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Fantasy Hawthorne Academy


"Oh really? Maybe I should start putting a price on them. $5 per kiss, $10 on the lips. They're a premium product, you know."

Lyra rolled her eyes and said, "Oh, please. Don't pretend you don't love it."

She hoisted her bag over her shoulder and she heard Mars's phone buzz, and nodded when his index finger popped up, telling her to "hang on". She and Mars were the last two in class. . .even Liam had gone. Probably to go meet Crysta. The president, leaning back on a desk, pulled out her own phone. Seeing that she had no messages, the girl frowned. Her mother had promised to send a message sometime on the last day of school, but Lyra's inbox remained empty. It was odd, since the woman was supposed to swing by the school to pick up both Lyra and Isaak so they could all fly to Germany, yet Lyra nor Isaak had gotten any real "confirmation".

"Seems Gwen wants us to hang out with her. Have any idea where she might be?"

Lyra looked up and dropped her phone back into her bag. She sucked in her cheeks, thinking for a moment. Of course, the president knew Gwen's usual spots, but texting her was probably better than wandering aimlessly around the campus in the freezing cold. After a few seconds of thinking, the girl muttered, "I'm not sure. . .ask her!"

Anthony looked at his phone and frowned. "Pfft figures I want to hang out and she's busy. Whatever I got Isaak to deal with in a few minutes anyways." Anthony stepped outside and immediately shivered pulling his jacket up to cover his nose. "As always i'm alive but i'm alone." He stood in the back of the school and gave a sigh his breathe highly visible. "Where are you Isaak?"
"I'm not sure. . .ask her!"

Mars flipped his phone back around and started composing a text. "Good idea. By the way, that comment from before about charging you for kisses was a joke. It was probably obvious, but I don't want you to stop just because you believe you can't afford it. That would definitely suck for me." He chuckled lightly, still looking at his phone.

To: Gwen

We'd be happy to hang out, but we first need to know where you are.


Stuffing his phone back into his pocket, Mars picked his bag up and stood from his seat. He wrapped his arms around himself in an attempt to heat himself up, still shivering. One would think it would be easy for Mars to keep warm, but his body temperature was naturally higher than normal and took a dramatic drop in the cold, and in order to bring his temperature back up it would require a dangerous amount of heat that is only suited for combat. It was odd, but he needed to just deal with it for only a few more weeks until his cold resistance kicked in. "So, do you know when exactly you're leaving to go with your family? I can't remember if you'd told me before, but it would be nice to know exactly how much more time I have to spend with you."

"So, do you know when exactly you're leaving to go with your family? I can't remember if you'd told me before, but it would be nice to know exactly how much more time I have to spend with you."

Lyra frowned as she stopped leaning on the desk. A barely audible sigh escaped her lips, and she mumbled, "I really don't know. My mother said she'd text me with details, but she hasn't yet. . .so. . .well, you know, there's always the chance that she sent something to Isaak, right?"

She ran hair fingers through her hair and quickly pulled her gloves and beanie from her bag. After placing the navy blue hat on her head and tugging on the rainbow knit gloves, she was ready to go. Her outfit was hopelessly mismatched. A navy blue beanie, rainbow gloves, white coat, bright blue pants and black boots wasn't exactly the best combination, but at least she was warm.

"I mean, you have at least until 6:00 a.m." she grinned. Her smile faded when she notice the boy shivering, and she did what any good girlfriend would do. She swung her arms around him and said, "BY THE POWER OF GRAYSKULL, YOU WILL STOP SHIVERING!"

And she unleashed a wave of intense snuggles, hoping that the friction would keep him warm. Of course, to any normal human being, it would be a little strange to see a girl wriggling like a maniac on some unsuspecting boy in a deserted classroom, but this hadn't crossed her mind.
Calista didn't expect her prayers to be answer but it seemed it did, jumping into the air surprised to hear a voice and turned her attention to Tekis who stood there before her with his cold, emotionless expressions that Calista still couldn't get used to. Fiddling with her glasses, Calista again couldn't meet his eyes just like earlier. The way his eyes stared at her made Calista feel as if he was staring right into her soul and if she was to face him head on, she may have a heartattack from how he would be very scary to look at up close.

Mustering up her strength to speak, she opened her mouth but hesitated a bit,"T-tekis... U-umm... I-i was j-j-just looking f-for the a-art room b-but then e-e-everywhere looked t-the same s-so..." Calista managed to say, her words trailed off to show that Tekis's guess was right that she was lost but Calista didn't want to admit it yet. Then Tekis's words caught her off guard as he seemed to worry about her, Calista surprised to see that he would care but it made her happy to know that Tekis was nice, her tense feeling ease a bit,"A-ah... I-i'll do that then." Calista said playing with a strand of her hair as silence took place with Tekis smoking off again,"A-are you s-stressed?" Calista finally asked breaking the silence between them but quickly covered her lips,"N-no I mean w-w-well... w-when people s-s-smoke... t-they're usually s-stressed." Calista explained waving her hand in defense but then looked over to a nearby window to see that it was pretty late.

Grabbing her bag, Calista pulled out a piece of gum and handed it over to Tekis, offering him it,"H-here... Gum is more better than s-smoking... U-umm... G-good night Tekis." Calista said before running off down the dark hallways leaving Tekis behind but she glanced back to say something,"I-i'll b-be fine! T-thank you!" Calista called out, her face flushed at how silly she was to call something out in the middle of the hallways but it did make her feel happy to know Tekis cared, skipping off to her dorm.


The seasons of Summer and Fall flew by fast as winter was already here. Everywhere was covered in a sheet of white blanket and the air was colder than before. No matter where you look, there were many students wearing scarfs and mittens to keep themselves warm, thick, long clothing and smiles all around platter on their faces though Calista wasn't too happy since many things had happen these past months. Surprisingly, she started dating Geno (@Kriyze ) after confessing their feelings to one another. At first, it was all good, Geno was really a romantic guy and was really sweet that Calista could never get tired of him but that was a lie after meeting "Secret Admirer" or Anthony (@Holo ) in this case.

While dating Geno, she strangely got messages after messages, letters, after letters, gifts after gifts all at her door or on her phone from "Secret Admirer" and every time she got a letter or a message it always touched her heart at how sweet they were. All of them would always be filled with so much love and sweet words that Calista's feelings started to change without Calista noticing it until that one faithful day when she finally realized that her feelings for Geno were slowly disappearing. That day must have been one of Calista's most depressing moments, the sight of seeing Geno staring at her with emotionless eyes before just leaving her without a word.

Calista felt guilty of it all and from then on they're relationship crumbled until they became distant, strangers to one another. Though on the outside Calista was usually cheerful, her heart would break bit by bit seeing Geno that she would cry each night saying a soft sorry that she could never say to Geno in person. Calista would always be reminded of those days with Geno and how they would always smile to one another, seeing Geno's smiles that he rarely show... now she had took all that from him and wherever she went, Geno was always having a sad look that if Calista could just give him one hug, she would but she couldn't. It would only cause hopes of them getting back together and hurt Geno more than he was now.

