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Realistic or Modern Hearthbound (Open to anyone!)

Nova: (Gently) bother Skye on Botherbud

Yeah, okay, you suppose you should check with Skye first. But gently. Don't need her blowing a gasket on you... again...

--  analogousAevum [AA] began bothering awestruckGastric [AG] --

AA: Hey, Skye.

AG: hello.

AA: You sent the copy in the mail, right?

AG: yes.

AA: And you got my address right?

AG: yes.

AA: Okay. Thank you!

Well, that didn't go as badly as you thought it might have. Skye still is only talking to you in one word responses. Best to stick to yes/no questions for the time being if that's how she's going to play. Of course, you know tone can change dramatically while over the web... so hopefully your questions didn't make things worse. Honestly, you don't get what Skye dislikes about you. One day you two were talking, and suddenly she just clammed up and refused to type in more than one word responses. You tried to look for the conversation, but Botherbud erases each discussion after you close it. You think perhaps you could patch things over with the game, and something tells you maybe Vito thinks that could happen too, with how much he's been bothering everyone to play the game.

Speaking of game, you still don't know where your copy went! 

What should you do?

>Enter command
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>Nova: Be Mila

You are now Mila


Your name is MILA. You are SIXTEEN YEARS OLD, just like the rest of your friends. You have a variety of INTERESTS, including but not limited to EXPLOSIONS, DESCTRUCTION, and THE AFTERLIFE. You hold a MORBID OBSESSION for REAPERS, especially of the GRIM kind. Your favorite colors are RED and BLACK, and you hold a passion for WRITING, ROLEPLAY, and general CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, though you yourself are TRASH at it. You enjoy spending time on YOUTUBE, generally watching other people be good at things or bad at things. You like to consider yourself a good judge of CHARACTER, and have noticed that you tend to be very ACCIDENT PRONE. You like to think of yourself as LOYAL and RELIABLE, like a friendly god of death for your friends to unleash on your enemies. Your ROOM is filled on one side with LAUNCHPADS and MIXERS for whenever you feel like remixing your favorite tunes. You don't tend to make your own music much anymore, though you really enjoy CLASSICAL and ELECTRONIC MUSIC, and weren't too bad at WRITING MUSIC.

Currently, you are watching videos on YouTube. 

What should you do?

>Enter command
>Mila: Search for videos about URBN

You type URBN into the search bar and hit enter. You already know URBN is supposedly a point-and-click adventure starring you and your friends somehow (you suppose something akin to Sims but you all get to work together) but aside from that, there's not much information on the game.

...You actually have to refine your search a few times, and even then the only thing you see are demos. Looks like no one's put up any actual game play yet! Guess what you're going to do.

What should you do?

>Enter command
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>Mila: Check email

Did you mean Botherbud? Probably, considering you don't use your email for anything other than your YouTube account. 

You check Botherbud. Hm... seems like Vito, Skye, and Nova are online right now. No one's talked with you yet, but that's probably because you just came online for them. Ah, just as expected Vito starts talking with you. 

-- typeCollateral [TC] started bothering totallyThanatos [TT] --

TC: hey

TC: mila

TC: did you get the game yet

TT: yee, i got the game!! 

TT: SUPER HYPED to play!!

TT: are you ready to go? we could start right now if you have the game, too.

TC: hold your horses

TC: nova doesn't have her copy

TT: oh, no... is Skye angry again?

TT: well, whatever. I wanna get video of this game. and they can join in later, right?


Finally, here's your chance to gain fame among the online video community, via being original and doing a Let's Play of URBN! In fact, you're so jittery, you almost can't resist putting the disks in and installing them.Wait, no you did that earlier. Now you're just waiting for your friends before you run the game. 

What should you do?

>Enter command
>Mila: Be Vito

You are now Vito.


Your name is VITO BRYANDT. You are SIXTEEN YEARS OLD, just like your FRIENDS. You have many INTERESTS, such as BIOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY, and the INNER WORKINGS OF THE HUMAN MIND AND SOUL. You take great interest in ideas like MULTIVERSE THEORY, ALTERNATE TIMELINES, and DOPPELGANGERS. You love to READ and have a shelf full of BOOKS on your INTERESTS. You're currently working on a theory of your own surrounding the idea that there are a limited number of possible personalities. You don't consider yourself a SCHOLAR, just an EDUCATED INDIVIDUAL. 

Currently, you're trying to manage all your friends' crappy dynamics. While it's not a terribly hard job, it's a job you'd rather not do. 

What should you do?

