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Fandom Halo Spartans: Unexplored Space

The Spartan was checking out the building on the opposite side of the street when he got the message from the allied Pelican. He quickly started to talk back to them, thankful for their return in message.

"The Street that we're in is big enough for a pelican to land, however further down it there are Covenant - they're pretty clueless that me and the civvies are here though. Good Luck guys."

The Spartan headed back to the civvies in the building he was in before and told them to wait it out as Evac was on the way. He also told the marines that they'd probably have to make a line in front of the pelican so that the Covenant wouldn't shoot at the civilians.

@1stLt HChurch
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As I stand in the head of the Pelican, watching the destination come closer, I hear the responding message from the Spartan below. I listen intently as he talks, nodding a couple times to no one in particular.

"Where do you plan to land and how long until we do land there?" I ask the pilot once the Spartan is done talking.

The pilot takes a moment to ponder the answer, then he blurts it out. "I am estimating that we can land almost right in front of the building, with the bay door opening closer to the entrance of the building than the nose, and hopefully the nose will be pointing to the largest swarm of Covies. That way, we can load up the civvies and give them the largest amount of protection as we can. That will cause me to land parallel with the building and the crew bay will be, I'd say, maybe twenty or thirty feet in front of what I estimate the entrance to be. That will be in about three minutes."

"Sounds good, soldier," I reply, nodding a few times. Then I reach down and activate the comms connected to the Spartan below. I would use my helmet comes, but they aren't connected to the other Spartan's yet. Also, the signal will be stronger when sent from a Pelican compared to my own personal radio system.

"This is the Spartan aboard the Pelican that will soon land at your position," I start in a halting way, not knowing how else to introduce myself in the quickest way possible without going for the currently unneeded formalities. "We are planning to drop in front of your building with the nose of the Pelican facing the largest population of nearby Covenant, and the bay open to the entrance of your building. That's the safest and quickest way we can do it so that the civilians are loaded as quick as we can and the Pelican can protect them from at least one side. We should be there in about-" I take a moment to glance down at the city below and the time on my HUD to guesstimate the current ETA, going by the time that was previously mentioned "-two and a half minutes, at the least. Just a heads up so you can prepare. See you soon, Spartan."

Once finished talking, I step back from the dash of the Pelican and turn to the crew bay, aiming to inform my men about the landing. I stand in my same spot and position, and connect with them all like I previously did.

"Okay, people. Time to get this show on the road. We will be landing in around two minutes, so check your weapons and supplies to make sure you have everything. Once we start to drop down out of the air, get up and prepare to leave this craft as soon as it's doors open. Understood?"

I get similar replies as before, except the waves are less snarky and more tense and the voices are more tight, the nerves of the battle undoubtedly getting to the men. And then the one Marine is still just sitting there, but looking even more nervous than before. I feel for him, and open a private message to him.

"You'll be fine, kid," I say, in a quiet voice that I try to have sound as reassuring as I can do. He jerks in surprise and probably some fright at the sudden personal message. "Just keep your eyes open and senses on alert and you'll make it back to base alive. I promise you that."

He looks at me, eyes wide but appreciative, and I give him one meaningful nod. I really do hope he makes it. Then, I tense up as I feel the Pelican drop, looking away from the Marine and to everyone as a whole.

"We're dropping now," I yell to everyone aboard. "Get up and get ready to load out!"

They all do as I say, even the newbie - who appears to have a little more confidence in his posture now - and line the walls of the Pelican. I stride to the door itself, gripping the sill of the window connected to wall and attached to the middle of the door with my left hand, giving myself some support as the craft lands. I also grab my Battle Rifle off my back with my right hand, preparing myself to leave.

When the bay doors open, I immediately let go of the small window and jump out. Everyone follows, and I give them orders to line the path to the crew bay of the Pelican so that the civilians will have that much more protection as they board. As they obediently do as I say, I jog to the door of the building and pry it open with my brute strength. Who gives a damn about opening it normally, right? Hoping that the Spartan will already be prepared to bring the civilians out, I just step aside to make room for the civvies without saying a word. Besides, the quieter I am, the less chance we will have of alerting the Covenant to our position. I just hope that we can get all these people aboard the Pelican as quickly and as efficiently as possible to avoid as many casualties as we can.

