This will take the thing far away, and the engines will be blown up, leaving it stranded there, or better, it will blow up mid-warp, and then I don't know what will happen to it. Either way, one less battleship in the fight. Win-win.

I get up to the hole in the blast shield along with Parkins, as the rickety cargo shuttle comes around. "Get the fuck in!" yelled my friend Davo over the comms, and both of us obliged, with me boarding last. We cleared the way of the battleship, as it beamed off with what would've been deafening noise, into an uncertain fate along with the doomed crew.

And now, we're floating in the middle of space, in a half-shot up, half-already gone space bucket, in the midst of a crystal bolt space storm. Great.
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We split up. Joachim and Parkins were heading for the bridge, and the engine room was ours. Corporal Danielle and Jonathan rushed after me in a dim-lighted hallway towards our destination. I wouldn't call it gruesome, but the interior of the ship was disturbing in a way that technology should not be. The hallways were cleaner than I expected, seeing that the Smierc are some disgusting nightmare fuel. The walls were somehow unnatural, imbuing our surrounding with an unsettling abnormality. The air here has a metallic smell, I wondered if it causes any side-effect for outsiders like us to inhale. It was also surprisingly quiet, seeing the chaotic battle outside. Disturbingly quiet. I could only hear the eerie supposedly alarm echoing across the ship, and the Corporals' breath and mine as we ran.

Suddenly, I heard an unfamiliar, deep voice from my comms.

"This is Captain Jianghu of Fireteam Kiril. Daelen Lisowski, we have boarded the Smierc battleship. Currently proceeding to your location."

"This is Daelen, welcome to the party, Kiril."

It didn't take long for the Kiril boys to catch up with us. It was either they were really capable of holding themselves together, or we have eliminated most of the defenders. Considering how the battle was getting hot, I figured the Smierc might have been a bit too occupied to visit us.

"Good to see you, Comet. We're taking over the front, prep your explosives for deployment and watch our rear."

"Solid copy."

As we proceeded towards the engine room, the hallway seemed to be getting darker and darker. Perhaps it was a power surge, I mean, it was a space battle, but something smelled fishy. It was not too dark that we had to rely on our flashlights, however. The air also got colder and the humidity suddenly got worse, one of the Corporals had to stop to catch their breath at some points. It was like the ship was trying to stop us, toying with us, draining our strength and messing with our eyes and minds and some Mortus troopers would show up and finish us off. But enough of the negative thoughts, we are doing pretty well so far.

Suddenly, at an intersection, the large blast door shut right in front of us, separating most of Fireteam Kiril from my group. One of their Corporals got stuck on this end with us, and panicked. I pressed on my comms, trying to tell the Captain to assist me in opening the door, but it appeared something was jamming my signals. Nothing got to the Captain. Hell, this was too fucked up. My AI, Eva, popped up just in time, providing us another route to the engine room. It was a longer route, but we will get there. I feared for Fireteam Kiril. The sooner we get to them, the better.

We took our second turn, according to the map Eva provided. I supposed she mapped the interior of this ship with sonar. That's useful. We came across another intersection, where there were clearly signs of a firefight. Scorch marks and bullet holes littered the walls, and on the floor, oh god . . . Three Corporals of Fireteam Kiril, decapitated. Their eyes were wide open, and blood dripped from their severed neck onto the floor, creating one horrifyingly large pool of blood. I stood there, motionless, speechless of what I saw. 'Fuck,' I silently cursed, and rushed down the hallway. The Captain and the Sergeant could be alive, we needed to get to them, fast. Faster! Faster! There were still chances that they are alive. Their bodies weren't there!

Soon, as we rushed down the dark, eerie, humid hallway, I got what I asked for. Their bodies. The Sergeant lied there, on the cold floor, his hands grabbing his neck and his eyes open, lifeless. He was choking for air, I assumed. And poor Captain Jianghu sat near him, leaning against the wall. His belly badly cut, the organs and blood gushed out onto his legs, a messy load. My eyes squinted at the sight of that, and I quickly noticed an ominous being standing straight between the cold corpses. A Knight, it seemed. He was carrying something that looked like a whip, glowing amber, as if it was imbued by flame. The surviving Corporal of Fireteam Kiril broke. Fear and panic consumed the man, it seemed. He screamed and broke from the arms of Danielle and Jonathan, who desperately tried to calm him down.

