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Heart within the beast

"Neither one of us do..." Sage said trying to sit up and face the women. "Say, what is your name?"

Rhea was quiet and looked at the harden wrapping on her wrist, "Thank you.." Rhea said softly.
"I am merely the 'old one' child. My name was discarded when I took this role."

The 'Old One' sat down between the two, her hands folded over each other

"It will take some time for Kurogan to come here, ask what troubles you."
"Old one.... Ok sure." Sage said rubbing the back of her head lightly.

"Why is all this happening... Why are we here?" Rhea asked her, though she tried to do it respectfully, "I'm just... confused as to why Kurogan make's such a difference..." She told her, "Couldn't they wage war without him?"
The old one let out a sigh.

"Normally, yes. The council alone can wage an act of war, five of our most respected clan-members. Normally, they are older members of the clan, decided by their predecessor . . . but someone fell into that position through a cruel twist of fate. Take a wild guess who it was."
"So... they need him to actually declare war? So what, they are going to black mail him into it now?" Sage asked soon after.

Rhea just looked flat out shocked, he was one of the elders here? She wondered if she would have treated him differently if she knew what his stature in his tribe was.
"Beowulf has been trying to make war for a long time. When Kurogan started to come of age, he knew he couldn't stop the decision from being made in the council . . . so he stopped the council from meeting. The decision can't be made unless the entire council is present, so he's been in a self-imposed exile for the last two years."

She turned to look at Rhea

"Now he has reason to return."
"So it is black mail." Sage said with a smirk.

"Sage..." Rhea said softly, she felt so useless. "Are you part of the council?" She asked the women.
The Old One shook her head

"I am not, child."

She shook her head lightly

"My station requires me to remain neutral in such matters. The only reason that boy was put in such a position was because Aleera--"

She stopped herself, almost as if she had said something she didn't mean to.
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"Died?" Sage said, taking a wild gander.

Rhea looked at Sage then back to The Old One, "Who is Aleera?" Rhea asked slowly.
"She was--is, Kurogan's mother."

She was silent for a minute before continuing.

"It is not my place to speak of such matters."

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"He talked to me about her sometimes... Aleera, it is such a pretty name... I know she was murdered..." Rhea said softly. She let out a low sad sigh, she wanted Kurogan to get her... so she could hold him, be held by him. But at the same time she hoped he never came. She hopped he would just leave her here and save himself.

Sage sighed, "Look... if they do deiced on war... we are going to be the first ones to die... aren't we?"
"That's not for me to decide girl."

The old one shook her head

"I just hope that boy has some kind of plan."


Kurogan made no effort to hide himself as he neared the glade where his old home was held. He didn't even tense as a figure dropped down from the trees above him--it was Faora.

"Kurogan . . ."

The girl gave a smile and put her arms around Kurogan, though he made no motion to reciprocate.

"Faora. Where is she?"

The woman's grip tightened, almost apprehensively


"Answer the question. If you've harmed her in any way I will break you, family or not."

Faora backed up from Kurogan, her face visibly rattled. The look in Kurogan's eyes was not one of acceptance, nor something he gave for battle. It was absolute, pure rage.
"Me too." Sage said humorlessly. Her sides hurt her, strange medicine or not, and she could only imagine this whole situation not coming out well. They were either going to get away by the skin of their teeth, causing Sage tremendous pain as Kurogen run through the forest... or she will die by the claws of one of the rabid blood thirsty animal people outside. "Say... so you guys eat people?" Sage asked suddenly, grinning at 'The Old One'.

Rhea stood up, she couldn't help but to start to pace around the tent. Of course Sage's question had her stop for a moment to give Sage a questioning look. Why would she ask that? Rhea didn't want to know that...
(Sorry this took so long. I tried to type out a massive post in tapatalk, but my phone lost connection to the forum. Refused to type out the whole thing again until i was on a proper computer)

The old one shot a glare at Sage that was equal parts offended, abhorred, and furious

"Of course not! Do you believe that just because we live in the woods we're some kind of rabid people?!"

She shook her head and tutted a few times before the commotion from outside reached her ears

"It sounds like that boy has finally made it home. Fool that he is . . ."


Kurogan walked into the camp, following Faora in her footsteps. It didn't take long for his presence to become known. Some noticeably were gladdened by his return to the camp, while others made no effort to hide their anger at his presence. Within only moments, the giant form of Beowulf appeared in front of the two

"You finally grace us with your return pup. I was starting to think you'd left your home for good."

Beowulf had noticeable chiding in his voice with the word 'pup', as if to purposely put Kurogan on edge. Kurogan's gaze did not leave that of the large man in front of him

"You have stolen from a world not your own, Beowulf."

A smirk came over the man's face as he made a gesture with one furred arm

"Brash words pup. Perhaps I will entertain them once this meeting is adjourned."

As if on cue, three other beast-kin had come out and placed themselves around the two men. The five members of the council were finally in one place, and a decision could be made.

"Not even going to give me a chance to reminisce are you?"

Beowulf noticeably ignored Kurogan as he began to speak

"Brothers and sisters, this meeting of the council is called to address the grievous crimes against our species. We must send a message to the blight known as homo sapiens through blood. What say this council?"

