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Fandom Harry Potter OC x OC with e d e n


Trans Pride!
myfanwy myfanwy


Felix Jenkins
Year 1
Felix had heard all about the Hogwarts Express from tales of his mother's time there. However, when he and his trolley burst through the barrier at platform 9 and three-quarters, and Felix's bright cerulean eyes fell upon the train, he understood suddenly that his mother's stories had done nothing to capture the true splendor of the Hogwarts Express. He stood with his mouth open in awe, but was knocked forward when both of his little sisters ran through the barrier, their mother, breathlessly dashing after them. Felix got out of the way and pushed his trolley to the side, grabbing one of the girls. Her wispy blonde hair was half in pigtails, with one of the ribbons torn out. She was shrieking loudly, causing all the wizards and witches at the platform to stare at her.

"Here, let me fix your hair, love," Felix's mother, a brunette witch with the same freckly face and cerulean eyes as her son, came over and took a wand from the pocket of her violet robes. She tapped the untied side of her daughter's hair, and the ribbon snaked back around it in a neat bow. The girl immediately stopped shrieking and wiggled out of Felix's arms to grab onto the bottom of her mother's robes. "Okay, dear. Do you have your owl?"

Felix nodded and picked up a cage on top of his trolley, lifting the cloth placed over it, just a bit to glance in at his tawny owl. He hooted and quizzically tilted his head at Felix, who giggled. "And I've got some treats for him if he behaves on the ride." Felix looked over to his mother and smiled sadly, hugging her suddenly. "I'll write when I get there and tell you what house I'm in and who my friends are and everything. And I'll make sure to write every day after that."

His mother smiled, tears filling her eyes. "Oh, my little Felix is growing up!" she cooed, reaching out to teasingly pinch his cheek. Felix made a face, kneeling down to hug both of his sisters after he'd had his moment with his mother. He let go, though, when the train let out a warning whistle. With one last hug, Felix grabbed his trolley and ran it over to where the other trolleys were, grabbing the cage with his owl in it. Felix joined the last group of stragglers in boarding the train and he found a compartment with nobody in it, sitting on one of the seats. He set his owl's cage down and opened the window, sticking out his head and waving to his mother and sisters as the train began to slide away, slowly at first, then gathering speed.
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난 기하
First Year
"Mother, are you sure it's okay for Yejin to come along?" Kiha asked nervously, hazel eyes glancing down at his cat with widened eyes. Yejin was currently huddled in the corner of her cage, hidden behind the stuffed teddy bear he packed in there for her- for comfort. She was mewling pathetically, her emerald eyes shut tightly as if that would keep people from seeing her.

His mother, a tall, elegant woman with sleek black hair looked down, a faint smile on her face. "She's okay, just shy." It made sense, her breed was extremely introverted, only bonding with one person and one person only. "Just don't let people near her and she'll be fine." When they reached the barrier keeping the Hogwarts Express hidden from the non-magical world, she took his hand and leaned down. "Don't flinch." Her voice was teasing, barely giving him a chance to comprehend what she meant before they walked briskly towards the seemingly solid brick wall.

Now he could understand how his cat felt as he screwed his eyes shut, awaiting an impact that would never come.

Hearing his mother's lilting laughter over the sound of numerous voices, Kiha opened his eyes and saw the magnificent gold and red train sitting proudly on the rails, white steam rising from the vents. It was breathtaking and he could see the twinkle in his mother's eyes, knowing she was happy to finally be back. He was her youngest son, his older sister had graduated seven years prior. However, the Express seemed to hold a special place in the hearts of past students.

He could understand why as he stared, almost transfixed, at the impressive beast of a train and it wasn't until his mother leaned down to give him a hug that he broke out of his reverie.

"I just want you to know, no matter what house you're sorted into, your father and I will support you." The words, while sweet, also helped to set his nerves on edge once again. He came from a long line of Slytherin's and his father was very proud of his lineage. So, there was the expectation that his youngest son and heir should also be a Slytherin.

Yet, his mother seemed to believe that he was going to be a Ravenclaw. She often told him that he was too smart for his own good. Kiha, despite not wanting to be the exact same, didn't wish to disappoint his father. "Thank you mother." He wrapped his smaller arms around her neck, he let her heartbeat calm him down for a few moment before pulling away, a bright smile on his young face.

"Be sure to send lots of letters." He reminded her, a cheeky tone underlying the happy lilt to his voice. His mother simply laughed and nodded, ruffling his hair while she helped him bring Yejin's cage and his suitcase up the step to the train, leaving a quick kiss on his cheek before he walked fully into the train, the small corridors proving to be difficult to navigate with the swaths of students of all years cluttering them.