The Knight dashed towards us with his whip, surprisingly. This is the first Smierc I've seen that doesn't spray crystal bolts at us on-sight. Swiftly, I blocked its vertical strike with my 'ship-hull-shield' that I had quickly tore from the nearby wall, and it did a backflip to dodge Danielle as he charged at it along with Jonathan, both with their combat Holo-knives out. This one was good. I charged at it with my shield and my other hand reached for my revolver. The Knight swung his whip at me, narrowly missing my neck, then it did a low kick that tackled me to the floor. Jonathan quickly jumped in, forcing the Knight to back-off from me as I got up on my feet.

"GO DAV, WE GOT THIS!" - Johnny 'commanded' as his eyes locked on the Knight, his hands holding the Holo-knife firmly.

"GO! GET THE ENGINES! WE'LL CATCH UP!" - yelled Danielle on the other side.

I grunted at these two. I wanted to stay and smash this bastard to bits with them, but the engines are top priority.


I reluctantly dashed down the hallway, leaving them to deal with the Knight. Clashing and grunting could be heard, echoing down the hallway.

Inside the cold, dark engine room, I found a good handful of Smierc brutes. Security guards, I assumed. I quickly tossed 2 grenades at them, staggering them by surprise. Blast. There was blood and rubble, and the air had a disgusting smell. Suddenly, from the dust and rubble, a Mortus Knight charged at me with what appeared to be a sharp, large chunk of crystal. The very same type they used for their weaponry. I narrowly dodged its surprise charge, and blocked its next horizontal slash, staggering the Knight. The crystal chunk shifted its shape into a lance, and it came at me at extreme speed. I did a vertical slash with my 'shield', somehow shattering the crystal lance as the Knight screamed in agony, its hands reaching for the head. Like an animal, it jumped at me, forcing me against the wall with its hands. The hands emit some sort of frosty feel, and I grunted. I could not feel my hands, it was as if they were completely severed. Forcing all my strength into my shoulders and my upper arm muscles, I crushed the Knight's hands. The armour shattered and mixed into its flesh, as it screamed and backed off. I quickly kicked it into the enormous reactor, roasting the Knight alive.

No time to waste, I quickly set the charges and pressed on my comms to inform Joachim. Hopefully, the boys were alright out there. Danielle and Jonathan entered the room. Fortunately. It seemed the two handled that Knight good.

"Joachim, charges are set, fuses set, 15 second fuse, I'll set it off as soon as Carlie gets here. Over."

Soon enough, the cargo shuttle arrived, narrowly dodging point-defence fire and picked us up. We swung over to the bridge to pick up my friend Joachim and Parkins. It seemed they had quite a fight, judging by that Twisted Wolf carcass with the slit throat that our old pilot accidentally smacked into as we swooped in to pick our guys up.

"Get the fuck in!" I yelled over the comms, and the boys obliged, quickly boarding the rusty cargo shuttle. I set the charges for countdown, activated with my remote controller.

Suddenly the battleship warped away, with an almost blinding light and some weird distorting effects. With the charges into the engine room primed to go boom, hell, it would be a mess if that thing exploded in hyperspace.


Looking through the cracked transparent material between the interior and the the harsh vacuum of space, I saw the battleship that Joachim and Daelen boarded, suddenly jump, distorting the space, and then the jumping craft collided into another battleship (Endless Sky style), then exploding in a supernova. That's a better show than what I did back on Yabrao.

"Joe? Dav? Did ya make it out okay? Some fireworks show you gave us." Sudden radio silence is usually normal, but still disturbing to me.

I hear a thud behind the blast door securing the bridge from the main halls, and my hand immediately jumps to my pistol. I look over the bridge controls, most of which have text displayed in an alien language that I have no idea what is. I'm surprised Tex even knows how to control most of this. If I can't read this, I'm sure no one at home knows either.
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Sulano, the leader of the fireteam, turned to me. He seemed a bit surprised I commented.

"We've been provided one from the New Union," he said. He pointed with his thumb behind him, pointing to a bulky, but advanced-looking gunship. "You okay with that, Joe?"

"Yeah," I replied. "Who's driving?"

"Why do you ask?" He was pressing me a little now.

"I'm not going on a ship with a bad pilot."

He chuckled. "I guess we'll have to abandon you here?"

"I could use my own ship." I pointed to mine.

