Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

(So after Oswin and Tony leave to go drink, Carlos just starts wandering around? 'Cause Oswin is kind of talking to Tony with the intent that Carlos isn't there to hear it.)
Whoever this guy was, he was very lucky to get in here. Carlos had decided to close the door and lock it. This guy didn't seem to notice him. "Bro, let me tell you how lucky you are to stumble upon this piece of paradise in this god forsaken wasteland. Want something to eat?" Carlos didn't have any food on him, but the pantry was stocked and this guy looked like he was in bad shape. "Here let me help you up." Carlos had helped the stranger to stand up. "Did you know there is going to be whole horde of Hazed bearing down on this general area soon?" Even if the stranger took sometime to respond it would at least shake off his doubts about Oswin. 
(Unknowingly decided to run into new guy xD )
He looked up toward the stranger. His mind to slow to even comprehend what was happening. Hi tears had dried up but the blood on his feet still ran down like a stream. He blinked several times as he tried to muster a word from his dry mouth. " h..huh" Paradise he thought. What part of this was paradise. Paradise was a world with everything you could ever imagine. Fruit that is fresh with no insects or carrying disease with them. Food, never ending food that would last you for years upon years. People, nice people. Those who cherish you even if your not family. Love ones and happiness, play grounds and stores. What part of this was Paradise. He questioned this man, maybe he was messed up in the head. "..paradise." Those words, were not meant for this place. This run down building with holes and unstable doors.

(lol hey there)
[a load of OOC things, basically this. everyone is up in the rooms except for you and David, there's a new guy and I just ran into him. and Oswin and Carlos did "that" that's about it. Oswin, Lucas and Tony are drunk...I think. Silent Howling . Hello and welcome to Haze, where almost everything is OOC xD ]

He looks out of it. Carlos decided to support the guy and lead him to elevator going up to the rooms. I'll just have to vouch for this guy and take responsibility. Carlos could never really leave anyone in a roughed up state such as this and just let them die. They had reached the elevator and Carlos had pressed the button to bring them up. "By the way I'm Carlos and welcome to the Madness...uhhh....what's your name?" He had greeted the stranger. He still didn't know the guy's name. He still couldn't forget about Oswin, He didn't know if she deserved him, if anything she deserves better than me.
He looked p toward him, his hair getting in the way of his sight as he coughed a little. "Eimin." He said in a raspy low voice. Almost cutting off when he hit the n in his name. He sighed when he heard madness. That was the right term for it all, but I think hell summed it up better than madness. "Where are you taking me "
"I'm taking you to where the food is. The people in here are insane, but I'll vouch for you, it would at least stop them from doing anything stupid to you." Carlos had replied with a stupid grin on his face, not really sure if Eimin could see it. They had reached their intended destination. He led Eimin to a room and had him sit down. Carlos passed the drunken duo in the kitchen ignoring them completely and said a quick greeting to Lucas as he proceeded to get some food and a drink for Eimin. He returned to where he left him a few moments later.
(OH. WELL. xD *deletes former post and makes new one*)

Oswin looked over her shoulder at Carlos. She didn't know whether to feel angry or alone or upset. Either way, she didn't really want to strike up a conversation, but she couldn't help herself since the alchahol was making her lose her better judgement. "I heard another voice," she said, hiding any emotion in her voice, "Let me guess. Another new guy?"
"Yeah, they stumbled onto this place. He looked roughed up, so yeah I helped him." He shouted before he entered the room with the newcomer. I'll have to sit her down and talk to her when she gets sober and new guy gets squared away.
(Ill just watch the two of you right now. I don't know what I can do at this point, and I doubt she could get sober that quickly. xD ) 
(Unless you have some kind of idea, bc I think Goddess went offline)
He watched him leave and took a seat on a small chair, that looked like it could break any moment. His stomach growled as he looked around the room anxiously. Vouch for me he thought, why would he. He sniffed and smelled something like food. His face almost lit up as he looked toward where carlos had walked off to
Carlos had reentered the room and set down a tray of food in front of Eimin, it wasn't a buffet, but it would have to do. I've never really eaten as well, but first thing is first. "How did you come to find this building?" He asked Eimin with a straight face.
His eyes widened as he smiled. His lips cracking from his unchapped lips. "th..thank you." He took the first type of food and shoved it into his mouth. He kept stuffing his face, as he barly listened to carlos but he was able to hear his question. " I was running away from some people who were chasing after me, I didn't really know who they were, because I never paid attention to what my mother said." He looked up at him as he continued to shove the food into his mouth
"Well those people won't be bothering you...ever." Carlos had an unconscious smile for on his lips as he said the last word. "A whole horde of Hazed will be overrunning the area soon. You're lucky you're not out in the open, you're lucky I found you. Anyone else from the group might have killed you on the spot." Again he was vaguely aware of a slightly psychotic grin on his face. "So anything else you need? We have medical supplies, a lab and an armory with weapons in this building."
As he continued to shovel food in his mouth as he looked up. A smile spread acrossed his face as he looked up at him. " water ..shower....um bandages and neoporin , chapstick anything like that." He was becoming lively again, his hair turning from pale white to having a small color, along with his skin and his nails. The food was refreshing , as it began to fill him. He was truly grateful and smiled up to carlos. " thank you , my life is in your debt."
"Shower? I think this place has those." In truth, Carlos was not sure about the shower he had never checked. "As for the others, they could be found in the clinic near the ground floor." He was trying his best to be helpful. Eimin started to look better, he looked brighter than before too. What about me? I must look like a corpse already. He had kept the statement to himself and chuckled a bit at his own joke. "Well, I guess you are here with us for now. You could leave after the horde moves on." He was telling Eimin about his options.
He finished his food and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He gave him a stern force as he looked up at him. " you are not a corpse you are lively well you look lively." Eimin used the water to splash on his hair which gave it the original color it should be. Pure white like snow. It would take a while before his face and skin would be better like it was. He smiled up toward carlos as he stood up. thank you again" He held out his hand , for a handshake of some sort, " Oh i'll stay here with you."
Carlos had shook Eimin's hand. "Pleasure is all mine, I should go around and check the facilities now, If you feel bored there's a shooting range and some guns at the armory, just don't use up all the ammo." He said so as a faint smile formed on his lips. "If they decide to give you trouble, just drop my name, it may not carry much weight here, but at least the heat goes to me." 
( been playing too much Metro: Last Light. I keep reading my own character's words with a russian accent xD )

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