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Fandom Halo Spartans: Unexplored Space

I'm just making sure, the title is confusing a little. We're allowed to be Covenant?
@JackOfHearts HE can't have just forged a fake identity, Kids are kidnapped as children to become spartans and this is the time of reach so there aren't Spartan IV's. Also the Railgun doesn't exist yet either, UNSC don't have that kinda railgun tech yet =3 Using the Spartan IV's looks is okay, but you'd technically be a Spartan 3 or 2
Is this RP still opened?

I actually signed up in the Interest Thread, but for some reason, I never got an update when an actual RP was ready.
Woo hoo and I guess the next thing is, did the GM say our characters can be approved by the rest of you guys? Cause I am ready to rumble with my grunt!
Okay, cause I was looking through IC chat and I saw that he stated because he wouldn't get as much internet time, that you guys could approve it.

Anyway, just let me know
Oh I didn't read that. Yeah never mind, I'm sure everyone's fine with you starting.
My posting will be slowed until Monday. Infiltrating a high priority target (going to a convention) so I'll be a little busy. I'll try to post when possible.
I guess I'll let you guys know that I made a profile and I just wanted to make sure everything was ok to join in.
Sorry for that first wall of text. I kind of wanted to catch up and get a feel for the character.

Anyways, I have no idea where Locke is gonna land yet, but I do want to land close to somebody who is RPing. So let me know if you want Locke around or have an interesting set-up. If you want to link up, just look for the drop-pods streaking through the sky.
Lethal said:
@1stLt HChurch
I've never seen someone do a first person perspective in an rp yet, but I like it a lot.
Why, thank you. That's how I first learned to rp five years ago when I was a new little Halo and Red vs. Blue fangirl dweeb, so that's what I stuck with. And, to be honest, no matter if people say that third person sounds better, I don't like rping in third person. I've been rping in first person for so long that doing it in third person seems alien to me. Also, I tend to base my characters off of a version of myself in most situations. So it seems more normal to rp in first person.

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