Besides her relationship problems, she had a great time making friends with everyone and chatting with them. She even got to meet Geno's sister, Gwen (@Kriyze ), who was at first a bit cold to her but she soon warmed up to Calista though Calista understood why Gwen would be cold to her since she was the cause of Geno's cold attitude. Bottling up all her feelings, Calista only have shown fake smiles and soft giggles but other than that, she felt that she didn't deserve to be happy and took all the blame. She haven't told anyone how cooped up she is being with her feelings nor has she let Gwen or Lyra (@Rai-Chan ) know of it desperate them be roommates.

Going on with life, the only thing so far that has been keeping her on her feet was Anthony and his letters. Reading his text messages and being with him made her feel at ease taking away all the pain she had been holding in. She had never told Anthony about her problems and haven't plan to tell him anytime soon. Right now, she was only trying to mend the broken bridge between her and Geno, wanting to be friends like before but things like that wasn't easy for them.


Sitting in her room, Calista was hugging her pillow close to her chest staring out the window at the snow wonderland outside, her mind a bit fuzzy after a while of some sobbing. What a complicated girl she was, why was she even crying when Geno was the one hurt here but it was her fault for it... she deserved to be hated by him. Wiping her tears, Calista tried to stop her pathetic feelings and sighed. The past months, Calista had changed a bit. She was still the timid, shy girl she was but she seemed more distant than before and her expressions seemed to be more forced as if trying to hide her pain though she hides it well.

She haven't let anyone close to her other than Anthony and a few others like Blake (@magikarpfever ), Lyra, Gwen, Veronica ( @Sunasa ), and Tekis ( @Nalzrad ). There were a few others that she was friends with like Aleksander ( @Akihito ) but it has been a while since she last spoke with him since she wasn't as close with him as before and she didn't want to get involved with him since he had a girlfriend. She mostly has a distaste for love since it would remind her of the times with Geno though being short, it were memorable times that she truly did cherished.

Placing her hand onto the cold transparent glass as it froze her hands, she heard a soft buzz coming from her pillow. Digging under it she pulled out her phone and turned it on to see who had texted her. It wasn't a surprise to her to see Anthony being the one to text her, a small smile formed on her lips as she read the text, replying to it a bit late after getting a little distracted.

In for a little combat practice?
Sorry for the late reply. I don't mind. When/Where should we meet?

Once she had got that done, she went off to clean herself up. Putting some warm clothing and pulling on her brown boots, Calista took a deep breath before walking out of her room off to meet with Anthony once he reply where they will meet. Seeing the bright light up ahead, Calista shielded her eyes from the bright morning sun shining over the white layer of snow reflecting a beautiful scenery that could take anyone's breath away. Staring in awe, Calista couldn't bring herself to ruin the fine beauty but she knew that it would soon be trampled by students walking back and forth.

Walking into the cold morning, she pulled down her scarf to let out her breath and was able to see her breath fly and vanish into nothing. It was fun to see her breath but she didn't have time to play running off in the snow leaving her footprints behind as she go. Walking around the schoolgrounds, Calista took her time to enjoy the wonderful season that she loved so much, twirling in the snow and letting her hair collect the falling snowflakes. While she was playing around, she noticed a familiar figure up ahead and ran up to it seeing that it was Tekis sitting in the snow... without a shirt?

"T-tekis?" Calista called out without thinking and blushed covering her mouth but stared at Tekis confused why he was in the cold without a shirt on,"I-it's cold out... W-what are y-you doing w-without a-a-a s-shirt?" Calista asked embarrassed at how weird it sounded coming from her mouth, while looking away from Tekis not wanting to see a man's bare chest so early in the morning.



Shinji felt something soft touch him as he stirred in his sleep, his eyes fluttered open to see a blurry figure next to him but he knew that it was someone he knew and loved. Placing a hand over Blake's hand, he pulled off his mask and placed a kiss on every single finger that Blake had before smiling lovingly to Blake,"Hello love..." Shinji mumbled out with a hint of British accent while sitting up from the hard ground to stretch his tired body and letting out a loud yawn,"Seems I fell asleep but now that you're here..." Shinji trailed off while throwing Blake over his shoulder and grin,"Time for round two.~" Shinji chimed ignoring Blake's shouts as he carried him along to their dorm.


After four months, Shinji and Blake's relationship have grown more and more. Though they would sometimes have their lover quarrels from time to time, they were inseparable and only grew more closer to understand one another. Neither of them have told yet about their past but it didn't matter much to the two as they continue their everlasting days loving one another and enjoying each others company. Shinji had also been able to open up his orientation to Geno ( @Kriyze ) who accepted him instantly, not caring much about his gay relationship. Shinji was able to even introduce Geno to his lover who everyone knew as "The Secretary of the Student Council, Blake" and they seemed to get along fine with one another though it was awkward in some ways.

Shinji was shocked to find out that Calista was dating Geno before but they broke up after a bit. Shinji would sometimes come visit Calista to check on her but she always seemed to push him away not wanting him to "miss his chances with Blake" which was true but also a ridiculous excuse for her to make. School was all the same with nothing changing though he did meet some people like a boy named Luke Bell ( @Larry ), a guy he bumped into who also wore a mask and shockingly they had a LOT in common, and a boy named Anthony ( @Holo ), Calista's "stalker" who Shinji wasn't fond with at first but he got used to the guy after getting to know him a bit. Shinji was still getting used to being with other people but besides that, holidays were coming up soon and Shinji had made many plans for that day to come for his lover, Blake... I wonder what he has in store for his lover?

---DUN DUN DUN!---

Shinji grumbled in his sleep, opening his eyes to be blinded by the bright light coming from the blinds. Turning away from the light, Shinji felt himself falling as he fell off the edge of the bed and onto the floor with a "Oof" and a loud "Thump" to awake anyone in the morning. Groaning in pain, Shinji rubbed his head and sighed, getting up from the floor with only a boxer on. His hair looked like a bird just came in and used his hair as a nest, messy from last night. Letting out a yawn, Shinji's eyes falling on Blake who was sleeping on the bed next to him. Crawling back onto the bed, Shinji cuddle close to Blake and nibbled at his ear playfully,"Blake, wake up." Shinji whispered into his ear still snuggling into Blake's neck, his nose brush against Blake's bright red hair that always felt so soft and smooth but this time it was tickling him, Shinji letting out a soft chuckle.


-I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT! It took me a while to do it but I finally got it sorry again for everyone who waited ;w;-
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Anthony smiled when his phone pinged as if two wood blocks had clashed. "Oh really. Ok well I better just meet her."

In for a little combat practice?
Sorry for the late reply. I don't mind. When/Where should we meet?
Meet me at the front gate i'll buy us some lunch in town.

