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Heart within the beast

"An idiot acting smart if an idiot still." Rick said crossing his arms. "If you really want to hear one I can tell you. I don't really find them as entertaining as other people do. I don't really understand people's fascination with it. Truly."

"That's because you are boring." Sage mused lightly.

Rick looked annoyed, "Or maybe I don't like watching others being miserable."

Sage's only answer was a smirk, a slight lopsided one.

Rhea seemed a bit detached from the conversation, she looked around the room. She knew she should go out and talk with others, she knew she needed to go make her family proud, look for her future husband... but she didn't want that. She wanted to stay here, with her friends and have fun. She wanted to dance... specially with Kurogen.
"Well, that's probably because most people don't experience danger like that. They think it's exciting, though it would be terrifying to them if they actually experienced it firsthand."

Kurogan tried to leave his personal experience out of his voice, but it probably didn't work too well . . . especially if Rick was as perceptive as he seemed to be. His eyes turned to the corner of this head, looking down at Rhea. She was currently looking around the area, perhaps keeping an eye on the other men in the room? It wouldn't surprise him after her father had made such a boisterous anouncement
"Maybe.." Rick said, though he was staring more at Kurogen, "So what do you do again Hikaru? an assistant?" He asked, more of a conformation.

Sage lean to whisper something to Rhea quietly, sounded like a question.
Kurogan raised an eyebrow at Rick's stare, though he did respond.

"Yes, that covers my duties quite well."

One of his ears twitched involuntarily beneath the hat. Both a bit of a nervous habit, and a desire to hear what Sage was saying. Normally, he'd be able to hear it just fine, but his hearing was not as good while bipedal, and the felt over his head was not helping matters.
That meant he didn't want to talk about it. Right thought to himself.

"I feel like I am going to get scolded later if I don't dance with other people... at at least mingle with others... Rick and Kur... Hikaru are keeping most people away..." Rhea said quietly to Sage.
Kurogan's eyes traveled over the crowd as Rick seemed to think to himself. He had a sneaking suspicion that this person was going to find out that 'Hikaru' and 'Kurogan' were actually the same person sooner rather than later. His eyes met those of several young men in the room, most of them eyeing Rhea and then quickly averting their gazes when they met his own. A few seemed to glare back, as if he didn't belong there. He endeavored to keep a calm face before turning back to Rick.

"What of yourself? I understand you do more than bodyguard work."
"I just cook part time at the restaurant Sage ad I work at. I like to cook as much as she does. It's a side passion..." He said rather nonchalantly.

"My father is calling to me... I am sorry guys.." Rhea said, excusing herself to quickly walk over to her father. He was indeed staring at the group as Rhea seemed to hurry over to his side.

"Hmmm I think we may have got her in trouble." Sage said lightly watching her. Rick sighed, "I told you that would happen if we monopolized her time."
"I see . . ."

Kurogan's eyes followed Rhea as she hurried over to where her father was. Part of him wanted to follow her, to stay by her side like he had done as a wolf. But the other part of him knew that even if he went over there it would not end well for anyone involved. Her father would likely not stand for his continued presence, and anything he could say would likely backfire. But to leave her alone . . .

Perhaps he could exit quietly and return as Kurogan instead of Hikaru? Would her father still push him away in that form? He pinched the bridge of his nose to try and concentrate a bit

"Maybe . . ."

He didn't realize he'd spoken out loud with the last statement
(BAM, Post. -dance- I'll start regularly now.)

Rick looked curiously at Kurogan, though his 'Maybe' sounded like that start of a sentence. He touched his chin in thought, tucking his elbow between his other arm and his chest.

"Maybe..." Sage said leaning in closer to Kurogan, encouraging him to finish his sentence. She was hopping he would say something along the lines of a rescue mission or a kidnapping.
(Do a little da~~nce, make a little lo~~~~ve . . .)

Kurogan blinked a couple of times when he realized he'd spoken out loud in present company.

"Just--something I need to take care of. I'll be back later."

