Harris Boarding School of Shifters


existentialism goin up on a sunday sunDAY SUNDAY
Signup/info/etc: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/3094-Harris-Boarding-School-of-Shifters-info-signup-etc

Today is the first day of the school year. The students are getting their room assignments and class schedules. Class doesn't officially start until tomorrow, so the students can get used to the school first. It is basically an orientation day so the students can just wander around and explore the school and meet other students, etc.

Just remember to be up for class tomorrow.



Torren got out of the car, ignoring his parents well wishes and slamming the door behind him. He sighed heavily, pulled up his hood, and began dragging his bag towards the school. It had been a while since he walked the grounds of Harris. He was a former student in fifth and sixth grade, then his parents decided to had improved enough to go to a normal school. But Torren had some trouble when he went to the public human schools. So now, after four years of torturous human schools, he was back at Harris until he graduated. He hadn't quite decided whether or not that was a good thing. He had a few human friends, although they had all turned out to be fake. He didn't remember many people from when he had come to Harris before. It was just like starting fresh, starting all over. Torren sighed again, then entered the office. He nodded a greeting to the woman there, then told her his name. She handed him his schedule and room key and wished him a nice day. He muttered a thanks and walked off in search of his room.

Cherys stood awkwardly in the commons. She had been standing there for some time, as she had already deposited her things into her room. There had been no one else in her room yet. She hoped she would have a roommate, someone who she could socialize with easier. Cherys knew no one, she had never been to Harris before. She wasn't really one to just go up to a random person and strike up a conversation, so she was basically stuck alone until someone approached her or she convinced herself to be social, and since neither was happening, she decided to explore the building. She had been to the school once before, for a day, to get a tour of the school before she signed up. They hadn't shown many places during the tour, so now was a good opportunity to find interesting places.

Aria walked through the commons and spotted a girl standing near the middle, alone. she hesitated. should i ask? Aria looked at a slip of paper in her hand. she looks younger then me....she probably wouldnt know where my room was. but i should at least try. "e-excuse me? could i ask you something?"
Cherys turned towards the girl, somewhat reluctant. She convinced herself this was a good oppurtunity to socialize, try and make nice with some other students. Four years alone wasn't really appealing. "Oh, um sure. " She said, trying to sound friendly, "what is it?" she halfsmiled.

Leocadie walked nonchalantly through the halls. This school was like his second home, he had started coming as soon as it had been evident that he couldn't completely control himself in a normal school. He had come a long way since then, made a lot of friends, and a lot of enemies. One more year. It saddened him slightly, but he was more excited than anything. He had big plans for the future. Most of his plans his parents really didn't approve of, but he wasn't really looking to please them. He dropped his things in his room as quickly as possible, not even caring to put things away just yet, and went in search of old friends.
"i was wondering if you might know where this room is" Aria showed her the paper. "i have no sense of direction and im not all that familiar with the school"
Cherys stared at the paper for a moment. "Oh! I think that's pretty near to mine," she realized, pulling out her own and comparing for a moment. "Yeah, only a couple rooms down...I could take you to it if you want..?" Cherys found it somewhat funny that she herself barely knew the school, yet she was trying to assist someone else.
"thanks so much." Arias smiled. she was usually pretty shy, but was in some ways excited that she got to meet other people who possesed her abilities.
Cherys smiled back. "Yeah, sure. It's this way." she started down a hallway, feeling like she should say something, but unsure what. SHe remembered she had never introduced herself and felt bad. "Oh, I'm Cherys by the way."

Torren found his room fairly easily. He was glad to see no one else had been to the room yet, and he wished it would stay that way. He took a few things from his bag but then decided to unpack later, he would also look around later. But not right now. He flopped onto the bed and buried his face in the pillow, groaning in frustration. "If going to school was optional, I would totally never go," he muttered to himself.
Marcus slid out of the rickety car that he had purchased solely for this trip. It really was just a rust bucket but with their minimum wage jobs it had been all they could afford. After getting out of the lab both Rosa and Marcus had agreed not to go back to their Mom, they had realized that with their powers and the situations their mother put them in, the siblings might do something they later regretted. “Come, we made it and now we don’t have to live in that dump of an apartment,” he said trying to cheer his sister up.