Anthony then took off running for the front gate to the school. The thought of hanging out with Calista making him run faster.

--------------------------------------------- Ambrogino Friar ---------------------------------------------

He saw Kahra's little performance, and a couple months ago, he'd probably be like WTF, but he'd started getting used to it. She wasn't the only person around here who spontaneously broke into acts. "O-o-o-o-oh, HI Geno!" He smiled, it was actually kind of funny. "Hey Kahra. That was a beautiful performance." He said with a laugh. "Hello Geno! I'm glad I got to see you before we all head out. I'm feeling fine although Kahra is still sick. I don't mind spending sometime with our good friend, do you Kahra?" He felt pretty damn happy. He was pretty introverted, but meeting with these awesome people always made him happy. "Likewise, Aleks. Would've been a shame if the last thing I said to you was 'Oh shit'." He thought back at his latest conversation with Aleks, and how he'd fucked up his experiment. Man, temperature was hard to control. Luckily nothing important burned down.

The most beautiful jingle played from his phone. Not because it was a good jingle, no no. It was awful. It was because he knew who it meant. Rafaela. "Wait, I gotta read this." He picked up his phone and opened the message.

To: GenoBaby


Oh, I'm at the dining hall right now. I'm cheating on you with a mug of hot chocolate, if you can make it in time I might let this become a threesome. Your choice. ;)

He giggled. A few months ago he'd probably go pale and run away at a message like this, but this was Raph. He couldn't expect anything else. He looked up at Aleks and Kahra. "I'm sure you two would like some alone time on the last day anyway, right? I seem to have someone I need to go steal chocolate from." He gave them a wave and hurried off.

To: Rafaela da Silva Santos

No! Keep your tits warm!
I kinda like those. And I'm coming over right now. This "hot chocolate" you're talking about is dead!

Man, writing like that wasn't like him, though he liked the effect Raph had on him.

He more or less came flying through the door of the cafeteria, and skidded to a stop. He got quite a lot of looks from other students, but he didn't care. Raph was the only one he was focused on. He quickly scanned the scene, and noticed her sitting with her back against him. He snuck up, and placed a peck on her cheek. He proceeded to jump down into the seat next to her. "You have this weird effect on me, and I love it. Whatcha up to?"

--------------------------------------------- Gwendolyn Friar ---------------------------------------------

To: Gwen

Hiya! Just finished packing. Sounds great! I'll be there in five!

Five? But Gwen was already bored. What was she supposed to do for five minutes? She laid down on the bench and groaned loudly. Mars hadn't responded yet, so what was up with that? She looked at her phone, and was only reminded of the time, which wasn't exactly a happy thing for her. Suddenly a jingle played. She looked at her messages.

To: Gwen

We'd be happy to hang out, but we first need to know where you are.

Oh. Yeah, Gwen could see how that part was useful. Her bad, her bad. She quickly wrote a response.

To: Saturn- I mean Mars

WHOOPS. We're just outside the dorms, we'll wait for ya!

Send. Man, where was Cylv- "Hey, Gwen!" Cylva stood right there shivering in the cold. Gwen smiled, and responded "Cylva!" Cylva came up and hugged her. "Excited to go home for the break?" Gwen faked a pout. She was too happy in Cylva's company to get insulted. "You know I ain't." "My mother's being alllllll sorts of weird. She's really excited..." "Well, at least you've got one that wants to see you! You should be happy!" "So? How about it? Aren't you just dying to go back home?" Gwen leaned back and pouted slightly. "More like I'll go home and just die... But I've told you about how my family is, haven't I? Richass bastards." She kicked the closest pile of snow, as if to show what she'd like to do to them. The snow flew up, melted into water, and turned back into ice before missing a couple students just barely. Gwen scratched her neck excusingly, and shouted a short "Sorry!", before turning back to Cylva. "We're waiting for Lyra and Mars, by the way."

Rafaela couldn't take that thought out off her mind. To go, or not to go? Almost all of the students were going back to their family, but she? Well, she had a family, she just didn't know if they thought her family as well. The last time they saw her, she was locked in a white room filled with doctors and nurses that labelled her criminally insane and possibly schizophrenic. She knew the risks of trying to find them again, they could accept her, or deny her. Was it really worth it? For now, a lovely song interrupted her thoughts. Geno. I love you. Raph picked up her phone a little too desperately for her own taste, but she was eager to think about something else at the moment. And Geno saved her just in time.

To: Rafaela da Silva Santos

No! Keep your tits warm!
I kinda like those. And I'm coming over right now. This "hot chocolate" you're talking about is dead!

Rafaela laughed softly as she read the message. Really, Geno was something else. She never thought she could be able to love someone like this, and she was a really loving person. Raph got lost in her thoughts once again. She was doing that a lot lately, perhaps she should start worrying. This time, it wasn't a lovely tune that brought her back to the real world. It was the feeling of something soft on her cheek. Something soft and really kissable. Geno's lips.

"You have this weird effect on me, and I love it. Whatcha up to?"

"I know you do." Rafaela said with a smirk on her face. "Oh you know. Just enjoying this lovely chocolate." The smirk was still visible from behind the mug as she took a sip, her eyes on Geno. However, the smirk turned into a more genuine and soft smile as she put the mug down. "I just wanted to stay with you today. You're going back to your family during the break, right? That means a heckuva time without you." She made a pause before continuing, as if contemplating what she would say next, or if she should. "And I think I'm going back to Brazil, not for too long. I have some unfinished business there." The brunette took Geno's hand and squeezed it, her big lips forming a pout. "I'm going to miss you."

"I-it's cold out... W-what are y-you doing w-without a-a-a s-shirt?"

Tekis did not move, nor open his eyes. "Hello, Calista." his eyes did not open. "I'm meditating... The way I meditated when I had some sense of emotions." Tekis cracked a slight smile, this was his first smile in a very long time. "You see, I can't feel the cold... At all. Before I even unlocked my power, a kind old man used to train me deep in southern Lithuania, on top of the mountains where is always snowed. He used to push me to my limits, while I was just in my shorts, but I kept on going. Sure, I was whining a lot, but what kept me going was the old man's smile... And his amazing hot chocolate of course!" Tekis cracked a bigger smile. "Without him..." Tekis paused; "I would not be here".

Tekis felt strange, to feel happy again. He felt slightly awkward, showing some sort of emotions to any human. Tekis smile slowly died down, his face resembled a slightly angry emotion. "But then one day... A group of salvage bandits raided our cottage..." Tekis began to sound more angry. "They stole all of our belongings; and.... Did horrible things" Tekis started to get uneasy, getting angrier by the second. "The old man could not take it so he passed away... At that moment... Anger was the emotion that unlocked my power hidden within my mind." Tekis seemed very upset and angry, though he maintained his meditation without moving. Smoky black particles emitted from the scars of of Tekis. "They hurt the old man... So I HURT THEM!". Tekis shouted.

