Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

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{We should do this.} 
{Tony should bust out the booze.}



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Oswin pulled away from Carlos's lips as the others burst through the door. "Dammit," she muttered, "No one here has heard of knocking, apparently." She narrowed her eyes, "And can we drop the whole sex thing?"

(Sorry for shamefully short post.)
Tony nodded gratefully. "Yes, we can." His mind was racing. He wanted to do exactly what they were doing with Lucas, but he knew Lucas was still in pain. He wouldn't do it with Lucas. He needed, "Hey, you guys want a drink?"
Oswin couldn't recount the last time she had had a drink. Several months? Maybe a year? She had forgotten what alchahol even tasted like. She wanted to remember.

"Yeah, a drink would be nice," she answered with a half-sincere smile.
Tony smirked. "Well, put some pants on and you can have on." He smiled and walked out of the room and back to his own. Lucas was still standing in the doorway, with an eyebrow raised. "We are going to have a drink." Lucas frowned at that.

"But you said you weren't going to drink anymore."

"Well, babe," Tony spread his hands out in front of him. "It will just be one or two. Im not going to get drunk." Lucas's frown softened a bit. "I won't get drunk. I promise." Lucas nodded and went back into their room, grabbing a book, and laid down to read.

{He is laid back after surgery.}
Oswin sighed, hopping out of the bed. She then gave Carlos a kiss on the tip of his nose. "Come along if you'd like," she told him softly. She then left the room, crossing the hall into Tony and Lucas's room. She poked her head in the doorway. "How are you feeling, Lucas?"

(Btw, Oswin had already but her clothes back on a few posts back)
Lucas looked up and smiled. "I feel alright. Im tired though." He looked at Tony and his eyes widened. Tony was watching Lucas hungrily, and looked like he was going to jump him. "Go get a drink Tony." Lucas looked anxious. Like he wanted Tony out of the room. He looked over at Oswin, as Tony took a step towards Lucas. He gave her a look. Get him out of here please.

{I know, but Tony doesn't}
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(Oswin, not Maeve xD )

Oswin smirked, understanding Lucas's uncomfortable-ness.

"Wow, I am REALLY looking forward to that drink," she said rather loudly, "Tony, why don't you come help me grab everything." With that, she grabbed his wrist and yanked him out the door. "We'll be back in a minute, Lucas!"
{Sorry. I changed it. I got home and found a mess on my counter top.}

Tony walked after her. "The kitchen is that door at the end." He opened the door, revealing a fully stocked bar in one corner, and a huge kitchen in the other. "Help yourself to anything in here." He walked over to the bar and pulled a bottle down. He opened it and debated with himself for a second, before starting to chug it straight from the bottle. 
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{I found this in my kitchen}



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Oswin snorted as Tony began to chug a full bottle of alchahol. She grabbed a bottle of whiskey and a shotglass, pouring the whiskey to the rim. She then raided the pantry (sex made her rather hungry), and hopped up on one of the bar stools, devouring a bag if potato chips and washing it down with whiskey. "My God," she said, "that is some strong sh*t." 
(Christ, Lucas. xD )
{100 PAGES! Oh, and remember he promised Lucas he wasn't going to get drunk.}

Tony looked over at her with cloudy eyes. "Yeah." He looked back at the bottle and started with more chugging. He was distracted. Had to get his mind off of things. And what better way then to get drunk?

{I know, I picked my self a keeper. And I found out there was more to it. I got home and I was like this to Tony.}

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Oswin poured more whiskey into her shot glass, followed by chugging it down in one gulp.

"I thought," Oswin said with a dazed, almost drunken hiccup, "you said you weren't going to get drunk."
"That was a lie." Tony looked down at the bottle. "And he knows it too." He sighed and put the, now empty, bottle down and grabbed another off the shelf. "He knows I don't do well around alcohol." Tony looked down at the counter and started tracing random patterns with his finger.
Oswin sighed, gulping down one more gulp of whiskey (this time from the bottle; her hands were shaking). She slammed down the bottle, aware that it apparently didn't take long to get drunk in her small body.

"Y'know," she said, trying with all of her might to keep her words from slurring, "When people drink, it usually reflects an emotional issue. Even though I think I'm too drunk to care, is there anything you need to get off your chest or something?" Oswin hiccuped again, this time in a full drunk mode. 
(*throws '100 pages' celebration confetti*)
Tony sighed. "A long time ago, I got drunk. I went outside and passed out on the street. Lucas found me and dragged me home. He stayed with me the entire night, taking care of me, and I payed him back by forcing him to do something he wasn't comfortable with." Tony looked down at his hand. "I stabbed him in the back and he still remained by my side. He went through countless experiments and operations for me. He......" Tony hesitated "officially lost his virginity for me. He did things, he was scared of doing, just because he asked me to." Tony smiled in remembrance. "We would go on dates and be a couple." The smile faded. "And then he got infected." Tony scowled as he thought. "Everything changed because his own father infected him." Tony covered his face with his hand. "He dumped me the next morning." He looked over at her with tears in his eyes. "Thats why its such a big deal he's here. He has finally come back to me, and Im not letting him go again. Because honestly." Tony took a deep breath and took his hand away from his face. "I love him for than anything." 
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{I have to go now. Please dont post a lot. Maeve, you and I are in the same time zone. I think ill be back on at either 9:00pm or 10:00-10:30am.}



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Oswin folded her arms on the table, resting her chin on the top. "I'm sorry," she said softly, "Lucas is lucky to have someone who worries about him so much. And I'm not hitting on you, I swear. I have Carlos. I think. I don't even know anymore. I feel like I don't know anything at this point." She took a shaky breath, not even really realizing the fact that she was venting to him like he had to her.

"I mean, we kissed. We had sex. I should be happy, right? But...he's still so DISTANT. I've only known him for about a day, but I feel like I've known him my whole life. I sometimes think...I'm falling in love him...but...I don't know if he's doing the same. Or if I REALLY love him. Love isn't supposed to be a thing based on kissing and sex. Or is it? God, this is so confusing." She took another swig from the whiskey bottle, as if it would solve the problem. 
(M'kay. I think we are. I'll wait for ya.)
Carlos had just stood there watching everything play out. They are going to get drunk, why am I not surprised? He remembered David saying something about a horde of Haze coming through the area. I don't know if they are here already or not. He decided to go down and check. As the elevator had descended several thoughts entered his head. What if I find my parents among the horde? What happened to Zwei and David? Are they still down at the lab? Does she actually love me? The last one had cast doubt over him, as the elevator doors opened and he took a step out. First thing is first, I should check on the back door. By this time, Carlos had less difficulty navigating the corridors around the complex. He had reached the door and was about to close it when he had seen someone running towards this place. "Seriously Tony, How popular is this place?"
Running into the building, once again tripping over his own feet. His body slammed hard in to the ground. The flooring banged against his chest making him cough a little. He had lost the people for now, but he knew they would find him shortly. He slowly sat up, his skinny hand putting itself on his chest as he coughed again. When he fell it felt like a bullet almost penetrating his chest. It was painful and undesirable to say the least. He had looked around, trying to get his mind of the ringing pain in his body. The building was tall and had many floors But it was old and ran down. He sighed as he shook his head, he couldn't stay here. Not in these conditions or the fact that they were close on his tail. His eyes wandered from the building to his feet. His eyes in shock as they began to bleed, his veins clear as day. His bone could almost pop out of his skin if they wanted to. He ran his hand over it, unwilling his eyes began to tear. Holding his mouth with his other hand that decided to leave the chest he began to cry. He was in such a horrible state, and he couldn't do anything about it.

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