"No, Miller ordered us to stay in our fireteams. Trust me, this team's got your back." He looked at the rest of the team. "Any more questions? Let's move!" He turned around, heading to the ship. Everyone followed after him, and I followed after them.
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(Just to mention, please refer to the New Union government as the New Union. The Union (or the Old Union) is a term reserved for the older, autocratic regime of the past)
(Well, technically yes. We've destroyed a frigate and a battleship, and another battleship via warp)
Location: Reserve Fleet capital ship (Battle Ship)

Deck: 28/58

Crew Condition: 1 deceased, impaled through with a titanium beam in engine room. 1 injured (cracked upper left rib). 1 unconscious and suffering from mild concussion.
Captains Condition: cracked radius, intoxicated, adrenaline glands working full force, fully conscious.
Smierc ship announcement (Translated): Airlocks in deck 28 sealed, sending repair squads with escorts to location.
The captain of the small mining ship looked out at the smashed wall of the Smierc ship right Infront of his cockpit window. He pressed a button on the cockpit intercom. Hitting the blue button.
"Damage Report"
"Engines are offline, drive core is disabled, Life support is failing. I recommend putting on protective gear"
"Alright. Not good" He goes over to the suit area and puts on the recon suit, slipping a oxygen mask over the hole in his suit. He goes to the engine room. Seeing the bloody mess, he grabs the power cell off the generator behind the impaled crewmen. "Damnit... I really hope he used a fake name" walking to the mining lazers he saw the passed out and the other injured. Curled up, semi awake.
He put a breather on the passed out crew member and went to the injured merc. He was the younger one he yelled at earlier.
"Take this, put it on, and stay out of sight"
He gave the teen a breathing helmet and pushed him into a cranny of the ship nearby, using his foot. He didn't much care for his expressions, but didn't want him to die.
John grabbed his gun and went to the hatch on the top far back end of the ship. He kicked the hatch open, jumping into the Battleship from the destroyed mining ship. His feet landing on the metal floor with a thunk.
Perambulation Perambulation (anyone else who wants to make resistance)
Lappi Lappi

(I generally allow RPers to create their own NPC enemies based on the factions and classes I created in the first post. That way, I just have to introduce large scale events while not being forced to micromanage each RPer with interactions. Feel free to ask others to join your location, as my own Fireteam is still with the Scouting Fleet headed by Commander Perez.)

A few bodies were rooted the the ground. Next to where he fell from the hatch. The sealing procedures had already kicked in after the ship collided through the hull. But these poor saps didn't have enough time to get their gear. He checks the standard issue rifle in his possession and making sure it is loaded. He hears the boots above and below him.
I have about 2 minutes to make an ambush for these heavily armoured solders.
He picks through his bag finding 3 small bombs and a few canteens. He packs the canteens with explosives and sets them in the room towards the middle, far right, and left side door of the room. Judging where they are using the ship. Which is about halfway through the middle of the room.. He hears the doors leading into the store room open. He climbs into a closet. And waits. Holding the detonator close.
There is only one real way this turns out.

3 board guards enter the room. Breaking in the door and walking up to the mining ship they attempted the find a entrance, but all they found was a half open hatch. Seeing this they took a step back. All 3 spoke to each other. The leader grabbed a small device and spoke into it. John mashed the detonator blowing up most of the room. Leaving anyone out of cover shredded by shrapnel and pure explosive energy. John was in the supply closet. Made out of thick metal he was protected by the blast. His ship was dislodged by the explosion. Causing it to float out of the cavity in the ship and into deep space.
(Sorry folks for the delay in new posts. Having a busy week. Will return to this tomorrow with a new post. Should be able to stay active during weekend and following weeks, as school comes to a close)
"And she's in. Let's get this thing ready to move." I heard the thump and quickly whirled around, rifle in hand. The door pushed out and into the bridge, resting up against a console. I took out the first one that entered the door then ducked down to avoid the volley that came at them. "Jao we've got this thing set for a crash course, we could use a pick-up." I said, then I heard a lack of a hum as the gravity shut off. I floated a bit then clamped myself back down. "Gravitys off, course set. Got it set to a remote activation." I nodded, then turned off my mag boots and launched into the air, flipping upside down and quickly popping off shots into as many as I could.

I pick a grenade off of my belt, pulled off the pin with a shout, "Fire in the hole!", releasing the grenade with a fastball throw into the place where the door was before popping a few shots as the Smierc came in, along with at least 4 Smierc following it up and hitting the wall with a slam, followed by a good sized fireball and a loud bang.

I got sprayed by some stray shrapnel, but they're just a few scratches. "I think we should start making our way to the escape pods, or at least a safe compartment near the front, if we're boarding a larger ship."