The Spartan listens to the reply and nods in response, though no one can see it except the people with him. He turned towards everyone and told them to get up on their feet to get ready. The left over marines were also on their feet, ready to help with the evac.

"Do you have Smoke Grenades? If you do get them ready, we're going to throw all of them over to where the covenant are, creating a wall of smoke as the Pelican lands to take the heat off it, it will also blind them of the civilians, then we'll form a wall in front of the civvies path to the dropship"

The Sergeant nodded and start taking out his Smoke grenades, each marine had two of them and so altogether there were six because the Spartan didn't have any. He took three off the Marines so that they had one each, plus he could throw much better than them. He had the civilians line up in a row by the door, ready to make a run for it.

He then heard what sounded like a dropship outside and before he could exit the door was ripped off by another Spartan dressed in blue, there was no time for greetings and he just gave her a respectful nod before running outside with the Marines, they all threw their smokes and formed the wall of smoke as command.

The Civilians were ready to go, they ran as soon as they saw the Pelican through the door, the Marines were shooting at the cloud of smoke, laying down covering fire rather than concentrated fire because the Smoke also blinded them.

"Don't stop till that Pelican leaves boys!"

@1stLt HChurch
Torhilda gave the 2nd Lieutenant a quick salute. "Always happy to be of help, Sir. I'll fall in under your command for now." Her tone was considerably different now. Sounding more official now that she was talking to a superior officer. "I've got a big gun and a lot of ammo. Outside of a fire fight I'm not much use though, save for some heavy lifting. Just tell me what needs doing." She held her salute, even if it was a bit awkward since her gun in her other hand as making her lean slightly.
(Sorry that this post rushes stuff along so quickly. I just may be offline a lot today and I didn't want to stall us in one spot. Also, my post would have been pretty short otherwise.)

Before leaving the frame of the door, I see through the inner gloom of the building that everyone we are meeting are just inside. Good. That'll make things quicker. The single Spartan inside also gives me a nod, which I reciprocate before turning away. When I step aside and away from the door, I melt into the line of soldiers protecting the civilians, facing in the direction with the highest enemy population.

The Covenant off in the distance have started to pick up on our presence, turning and pointing. I snap my rifle up to my eye level by muscle memory and prepare to mow them down. Since we don't have any true, strong cover, we will just have to he watchful until everyone is loaded. That might be difficult, but we can manage.

Suddenly, I see a few small objects fly over our heads. They appear like grenades, and they cause me to tense up even though they look human-made. You never know if the Covenant have instructed their soldiers on how to use them. But then the grenades explode, obscuring the view of our enemies rather than cause a rain of shrapnel. It makes me smile a bit at the smart idea to smoke the area while the civilians board the Pelican.

As I hear the civilians quickly run to board the Pelican, I watch from the corner of my eye as a few more Marines join our ranks. They start to tear into the smoke, using the tactic of "spray and pray" to keep our enemies at bay. My men pick up on it as well. The Spartan leading the other Marines yells orders to continue firing until everyone is safely aboard.

After glancing around for a moment, I yell to my soldiers, "You heard him! Continue firing until all the civvies are safely aboard!"

The people next to me in the wall immediately become more persistent about firing, and after checking behind me for a brief moment, I see that the second wall facing the opposite way is doing the same. Even though there are less enemies that way, they still know to do it. Good.

I refrain from doing it, though, because, whereas all the Marines tend to have the rapid fire Assault Rifles, I only have a Battle Rifle and a couple Needlers. They don't exactly have the same rapid firing system as the other rifles, and they have shorter clips. So I just scan the smoke, preparing to precisely mow down any stragglers that happen to make it through the smoke.

It takes a minute or so for all the civilians to cram themselves aboard the Pelican. I'm glad when they do, too, because the smoke is starting to become too sparse for my protective liking. After glancing around to make sure all the civilians are aboard and no more are snagging behind, I lower my rifle in just my right hand and use the other to contact the pilot of the Pelican.

"All civvies are onboard," I inform him. "Now, get out of here and to base. We can take this from here."