After that scary ordeal, Tekis slowly went back to normal. He seemed much more revealed. "Sorry about that, I haven't told that story to anyone before... That got a lot of pain of my chest; thank you" Tekis smiled. What is this feeling? Is this happiness? It feels weird. I guess I'm just not used to it... Do people hug to show appreciation? Or shake hands? I have no idea as to what I should do... Why am I always like this? Dumbass... Tekis turned around, facing away from Calista. WHAT IS THIS? TEARS?! I NEVER WEEP!! NEVER!!! A single tear rolled down Tekis' cheek, however he stayed silent, so Calista would not realize that he is crying. Old man.... You were so good to me... Those bastards came and took your life away... I'm going to come back to your grave this break, old man. And hunt down any other bandits from their guild... Bastards. Tekis was silent, the tear rolled down the cheek and hit the snow, making a visible tiny wet circle on the floor. Tekis quickly put his foot on it so Calista would not see...

"I have to thank you yet again... For hearing my story. You unlocked some of my emotions back, thank you" Tekis smiled. DO I HUG HER OR SHAKE HER HAND? WHY IS THIS SO COMPLICATED?!

[Aleksander Denucio]

Aleks nodded and smiled at Geno.

"Ah alright, have fun." He said kindly. He suspected Geno had gotten a text from Rafaela. Those two were a good couple. As were Aleks and Kahra, obviously. He smiled again while he and Kahra made into the commons. After taking a seat, he wrapped his arm around Kahra and just stayed there. Just some snuggle and cuddle action going on.

"You feeling any better? Want me to get you something to eat?" Aleks asked, smiling at her.

--------------------------------------------- Ambrogino Friar ---------------------------------------------

"I know you do." Geno smiled. It wasn't even the words that made him smile. Just her voice was enough. "Oh you know. Just enjoying this lovely chocolate." Geno faked an angry glare at the cup as she put the mug down. "I just wanted to stay with you today. You're going back to your family during the break, right? That means a heckuva time without you." "One heckuva time? I have no idea whether that means you're happy to leave me or not." "And I think I'm going back to Brazil, not for too long. I have some unfinished business there." Geno wondered what this 'unfinished' business was, but if she'd wanted to tell him she probably would've said it straight out. She pouted. She was so cute when she pouted.

"I'm going to miss you." "..." Geno didn't respond right away. It was typical his humor just to drag out on things for no reason. ".. And don't you think for a second that I won't miss you." He quickly leaned forward and embraced her. He couldn't hold himself from kissing her either. His lips met hers and shivers went down his spine, but in a good way. ".. Let's take this somewhere else, shall we? How about your dorm?"

Nuhhaeh smirked and stared at Flos, imprisoned by the webs he had spun - She appeared unconscious at this point, as the webs were woven to drain her of power and keep her in place, but perhaps she was still awake. It was difficult to tell, as the woman hadn't uttered a word for the passed year or two. Her eyes would occasionally flutter open, holding such a pathetic sadness that it almost made the spider-like immortal feel sorry for her. A shred of Nuhhaeh remained that told him this was cruel and that he should free Flos, but he pushed that thought down and out of his mind - What he was doing was for Flos. That was what everything was for, wasn't it?

The two were alone in the enormous cave he'd created for himself, other than the few giant bugs that had been trapped in his webs. Of course, this was no ordinary cave in no ordinary location. It was a cavern, protected by seemingly endless mountains and bottomless valleys, in one of the most desolate corners of the Otherworld. Monsters, all capable of killing whatever target they desired in a matter of seconds, swarmed the area. Of course, even if you were brave enough to try venturing to this place, it would no be so easily found. Only those with true darkness in their hearts would the path be revealed to. That is why Nuhhaeh chose it as his "home". . .he was drawn to it's power. Of course, Flos could hardly stand it. Just being there weakened her greatly. Letting out a long sigh, the spider dropped down to the goddess, hanging from a thick, sticky line of web. The closer her came to the ground, the more human he appeared to be. . .until, instead of eight legs touching the ground, it was two boots. He reached out, gently touching the woman's cold, smooth face.

"I'm sure you will learn to forgive me." he muttered.

Nuhhaeh turned away from Flos' prison and toward his crystal ball, which showed one of the last barriers between combining the human world and Otherworld into one. That threat was Hawthorne, the "school" dedicated to helping those with "gifts" progress in the world, with the fools it raised within posing a greater threat to him than Otherworld itself. If only he had been quicker and imprisoned the goddess before she could give out all of those bothersome gifts to those pesky brats. How she continued gifting them even after her capture, he did not know. His Flos was full of surprises.

In the most effective way he could think of to ensure Hawthorne was out of the way, he decided cutting it off from both worlds may just eliminate it as a threat.

It may, actually, eliminate it entirely. A sparkle appeared in Nuhhaeh's eye as the thought crossed his mind.
Checkmate. He thoughtfully stroked her stubbly chin as he pondered the idea. . .there was no doubt in his mind the Flos had gone through all of the trouble of creating an academy to try to stop him. An adequate attempt, but of course, 'twas to no avail. With a small smirk playing across his lips, he turned back to Flos, saying, "Well, my darling. . .it's time, now. How would you like to celebrate? Wine? Perhaps a slice of one of my freshest bugs?"

He was answered by silence. He always was.

"Well, my dear, say something! You're the one who's funding this little party, after all." he smiled, referring to how it was her power that was making the whole thing happen. Turning back to the crystal ball, his grin widened. He then waved a single hand over the crystal ball, and then began a sacred spell.

"Whedabra, tenpiswo sia plea. . .

Ihk flos, sia ithquentiv, si zklaen tir nomeno deed.

Dek'Seec, Dek'Seec, si sold wux svabol jahus sini,

Tluog sia dout powers,

Wer Otherworld geou soon clax coi ui|ulph goawy lae wer ergriff treskri.

Si zklaen Hawthorne, uliminate."

The acute shattering of glass filled the air as Nuhhaeh finished the spell, leaving a long, narrow crack through his crystal ball. She leaned forward, peering down into it. . .a low laugh escaped from him when the sky seeped from a cloudy grey to a bloody red to pitch black. The snow practically pelted down to earth, the ground rumbling violently. Nuhhaeh's laugh grew louder as the ear piercing screams of terrified students filled his ears. . .only it wasn't just the students screaming. It was Flos as well.

And then, his crystal completely shattered. As he backed up, his grin spread wider and wider. He looked back at Flos, who was writhing beneath the webs as she screamed in pain. The man approached her. . .except now he wasn't a man. He'd shriveled and twitched back into the spider he really was. He looked at her, and muttered, "I know it hurts now. . .but it will all be worth it, my dear."

And with that, he crawled back up his web, leaving the goddess in her anguish.



"You feeling any better? Want me to get you something to eat?"

