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Fandom Halo Spartans: Unexplored Space


That One Guy Everyone Knows

Welcome to the Galaxy. Go Explore.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/halo-reach-hero-large-1920x675-cbe66e3f4fe744ec91c8499739e76567.jpg.30f07b5dedc5fc64fe7615e7386a4099.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72088" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/halo-reach-hero-large-1920x675-cbe66e3f4fe744ec91c8499739e76567.jpg.30f07b5dedc5fc64fe7615e7386a4099.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Space. Its new, its dangerous, its unexplored. Someone needs to explore it. Who? You. A Spartan. (Or Covenant) Equipped with your abilities, suit, and intelligence, you can brave space with, or without friends. Now Spartan, Get out there. Get off Reach and explore space. Thats an order. But first, deal with the covenant attack on Reach.

(Yeah, its a somewhat weak opening, deal with it. I'll work on it, just wanted to get this thing up and running.)



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The Bullet whizzed through the air, smashing the target in the face, from 300 yards away." Pretty good even with a sniper," Connor thought. He would know, he had been raised as a soldier. Connor stood up from his prone position in the field, glad this was one of his last days on Reach. Connor liked Reach, but there was so much out there, in space. So many galaxies, so many planets...So much potential. He could even found his own world, and live there with his possible future family. Connor smiled at that thought. Life was good. Hopefully, someone would go with him, though he rarely encountered Spartans like himself on Reach. They all were off fighting our war, and he was there, relaxing. This was why he wanted to leave. He needed more adventure in his life. Connor turned, and headed back into the forest, toward the city's ship dock.
Joe sat back at base, playing with his lighter idly as he waited fro the rest of the squad, He hated being on this planet, it was too boring unlike the desert plains of Mars or Great Cities of Earth. Nothing but grasslands and Moa's, both of whom he had dearly wished to barbeque. He finally decided to radio in with Conner, "Yo, where are you man?" He asked through the teamcomm
Joe came through on Connor's Com. "Yo, where are you man?" Joe asked. Connor grabbed the comm and said, "Chill, (See what i did there) i'll be there soon. Just was at my range, practicing. That dummy has some serious headaches. I'm almost there now. Give me a minute." (Hey, how close are our characters? How close do you want them to be? Best bro's? Barely tolerate each other? Companions? I'm good with anything really.)
(lololololololol JOKES AT MAXIMUM! Btw I was thinking that they would be like partners in crime that keep each other in check)

"I'm dying of boredom here!" Joe said in a slight wine. He was getting desperate, 1 year of no-combat was starting to get to him. He walked outside and decided to try and meet up with, to maybe get some kind of linear entertainment
(lol, sounds good.) Connor saw Joe outside the center, and walked toward him. "So, hows this going? We leaving now? Or do you have to do something?"

(Offline for the night, sorry)
Torhilda sat at a table in the base armoury, the parts of her M247H spread in front of her. She had probably taken it apart 50 times now. She let out a heavy sigh as she leaned over the parts. Starting to put the gun back together again. There wasn't a damn thing to do on this rock. No Covies to shoot at. No Covies to blow up. Just a general lack of Covies to kill. Sometimes she almost wished they would attack Reach. Give her a chance to get shooting again. She slid the barrel into place when an idea popped into her head. Why wait for the Covies to attack, why not go out looking for them instead. Once she finished putting the gun together she set it aside, setting off to find the base commander. She was going to volunteer for for whatever missions they had coming up, even if they were suicidal. Those ones fit her the most anyways.
The sound of the Mongoose could be heard tearing up the ground, the engine pushing through at full speed. It moved with grace, the driver knew how to control it. The was a voice on the radio, it sounded panicked;

"The Covenant is..." The Radio cut out, "...They're attackin..."

The Driver of the Mongoose was a Marine, his Passenger wasn't however. Riding on the back was a Spartan in Green Armour with his SMG out looking to the sky.

"They found Reach! I repeat this is not a drill, the covenant have found Reach! God help us all." The radio finally cut out.

Over head a squad of Banshees dashed through the sky heading towards the nearby City to bombard it. The Mongoose and the two upon it tried their very best to reach the City in an attempt to regroup and combat the threat.
Regium stood on a platform, facing the opening of the docking bay and into the nothingness of space. He was awaiting orders to take the Glorious Advance towards Reach and establish some ground on the planet. He clenched his hands in anticipation. He turned to his left and started walking, pushing a grunt out of his way in the process. He continued until he reached the bay housing his ship. He walked onto the ship and greeted his crew, commanding them to be ready. Not long after he received the green light to begin the decent towards Reach. He commanded the crew to begin the short trip. The ship slowly lifted and then accelerated through the bay shield.
(Uh, guys, my father has put some serious restrictions on my time on the computer, so I wil not be on daily, but feel free to approve people and RP. I will post as often as possible, but not much luck with that. Anyway, sorry, and have a good time RP'ing. I suggest that you limit actions with my character also.)