"Yes, ma'am," the pilot responds enthusiastically, probably happy to have a chance to leave the bombarded city. He lifts off after the doors close, and zips off with his heavy load. With one firm look, I internally wish the Pelican luck with getting back to safety. I know we won't be able to save all of the inhabitants of this planet, but the more that make it off alive, the merrier.

"Everyone!" I yell, looking around at the two combined squads of soldiers. "Drop back and take cover back in the building. We can regroup and create a strategy in there where there's cover." I end the command with waving an arm and gesturing to the door of the building.

I stay outside longer and watch for enemies as everyone else files inside, protecting them since I have stronger armor. The ODSTs even hang around for a little longer than the other Marines, knowing that they can take more enemy fire than the others. Then, once everyone is inside, I back into the building myself. Only once I make sure that everyone - including myself - is safely inside do I lower my weapon.

Thankfully, it appears that all of us made it inside the building unscathed. Good. We still need to guard the entrance, which I instruct two of the ODSTs to do, but we are all thankfully safe and healthy for now.

"That ran smoother than I thought it would," I mumble to myself as I watch the two ODSTs stand guard inside the door frame. I'm always thankful for instances like this.

My head then jerks around as I remember the other Spartan in the room. It's a bit odd to think that there is another Spartan around, for I don't usually work with other Spartans. But I'm glad to be working with a fellow Spartan again. I purposefully walk up to face said Spartan while I think of this, my rifle held casually in my hands.

Without extending my hand toward him, for that seems silly to do, I introduce myself with a nod and, "I am Holly Church, Spartan-C142. But everyone just calls me Church. I have to say, its nice to be working with another Spartan again."

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(That's cool x3 )

The Spartan keeps firing, waiting for all the civvies to get into the Pelican, he lets out a sigh of relief when he hears that they're all safe. He waits till last before running from his Marine line, being the strongest he could take hits for his allies if need be. Using his two Frag Grenades he throws them over to where the Covenant are, much further beyond the smoke grenades to take out a few grunts and jackals.

He runs back inside the building watching his six before fully entering. He lowers his Pistol and taps his helmet. That did go smoothly. much more smoothly than it went on his own. Then he realised the other Spartan was here with them, he quickly looked around only to see that she was in front of him, introducing herself;

"A Spartan-III, I haven't had the chance to meet any of you next Gen's. I'm Spartan-095. Or you can call me Chris. And Likewise, I'm thankful for your immediate company. We needed it and I think Reach needs as much help as it can get."

@1stLt HChurch
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Nap Nap waited for all the Pelicans to disperse before beginning his little scavenger hunt. And with about as much success as you'd assume.

"Nothing!" Nap Nap slammed his foot on a rock. "Did you find anything?"

"What were we looking for again?" Pak-Pak asked

"Oh for the love of the Great Journey!" Nap-Nap groaned. "It's a shiny..."

"Wait!, right here!" Pak-Pak proudly held up a piece of metal. It didn't look like a dogtag, but it was a piece of metal, rather shiny, and had a symbol on it that was human. "This looks shiny enough for a human to wear! We can present this to the leader!"

"Amazing!" Nap Nap grinned. "Then he'll have to send us home. Pak-Pak." He put a shoulder on his fellow grunt. "You're a natural-born genius!"
At the Spartan's - Chris', I mean - comment, my shoulders sag a bit and my head cocks slightly in surprise. A Spartan-II? Really? Wow. That's..different.

"I'm glad I could assist you, especially since we didn't really have any specific prior agenda besides coming to the city and kicking some ass. My pilot received your message for assistance, and I couldn't think of a valid reason as to why we couldn't help you," I comment first in a half-hearted way, wanting to get that response out of the way first. Then I ask, "So, you're a Spartan-II?" in the same quietly amazed tone as my thoughts on the subject. Without waiting for an answer, I continue with, "Man, I've never met one of you guys before. Well, except for Kurt, who trained us, but he's really one of the only II's that I've met until now. You guys are legends, too, even to Spartans like myself. Pleasure to meet you and have you on my team, now, Chris."

Then I glance at the soldiers around us, some watching our conversation, some tense and nervous about the threat outside, and some not giving much of a damn about the situation. After a moment, I look back up to Chris.