Kahra sniffled again and she shook her head, nuzzling Aleksander's neck lovingly. She hadn't been very hungry since she'd gotten sick, and the only things she'd eaten for three days was two bowls of chicken noodle soup, about four packs of soda crackers, and a whole lot of water. She let out a yawn and mumbled against his neck, "I'm not hungry--"

Just then, a horrible shriek filled Kahra's ears. Almost reflexively, she jumped up and ran to a window. The sky was absolutely red. Kahra didn't notice it change to black, as she ground started to quake beneath her. Was this an earthquake? No. Earthquakes didn't cause the sky to turn red. She gasped as the panes of the windows cracked, and she did her best to back away from them. As they shattered completely, the glass flew inside, being pushed by a wind that was simply unnatural. One slashed across her cheekbone, and she let out a small cry of pain. Holding her hand to her fresh cut, she screamed, "DON'T GO OUTSIDE!"

Just then, all of the
other window panes began to shatter as well. As the wind blew in, books were blown off of shelves, tables were flipped on their sides. . .even a few students were thrown against the wall. Kahra swore under her breath, wishing that her power was more useful for situations like this. Even after she'd been transferred into Healing and Protection, she hadn't learned much about protection. . .but about healing. Herbs and potions.

Kahra was going to try to make her way back over to Aleks, as his power was perfect for this sort of situation. . .but as she turned, she could only see one thing. The flatscreen T.V, unhooked from the wall, flying straight at her.

~Will Write For Lyra and The Professors Later~

(@DeijiiChan, @Kriyze, @iLoriel2, @magikarpfever)

(CREDIT FOR HARUHI SUZUMIYA! Thanks for helping me write this :D )
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"Well, at least you've got one that wants to see you! You should be happy!"

Oops. Awkward. Though Cylva knew she hadn't truly upset Gwen, she did feel guilty. It sounded like Gwen and Geno had a pretty rough life back at home, which wasn't something she was familiar with. Cylva had her doting mother, who would do anything and everything she could for her daughter. At times she forgot that not everyone was so lucky.

"We're waiting for Lyra and Mars, by the way."

"Oh?" Cylva was happy to find that Lyra would be joining them. She'd come to know the girl as a friend during the time they spent together as collaboration partners. Mars, she wasn't terribly sure of, since they typically only met in passing when associating with Lyra. He seemed like a pretty alright guy, though, so Cylva was far from having any objections. "Great! When are they going to be here?" She tapped her foot impatiently. It's the last day of the semester! They'd better hurry up, already! As the thought crossed Cylva's mind, the ground began to rumble. She heard students begin to scream all around her, and the sky quickly deepened to an angry shade of first red, then black. An unnatural wind kicked up, and she was thrown from the bench.

"What the hell--?" The day had gone from beautiful, to what could only be described as pure chaos, within just a few moments. Cylva focused for only a few moments, encasing her body entirely in a crystalline armor, with the hope of weighing her down more, to lessen the unearthly wind's effect. It seemed to help some, and she turned, panicked, to see how Gwen was doing.



(Lame post is lame. Sorry. Posted only moments after Rai. :P )
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[Aleksander Denucio]

The building exploded, not literally but the glass windows shattered and everything quickly turned into chaos. Kahra sprang from her seat to go look through the window, only to be sliced by the glass shards.


Aleks saw the sky had turned red and as the earth started to shake, the windows were being broken from an unknown source of wind. Items were flying all over the place. He felt a deep chill and instinctively summoned his shield and leaped toward Kahra...just in time to save her from the flying TV that had unhooked from the wall. With his right arm and shield, he blocked the TV while his left shot out and pulled Kahra into a protective hug to protect her from the shards of glass. He winced in pain as shards cut through his close and the TV slamming into him yet he did not falter.

"Don't look!" Aleksander shouted at Kahra as he held her close. Even though he was blocking the TV, the wind was so strong, it continued to push the TV. He used his ability to expand his shield and keep himself from being pushed. "Just stay down! I don't know what's going on but I'll keep you s-" he broke off when he heard a mighty crash. The seats where they had been in only moments ago had been smashed into pieces and were now flying toward them as sharp as the shards of glass. Expect about three times bigger.


With no choice he threw Kahra in front of him and was prepared to protect her using his body.

I didn't realize...it was going..to..be...so...

Suddenly a huge blast of wind swept past Aleks and everything became calm. Moments ago, all you could hear was the wind but now it was just peaceful. He turned behind him to see..

[isaak Heidrich]

...Isaak had been wandering the commons, looking for Anthony when the world pretty much went to chaos. However wind was no problem for him. Although this wind was powerful, Isaak had seen better. He used his own power of air to alternate the flow around him to keep him in a protective bubble.

"That was close. I nearly got my clothes dirty." He said to no one in particular.

"Don't look! Just stay down! I don't know what's going on but I'll keep you s-"

Isaak turned to hear Aleks, the nicey nice guy shout at his girlfriend when nearby seats made out of very fine wood burst into pieces and flew toward them. Isaak wasn't one to be a hero but it wouldn't do to let classmates of his die so he shot air to blast away the sharp pieces and walked over so they would be protected by the wind bubble as well. The TV Aleks had been blocking fell to the ground, the wind no longer pushing it.

"Hello there. This is quite something isn't it. You're welcome by the way." Isaak said calmly.
Blake felt a blush arise as Shinji kissed each finger, but he rolled his eye when Shinji mumbled 'Hello love,' with a little British accent. What a sap...However before he could react Shinji threw him over his shoulder and started carrying him to their dorm, despite Blake shouting at him and struggling a bit. Though as much as Blake put up a fight, he secretly liked it when Shinji did this, but he'd never tell him this.

Timeskippy thing, yay~

Four, not so bad months past, and admittedly it was a blissful time for Blake...well for the most part. Shinji and him were still going strong, even stronger than before actually. There were a few bumps in the road but they grew closer from those little lover problems and seemed more enamored with each other than before. Even if they didn't reveal anything about their past as to both of them it didn't matter, in a way they silently agreed to live in the present, the past not really being needed. In fact during month two Blake managed to tell Shinji that he loved him, which was a feat all on it’s own as Blake never thought he’d love anyone again. @DeijiiChan

Blake also met Geno, who was pretty cool, he was accepting and him and Blake got along nicely plus Geno didn't care that Shinji and Blake were gay for each other, so added bonus there. @Kriyze

Lyra and Blake are still best buds, and she was accepting of his and Shinji's relationship as well...okay maybe a little to accepting. Whenever Shinji and Blake do anything...coupely, she pretty much freaks out and starts taking picture. Blake has a sneaking suspicion that she sends those pictures to Calista... @Rai-Chan

Speaking of Calista her and him are still good friends however she's been acting very distant lately. It took him around a day or two to figure out that she was having relationship troubles. @DeijiiChan

Blake still has a sort of rivalry with Mars but when Blake found out Mars and Lyra were dating, he didn't take it as well as he thought he would. He gave Mars a little warning talk when he found out and was cold to him for about a week, but when he saw how happy he was making her he warmed up the the relationship and went back to being his sarcastic self with Mars. That doesn't mean Blake exactly approves of the relationship (he thinks she could do better) but he's still happy that she's happy and respects her relationship with him. @cojemo @Rai-Chan

(Message me if I forgot any of you guys)


Blake was half asleep when Shinji fell off the bed, but was fully awake when Shinji decided to climb back in the bed and cuddle up next to him while nipping at his ear. His breath hitching a bit from Shinji's playful biting Blake pushed him away before sitting up.