Kurogan took a moment to lower his head politely before heading out of the hall. Once he had left the majority of the people, he found where he had changed before. The hat had to be left behind, though the rest of the suit could stay. Then he partially slipped the service dog vest on before shifting, letting it settle the rest of the way. It didn't look like 'Hikaru' could do much tonight. 'Kurogan' on the other hand . . . the massive dog trotted out of the room, heading back to the festivities where Rick and Sage were. His eyes instantly tried to locate Rhea
(Sage disproves xD )

Rhea was standing next to her father as he talked with another man, a younger boy was with him. Of course Rhea meet eyes with Kurogan immediately. She had obviously been watching him, noticing that he had left the room and anxiously awaiting his return. A lot of people watched the large dog trot into the room. Some people actually moved out his way, though the service vest tend to earn him less fearful looks.

"Tch... he's cheating.." Sage said in a whisper frowning. "What a jerk", she thought out loud to herself.

"Did you say something?" Rick said crossing his arms.

"Nooothing~" Sage said waving her hand to him. She only got an annoyed look from Rick.
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(She can disapprove all she likes, the massive wolf cares not :3)

When Kurogan's eyes met Rhea's, he trotted around the edges of the room to get to her. If he marched right through the center there would be FAR too many eyes on him for the remainder of the evening. He let out a small *woof* as he came up alongside Rhea, stopping politely to the side.
The moment Kurogan stopped at her side, she reached for him to feel the reassuring feeling of his fur between her fingers. She was feeling nervous, tossing glances at the taller boy. Their father's were talking bussiness. The young man was eyeing Kurogan, though he didn't know what to say about the large dog.

Rhea's father gave a disapproving look at the dog's bark, but said nothing. Rhea wasn't too worried about it because she was sure he will not be bothersome.

"That's... a big dog miss Rhea... is he yours?" The young man asked.

"Umm... Yes. Kurogan is mine. He.. keeps me from having panic attacks." Rhea said softly while she pet him.
Kurogan leaned his head a bit into Rhea's hand before his eyes traveled up and down the young man that was with her. He looked to be maybe a couple of years older than she was, though still young. The young man was eyeing him right back. Good. Rhea by herself was someone easily approachable . . . perhaps too easy. The hope was his presence could be something of a deterrent . . . He gave a short woof at Rhea's comment
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"I see... I had a dog once." He said with a small smile, "admittedly not as big as him... are you a dog lover?"

Rhea shuffled a bit, keeping her eyes trained on Kurogen. "No..." She said, but thought over her answers and deiced to better explain to keep from Kurogan thinking she didn't like dogs, "Its not that I am not a dog lover. It would say that I knew a lot about dogs. To be honest I don't know anything about dogs... I just know they take a lot of time and love... I try to do what I can do best. I love Kurogan a lot." Rhea said as her hand continued to run through the wolf's fur. She even blushed as she spoke so fondly of him.

"Wow... you are very pretty when you talk about things you like." He said in a kind of admiring tone. "Umm... would you like to dance with me?" He asked after a few moments. Rhea couldn't say no anymore, her father told her yes.

"Yes, thank you." She unwillingly took her hand from Kurogan's fur and took the man in front of her hand.
Kurogan nuzzled up a little against Rhea's hand as her fingers moved through his fur. This felt right, just like when he ran his hand through Rhea's. That was before she was asked to dance.

Well . . . now I've gotten myself into a difficult situation.

That was exactly what was going through Kurogan's mind as Rhea was pulled out onto the dance floor by the young man. He couldn't very well follow Rhea onto the dance floor, he would get in the way of EVERYBODY and cause a scene. That would end badly for him and possibly Rhea as well. Maybe he could interrupt the dance as a man? But that would require shifting again, and he couldn't forget that the hat which covered his . . . less-than-human features--was sitting in a room elsewhere. He would have to go to the room, shift, don the hat, come back into the room, then interrupt the dance. Then if he wanted to shift again he would need to repeat the process. Then there was her father to consider . . . The man was watching the proceedings like a hawk, and if he showed up and interrupted it would certainly lead to confrontation.