"So," I start pretty casually, my first words coming out in a sigh, "since you're probably the highest ranking soldier here, and you know the place better, you should be in charge of coming up with our next plan of action. Have any ideas about that? Like, where we should go in the city to defend it and how to safely leave the building without getting mowed down by the Covies outside?"

[QUOTE="1stLt HChurch]At the Spartan's - Chris', I mean - comment, my shoulders sag a bit and my head cocks slightly in surprise. A Spartan-II? Really? Wow. That's..different.
"I'm glad I could assist you, especially since we didn't really have any specific prior agenda besides coming to the city and kicking some ass. My pilot received your message for assistance, and I couldn't think of a valid reason as to why we couldn't help you," I comment first in a half-hearted way, wanting to get that response out of the way first. Then I ask, "So, you're a Spartan-II?" in the same quietly amazed tone as my thoughts on the subject. Without waiting for an answer, I continue with, "Man, I've never met one of you guys before. Well, except for Kurt, who trained us, but he's really one of the only II's that I've met until now. You guys are legends, too, even to Spartans like myself. Pleasure to meet you and have you on my team, now, Chris."

Then I glance at the soldiers around us, some watching our conversation, some tense and nervous about the threat outside, and some not giving much of a damn about the situation. After a moment, I look back up to Chris.

"So," I start pretty casually, my first words coming out in a sigh, "since you're probably the highest ranking soldier here, and you know the place better, you should be in charge of coming up with our next plan of action. Have any ideas about that? Like, where we should go in the city to defend it and how to safely leave the building without getting mowed down by the Covies outside?"


Chris observed her posture when he had finished talking, she seemed like she was questioning him with that head tilt, but with the helmet on it was hard to decipher any kind of emotions radiating from the Spartan before him.

Just before Chris could answer Church she had already begun talking again, it was a question about him actually being a Spartan-II to which he quickly nodded. What surprised him next was her talking about Kurt, training the Spartan-III's? She must have been on about another Kurt... but he's a Spartan-II... there aren't any repeated names. Kurt? Kurt is dead, from what he believed anyway. Well, it's what was passed around among Spartan-II's.

Truthfully, Chris had never really been in a commanding position until now, he was always led around by Green Team and never lead himself, however he didn't want to disappoint the Marines around him - or even Church. "It's a pleasure to meet you too Church. And to make a good plan is to always listen to their teammates advice as well as. We probably risk fighting head to head with the Covies, unless this building lead underground, which I doubt since it's an office building. We could always find another way out of the building and cross roads from building to building which was my original plan with the Civvies, though this time we have the firepower."
What a lovely planet! Mary-T169 grinned under her visor, rifle perched against her shoulder as she radioed in.

"Don't know if this comm is also being read by Covvies as well, but that's cool too! Anyway, just an extra bit of firepower in the area happy to hunt Covvies for whoever needs it."

Turning her sights on one particular Brute, she fired a shot, watching his head fly back into the wall as several grunts scattered and his two comrade furballs began firing in the air, screaming mad chants that blood would spill for such an atrocity.

"Atrocity my ass." Psych fired another round, this time aiming for the stomach. Well, the brute ate well she assumed. A lot of red meat came out, or maybe that was just him. And that final brute, well, he just seemed quite alright with firing his pistol in the air.

Checking her comms she decided to send out another broadcast, hoping that someone would answer. I'm here in the city, just sitting around, a bit bored really. So if someone sends a request really soon that be greeaat."

As I mention Kurt, I seem to see a slight change in Chris' posture. He seems to shift in a way so that he is holding himself in a slightly dumbstruck fashion, no matter how miniscule the movement was. Or maybe even a disbelieving way. It's hard to tell on a person with that much blasted armor unless you know them at least moderately well. But, either way, mentioning Kurt must have gotten to him a bit. Which I find odd, but..oh well. No need to dwell on it now. Especially since, in all reality, I'm probably seeing nothing. Besides, he's speaking again. I better listen up.

While Chris talks, I quietly listen, just looking at his visor and nodding slightly a couple times. Then, after he is finished and I think for a second, I make my reply.

"I think our best plan would be to go from building to building," I add kinda thoughtfully, "taking out Covies whenever we can during that time. Then, once we find one, we can stop in a stable spot where we can start tearing into the bastards and take out as many as we can. We can continue to so until we get orders to do otherwise, if command is going to send them."