"Alright I'm up," Blake informed him, but then gave Shinji a chaste kiss on the lips. Even though Shinji's hair was a mess, Blake still loved those out of place locks and couldn't help but lightly drag his fingers up from his neck to his hair, teasing him by playing with the black locks.

"I'm going to take a shower, care to join me?" Blake purred while sliding off the bed. Blake was in a simple gray band t shirt and boxers however Shinji wasn't even wearing a shirt, making Blake's gaze linger a bit on his sculpted torso.

Just than he heard a horrible shriek coming from who knows where. From outside out the window Blake could tell the sky was bleeding red and from under his feet the earth was shaking. The one window than shattered making Blake put up a forcefield, protecting both Shinji and Blake. The forecfield had a slight purple tint and was crackling with energy, burning the shard of glass that flew into them to dust.

"What the h*** is going on!” Blake shouted.
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Kahra, too afraid to close her eyes, stared in horror as the T.V came hurling at her. . .and then suddenly, as the screen was about to impact with the girl's head, she saw a figure leap in front of her, and with a brilliant flash of light, the T.V flew away from her. Aleks! Kahra felt his arm wrap around her waist as he pulled her closer, yelling for her to not look. The girl immediately squeezed her eyes shut, clinging onto the boy with all of her strength (which wasn't very impressive).

"Just stay down! I don't know what's going on but I'll keep you s-"

As the sound of wood snapping and breaking a part filled her ears, Kahra couldn't help but look up. She let out a gasp as she was suddenly thrown in front of Aleksander, and she let out a terrified cry as her eye caught the splintering shards flying towards them. She squeezed her eyes shut once again, and suddenly, the whipping of wind that had filled her ears only a moment ago had become absolute. . .quiet. Of course, Kahra jumped as the T.V crashed to the ground. Was it. . .over?

"Hello there. This is quite something isn't it. You're welcome by the way."

As the girl looked around, she could still see things blowing around them. Kahra looked up at the boy who had spoken. If she remembered correctly, his name was Isaak. The two didn't really know eachother, as she'd only spent one class period with him before she transferred. . .but she did know his name and that he could manipulate wind - he was creating some sort of field!

"I. . .I. . ." she squeaked. Her breath caught, and she was trying so desperately not to cry, but of course her attempts proved useless. She burst into big, bubbly tears and buried her face in her hands.

~Professor Liam DiFranco/Professor Crysta Chime/Professor Giovia Eriwind/Professor Xavier Caige~

The situation was the same in every room in Hawthorne as the commons. Windows shattering, furniture being picked up and thrown around by the incredible wind, the ground shaking violently. . .even places such as Crysta's apartment were effected. Liam was just about to leave when the ground started shaking. . .and it wasn't long after that Crysta started screaming in pain. He immediately backed into the apartment, locking the door. When the glass started breaking, Liam knew that this wasn't just an earthquake. He had quickly lifted Crysta, writhing and screaming in pain, up off the bamboo mat she's been meditation on only moments ago. Thankfully, like her classroom and office, there wasn't much furniture in Crysta's apartment. He'd made his way back into the woman's bedroom and set the blind professor down in the corner, wrapping his arms around her to shield her from any flying shards of glass. Each time one was thrust into his back, he didn't scream. It would only upset her further.

"E-everything is. . .going to be fine." he said through his teeth.

The situation wasn't much different for Giovia and Xavier, who's been in the woman's office. They were arguing, as usual. What about? Silly things that didn't matter. When the ground started shaking, both of them immediately knew something was wrong. Thankfully, the two were able to get out into the hallway before the windows broke. Xavier wasn't a protector. There wasn't really anything he could do with his fire that wouldn't just worsen the problem. Giovia was a healer. All she could do was pray neither of them got hurt, and if they did, fix it. . .

And then Giovia did something she'd never done before. She threw herself into Xavier's arms.

And Xavier did something HE'D never done before. . .he just. . .held her.

((I want @cojemo to post before I post for Lyra!))

Mars was caught off guard briefly by Lyra's sudden embrace and violent snuggling, but quickly just started laughing happily. Her caring while also fun nature was one of the reasons he fell for her. Feeling his phone vibrate once again, he slunk out of Lyra's grip so he could check on the message he'd just received, which he assumed was Gwen's location.

To: Saturn- I mean Mars

WHOOPS. We're just outside the dorms, we'll wait for ya!

Slipping his phone back into his pocket as he didn't see a reason to respond, he looked at Lyra and spoke. "That was Gwen. She's waiting for us outside the dorms. As much as I'd like to continue what we were doing, we should probably-" Mars was interrupted by an ear piercing shriek from seemingly nowhere, and his attention focused on what seemed like the sky changing color to a dark red outside the window. He felt the ground begin to quake and quickly realized this was an extremely bad scenario. His expression immediately became more serious, his mind going into overdrive. What was happening? Was it some sort of natural disaster? It seemed unlikely judging by the red sky. Maybe it was a group of rogue students causing havoc, though if there were students with this kind of power he would have for sure known. That didn't matter at the moment, though, as the situation worsened when he noticed the windows begin to crack. he quickly tackled Lyra to the ground, placing himself on top of her and his back towards the impending shards of glass. The shards flew inside along with a powerful gust of wind, sending papers scattering around the room. The glass hit the back of his coat, un-harming either of them. That was exactly what he had thought anyways. Mars wasn't acting out of emotion or sudden impulses. He was going through things logically in his head, finding the best way to avoid harm. This was the mindset he often had in intense battles, and the one where he would do anything in order to survive. He stayed low on the ground as desks flew over them, trying to keep a smaller target. He looked down to face Lyra to make sure she was okay, still a serious look on his face. "Can you move? We need to get someplace safe quickly, somewhere where there aren't many windows or loose objects."

Lyra didn't even have time to react to the piercing shriek that reverberated through the classroom from some unknown source before Mars had thrown himself on top of her. As they went down, she could hear the sound of the window panes splinter right before they completely shattered, letting in an intense wave of freezing air. As the snowflakes violently blew inside, the desks were easily plucked up off of the ground.

"Can you move? We need to get someplace safe quickly, somewhere where there aren't many windows or loose objects."

