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Heal My Heart

Miku began to cackle, rolling around with him on the floor. Soon she found herself underneath him, trying not to kick him, watching him be the only still thing in the room.
Matsu stared at Miku, who was now laying under him. The music was still blasting loudly in the background, but he payed no attention to it, instead focusing on the girl under him. Almost impulsively, Matsu pressed his lips to hers, tasting the alcohol on her breath.
Miku could not help but kiss back. Whether it was the alcohol, or pure intuition, she didn't know. All she knew is that at the moment it felt right. Bringing her hands up, she pressed them to his sides, her hands running up and down the length of his sides. She had never really felt this way about a kiss before, but the alcohol muddled in with that and it got lost somewhere in there. Soon, she deepened the kiss a lot, her movements becoming more rough. 
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Matsu was surprised when Miku returned the kiss so roughly, but he responded back by entering her mouth with his tongue, shivering as she ran her hands up his sides.
Miku could feel his tongue on the roof of her mouth, her tongue soon joining his. She could feel him shiver under her touch, which almost made her want to do more.
Matsu's fingers found their way into the blonde's hair as their tongues pressed against each other, pulling her against him. He started to breathe heavily, not sure if kissing his best friend was the right idea.
Miku was to drunk to care who she was kissing, but it felt good. Her hands moved up to his hair, her fingers tangling around the locks. She was so absorbed in the kiss, her mind forgot about anyone else in the party. 
Matsu's hands ran over her body, relishing the softness of Miku's skin compared to high rough hands. He broke the kiss to move down to her neck, swirling his tongue in circles and suckling with his lips to make a mark on her skin.
Miku let out a small muffled moan as he moved to her neck. She tangled her hands in his locks some more, her lips trying to find some area of skin to map with her lips.

Matsu chuckled upon hearing her moan, and he let his hands roam over her body some more, while continuing to leave kisses behind on her collarbone. "Hey, are you okay with this?" He questioned her, not wanting to take it too far if she didn't want to.
Miku mumbled a incoherent "Yes." Her tongue tumbling over the words. She traced her fingers down from his hair towards his sides. Her fingers fumbled, finding the ends of his shirt. Her arms snaked around him, her fingers sliding under it, tracing over the skin on the small of his back. 
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Matsu grinned, one hand tugging at the waistband of her school skirt, the other finding its way to her blouse.

((Should we fade to black here and start with the morning after?))
/ The Next Morning /

Matsu woke up with the sunshine hitting his eyelids, and looked around at his unfamiliar surroundings, startled. He was in someone's bed, he had a pounding headache, Miku was laying next to him fully naked, and it was Saturday. His family had come back last night. "Oh crap..." The tall boy groaned, glancing at his phone. There were thirty missed calls in total, all from his family. "What happened...?"
Miku began to stir next to him, groaning. The first thing her eyes were meet with was blinding light. "What the....?" She said, her head beginning to throb a lot. "Owww, ow ow ow." She said, closing her eyes due to the monster headache. When she was finally been able to open her eyes, she blushed darkly, wrapping the sheets around her body. "What happened? Why do I have no clothes? Why are we together?" She asked her mind beginning to piece things together. 
(Tag) @nynja
"Ummmm I have no clue..." Matsu looked around him, and at the clothes on the floor. "Ohhhhh. Ok. I see" He groaned, shaking his head. He could only remember little pieces of what had happened last night.
Miku looked around, her face gradually turning a darker and darker shade of red. Slowly a few things came back to her, and she groaned. "Did we really?" She asked, looking at her clothes which where scattered across the floor.

"I mean, there's really no other conclusion." Matsu looked at her with a worried look. "Did we even use protection? I'm not sure about you, but I don't remember most of the things that happened last night."
Miku shook her head. "I can't remember anything besides a few moments." She mumbled, rubbing her head. She groaned again. "Sometimes, I wish we would learn not to drink alcohol." 
Matsu slowly picked up his boxers from their spot on the nightstand, slipping them on before rolling off the bed. "I am beyond confused right now."
Miku nodded, reaching over to pick up her underwear from on top of the lamp and slipping them on. Her brain hurt so bad, and she was really worried now. She had kissed her best friend, and slept with him. She groaned, running a hand though her hair and picking up her shirt off the floor.

Matsu looked over at Miku, who was now starting to put on her clothes. "Wanna talk about this over coffee or something? It's like 5 in the morning and I'm pretty sure none of the people here are awake yet." He showed her the time on his phone while he buttoned up his school uniform.
Miku sighed and nodded, sliding on her skirt. "Sure, but we might want to get an Advil first." She said, rubbing her temples. "From what I remember, I got into a shot fight with a few football players and arm-wrestled another." She said, rubbing her head a bit more.


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