Dax was actually a bit nervous, not that he would ever say so. It wasn't the fact that he was in a phantom heading down to the most heavily armed human planet that had ever been found. It wasn't the large domineering Sangheili who was prepping the unit. It wasn't even the incompetent Unggoy who really wanted to be fricking shot in the head if kept poking him in the back! No, it was the fact that he was about to pull off his biggest transfer to date. The humans would pay a fortune for the information he was going to bring them. With this money he could most likely buy his own black market ship, hire a crew, and set out scavenging the Galaxy just like his ancestors used to do. Perhaps even entice a nice mate.

Dax was snapped out of his thoughts of wealth as the big brute of a Sangheili ordered them to drop out of the ship and onto the hill overlooking a besieged human city. Oh, he had heard about this place. Apparantly several platoons of covenant soldiers had already been wiped out. Apparently by those humans, what did they call them? Ah yes, Spartans. Perhaps he should be glad that this unit's current task was setting up a forward staging base for a second assualt. This time with several wraiths and a couple of dozen ghosts. It would also be setting up a communication antenna, which he was charged with setting up.

Stupid fool of a Sangheili. When he was finished, he would use the communication antenna to access his contact and find the drop off point for his 'product.' There, he would be given several million credits, as the humans called there money, worth of weapons and supplies. Once the swap was made, he would gather up his hard earned earnings in some standard issue Covenant supply crates, load them up in the nearest phantom, and he would be off faster than an Unggoy who saw his own reflection. Hehe, life was good.
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Meanwhile, Nap Nap must have had his lucky day.

After a harrowing hike back, reinforcements were arriving to take his place! waiving happily at the phantom. "Finally, the heroes have arrived!"

And it was about time too. If the Covenant had so many resources to spare, why was Nap Nap stuck on this planet? Why wasn't he back home by now? Surely, the Covenant ranks didn't believe in such atrocious hours for an invasion. It was no wonder Reach was putting up such a fight..

Nap-Nap needed to sleep and perhaps get a nice, good long rest.


@Lonely Assassin @1stLt HChurch

If there was any radio working, Psych was definetly filling up the chatter. "Hey, I think I might be seeing some Covies coming in from a nearby building? Or some pelicans. Heck, I can't tell which. Anyway, just on the look out for any potential spotters or reinforcements. I've got a rifle with names to take."
Chris nodded in response to Church, "Sounds like the Plan. Okay Marines, I want you up and ready to move, we're heading to the building across the street from here and we'll keep moving to each building for solid cover, we can't take on that many Covvies in open warfare and we need to regroup!"

He took up an Assault Rifle instead of keeping his ordinary silenced pistol, there was no need for stealth at the moment, more fire-power than anything. The Marines we loading up and getting ready, lining up by the door. Chris took out his two Frag Grenades and placed his Assault Rifle onto his back. He flicked the pins off with his thumbs and threw the nades out the door around the corner and then ran as fast as he could out of the building firing his Rifle now in his hands at the Covenant down the street. The Marines followed suit.

It was then that some more radio chatter came into range, he stopped in the middle of the street, beckoning the Marines to keep moving to the next building as he fired his weapon in controlled bursts with one hand. The other was on his helmet so that he could talk into his comms, "That might have been our pelican! We're pinned down, you might see us crossing the street, if you can cover us with your rifle that would be much appreciated, but don't get pinned yourself." Chris stayed put on the street, now crouched whilst reloading as the Marines ran to the building.

@1stLt HChurch @GhastlySquash
When Chris agrees with the plan, I nod curtly in response. I then stride to the entrance of the building while he instructs everyone else in the room to prepare to move. Some of the soldiers in my own squad, including the two ODSTs at the door, look at me a little bit hesitantly. They seem to be asking for my rule on the subject, like they are expecting an order from me as well.

I glance around at all of them, then raise my voice while gesturing to the other Spartan in the room, "Chris, here, is in charge of everyone now. You follow his orders-" I point to my chest while delivering this next line "-and mine second, unless stated otherwise. So do as he said and get ready to move, people!"

Any of my soldiers who weren't up prior to my speel are now getting ready in an exaggerated, quick fashion, but still obedient nonetheless. All except the ODSTs, who are still watching the door.