His eyes longingly followed Rhea, wanting nothing more to stay by her side. The young man didn't necessarily seem like a bad person . . . it was the fact that he couldn't protect her even if he was that bothered him the most
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Rhea danced with the young man. She seemed to talk to him every now and again, but he looked like he was doing the most talking. Rhea really wished she had Sage's ability to be... well her and not care. She could do things to make her seem undesirable and make no one want to date her. That would be fine in Rhea's opinion, then she can continue to work on what she enjoyed most. Perhaps getting married is the answer... if she did get married and her dad had the hire, then she could go on and continue to do what she wanted to do. He mind wondered to that happy place even as the young man talked to her. When the dance was over she gave him a small smile before quickly excusing herself back to Kurogan. "I need to use the ladies room." Rhea excused herself from her father's sight. She felt an unmistakable fear at the moment being alone with someone seemed terrifying all of a sudden. She looked to Kurogan, hoping the big dog would escort her to the destination.
Kurogan noted Rhea's gaze and quickly trotted after her. His ears perked slightly as she made her way to the restroom, swiveling back towards all the noise of the party. Kurogan silently wondered whether Rhea would go where she had said, or perhaps just somewhere else to get some quiet. His head instinctively ran up along Rhea's hand as they walked, feeling her fingers move through his fur
When they got outside, Rhea looked around before moving to find a quieter room, which was the library. She opened the door and looked around before shutting it again after Kurogan has made it through. She let out a low nervous sigh before she keeled down and extended a quite hand for a hug.
Kurogan pushed himself into Rhea's arms, letting her wrap them around his body. The touch continued for a few minutes as Kurogan's ears swiveled back and forth, making sure no one was present. When he was sure there wasn't, the fur slowly melted back into flesh, and his own arms wrapped around Rhea. He was still wearing the suit Sage had supplied, though his ears were free upon his head instead of being muted. He didn't know what to say to help the current situation, so his hand started to run through her hair, like it had so many times before.

"Hey . . . it's going to be okay . . ."
"I know... but I'm not ready for this... I don't want it... I feel like that is pretty selfish." She told him softly. "I'm trying but every time I get really nervous and uncomfortable... sometimes scared. I just want to hide. I felt most comfortable when I was standing with you... Sage and Rick. It was fun too." Rhea leaned away from Kurogan a moment to look up at him, she looked a bit upset, but she was more upset with herself. "I'm sorry i've dragged you around..."
Kurogan let out a sigh as Rhea spoke in her usual soft tones. When their eyes met, he could clearly see the discomfort and uncertainty in her eyes.

"Rhea. No one can change who you are. And no one SHOULD. I would much rather you be honest with yourself, as well as me, than force yourself to do what you don't want to. I made a promise, remember?"

Kurogan's hand gently took ahold of the bottom of Rhea's chin, his gaze never leaving hers
Rhea meet his eyes for only a moment before her hands came around his to hold his hand, and to be able to move her gaze away. The small moment, although sweet, felt intense. She felt a light blush spreed across her cheeks, "I just want to go to college and become a doctor... I want to change. I want to change into a person like my brother... like you." She kept a firm grip on his hand as she spoke, though she leaned in to rest her head on his shoulder. "I don't want to be like this forever. I want to be brave and not have to lean on someone."
Kurogan couldn't help but smile as Rhea laid out her desires plainly. She didn't want much from the world, if anything she seemed to want to give back to it. Something came into his eyes when she mentioned how she wanted to become someone like him though

"Rhea . . ."

Kurogan's hand closed around her own as he spoke

"I'm really not as brave as you think I am. I can't go on without relying on someone . . . after all I'm relying on someone right now."

He offerred a smile to her with the last statement, the expression speaking for itself
She thought about the last statement for a while. The silence stretched on as she tried to figure out how best to respond. She wanted to tell him it didn't count... because he had to rely on her to stay here, or to get food... really to do a lot of things because he was in the form of a dog. She finally found her bearings and was about to speak when a voice echoed down the hall. "Miss Rhea?" It sounded like the man she had talked to earlier.

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