Seeing the quick work Fireteam Comet and the other members of the Sabre Corps who headed deep into the Smierc Collective attack fleet, the Commander ordered the three ships of the Scouting Fleet to concentrate their firepower on what appeared to be the flagship. The sudden barrage of railgun rounds and missiles threw the Scouting Fleet, already in a confusion over the rapid destruction of their frigates and battleships, into a deeper mayhem.

Despite this, the Smierc Collective fleet still numbered around 40 ships; more than enough to completely waste New Krona from their orbital bombardments once they get into their proper positions. The Commander knew the risks enough, and continued to aggressively order strikes on the main assumed-flagship of the enemy fleet.

That was when the opening happened. In the main hangar of the assumed-flagship, a stray missile managed to rip open a clean hole, sending out many Smierc Collective personnel and equipment flying out into the vacuum of space.

"All dropships, launch launch launch! We've got an opening in the enemy fleet's flagship. Sending out coordinates now through the combat network!", yelled the PA system as ordered by Commander Perez.


I had just gotten Fireteam Nexus prepared for the inevitable boarding operation when the orders blared out over the PA systems. That should have also reached friendly units through the combat tactical network, so we should all be up to speed.

"Alright men, let's go!"

Quickly, Sergeant Amis and the rest of the Fireteam headed into the dropship, as the NUSS Artemis III's hangar doors opened up for a clear launch. According to the data received through the network, several drone fighters will divert the enemy flagship's AA fire away from us. That should be enough for most of us to slip by their defenses and secure a landing in their hangar.

Most of us, anyways.

I could feel the rush of the dropship out into the combat airspace as I saw flashes pass by the windows. The Smierc Collective attack fleet was already firing out multitudes of AA fire to try and take as many of us down. Unfortunately for them, I don't intend on dying uselessly on a dropship...

Apparently our plan went better than we thought. The ship, instead of flying into some far flung area to die a horrible death, actually collided with another Smierc battleship, leading to a spectacular explosion. It was mesmerizing, seeing the awesome colors. Like a supernova, since explosions don't really work in space. That must be the plasma in those engines or something. Oh, look at those popping purple-ish bubbles! Must be the crystal rounds in the turrets. Guess those explosives we planted on the engines were all for naught, then.

"Joa? Dav? Did ya make it out okay? Some fireworks show you gave us." Katherine's voice rang out on my comms, congratulating us. She sounds a bit worried. Probably thought we died along with the ship's crew or something. Understandable. I press up to my comms, and reassure her. "Yeah, we made it out okay. Over." I said, adding the Over as an afterthought, as our cargo shuttle was scraped by a close crystal round. I was standing outside, with the hatch open. The pilot's compartment was sealed from the "cargo" compartment where we were, so it's okay.

A few more rounds embedded themselves into the shuttle's door, rendering it useless. Guess we're flying with an open door, then.

"Joa we've got this thing set for a crash course, we could use a pick-up." I heard Miller's voice ring off in my comms, shortly before being temporarily deafened by a crystal bolt scraping the back of my helmet. I see my oxygen tank go down to estimated 40 minutes, but it's no big deal. "Roger, coming to you now, over." I replied, before putting the pilot on comms. I told him to circle around to their ship, and prepare to pick a few more up.

For an old man, his piloting was top-notch. For a military pilot who's evading two battleships' worth of homing missiles and three frigates' worth of point-defence fire, he was doing poorly. Our left engine had already ceased to function, and our right engine is almost dying. There's a child-sized hole in the middle of the floor, and a golf course's worth of little holes in the ceiling, as a crystal round entered through the bottom and fractured through the top. The door on the left cannot close, and the door on the right cannot open.

Exciting news came, however, in the form of a broadcast on the combat network, from big boy Perez himself. The flagship, or so it seems to be, has an opening in its hull. I looked around, and saw a fresh wave of New Union dropships emerge from their hangars, and make a mad dash for the opening. I saw one in particular being chased by two Smierc fighters, and has decided to fly through the debris left by the warp-collision I had caused, causing the two Smierc fighters to crash into the debris. Hooray! The dropship also crashed into a stray piece of debris shortly afterwards. Oops.

The old pilot, his voice sounding almost panicked, notified us that we were closing in on Katherine and Miller. I acknowledge it, and notified them. "Katherine, Miller, we're closing your position now. If you're going to exfil, better do it quick! We're getting shot to shit out here!" My point was proven, as a bunch of crystal bolts, fired from a nearby anti-aircraft gun from the battleship tore through the door separating us from the pilot. The old geezer was fine, though. He had deployed his oxygen tank. Our boy, Jonathan, though...