Escaping to the nearest empty compartment, Kiha startled slightly when he found that someone was already occupying it. The boy had blonde hair worn almost too long to be acceptable with his sensibilities, despite the fact that his mother occasionally dyed his black hair blonde. "I-Is it alright if I sit in here?" He murmured, suddenly self conscious. He, of course, had friends, yet most of them were currently somewhere else on the train.

It was too much of a bother to search for them and his mother always told him it was good to make new friends.

Felix Jenkins
Year One
Felix had been busy looking out the window as the scenery changed from London to the countryside, when he heard Kiha come up to the compartment. Turning around, Felix glanced up at the other first year. "Oh, yeah, you can sit here," he leaned forward and grabbed Cedric's cage off the seat across from him and set it on the floor. The owl gave an indignant hoot, and Felix lifted the cloth a little, grabbing a treat out of his pocket. He held it out, laughing softly when the owl pecked it out of his hand and gobbled it up. Looking back up, Felix smiled shyly at Kiha.

Knowing that someone would have to make conversation, or they would just sit in awkward silence, Felix mumbled softly, nervousness in his voice, "Hi, I'm Felix. What's your name?" Felix tucked his legs under himself and pressed his hands against the seat, eyes wandering to the window. He'd seen the countryside from being on his broomstick, but that was from above. Never had he been this up close and personal with the lush beauty of England. Felix's eyes were wide as everything passed by, and he'd kind of forgotten momentarily about his compartment companion.

After a bit of watching the scenery, Felix got bored and turned back to Kiha. He wiggled a bit so he was sitting with his legs crossed, and played nervously with his long hair, braiding it and unbraiding it. He wanted to make friends, but he was still slightly hung up on the fact that he'd be leaving his home for a totally new group of people.

난 기하
First Year
Watching with a careful gaze as the boy in the compartment place the cage on the floor next to his feet, Kiha couldn't help but stare at the owl in the cage. His mother owned a regal horned owl that was a stubborn thing, only responding to her voice, so he had never seen one up close. He just hoped that Yejin was okay, if the nervous growl coming from her cage was anything to go by.

When the other boy, Felix, introduced himself, Kiha finally blinked out of his worry for his cat, taking the now empty seat next to the window. "My name is Nan Kiha. Though you can just call me Kiha." He shrugged his shoulders, still used to introducing himself with his full name. Peering into Yejin's carrier, he stuck his finger through the bars and watched as she tentatively sniffed at it before letting him pet her head. He shouldn't've brought her along, yer hindsight really wasn't his friend.

"What house do you hope to be in?" Kiha really was terrible at making conversation, however, the silence in the compartment was becoming almost unbearable, the ringing in his ears getting louder from it. He also couldn't stand Felix's nervous fidgeting, it made him feel like he was scary to be near, something his father would be proud of. He didn't want it, and so, he made himself seem like an awkward fool.

Felix Jenkins
Felix reached out a hand and shook Kiha's once he'd introduced himself. "It's nice to meet you," he mumbled, eyes focused on the cat. He seemed more interested in her than he was in Kiha. Felix had always preferred animals to people, since animals didn't need conversation to be kept entertained.

Kiha's question had caught Felix off guard and he looked up at him, tilting his head to the side as he thought. He'd hoped to be put in Ravenclaw, but Hufflepuff or Slytherin wouldn't be bad. It was just Gryffindor he was wary of. The main quality of a Gryffindor was bravery, which Felix was sure he didn't have. This wasn't a Neville Longbottom type case, where he just didn't realize he had inner bravery; Felix was the least brave, most non-Gryffindor person there was.

Finally remembering to respond to the question he'd been asked, Felix mumbled, "I don't care much. Just not Gryffindor." Felix shrugged and turned his eyes from the cat's cage to the window, watching the green blur that was the countryside. They rode past fields of cows and hay, and Felix felt as though he was riding past his previous life, slightly separated from the wizarding world because of his half-blood status, to a new life where he would be free to use magic and not have to pretend to be 'normal' and a muggle. Felix could feel the nervousness that had hollowed a pit in him begin to transform into excitement.

Felix snapped out of his train of thought when the trolley witch came to their compartment. He'd been too nervous to eat breakfast that morning, and was suddenly quite hungry, so he fished a few knuts out of his pocket and bought a few chocolate frogs and licorice wands. Felix was careful, though, not to buy too much. He'd been told by his mother that he'd arrive to a sumptuous feast, and Felix didn't want to be too full to enjoy it.
Year One

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