The girl stuttered for a moment, unable to focus on anything besides the desks being thrown around and the glass shards ripping through the air. She looked up at Mars and managed, "T-the basement. . .but it's too dangerous to try to--"

Lyra broke off as a desk smashed onto the floor only a few feet away from the two. That's when she had an idea. Without a word, Lyra wrapped her arm around Mars's neck, pulling him down so he was laying right on top of her. She inhaled deeply, and then muttered in his ear, "Hold on to me, and whatever you do, don't let go. Not for anything."

And with that, Lyra slammed her free fist onto the ground, sending the two shooting underground. Through the tiles of the classroom, breaking through the foundation of the school, and into the earth beneath the Otherworld History classroom. You couldn't hear anything over the incredible rumbling of the earth. After a few moments, the two were already about 100 feet deep. It wasn't much, but it was enough. With that, Lyra willed her earthen elevator to stop, and the quickly sealed the way they came in by piecing the stones she'd broken through back together.

And then, there was quiet. The earth around them continued to move, as there wasn't much Lyra could do to try to stop the quaking ground. Lyra's breath was heavy and she mumbled, "T-this should keep us safe for. . .a little while. . .all we can do is pray that the ground stops shaking. . ."
Anthony was almost to the front gate when BAM! The clouds started almost literally sh**ting bricks of snow at him. "Oh really terrible weather just for me? It's not even my birthday yet though. Oh well seems somebody wants a visit from my pal Tommy."

Anthony said to himself before using gun powder and metal to build a tompson SMG with a sling. He started running towards Calista's classroom hoping to find her on the way back. The ground was covered in so much snow he started having trouble walking in it.

The wind then picked up sweeping him into the air. He felt himself climbing to 20, 40, 80, 100 feet he was doomed for sure. The wind was sending him in a very large circle and would eventually hurl him like a kid throwing a pill bug. Anthony pulled out his phone and started a new message.

Calista it was me. The letters the gifts all of it. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. Goodbye.

Anthony could feel himself approaching the edge of the storm then he felt the wind against his face and heard it screaming against his ears. He hit the ground with a sickening crunch.
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Luke watched as the darkness seeped over the sky, filling the once beautiful, blue barrier with black. With a recently acquired flat hat nestled on top of his head, a smirk played across his face. The Irishman had no idea where it came from but it made him feel...alive. The most alive he had ever felt in his life. Was it because he could actually use his abilities for the first time in how many months? Was it because he felt endeared to use his powers? It's ideal but I have to check on the others, they probably aren't finding it as easy as I am, he thought before slipping into the pool of shade. It felt strangely different to the usual sensation he felt when sliding; it felt more...alive. He didn't know how he could explain but he travelled on. As he swam through the murk, all he could feel was a sense of authority, a feeling of equality to put it more precisely. For so long he watched as the others used there powers without even the slightest of hindrances albeit they may not have used them to their full capability. But he, for so long just watched them as they did. Jealous, angry, wanting to be like them in the way they used their gifts. The earth shaking didn't bother him at all, he glided over the reverberating surface as it went about it's thrashing tirade. Another thing he imagined the others to be dealing with badly.

Placing the mask over his face, the search continued.

"Guys!" he roared, popping his head, turning frantically for any sings of life, "Any of you there?! Dammit, I'll head to the main area of the school, no doubt that there will be a few there."

He headed towards the school, into the building he went.

(Anyone can reply if they feel like they want to, thanks!)

--------------------------------------------- Ambrogino Friar ---------------------------------------------

Geno was caught up in his sensual moment with Raph, when the world seemed to crash down around him. First, he heard an ear-piercing scream, and then he heard the windows behind him shattering. Out of reflex, a huge wave of his metal shot out through his back, and the wind caught it and threw it back at him. When he felt the metal coming back at him he froze it, and it formed a half-sphere around them. He looked around. That was a lot of metal, and it had been made quick. he couldn't help but feeling proud at how much he'd improved since the beginning of the year. He quickly shook the pride off, and turned back to the matter at hand. His metal was protecting himself and Raph from shattered glass and wind. At least he assumed that was glass. It sounded like glass.

He looked at Raph, and asked "Are you alright?" She was the most important thing to him right now, and he wanted to protect her. He didn't think her animal control skill would be very useful here. People were screaming, and on the wall in front of him, he thought he saw a bit of blood on the wall. Something was wrong. Very, very wrong.

--------------------------------------------- Gwendolyn Friar ---------------------------------------------

"Great! When are they going to be here?" "I don't know, any second, I gue-- What the hell?" The ground was shaking violently. Gwen stood up from her seat, and was immediately hit by a strong gust of wind. She flew a short distance before she realized what was going on, and immediately blasted against the force of the wind as hard as she could with her steam. She saw Cylva being sent off the bench and covering herself in the crystal. She forced her way through the wind and grabbed on to Cylva. "Can't you stick yourself to the ground or something!?"

What the hell was going on? This didn't feel natural. Nor did it seem right. They'd have an idea, or have been warned that there was going to be a storm.
"Can't you stick yourself to the ground or something!?"

Cylva nodded, In fact, this had nearly been her exact thoughts. She joined her now crystalline feet with the earth, using the crystal's ability to navigate them through the ground. To any onlookers, it would likely appear as though she was wading through the earth, strange though the thought seemed. She moved slowly, her large, heavier form not being bothered much by the strong wind, and kept a tight grip on Gwen, suddenly realizing how nice the girl's unnatural warmth felt, when amplified throughout her crystal. It's like I'm wearing a suit of WARM! Mentally scolding herself, Cylva turned her attention back to the situation at hand. "We've got to try to get inside!" she yelled, over the din of the rumbling earth, and the violent storm. Is this sort of thing common in the Otherworld? Her guess was that it was not a common occurrence, but if not, then what was going on? Though the school appeared to be in a pretty bad shape from the storm thus far, it was likely they would at least be able to take cover within one of the rooms. Anything would likely be a better alternative than standing in this storm, waiting for it to blow over.

With some effort, Cylva was able to make her way into the school, practically carrying Gwen in her arms. She sighed with relief, as the strength of the wind lessened a bit, but decided to keep the crystal covering, in case anything else bad happened. The muscles in her legs screamed for relief, after walking so far while supporting her large form. The crystal on her legs did help remove some of the strain, but still made it significantly more difficult to move. She created a small alcove, by forming a wall of crystal in front of the nearby windows, and released her grip on Gwen. In this spot, the wind wasn't nearly as bad as it had been outside, and she didn't think the girl would have any problem standing on her own.

"What in the hell is going on?" The question wasn't directed at Gwen, as she likely didn't have any idea as to what had caused this either, but rather a thought that had found its way out of her mouth. She cursed, and turned back to Gwen. "Are you alright? You're not hurt are you?" The worry for her friend was clear in her eyes, and her voice, and she quickly examined the girl with a glance, ensuring that there weren't any visible injuries.