Well, he wasn't injured, per se, but his IRESS was now dangerously low, if it wasn't already before. One stray crystal bolt, and I fear that we'll have to add another bodybag to Fireteam Comet's combat history. I hope it doesn't come to that.

Henrypika Henrypika LoneSniper87 LoneSniper87 Perambulation Perambulation

I let out a sigh of relief, glad to hear they were okay at the very least, as I got my next order to get out. "Coming!" I peered out the blasted hole in the hull 'ceiling' seeing a rusty bucket of bolts and Swiss cheese plating fighting through the hailstorm of crystal-bolts towards us as we were nearing the battleship, directly in front of us. I don't feel too confident to jump onto the path of a speeding shuttle, but nor was I stupid enough to stay on a doomed frigate with at least 75 enemy crew still on board, willing to have one more for glory before their fiery deaths.

I deactivated my mag boots, motioning Ashley ( LoneSniper87 LoneSniper87 ) to get ready to jump, before launching out of the hole, maneuvering with the booster pack to get right underneath the shuttle rather than into it, firing my suit's grappling 'hook' at the ship, electromagnetically anchoring itself to the shuttle's bow, and the cord went tight as I got pulled along with the ship, dangling there as I get dragged through space.

"Well, I'm here now." I said through the comms, pulling myself up the cord towards the cargo bay. "Quite a ride I must say." I looked out into the now trashed battlegrounds above New Krona, admiring the bird's eye view of the giant blue, green and white marble in silence, before looking over at the supposed Smierc flagship with its giant breach in the hull, ally dropships starting to swarm towards it in a beeline run through the wreckage of the collided battleships, shaking off some of the fighters in hot pursuit.

"Brother? Are you seeing this?" I asked, some of my effort climbing up the cord leaking into my voice.

"Yea, giving orders to escort the allies now," he said, as the chatter behind the background as well as fingers hitting multiple keyboards came to replace his silence.

Several more fighters warped in from the distance, probably ours or New Krona's, as I neared the ship, inching my way towards the port side of the ship and getting in through the small hole in it's own hull.

"Hi again. Sorry I'm late."
When Katherine motioned for me to go, I nodded and followed her, rotating to be upright again. Wait, is there upright in space? How do you base direction? Another one of life's great mysteries. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, it's time to cap the big dog!" I said into the comms, using a strong burst of my booster pack to launch myself on a path with the open door. I floated in and slowed myself down with some more stabilizing uses of the pack, then hooked onto the ground. "Evening gentlemen, thanks for letting us carpool." I joked. "Hit it Tex." I then said, then turned to watch as the ship we were just one proceeded to turn and catapult it toward an enemy battleship, causing another brillant supernova-type light show.

In all honesty is was quite breathtaking, but I quickly snapped out of it as an artillery shell hit a slab of debris next to us. "All in favor of bailing within 100 meters of the target say I!" I said. Logically speaking, I was neared the cannons, we would be bigger targets, so us bailing makes the ship a decoy as we would then slip by the targeting systems undetected, for the most part.
John Got up into the elevator of the ship. Sprinting across the empty halls. The intercom on the elevator lit up
"Security team one, status report"
"Come in"
John hit the button and used the voice modulator on his helmet to try and impersonate the security team leader.
"Space debris hit the ship. Send repair crews"
He didn't really care if they knew he was there. He was already in the elevator. Just less of a fight out of the elevator.
Something else came over the intercom but to him it was all static.
The elevator stopped at the bridge. The doors opening. The bridge commander turns and says something that alerts the others. Grabbing a pistol on a nearby pistol, but being immediatly shot in the process.
The staff was made quick work of. Most being unprepared or unarmed. He left a stick bomb in the elevator and hit a random button on the ship and letting it fly down the shaft.
He figured that he would have 5 minutes to do as much damage as possible. He sat on the gunners chair and aimed at the flag ship that just had all those smerk troops flung out of it. It was large and looked important to him.
He fired all the battleship armaments at the 'flagship' aiming for the Warp drive and engines. After wards it would take too long to reload so he positioned the ship aiming directly for another battleship on the far left of the fleet and hit the Warp lever and ripped the rest of the lever off.
Realizing that sticking around for the fireworks wasn't the brightest of ideas. He got into a nearby escape pod (he is in the bridge) and took off. Traveling to the main New Union command ship. Not before raising them on coms.

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