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Heal My Heart

Matsu gave her an incredulous look. "Alright, we can run to the pharmacy or something." He ran a hand through his hair. "Umm...should we buy plan B or something? Just in case?" Matsu looked at her questioningly, and opened the door of the guest room to see people sprawled out across the floor of the house, all asleep.
Miku groaned. "Probably." She said, stepping aside around the people. She took one last look, trying to find her ribbon. She found it next to a piece of rubber on the floor inside the room. "Nope, I think we are good." She said, walking out of the room with her bow and though the maze of people sprawled across the floor.

"Oh, thank god." Matsu breathed a sigh of relief, walking out the front door with Miku behind him. "I think there's a pharmacy down the street, it'll take us like 5 minutes to get there." He walked down the street in silence, pondering over exactly what had happened during the night. His emotions were still all over the place--he didn't know what to do. Miku had been his best friend since forever, and he'd never really thought of her in a romantic way. What was he to do?
Miku could feel the awkwardness of the silence. It was so thick, that it was probably the consistency of jello. She had never really thought of Matsu as anyone but her friend, but for all she knew, that could have been one massive lie that she was to stubborn to see. Then again, she wasn't sure at all. She ran another hand though her hair, sighing.

Matsu coughed to break the silence, just as the pair entered the pharmacy. He headed to the medicine aisle, and started scanning the fully stocked shelves for advil. "Can you find it?"
Miku searched up and down until she saw it. "Found it." She said, taking a box and passing it to him. She just brushed his fingertips, but it was enough to spark a memory. It caused her to flush so bad she looked like she had gone from ghost to tomato in two seconds.

"Alrighty." Matsu grabbed the box and turned around to check-out, but realized that Miku wasn't following him. He turned around to see her face flushing, which was pretty unusual. "Miku?" He questioned with concern. "Are you okay?"
Miku nodded, rubbing her forehead. "Yeah, fine." She said, following him and keeping her face towards the floor. She shook her head. "Just a flunke memory." She mumbled.
"Are you sure?" Matsu paid with his credit card, and exited the store. He stopped in his tracks, and examined her face carefully. "You don't look so good right now. I mean, you look good, but-" Matsu shut up in an effort to lessen the awkwardness of what had just come out of his mouth. "You know what I mean."
The two of them eventually reached a small cafe, which was known for its quietness and private rooms. Matsu entered first, holding the door open for Miku behind him. There weren't too many people in the cafe, because it was still pretty early in the morning and only the first round of customers was slowly trickling in. Matsu stood in line behind someone that looked like a tired college student and hummed, enjoying the atmosphere and smell of the cafe. "What do you want? My treat."
Miku looked at the small cafe with interest. She walked in after Matsu, giving a nod as thanks for holding the door open. "Uhhmmm, I think I will have a caramel late." She said, glancing at him from where she stood.
Matsu nodded in acknowledgement, then paid and retrieved the drinks. "Be careful, it's really hot." He handed Miku's drink to her. "Do you want to sit near a window or would you prefer a private room?"
Miku took her drink into her hands, relishing in the warmth. "A private room might be better for this." She said, closing her eyes and walking towards one of the rooms.

Matsu nodded in agreement, while taking a sip of his dark coffee. After they both entered, Matsu shut the door behind him. The rooms were soundproof, but the walls were glass, so that the employees could keep an eye on their customers. Matsu sat down on the cushioned seat, stretching as he took in the smell of coffee.
Miku followed him into the room, looking around hesitantly. She sat down quietly on the cushion next to him. She took a long sip of her coffee before clearing her throat loudly, her face slightly pink as her thoughts traveled to last night.
"So..." Matsu looked at her. "Do you remember what happened? Because I don't remember anything at all."
Miku blushed a bit darker. "Only a few things." She said, taking a sip off her coffee. "Some of which I would like to never speak of."
Matsu noticed her blush, and couldn't help but grin, even though their situation was somewhat confusing and awkward. "Was I any good though?" He nudged her playfully, laughing.
Miku blushed. "Shut up." She mumbled, her face about the same it was when she was inside the pharmacy. She took another sip of her drink. She hated to admit it, but he was pretty good, but she smacked her forehead for even thinking about that. 
He grinned wider as he saw the blush spread across her cheeks. He collected himself, and took a sip of his coffee. "So. What are we? Friends....or?"
Miku shrugged. "I am not sure. I really don't know if it was alcohol, or pure intuition." She said, taking a sip of coffee. 
"Me neither." Matsu blew on the steam coming out of his cup of coffee, waiting for it to cool down. He sat silently, thinking.
Mei sat in silence with him, not sure what to say. She tapped her nails on the cup, taking a sip every once and a while.

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