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Fandom Halo Spartans: Unexplored Space

@LonelyAssassin @GhastlySquash

I'm just going to go ahead and tell you guys that I will be busy during the week days due to school and sports (sometimes I wonder why I even do sports..), and just life in general, and I will probably only be able to post once a day if I'm lucky. So, I haven't forgotten about you guys, I just don't have time to sit down and write the post sometimes. I am working on the next post now, though, and I will hopefully have a post that is at least somewhat interesting posted within the next 30 minutes before I go to bed. Just to keep you guys posted.
@GhastlySquash All of the ODST have precision weapons, except that two have BRs and one has a DMR. The two with BRs had to switch with some Marines to get their rifles, but they still have precision weapons.
Oh okay, sorry about that, got a bit confused with the switch up. Just chalk it up to her thinking she brought a marine.
GhastlySquash said:
Oh okay, sorry about that, got a bit confused with the switch up. Just chalk it up to her thinking she brought a marine.
You're fine. I'm just persnickety about stuff sometimes. And I occasionally write stuff in a confusing way anyway. So it doesn't surprise me that the switching part was confusing. Sorry.

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