Rosa looked frightened and confused he knew this transition would be harder for her. She slid out of the car silently and popped the trunk. Inside were two suitcases and two duffle bags. They contained everything they had. The small dingy pieces or furniture had been sold and all that was left was their most personal belongings. Rosa lifted the navy suitcase and duffle bag out of the care and handed it to Marcus. He waited patiently as she pulled out her red suitcase and bag. She still had not responded to his statement but he had a feeling she was not going to reply, pleasant conversation was the farthest thing from her mind.
Cherys smiled slightly. "I don't know anyone here. I've always went to human schools. What about you? Is this your first year at Harris, too?" She asked, watching the numbers on the doors of the rooms go up as they went further down the halls. The room wasn't that far away, if she remembered right. She hoped they were going the right way, she didn't want to deal with the awkwardness if they got lost.

Leocadie hadn't found many of his friends. But it was still fairly early in the day, they could still be on their way. For all he knew though, they may have moved on from Harris. He didn't blame them really, it got repetitive after the first couple years. Leo liked Harris anyway. He would rather stay with the students like himself than he shunned into solitude at a normal school. He wandered the school, thinking about the future. He visited some of the "secret" places of the school, and reminisced about old friends and adventures. Next year, these would be someone else hiding places. He grinned at the thought.

Torren eventually lifted his head from the pillow and sat, slouched and miserable. He had no intentions of going through school friendless, but dreaded the effort it took to socialize and actually make friends. Still conflicted but tired of doing nothing, he stood and walked to the door, opening it slowly and staring into the empty hallway.
" this is my first year here. i was homeschooled by my Aunt" Aria smiled. "when i found out about this school i really wanted to come. i want to make friends and maybe even have a crush. i read a lot of fairy tales as a kid. maybe thats a litle childish but i didnt really have friends." she was grateful to be able to communicate, since she wasnt used to talking to anyon but her Aunt and Uncle.
Faye pulled up her hood, dragging her bags across the grass lawn, and towards the door marked "student office". Harris was new, different to what she was used to. Her old school were grimy comprehensives, with mouldy carpets and flaking wallpaper. Schools for 'Problem children'. She looked down at her wrist, the tattoo she had gotten for her 16th birthday summed it all up perfectly - 'F*ck it'. This would be different. This was a new start. Here she would be with people like herself, people who understood, or so she hoped. Showing her ID to the woman in the office, she received a pack of information. Schedule, Dorm Number and key, and school rules. Glancing at the second page she made her way to the stairs, hoping that room 706 wasn't on the seventh floor.

Reaching the third floor, she saw a sign for room 706. Looking down the corridor she spied a boy, looking back towards her in the previously empty hallway.
Cherys nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I don't really have friends either. Well, at my other school, I had a few, but they weren't real friends.." she trailed off, looking away from Aria and back to the doors. "Maybe we could be friends," she said cheerily, almost jokingly, but serious if the girl wanted to be friends. Cherys wasn't really sure how to make friends, and how she said it felt awkward. She felt almost relieved once she saw the room. "Oh, here it is! This one is yours, mine is two down." she took a couple steps away, unsure whether or not she should leave.
"of course we can be friends! in fact, if you arent doing anything you could come visit me later. i dont have a room mate yet so i might get lonely" Aria gave her a friendly smile. "just give me some time to unpack ok?"
Koa was walking down the hallway looking for something to entertain himself when he sees two girls outside of a room he casually strolls over "Hello ladies are you new her" smiles
Cherys laughed and nodded. "Okay then. I still have to unpack too, so..." she turned towards the unfamiliar boy, smiling with a slightly puzzled look. "Um, yeah this is my first year here. What about you?" she glanced between Aria and the boy, then to her room. She knew meeting other students was a good thing, but she just wanted to get settled in the school and find her way around.

