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Heart within the beast

Rhea quietly went back to her room, laying the picture onto the bed stand before going into her closet and looking for the book she had came into the room originally find. When she came out, Rhea flashed him a rather large. "This... is a dictionary. I am not going to read it to you... but it will help you for when you practice on your own.."
"There is a lot in there... basically almost every human world defined, spelled, articulated and categorized in it.... It is in alphabetical order, so you can easily find words... you said you know some basics?" She asked.
"To a degree yes. I already learned how to write once, it's just difficult to translate."

He opened the massive book to a random page, finding how it was organized

"This should make things simpler . . ."
Rhea smiled at him, happy to be of some help, before pulling the book they had been reading off the table, "Did you still want to read... I was not sure if you actually liked me reading or not..." She told him.
This time, she got a full, very sincere smile.

"I very much enjoyed it. That is, if you wish to continue?"
Rhea blushed a bit at his smile, almost not sure what to say, before she gave him a soft smile in return, "Yeah, I really like reading.." She told him happily before sitting down on the couch like she usually did.
Kurogan walked over, but as he did, he shifted. He was back in his dog form when he hopped onto the couch. He wasn't completely sure why, but it just felt right to be in this form when she read. Maybe it was habit, or maybe a part of him was wishing for the simpler time before. He looked up at her briefly, hoping she wouldn't mind.
Rhea smiled and laughed quietly, "You just want to take up all the couch again.." She said, making the small joke. She was not sure why he transformed, but if that is what he wanted she guessed he could do what he wanted. Opening the book she started to read where they had left off.
Kurogan let out several snorts, it could have been taken for laughter. He lay down next to her as she began to read. He chose not to let himself worry about what would happen in the future, letting himself get lost in the story and her voice. He shut his eyes, his ears taking in everything. Before he could realize it, his breathing had slowed, and the land of dreams had claimed him. His sides rose and fell slowly, as sleep overtook him.
Rhea smiled, the first time the dog have ever fallen asleep before her. Quickly she closed the back and pulled his blanket off the floor and put it over him. She knew the dog had no need for a blanket, but she wanted to do, what she now knew, he has done for her a few times before. Getting up Rhea left to go sleep in her own bed.
Kurogan slowly opened his eyes the next morning. He felt, cozy? It took him a minute to notice the blanket that was placed over him. He shifted out of his wolf form and smiled. Did she realize that he had been doing that during those odd nights? He pulled the blanket off, setting it to the side. The sun didn't look like it had been up for that long. He took a quick peek in the fridge before realizing that there wasn't much he could use in there. He had no idea how to cook eggs, and there was no meat left. He shut it quietly, not wanting to wake up Rhea before she was ready.
When Rhea woke up she stretched and got out of bed, sleepily walking to the bathroom and getting ready before walking back into the kitchen, "Good morning." She said yawning a bit.
"Good morning Rhea."

He responded somewhat quietly. He had hoped that he could fix something up before they left.

"Something to eat before we go?"
"Well, we could. If you're able to wait."

He walked up to her

"Are you ready to go? Or did you need to do something else first?"
"No I am ready, maybe we should find a hat for you too... so maybe you can go out in your human form too. That would be nice right?" She asked him with a smile.
"It might be fun every now and then."

Kurogan returned her smile before walking up to the entryway, shifting as he went. He turned his head back and looked into her eyes as he stood there, waiting.
Rhea smiled and then took out the leash and put it around him. Coming out of her apartment she was stopped by the owner who started to ask a few questions about the attack the night before, then he told her that the man who attacked her would cover all the repairs to her apartment window and a lock replacement. The man also will no longer be able to live here and is banned from the property. Rhea thanked the owner and apologize for the cause of trouble before she pulled Hikaru with her to go to the city.
Kurogan sat by her as the owner talked. Good. If his threat hadn't been enough for the man to flee, now the law was against him as well. He waited until the owner was done talking, then felt the gentle tug on his leash. He looked up at her and followed closely.
Rhea lead Kurogan to a few shops here and there picking up everything he needed and a few things for her fridge. By the time she was done she had three shirt's for Karugon, plenty of food for the week that she could carry and a few packs of papers. There was a lot of stuff, but she seemed to carry it fine as they started to head home. The streets were busy and people where going about their daily activities, only to stop to give the usual wary glance at Hikaru, or Karugon now and then.
Kurogan kept an eye and an ear open as they went around to the different shops. There were the groceries as well as the clothing, and he became slightly worried about the pricetag that was racking up. He had the occasional odd glance thrown his way, but he had gotten used to those. The one thing that was bugging him was that there was another pair of eyes watching him . . . something he couldn't place.

The golden hawk flew high overhead, far above where any normal human would care to notice. It's piercing gaze was focused directly on Rhea and Kurogan throughout the whole day as they continued to make their way through the city. Soon. It should be soon.
When the Rhea had gotten home she unhooked the lease and then piled the three shirts onto Kaurgon's fuzzy head and smiled at the dog, "Ok, go try those on and see how they fit. I'll put stuff away."
Kurogan walked forward, shifting as he did. One hand went up to prevent the shirts from falling off as he chuckled softly

"Yes Ma'am."

He disappeared into the back of the house, throwing on one of them. It seemed to be designed for someone with thinner arms, but other than that it was perfectly fine. He walked back out, looking around to where Rhea had gone

Rhea was in the kitchen putting the groucreys in the fridge and cubers. When Kurogan came back in she smiled at him. "Yeah, it looks good, does it fit ok?" She asked him. "Also your paper is over on the table."

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