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He doesn't like waiting. In fact he hates it more than people, yet he waits until he sees her wild dark hair before moving away from the door. Dacia is in sight and he smiles a bit as she gets closer.
She feels the need to apologize but it is washed away when she sees his slow smile. He has the most warm smile. Her chest constricts slightly before she falls in step with him and they make thier way to the tree at the edge of the yard. This is thier ritual, it has been for years.
Desiree started messing with the tree bark and sighed heavily, her lips flapping. She jumped up to grab a leaf but failed. Desiree kicked her head back and sat on the grass, pulling some up and tying them into knots. Desiree felt a buzz on her bottom and jumped at sudden shock. She checked her phone and groaned when it was her science partner again.
"Desiree!" Dacia can't help the happy shout that escapes her as she rushes up to her friend, her back-pack slapping roughly against her legs. She tugs Madoxx with her impatiently as they grow nearer. "She beat us." Dacia softly informs Madoxx.
Madoxx watches as the his friend becomes excited, he is awe at her innocent enthusiasm. It never fails to make his mood lift. Though looking at the blonde under the tree he can almost see a cloud of annoyance hanging over her. He raises a hand and give his usual greeting.

Desiree wasn't the type to get enthused but most of the time she did. But when she sees the most cheerful and enthused person she knows, the feeling seems to get under her skin in a good way. Desiree quickly got up and ran up to them. "Took you guys long enough!"
Rhode smiles and bounces on her heels, her shoes making soft scruffing sounds on the grass. "I had trouble with my locker, it stuck again. Plus I had to avoid some people." she is cheerful though her mismatched eyes show wear from her day.
"Avoid who?" he frowns not liking that Dacia lets herself be teased, "Those girls again? Thought I told you to punch them in jaw just like i taught you next time they messed with you." he moves around the girls and begins walking in the direction of his home, knowing they will follow.
Desiree grabbed onto Dacia's wrist and pulled her along, following Maddox. "Yeah. You can't just let them do that, be the bigger woman!" Desiree pointed out and looked at Dacia.
Dacia sighs pushing her hair from her face, watching Madoxx walk in front of her.

" wouldn't forgiving them make me the bigger person?"
"Hell no. Punch 'em and leave 'em on the ground." he shrugs and kicks an empty plastic water bottle down the street as they near the two story grey house he calls home. "You two staying for dinner?" looking over his shoulder he watches them navigating his way up the side walk with ease.
Desiree shook her head and gave a slight laugh. "Sure why not?" Desiree answered. Her brother didn't really cook, but ordered food all the time. A home cooked meal sounded like Heaven to her. "Dacia, you staying?" She asked.
She nods a light blush covering her pale cheeks at the thought of all the wonderful foods Madoxxs mother makes. She licks her lips and pounces at his broad shoulders excitedly " Yes! On ward to food!"
Madoxx grunts softly at the added weight suddenly applied to his back, but he rights himself quickly and slides his hands under Dacia's thighs to keep her from fallign as he carries her up the drive way.

"You are gonna kill me one of these days." he tells her, reaching out and opening the door for Desiree. "Ladies first."
Desiree nodded and walked in. "Since when do you act like a gentleman and not some bad ass?" She asked and punched Madoxx lightly on the shoulder. "It's creepy."
"Yeah, yeah, see if i'm ever nice to you again." he laughs and follows her inside, adjusting his hold on Dacia as he shuts the door. Moving to the large living room he dumps her on the plush black couch before going to find his mother.
Dacia squeals softly as she drops onto the couch, her body splaying over the cushions. " Hey I'm delicate!"
Madoxx comes back a few minutes later, tossing both girls a can of soda before sliding down to the floor and making himself comfortable.

"So what are we doing this weekend anyway?" he clicks on the tv, changing it until a cartoon fills the screen.
Desiree caught the soda and held it for a second before opening it. Madoxx asked a question and she banged the back of her head on the wall. "I... have to stay home and take care of Emerald. If she didn't play in the rain so damn much, I wouldn't have to take care of a sick girl." Desiree complained and placed her soda on the coffee table. "I'll be back. Gotta use the bathroom."
Dacia plays with her can, rolling it from hand to hand on the floor in front of the couch. Her legs in the air as she sat upside down. She watches Madoxx for a moment, a pain aching in her chest like a long gotten war-wound. She doesn't know when her crush on her childhood friend began but she knows she wants it gone; it causes nothing but pain. what she and her friends have is perfect. She won't ruin it.
Maddox leans back, resting his back against the couch. He yawns a bit and looks over at Dacia, her head next to his. "You staying the night again? Or is your house finally at peace again?" He knows her family fights, worse then any he has ever seen, and as much as he wants her to be indipendant he won't let her go home to that. "Or you can go to Des' place, I can't but you can."
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Desiree walked back out from the bathroom and claimed her seat. She sighed and took off her varsity jacket, wrapping it around her waist. Desiree laughed slightly at a funny part on the cartoon. She overheard Madoxx talking to Dacia and thought to join in. "Why can't you stay at my house, Madoxx?" She sighed heavily. "Or did my brother give you a warning to stay away from me?"
He looks over at his friend and nods, looking serious. "Exactly. He told me I was a bad influence. While I do love influencing you to be bad I don't want it to make it where your brother won't let me see you." shrugging he rests his arms on his legs and takes a long drink, "I always knew he didn't like me."
Dacia blinks and scoots closer to them both. "But you're not a bad influence..." she pouts a bit and nudges both of them with her feet, "It's just cause you're a boy. He thinks you wanna kiss her." She nods and giggles before beginning to sing softly "Mad and Des sittin in tree..."

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