Connor could distinguish the sound of a Banshee from anything. He had many experiences with them, shooting them down, that is. Connor was going to tackle Joe, but Joe could handle himself. Connor ran for the city center, going for the vantage point.
The Mongoose couldn't keep up with the Banshees or the Phantoms, they were long gone and inside the City at this point, the attack had begun and all he could do was wait till they got there. Spartan-095 Chris reporting for duty, though this is troublesome, his ulterior goal had now been intercepted by this occurrence, though a covenant threat always took priority over personal matters.

Out of no where a Giant Haul of armour charged out from the maze of trees, the fearsome and brutal hunter whipped it's large combat shield around and crashed it into the side of the moving Mongoose. It was launched across the grass and against the rock, crushing the helpless Marine driving the vehicle; The Spartan however was knocked away on the ground, though he quickly recovered rolling backwards into a crouch, facing his enemy with a grenade in his right hand.

"I'm going to need your insurance details."


He pushed off the ground with great force, running towards the Hunter that attempted to swipe it's shield across to take out the Spartan, but he was quicker and has slid across the ground getting behind the Monster and with all his might shoved his Grenade hand into the Orange Flesh Lekgolo worms that made up this death machine. He yanked his hand back out and leaped backwards the grenade exploding sending blood and lekgolo all over the place and leaving the hunter dead.

"Now where is the other one?"
Connor had just reached the top of the center skyscraper before he heard the shot. It was a banshee. Connor felt the heat of the green flame erupt behind him, sending debris off the roof. Connor landed while pulling out his Sniper Rifle with a grunt, and aimed where the Banshee was heading. He followed the banshee's center, looking for the key spot. Its weakness was where the pilot went in and layed down. There was a very small crack, barely noticable by even the most trained eyes. But Connor knew exactly where it was. One shot was all he needed. Connor pulled the trigger. The banshee dipped deeply, going down. But Connor wasnt going to let this ship kill those below. Connor stood and ran toward the edge of the roof and jumped into a free fall toward the Banshee.
The Spartan ran over to the Marine with his Suppressed SMG in hands, he checked his pulse and then took his Tags. He quickly made his way through the Forest on foot, trying to distance himself from the Hunter's corpse so that it's partner wouldn't find him. Now he would be even slower reaching the city.
Celine was out on a patrol, her squad.. Heck nearly the entire city was put on an alert. Everything seemed quiet in their sector... But radio chatter suggests otherwise in other areas of the city... As did the occasional banshee screeching overhead. She walked with a few other army troopers... With a few on nearby rooftops to keep an eye out, this was her squad.. And she was the captain of said squad. A bunch of squads have Spartans leading normal people... Command says it keeps moral up.

After a few minutes the sounds of banshee's screeched.. But this time they sounded closer.. And more direct and before you know it they peaked above the skyline. " HIT THE DECK... BOMBING RUN! " one of the snipers yelled through the radio. Celine hastily jumped into a nearby building not long before the street shaked as the fire rained down.
As the ship closed in on the beach landing site, Regium's hands were clenched again in anticipation. He was already giving orders for setting up the small outpost they'd need to establish a position efficiently. The mission wasn't a very important one, so he didn't have much resources at his disposal. A few supply crates, a squad of grunts, jackals, a few fellow elites, and two ghosts.

The ship lowered to a hovering distance above the ground. The supplies were unloaded and the squads were dispersed. He sent an elite on one of the ghosts to quickly scout the area. The jackals and grunts were sent around the outpost to establish a perimeter. As the elites finished the unloading, Regium informed them he was going to take the other ghost and catch up with the other scout. He left them in charge until then. He headed in the general direction, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious around.

However, there was one particular soldier that didn't head immediatley out with the outpost. Holding his two regulars at bay, Nap-Nap quietly approached the elite commander known as Regium, or Reggie as Nap-Nap preferred. Sure, they had some trouble, especially when he was caught in the black market, exchanging human goods, but it wasn't like it was technically illegal.

And so, just as Reggie was about to head out on his ghost, Nap-Nap quickly jumped in front.

"Wait! Sir, this is extremely important!"
It took him a while but he had made it to the City, he could however already see smoke rising from buildings and the sound of fire fights spread throughout the streets. He was in one of them, heading towards a crossroads from the west side, in the middle of those crossroads was a warthog that kept firing rounds from it's 50cal. into the air in the direction of the North side, beside the hog was a Marine with a Rocket Launcher. The Marine caught sight of the spartan and waved quickly,


The Spartan sprinted towards the warthog, closing the gap. But suddenly from the very north side the warthog was firing a flaming banshee appeared out of no where and rammed into the Car, causing a joint explosion sending the marines to their death and the Spartan flying backwards onto his ass.