When Chris walks up to the door with the grenades, the ODSTs step back away from the door and farther into the room. The sound of the explosion outside signals the soldiers to move, following Chris across the street. I follow behind them, running with my rifle in my hands. Like before, I don't fire as I run. Instead, I just trod behind them, keeping an eye out for any enemies that could be advancing on us.

My steps stutter for a moment when my radio suddenly springs to life, voice chatter in my helmet. I can tell from the sound of it that it's a general message rather than a private one, so I listen before I respond. I'm glad I do, too, because Chris responds to the other soldier on the line, which sounds to be another Spartan. Wow. We're meeting up with our own kind right and left today. Damn. But, hey, that will at least make things easier.

At the same time that he starts to converse with the newly announced Spartan, I see Chris stop in the street and fire on the enemies with one hand while the rest of our soldiers file inside the next building. Knowing it will give him better cover, I stop in a crouch next to him and lift my rifle. I would add to the conversation, but, honestly, there is no point if Chris is already doing that job. So, now that I can make more precise shots, I get to work on that instead.

First, I aim for a Brute Minor. He is running at us from down the street, enraged, so he seems to be a good target to take out first. My finger squeezes down on the trigger and- bam! Three bullets rip precisely into his chest armor. But, due to the distance, it just weakens his shields without taking them completely out. And, ya know, pisses him off even more. It takes two more shots to break the shield, then one bloody shot to the throat area to take him out of the fight. All four shots were made within seconds of one another, but I still feel like I'm wasting too much time with making that many shots. And, to be honest, that feeling is very deflating to your nerves. Especially when you still have a whole city to defend. Should we get closer? Face the enemy more head on to get accurate shots?

Well, I guess I will have to think about that now and enact it later, because everyone else is now inside the building. Chris and I should be in there too so that we can continue on.

"Everyone's inside the next building, sir," I yell over the gunfire as I lower my rifle slightly and glance over my shoulder. "We should do the same so we can get a move on."

@LonelyAssassin @GhastlySquash
The comm unit was nearly finished. Just a few more adjustments and he could relay his contact and find the meeting point. Soon, he would be out of this Forerunner forsaken army and have his own ship and crew. He crowed I delight. Everything was going perfectly. Then a group of Unggoy showed up.

Honestly, Dax had nothing against the Unggoy, instead of the intense hatred the rest of his species shared. To be truthful, they did there job well. Go attack the enemies position and make them waste as much ammo as possible. He couldn't fault them for that. What he could fault them for, however, was there incessant stupidity and their tendency to always get in his way.

Growling, he turned to the new group of Unggoy. They were talking of naps and having a human shiny, whatever that meant, and seemed incessant in staying right near him. He'd never be able to reach his contact like this.

Turning around to face the small group of survivors from the city attack, he spied what looked to be there leader, one the others called Nap-Nap. Quickly, he walked up the Unggoy in the most intimidating manner he could. Looking down on the head of the paltry group, he gave the leader the nastiest glare he could.

"Now, what are you doing here? Get to work moving those crates!" He pointed to several large weapon crates off on the other side of the camp. "And make sure to set up the turrets as well you imbeciles! Otherwise I might have to make you a quick meal." He gave them a evil looking smile and chuckled menacingly at his word play.
@Lonely Assassin @1stLt HChurch

With each shot came a new insult. "Well, this little grunt had to take a bullet to the brain. And this little grunt had a bullet to the leg. And this little grunt had to go all the way home!"

She laughed as the poor creature was carried away by his own jetpack, helpless to run as he went over the cliff.

By the time she saw the squad safely inside, Psych went back on the comms. "Mhmmm, welcome to the other side, I'll be down shortly.

A few minutes later, the Spartan had managed to climb her way down the flights of stairs. And then well, a jackal attacked.

A little slimy how he managed to jump on her, grenade in his hand before Psych managed to pull out an axe, throwing it right into his skull and leaving the grenade to toss harmlessly down the stairs. Then, grabbing her axe, she chopped the thing's head off.

When she did reach Chris and Church, the proud Spartan would be puffing her chest up high, the newly added head of her adversary perched upon her chest.