Torren stepped out into the hall, noticing a girl had appeared. For a moment he debated turning around and going back in his room, but he couldn't hide there all school year. He might as well meet some of the students in the same hall, he decided, a bit grudgingly. He walked in her direction, offered a quiet 'hey' and kept walking down the hall. If she kept up a conversation, cool, and if not, even better.

((I think you meant him?, if not..ignore...:b))
Together they walked into the boarding school lugging their suitcases and bags into the beautiful lobby. Marcus would not say that it was bustling with activity but there was definitely some movement. He and Rosa were not the first to check in and Marcus had a feeling they would not be the last. “I’ll check us in,” he whispered, Rosa just nodded taking and steadying his luggage beside hers as she waited. He had requested rooms across from each other so that even though they were separated they would still be close.

He came back carrying four keys; they each got a spare to go with their room. Marcus handed her the two and she shoved them into her pocket after checking the room number. Rosa instead of being overcome by fear had an aggressive gleam in her eye, her brother knew that if anyone tried to approach, hug or even greet her she might snap at them. This was one of the problems with her powers. Her inner canine came out when she was put in high stress situations and like any dog who had been abused she had a few quirks. It just turned out hers were aggression.

Together they walked into the hallway housing the dorm rooms and he noticed the number of people chatting openly in the halls. Marcus snuck a peek at his sister; Rosa was looking about nervously her eyes wide and her muscles tense. She really liked like an animal ready to spring if attacked. He felt sorry for her; she had already suffered from nightmares before the experiment but now they had become worse and she struggled with ‘bouts of fatigue. She became listless, refusing to eat and shaky. It was as if she slipped into some coma and was reliving everything.

Before the experiment Marcus had been lucky enough to get out of the house. His mother all but signed his custody papers over to his Aunt and Uncle but when Rosa came around their mother had held onto her. She had gotten on this short term kick where she thought she was going to be the best mother over. Rosa unfortunately had to deal with the results
(Inkling - yeah I meant him)

The boy started walking towards Faye, but the look on his face seemed less than pleased to see her. "Hey" he said faintly, so faintly that she almost didn't hear him. But he kept walking past her. "Hey" she replied, turning around so that she could actually talk to him. "I'm Faye, and you are?"
"hello." aria greeted the boy with a friendly smile. "i will see you later then." she waved to cherys before going into her room. she closed the door behind her and started to unpack.

((inkling-i dont think anonymous92 is going to be back for awhile, so dont make cherys wait in the hall too long...))
((Alright then.))

Cherys watched Aria leave. She turned back to the boy, unsure what else to say. SHe felt awkward. "Um, I haven't quite finished unpacking. And I don't really know my way around. Soo, see you later." she said abruptly, walking away quickly before he could respond. She felt slightly guilty, but they could talk another time.

Torren paused in the hallway a moment before turning to face her, some unwilling. "My name's Torren. But some people call me Tori." he looked back over his shoulder, wondering how long this was going to take.
Aria unpacked her things and tidied the room. i wonder if i will get a roomate? it might get lonely having this huge room to myself. she sat on her bed and ran a brush through her long redish brown hair.
"Okay then Tori.... Any chance of getting a tour around the school?? Or am I going to have to find out all the secret spots by myself"
Torren laughed and shook his head. "I barely even know my way around. I haven't been here for a few years." he looked from the girl to the way he had previously been heading. "I was just going to look around and kinda explore...you can come along, if you wanted..?" he shrugged, not exactly sure why he had offered. But it was probably better being with someone then staying alone..
"sigh~ soooo bored." Aria flopped back on her bed. i wonder if this school has cute boys my age. wait, what? that was rather shallow of me. i should start by making friends first. her cats ears and tail popped out. and she sat up. oh dear. i still lack control. her tail swished back and forth. now i look like im going trick or treating.
"sure, sounds like fun" replied Faye, glad that there were some nice people at the school. "So, where to start" pondered Faye, "well, even if you haven't been here in a while, I am completely new... You must have some idea of a good place to go?"

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