Cylva couldn't help but wonder about her other friends, specifically Lyra and Emma. Had the two found somewhere safe to weather the storm? Were they even still alive? She shook her head. Now wasn't the time for such things. Now was the time to be positive, and do what she could to protect those she cared about.



~Sam Polaris~

((Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in five pages, I will try to bring my character up to current happenings.))

The four months passed slowly. His skills gradually increased with training, he had mostly been focusing on long distances, theoretically cutting the potential time in half, however within the realms of about ten kilometres, his skills had only increased marginally. He practised moving objects without him, and by the time winter rolled around he was able to move rocks about the size of his fist with ease, and put the pretty much anywhere he could teleport to himself.

He didn't talk to people that much, but he tried to keep up his friendship with Rafaela, and he maintained a steady relationship with the rest of his classmates, but he didn't go above and beyond to make really good friends. At this moment in time, Sam was sitting on a tree that hung over a lake in the school grounds, wearing five layers of heavy winter clothing. He could stay inside, but he decided he quite liked the cold, so long as he had enough clothed on to keep him from freezing.

He was reading a book, one he had 'borrowed' from the restricted area of the library. To be honest, it wasn't as interesting as he hoped it would be, just a bunch of stuff about old head masters and the like. He was reading about a particularly uninteresting segment about an old teaching method, when the darkness his. He noticed it first because the book suddenly became much darker and harder to read, and when he looked up to the sky he saw darkness spreading over it.

Sam dropped the book.

Closed his eyes for a moment, before teleporting back to the school. He looked around in panic, hearing shouts of confusion and fear. He fought back the desire to flee, to just teleport far away. He could help people, he could teleport them out with him. He hadn't yet mastered teleporting things alone, but so long as he held them, he could teleport them with him. Theoretically in order to teleport someone of exactly the same mass as Sam, it would take twice as long, someone larger would take longer, and someone smaller would take less time, but given that he was just taking them outside of the dangerous building, he figured the time would be minimal anyway.

He considered who to go for first, before deciding to go and see the teachers and ask them what to do. He closed his eyes for five seconds, his state of panic severely increasing the time it took for him to teleport, before disappearing and reappearing in one of the staff offices, directly in front of Giova and Xavier.

He stood for a moment, unsure of how to begin, and unsure of how to react to Giova's position in Xavier's arms.

"Hold on to me, and whatever you do, don't let go. Not for anything."

Mars had just enough time to hook his arm around her waist before Lyra thrust the two of them down on a pillar of earth plummeting into the ground, burying his face into her shoulder as to avoid the chance of a piece of debris landing in his eye. He felt the wind blow through his hair and pat his face as they quickly dropped below the earth, tightening his grip. Whatever she was doing he hoped that she was certain that it would work. Suddenly feeling make-shift elevator on stop, he looked up after a few moments to see that the way they had entered was sealed off. Mars let out a long exhale, loosening his grip from Lyra's waist.

"T-this should keep us safe for. . .a little while. . .all we can do is pray that the ground stops shaking. . ."

Well that was one way to get them to safety. Breathing deeply for a few moments, he rolled himself off of Lyra and sat up, legs stretched out and arms behind his back. If it wasn't for the constant rumbling of the earth it would almost like things were peaceful up above. He still had no idea what was going on, and no matter what thoughts ran through his mind he couldn't think of a logical answer. There were so many unknowns like the damages around the school or if there were any casualties that left too many holes.

Reaching into his pocket for his phone to see if he could contact anyone else for information, he felt a mild cut across the palm of his hand, and upon scooping out what was in his pocket saw his phone was broken. "Crap." he mumbled, tossing it onto the ground in frustration. The phone shattered into an even more mangled mess from the force, scattering pieces around the impact zone. He didn't expect to get a signal anyways, but now he couldn't even check. His gaze shot up above him, staring blankly at the sealed hole. He gently held his hand as it very slowly bled from the cut. "Any idea what's going on, because I can't think of a darn thing. A storm couldn't do that kind of damage, of that I'm certain." He paused for a few moments, then continued, shifting his gaze back to Lyra. "Are you okay? That was some fast thinking there, probably saved us from being crushed by a desk. Don't think I would've thought of that."
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Maria Scarlette

Maria noticed that the sky had suddenly become eerily clear. There were no more snowflakes falling on her face and into her hair, and it even felt a little bit warmer. "Damn it, oddly convenient hot weather! You had to come when I was enjoying the snow, didn't y-"

An ear-piercing shriek reached Maria's ears. "Not good."

A fierce wind blew past her and the ground shook beneath Maria's feet and took her off balance - She landed flat on her back feeling a bit dazed, but within seconds she was up on her feet again. As she struggled to her feet, she heard glass breaking behind her and even above her head. "Lucky," Maria muttered. She felt blood running down her cheek from what she assumed was a shard of glass. Maria ran into the dorms, knowing that staying outside in whatever this was would probably get her torn to shreds. Inside didn't offer much more protection than outside, as the ground still shook and the wind felt as if it were coming in through Maria's right ear and out her left. "What in the Hell is happening here?" Maria asked herself - She continued to her dorm. She opened the door and walked in cautiously, the fear of stepping on broken glass ever prominent in Maria's mind.

"So the window's not broken," Maria noticed. "That's good." She looked around her room - She had nothing that could help her here, so she was unsure as to why she came here. If anything she would want to go to the training room where her sword and whip were held, but what would those do? She couldn't cut a natural disaster in half or scare it away, as badass as that would be. Then Maria thought about it: Is this even natural? What if this is someone's power, and I just insulted someone by running for cover?

Maria yelped as the glass in her dorm broke - She tucked and rolled through the door, or at least tried to really badly. "OK, if this is someone's power, I'm going to beat the shit out of them!"

Mirabelle Ami

Ami heard a shriek come from... Somewhere, she wasn't quite sure where. Her only response, as sleepy Ami would have, was to roll over. "Five more minutes," Ami mumbled and grabbed her pillow to throw across the room, but suddenly the windows started to break across the room. Ami sprung up, her eyes wide open - She shrieked as glass hurtled toward her across the room. Ami rolled off the bed and underneath it, then she covered what was left uncovered by the pillow she had grabbed. "What was that?!" Ami shouted, anger clear in her voice. "I was trying to sleep, damn it! That was a cheap shot!"

Ami's eyes widened. "Wait is this serious? Did this just happen? I'm not dreaming, am I?" Ami pinched herself awkwardly. "Ow. No, I'm not," Ami answered. Whatever was happening, she didn't like it, and she wasn't sure what to do about it - She didn't know how or why this was happening, and she was starting to worry about the other people in the school. The thought of being alone at the school terrified Ami - She had no idea how she would survive all on her own. "What do I do, what do I do," Ami asked herself, knowing she wouldn't get an answer. Broken glass was probably on the floor around her bed, so she couldn't come out without being hurt. "What do I do?"​

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