"Well isn't this a great morning? Not two days in this planet and Covenant trophies all around!"



Nap-Nap simply held his tongue out. "What happened to your unloading crew!? We're on a break!"

He'd been given plenty of menacing glares from his higher ups, but none would waste their ammo on him anyhow. Besides, it was better to get a backlashing here then get killed by those emotionless death machines they called Spartans.

He even heard of one that called itself the Headless Horseman. A terrifying monster that left officers with their heads chopped cleanly off.
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Chris nodded and tapped Church's shoulder, signalling her to move with him into the Building. They got across the street and it seemed like everything went according to plan. Chris looked at the door they just came through and shouted for a grenade, a Marine tossed him one which he shoved into the hinge of the door, he walked away as it exploded, making the door a lot harder to get through.

"We don't have much time, that won't hold forever so we better get ready to move to the next building."

He then heard the soldier on the comms, now in person, another Spartan. Which made Chris feel a little better, however seeing the Jackal's head wasn't that much of a pretty sight.

"Thanks for your help Spartan. Do you happen to know any nearby Marine Outposts we can regroup at?"

@1stLt HChurch @GhastlySquash
When Chris taps my shoulder, I quickly look up at him, then I nod and stand to jog after him into the next building. Once inside, I stand closer to the door of the building at first. But I quickly decide to move a lot farther away from said door, preferring to not be blown up by the grenade that Chris planted. Even though it could be a bit of a risky maneuver, I can't help but admit that protecting our route like that was a pretty damn good idea.

When I hear the other woman walk up and comment to us, I turn, happy to have another soldier by our side to work with. Especially a Spartan. The more soldiers around, especially Spartans, the merrier this will all turn out to-

Until I see that she has a...head attached to her chest. A jackal head, to be exact.

"Oh, god," I murmur when I see it, standing rooted to the spot and staring right at it. From the outside, I look like an expressionless statue that only gives of a slightly surprised look due to my poster. But under my armor, my expression is a combination of bewilderment and horror. Well, I certainly was not expecting that. And, damn, is that gross. I've seen other Spartans do some weird shit in my time, but never anything like that. Goddamn, man.

Realizing that I'm staring for a couple seconds too long, I give myself a slight shake and force my eyes away from the grotesque scene that is oddly addicting to stare at, standing straighter as I do so. I mean, every Spartan has killed something and gotten their hands and armor covered in any kind of blood at some point in their life. I have plenty of times. But we don't usually keep trophies like that. Weapons or armor trophies, maybe, but not body parts. And seeing very abnormal things like that in a normal setting just fucks with my head and makes me uncomfortable. Simple as that.

"Good to have you here to help us, ma'am," I comment to her after Chris makes his comment. Even though she seems to have a weird knack, there still isn't a reason to be disrespectful to her as long as she is respectful to me as well. I wait for her response to Chris' question, curious about what the answer will be.

@LonelyAssassin @GhastlySquash
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@LonelyAssassin @1stLt HChurch

Upon hearing Chris' question, the Spartan shrugs her shoulders. "Couldn't say I actually do. I was dropped in with some Hell Jumpers in a meadow not too far from here. We were support to regroup with a command center in the city. Needless to say, most of our team got wiped out. But heck, it could be worst. I hear the Covenant have terrible memory in following the Geneva Convention of war."

She turned her head back, giggling as if she was only making lighthearted banter towards her enemies. However, hearing Church's comment, the Spartan grew quiet and nodded. "Always happy to lend a hand to those that need it. Can't let you guys have all the fun, right?"

They probably couldn't see, but she was grinning like the jackal's head on her chest. "Anyway, I'd say perhaps pushing downtown might get us there, but who really knows? Most people just want to get the hell off this rock, so any evac centers might be our best bet."

She looked over the two Spartans, before holding out a blood-stained palm. "Marianne-T169 at your service, but most peeps around these parts prefer to call me Psych. I can go by either, really."
Chris nodded at her answer, command centre sounded good, but a nearby outpost would have been better. Hopefully they stumble upon one on their way to the command centre, the covenant were gaining ground quickly though and it wasn't good. He tried to think of a plan in his head, downtown, through the buildings, downtown is that way... he faced in the direction before turning back to a blood-stained hand.