>Enter command
>Find out where Nova's copy of the game could be

Okay, looks like you're going to solve this problem first. It was probably a mail issue, but you'll be damned if the one person who's been bugging everyone to play this game for the past month won't get to play because of Skye's spite or bullshit mailmen. Really, though, there's not much you can do from here. You already told Nova to go check her mail, which you're almost 100% certain she didn't do, and you already confirmed with Skye that she put it in the mail in the first place. You don't want to get on Skye's bad side, being one of the only three connections to Skye that Nova has, so you're not going to bother Skye again. She already seems to be in a bad mood. So instead you're going to bug Nova. You go to your computer and sit down, where all your chat windows are still open, and click over to the one with Nova.

TC: did you check the mail

TC: nova

TC: nova are you there

AA: Oh, shoot!

AA: I forgot!

AA: I'l get right on it, thanks for reminding me!

Of course she forgot. You can't help but roll your eyes. Typical Nova. That seems to be all you can do from here on that matter though.

What should you do?

>Enter command
>Vito: Be Nova

You are now Nova. 

Currently, you are preparing yourself to go downstairs. You live in a small, two bedroom town home, so it's not uncommon to run into your Cousin on the way up and down. Your Cousin, being the horrible person that he is, often Strifes with you, prompting you to often stay in your room for days at a time, hoarding non-perishable food like a bear preparing for winter. The bathroom is thankfully right across the hall from your room, so if you time yourself right, you often don't have to Strife to get to the bathroom. If you want to travel any further distance, say to the mailbox, however, you're more than likely going to Strife there or on the way back. This isn't the first time you've had to Strife, so you've already assigned your Strife Specibus to Artkind, meaning you fight with your paint. Waiving a wet paintbrush near your Cousin's spotless clothes usually makes him Abscond pretty quickly, so it's worked for you this far. Dipping your PAINTBRUSH in NEON BLUE PAINT, you quickly dash out the door and down to the mailbox, blindly grabbing all the mail before rushing back inside. It's a chilly day out, and you don't want to be unprotected in the snow for longer than you have to. When you get back inside, however, your see your Cousin standing on the stair! 




>Can't Abscond!

You charge at Cousin, waiving your brush around in the air. Paint splatters everywhere, layering onto the many colors already stained on the banister. Cousin instantly backs up, and as you draw nearer, you slowly chase him back into his room, until you hear the click of the lock on his door. That should hold him for a while... You quickly Abscond back to your room. 


Setting your PAINT BRUSH down on your desk, you look to the mail you collected. Beneath the layers and layers of junk and fashion magazines, there's a single green envelope with your name in scratchy letters, along with your address below it. Is this the game?

What should you do?

>Enter command
Open the green Envelope.

It has to be the game right? No wait.green... jackpot ? lottery ? $$$$$$$$$ ? :P
>Nova: Open the envelope

You drop the other stuff on your desk, and tear open the green envelope. Inside is two disk, plain in style and written on with marker "URBN Client" and "URBN Server". Looks like you finally got the game! Looking to your setup, it looks like you can only load one disk at a time, and knowing your computer, the one disk is going to take half an hour. Perhaps if you had that external disk drive Cousin has, you could load both at the same time. For now, though, you're stuck with one at a time. Hearing a click and some footsteps, you can discern that Cousin has left his room again. Maybe to make some food?

What should you do?

>Enter command
>Nova: Be Vito

You are now Vito.

>Vito: Check game

You check the game. You've got the disks right here, and both Client and Server are ready to go on your computer desktop. You happen to have a high powered laptop, so while it was a bit inconvenient to load them one at a time, you didn't have to wait long for one to load. It looks like someone's trying to contact you on Botherbud!

What should you do?

>Enter command
>Vito: Check Botherbud

You open up Botherbud.

AA: I got my copy!

AA: It was in the mailbox all along.

AA: I suppose I owe Skye an apology...

TC: yeah kinda

TC: mila's been dying to start up so I think I'm going to get her going

TC: have you talked to cody recently

AA: No?

AA: Why should I talk with Cody?

TC: hes been kinda down in the dumps

TC: and he seems to like you

TC: so why not

AA: Okay, I'll send him a message while my game downloads!

There, that should be the whole group. You can't believe you actually got them all organized. Time to contact Mila.

TC: hey

TC: novas got her copy

TC: finally


TT: can we play NOW?

TC: yea

TC: ill be your server

TC: so run the client 

TC: and i'll connect to you


You suppose you should boot up your game now.

>Enter command

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