He slowly got up, tapping his helmet twice to regain his focus. He quickly took cover at the corner of a building as Covenant were coming down the north street, grunt squads with Elites leading. Looked like he was alone at this crossroads.
He didn't have much time to pick up any speed before the jolly grunt hopped in his way. Regium stopped and hopped out of the ghost, his body language showing annoyance. He walked right up to Nap-Nap and looked down before uttering a dismal, "What?"
"Well sir," Nap Nap began with a pleasant smile on his face. "I was wondering when I would get some time off? You know I have quite the record and have proven my worth as a major, perhaps I can get a return ship home. Get some R&R, and then come back later! I'm sure you can kill enough demons on your own."
After the smoke cleared down the street Celine spoke into her helmet radio, her squads frequency to be exact. "Everyone alright" a short crackle of static a male voice chirped in "yes ma'am... All accounted for" he replied.

She cautiously emerged from the building onto the ruined street, the rest of the men on the ground following promptly. They moved forward, until they met resistance from a few elites commanding a plethora of grunts. Before the actual fighting happened a few sniper shots rang from a building, the bullets whizzing by, the Small barrage managed to take out an elite and a few "commanding " grunts. Celine took cover behind an overturned vehicle as the skirmish started proper.
"We will not be departing from Reach for 7 months," he responds with noticeable irritation. "Do not interrupt my work with this again." He turns around and proceeds to mount his ghost again. He asks if that's all, still very irritated.
"But wait sir, I think I should at least be considered. I mean...you're the commander! Maybe you can put in a good word for me? I don't even know where I'm suppose to go! What if I'm a liability?" Although, he wished he didn't use that last human phrase. Mostly because being a liability meant you were executed. But still, there was cause for hope right?
((Haven't been able to post due to convention. Just gonna do like a quick 'catch up' post.))

At hearing the alarm sound a grin grew on Torhilda's face as she spins around. Charging back to the armoury to retrieve her gun. Grabbing it, throwing some extra ammo belts over her shoulder and tossing her helmet on she charged out the door. Joining a group of marines boarding a repurposed Spade, bound for the nearest combat site.
Regium stared at the little one intensely. "Impress me these coming months. For now, you will leave with the jackals and make sure the area is clear for within 1000 meters. If you need, request one of the elites to accompany you all. The others will finish unloading." With that, he sped off into the distance in search of his scout.
Locke was sitting in Docking Bay 23-1 staring at his helmet that he held in hands, listening to the ODST squad he was assigned to babble and play their card games. Except for the officers, the ODST usually bunked as close to their drop-pods as possible. It wasn't the boredom that was bothering him, Locke always had plenty of surplus Medkits to play with since he was stationed on the UNSC Trafalgar. It was the fact that the ship was orbiting Reach, Where he grew up and trained for the majority of his life. Locke missed his fellow SPARTANs and it had been years since he had seen one of them in person. He understood that he had orders and that it was his duty to follow them. But Locke was still tempted to just walk out of a open hangar bay and drop to Reach. It was said that his armor would survive the fall, but it had never been tested with a SPARTAN before....

It was while Locke was entertaining that thought when the alarm started to blare loudly. Locke could almost feel the air get thick with tension as some of the men stopped in their tracks momentarily. It had been a common occurrence in the couple of weeks that Locke had been transferred to the Supercarrier, most of them were false alarms, a couple were drills, a rare few were Insurrectionist idiots on a suicide mission. Either way, he wouldn't have to do anything since he always had his armor on. Some of the ODST had already loosened up and were returning to whatever they were doing before. Locke remained dead still while he waited for the report, he was hoping, praying even that something had happened and he would go to Reach. Locke couldn't remember the last time that he smiled, but found out it only took two words to make him do so and it was these words that would change his life. "Winter Contingency"

Locke was still smiling when he put on his helmet and as the HUD booted up he saw that the ODST around him had frozen in place, some with looks of horror while most of them were shocked. Locke stood up and said the longest sentence that the ODST had ever heard from him. "Time to go to work." He then walked quickly towards the drop-pods as his words seemed to snap the ODST to attention since they began to quickly equip their own armor. Locke headed to the modified drop-pod that was always marked with a white snowflake. He sometimes wondered why a snowflake, but at the moment it seemed ironic. Locke doubled checked his supplies within to make sure that everything was secured. Aside from the snowflake the exterior looked like all the others, but the inside had been modified for height and weight of his armor. Compared to the other pods Locke's was a glorified tin can, but Locke didn't care. Locke secured himself as best he could as the hatch to his pod sealed shut. Locke smiled again as watched the ODST swarm to their pods. He was going home.

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