Kurogan had begun walking towards Beowulf as he spoke, the joints in his fingers cracking as he made a motion. He had a plan . . . well less of a plan and more of a last-ditch effort he had never wanted to use. If he failed, then it would accomplish nothing, likely even exasperating the problem. And even if he succeeded . . . his options were few right now. There was a noticeable shock through all present as Kurogan dug his nails into his left breast, drawing blood in the process, and cut Beowulf across his left cheek with those same claws. The look on Beowulf's face changed from one of smug victory, to shock, then to raw anger as the blood started to flow down his face.


"You have given me no other choice Beowulf. I will not betray my mother's memory to your bloodlust."

The man quivered slightly, barely holding back his fury, before his own nails went into his breast and slashed into Kurogan's cheek. The cut was not nearly as clean, leaving four ragged cuts that would likely scar.

"Tomorrow then. And I would make my peace to my family and mother Gaia if I were you."

The people gathered dispersed, muttering quietly at what had just happened

From the tent where Rhea and Sage were, the old one shook her head

"I can't believe he actually did it. That boy is crazy."
"I don't understand why you seem so offended. We eat animals.... animals eat humans. Heck some humans eat humans. It's just nature." Sage said with a shrug, though it had hurt her a bit. "It was just a question.... didn't say you were barbaric."

"Sage please... just... don't talk anymore..." Rhea said softly, using her hands to motion to Sage to stop. Though there was soon a commotion outside the tents and Rhea tried to strain to hear. When the old one spoke about Kurogan doing something crazy, she couldn't help but sprint out of the tent and look for the man. She knew she most likely would be attacked but she was willing to risk that. She wanted to make sure Kurogan was ok.
The old one grabbed Rhea's wrist with a speed that belied her age, though Rhea did manage to get a fair bit away from the tent before she was stopped. The crowd of beast-kin were dispersing in mutters and shocked exclamations. Oddly enough, only a few spared the time to give a sympathetic or hateful look Rhea's way.

Kurogan let out a sigh before his ears twitched. He could hear her. His head turned, and there she was, held in check by the old one. Kurogan slowly walked towards the two, putting one hand on Rhea's shoulder

"Hey . . . you all right?"
Rhea looked on the verge of tears when Kurogan came up to her completely bloodied. Rhea looked worse off then she really was. Her dress was completely filthy and she had no shoes. Her hand was still bandaged from where the Old One had tended to her bruises. "Am... am I ok? Kurogan! Look at you, you're bleeding!" Rhea said sounding a bit more then distraught. She wanted the Old One to let her go, but she was no mater for her strength, even in her age.
"It's just a scratch--"

"Oh look at the two of you! This way, right now."

The old one very quickly and effectively half-pushed, half-guided them back to the tent. Upon entering, she immediately began working on his cheek

"Oh boy, this is definitely going to scar, assuming you didn't just throw your life away with the stunt you pulled back there."

Kurogan let out a sigh

"I couldn't think of anything else."

One hand of his was grasping Rhea's as he spoke. His head turned slightly to where Sage was lying down

"You look a little worse for wear."
"Pfft, as if you look like you got run through a shredder." Sage said with a shrug, it made her flinch a bit though.

"What is happening?" Rhea asked quietly, though she held Kurogan's hand thankfully, "The Old One has already explained a lot of what is happening... including why you couldn't come back.." Rhea told him, hopping that knowing that she knew the truth would coax out what was endangering his life.
Kurogan kept silent as the Old One finished by putting a patch over his cheek. He finally opened up his mouth after a few minutes

"I enacted the right of amun vo cal."

The old one shook her head as she worked on his bare chest

"That doesn't mean anything to her pup. Just tell her that you've entered a duel to the death."

Kurogan let out a sigh
"Usually you don't just challenge people to a duel to the death unless there is some kind of high reward. What do you get when you win?" Sage said from where she was laying. Rhea's grip tightened on Kurogan's, both hands came to hold his one. She couldn't bring herself to look up at him and instead just stared at his side. She thought that this was foolish... suddenly she felt regret that she didn't take him up on his offer to just.. run away. Was it too late? Rhea tried to keep herself from crying out, trying to stay brave.
Kurogan could feel Rhea's hands tighten around his own. He let out a sigh and shook his head. The Old One scoffed a little when she was finished

"Good lord child, you make life difficult for all of us."

She started to walk out of the tent, pausing for only a moment

"Just like you mother . . ."

With that she left, though there was a small smile on her face. Kurogan looked up and tightened his grip on Rhea's fingers

"The rite of Amun vo cal is a last resort challenge. It is does when one council member believes another is leading the clan astray. The two will battle to the death come the morrow of the challenge."
"You know how to make an entrance..." Sage said blandly. She rubbed her sides gently before adverting her eyes from Rhea and Kurogan.

Rhea let out a soft sigh before whispering to Kurogan, "Is it... to late to take you up on that offer?" She asked him softly, "To.. run away?" She looked up at him mixed emotions... but most of all fear. "It is.. really selfish of me, to want this now... of all times... and... I have a feeling I know your answer already... " Rhea was trying very hard not to cry.
"I'm sorry Rhea."

Kurogan, for once, seemed to be unable to look Rhea in the eye. He couldn't. If he did, he felt he might just take her and leave this place . . . but that would solve nothing.

"I can't go back on the challenge after it has been made. Even if I did, the clan would be obligated to hunt me to the death as a result."
Rhea let out a soft defeated sigh before examining his wounds. "I wish I had the supplies to at least treat your wounds."

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