He Is Watching

"I have to see Marco he needs me!" Nicki said and hissed at the doctor she sat up and clawed anyone that touched her."Where is Marco! "

Makoto looked at Rocky."calm down! "She hissed in her native tongue. She gets in the driver seat."I save you so you yell at me?!" Makoto muttered a few mean words. "Get in it's not safe here. "She said and blew a bubble in her gum.
"hey, its not rude to ask who the hell these guys are..." went Rocky, eyeing them, the cop in the car was paralyzed, he knew it was suicide to do anything right now, all he could do now was call for help after they leave.

he got in car with Makoto "anyway, there'll surely be cops waiting at the hospital, think we might need another way in, if we army on in there with you're new friends, we'll be stuck with a siege and we'll get killed... i hope you have a plan"


the doctor tried to calm Nikki down "please calm down miss! he's being well taken care of, just take a deep breath and i'll put you in contact with him as soon as possible.


Marco's body was going through violent changes, his skin was becoming pale white, one of his eyes was turning red, but not with blood, as if the very pigment of his eyes was changing, his iris was becoming Violet, and the whites were turning red.

"huurr!! AAAAAAGGHH!"

he looked at the doctor, his eyes panicking

"H-He is watching! watching us all! i can see it! the world burning! the children, they're running, not in play, but in fear! MAKE IT STOP!"

he was thrashing violently

"okay, all staff get out of here, he's too dangerous, get some security in here!"
Nicki hissed at him again barring her cat teeth. Her Neko ears perked up so she could here him.she could hear his screaming and ran off turning full neko and hopping on desks to get to Marco as fast as possible. She pushed doctors away that where exiting his room and clawed her way in with him turning human again. She held his hand tightly. "Marco Marco! Calm down please! "

Makoto nodded and took off she took out a phone from the glove department. She dialed a number and her eyes turned pure white. She still spoke in her language talking to a girl on the other end."Listen to my voice carefully, I need to doctor coats and The files on Marco and Nicki. Ill be waiting." She said then hung up. Her eyes returned to normal as she tossed the phone in the back. She looked at Rocky.Don't worry you can return home soon."
Marco's body was still jerking violently, thrashing and pulling at the bindings, just as Nikki arrived, one of the thick leather straps snapped loose... even hardened, strong soldiers could do that with these bindings, he looked at Nikki, one eye had only hate and fear, the other eye recognized her

"I can feel it... eating... its eating me, Nikki, oh god i can feel it's teeth in my brain! AAAAAAAH!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH! AAAAAAAAAAAH!!"

he thrashed violently again, screaming and occasionally saying either "kill me!" or "stop it!"

but eventually, he calmed down again... he looked at Nikki, but he wasn't the same, his eyes were big and confused, but all the fear from before was gone

"... I... me..." he bought up a hand and looked at it, as if studying it, he then put a finger in his mouth and began feeling around, as if he was exploring something new... his skin was still pale and his eye was still screwed up, it seemed that whatever happened to him in the SLenderman's world, or what that little girl did to him... it had some... unexpected effects.

he looked at Nikki, he bought his hand over to her, not touching the side of her head, but instead putting his palm on her face, feeling her face then bought his hand back to himself, he began clumsily pointing himself with a puzzled look on his face.


"hey, I'm not worried about going home, you forget that this kinda stuff is my job... if i was alone, i'd ust climb up to the top floor from the outside using rain pipes and work my way down, where no-one would be expectimg me to come... in fact, if i was alone we wouldnt have even been arrested in the first place! i would have told the cops "my friends collapsed" and had them take them to the hospital, thinking it was just a mugging attack or something, but oh no! you HAD to go and kill some of them!"

he shook his head, altering his appearance, his complexion became darker, his features more round yet still rough, he looked more like a Ugandan or Somalian version of 50 cent, minus some muscle though.

ok, our aperances have been changed, but they know at least i have escaped, they probably think you're dead"

they came closer to the hospital, on the outside they saw some cops talking on their radios, clearly calling in reinforcements, the cop they left behind probably reported the direction they were heading.

"rats... ok THIS TIME don't go killing them... thats already set us back enough"
"I learned the first time stupid dog!" She hit him on the head and parked the car getting out. She walked around the car and signed for the guys to stay. The nurse she talked to on the phone came to greet Rocky and Makoto having everything she asked for. She put on the coat though it didn't really fit with the ruffled pink dress she was wearing. She showed a card to the police so they wouldn't bug them. From Rocky's view it was a carpet cleaners card but from the cop's it was two doctors name tags.

Nicki looked at Marco a bit scared of and fir him."Marco? Do you remember me?" She asked and pulled away his hand holding it.

"I learned the first time stupid dog!" She hit him on the head and parked the car getting out. She walked around the car and signed for the guys to stay. The nurse she talked to on the phone came to greet Rocky and Makoto having everything she asked for. She put on the coat though it didn't really fit with the ruffled pink dress she was wearing. She showed a card to the police so they wouldn't bug them. From Rocky's view it was a carpet cleaners card but from the cop's it was two doctors name tags.

Nicki looked at Marco a bit scared of and fir him."Marco? Do you remember me?" She asked and pulled away his hand holding it.
Marco took the hand off Nikki, he pointed clumsily at himself "Ma... c...c...c..ma...koo?" he tilted his head, then stared off in to space, he looked at his legs and lifted one then let it flop down on the bed... not only his mind was different, his body was like it was back in the Slenderman's world, toned, muscular... fit, if he had a body like that, and his mind as it was, then Nikki would have had some competition for him, but alas his mind seemed shot.

some staff came in the door, grabbing Nikki by the shoulders "please miss, he needs to be examined..."

Rocky put on the doctor's coat, going in with Makoto "okay, this is clearly not the first time you've been to earth... i think you should explain yourself after we've taken care of business"

at the reception dest he looked at the receptionist, he put on a heavy african accent.

"excuse me miss? I am doctor Zaib Nakir, cuold you please tell me where the young man and woman who were bought in earlier are? two caucasian, late teens, one male one female?"

"uhh yeah lemme check... AH! third floor... huh, the area the boy is in has gone into lockdown, some real violent happenings up there, ad the girl, down the hall, room 309"

"thank you..."

he went along with Makoto "right, we'll take the stairs"

they took the stairs 2 at a time.
Nicki turned kicking their ankle making them fall right on their face."Nothing you do will help!" she hissed and sniffled pulling marco up."come on we have to go!" she said hoping he would understand her as she made her way out. Makoto sighed once at the top. she waited for rocky to lead not knowing much about hospitals since shes never been in one.
Marco went slowly, unsurely, he had no sense of direction, as soon as she let go of him, he had no idea what to do, he was soon distracted by some other sounds.

Rocky got to the floor "come on! we're almost there!"

they came around a corner to see Nicki, and behind her was Marco

"ah thank the gods, come on you two! we need to go!" he saw Marco wasn't going "man, whats up with him? he looks bad..."

Marco looked at Rocky, his off-coloured eyes studying him slowly

"i'll go get him"

Rocky ran up to Marco "come on bro! we need to go, right now!"

he grabbed Marco's wrist, but Marco didn't budge "what the.. come... ugh! OOOON!" in barely a second, Marco's face screwed up into an upset face, pulled rocky towards him, as if he were just a baby pup playing tug-of-war, and with a strike to his chest, he sent rocky flying back down the hall, smashing into the wall near Nicki and Makoto, leaving a large hole in the wall and Rocky disoriented "jesus!... haven't taken a hit like that since that Giant incident" long story short, he got his ass handed to him by a giant some years previous, including being sent flying when the giant hit him with a thick branch being used as a club.

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