"Chris-095." He firmly shakes her hand and then lets go, before turning to Church, "Looks like we're going Downtown, same plan as before though, stick to the buildings like glue. C142 I want you by me at the Vanguard, T169 you're good with that rifle, take the a couple of our ODST Marksmen and take a different route, but stay close to use - if we run into trouble the covenant will focus on our larger force - you guys will be the flankers." Chris then turns back to Church, "Uhm... I need to borrow a couple of your ODST." He hears a thud from where the door was, then a couple of 'wort' noises. They were right outside, no good being here.
I watch the conversation between Chris and Psych quietly, listening to what they say. Other than an unseen raise of the eyebrows at Psych's crazed laugh, I don't show much reaction to what is said.

When Chris turns to me and starts giving me orders, I look at him and pay attention. Once he's finished with my orders, I nod to him and say, "Yes, sir."

Up in the front, huh? That'll be nice. Easier to take out enemies, anyway.

When Chris asks for the use of my ODSTs, I can't help but chuckle a bit. Him being so cautious about it and having to ask is pretty amusing to me. "I have three to use, sir," I say, a smile evident in my voice. "And you can use them however you wish. As long as, of course, that doesn't involve them being killed immediately. But, ya know."

I glance over at the three ODSTs, standing in a group once I'm done talking. One is check his rifle, oblivious to the conversation, while the other two are watching our conversation. They are probably also a little amazed that they are seeing three Spartans in the same place at once - with the newest arrival having a bloodied jackal cranium dangling casually from her chest, which no doubt makes it even more interesting to see - since that isn't normally seen by the regular eye of a soldier, but they are also watching our conversation. One of the two looks right at me when he sees me glance over, and that's when I look back to Chris.

"The soldiers in my squad are yours to use however you wish, sir," I comment. Then I look back to the ODSTs and wave them over. After nudging the third man that is still check his rifle, the three jog over from across the gloomy room. They will need to be briefed on the mission, so I might as well get their asses over here.

..Aaand we probably should make this quick as a jiffy, because it sounds like a few hinge heads outside the door are trying to give us a nice big hello with plasma guns and plasma grenades.

@LonelyAssassin @GhastlySquash
"We can skirt across the street." Psych commented, pulling out her rifle and turning to the ODST'S that would be assigned to her. "Stay close and don't make a shot if you don't think you can take it. Chances are you'll just waste bullets or hit one of our friendlies."

It was a bit of a relief to be working with two Spartans, instead of being out on her own as usual. although she'd have to return to the campsite to get Mr. Dorsy. Well, the enemy campsite that is.

"Give the word, and let's rumble." She cocked the rifle back. "I'm looking for some new heads for my collection."
"They should be the last ones to die if they do their job right." Chris patted Church's shoulder in thanks and then looked over to the ODST's that come over, "Okay, since there are only three of you I'll send you all with this Spartan, swap your weapons out with the Marines if you don't have a precision weapon because you're going to be our support. This is Spartan T169 or you can call her Psych. Stay close to her and also stay in our sight as much as possible. EVERYONE GET READY TO MOVE."

Chris made his way over to the Marines whilst Saluting to Psych, "Good Luck Spartan." He commanded the Marines to go find the nearest exit and turned to Church who should be accompanying him, "Your Pilot, keep an eye on your comms for him, he might return, we could use his assistance." Chris then turned back to the Marines and went to the Exit that they had found, he pried it open and allowed them to Pass through onto the Streets, he also held the door open for Church.
When Chris pats my shoulder, I flinch ever so slightly at the unwarranted touch, especially since I..wasn't exactly paying attention, but I look right at him with my full attention as he starts to hand out orders to everyone around us. The grumbling of the bastards outside is still very noticeable to everyone's ears, but we tune it out at the moment for our sanity.

The three ODSTs nod respectfully in response to the orders they receive from the two Spartans, with the lead ODST who caught my eye earlier giving Psych a sharp, "Yes, ma'am!" in response to her more stinging orders. They then walk back over to the other Marines from my portion of the squad. After a little bit of stern words to the uncooperative Marines, the two paying attention to the conversation earlier switch weapons with some of the Marines. The third soldier, who was checking his rifle earlier, doesn't have to do so since he already has a DMR. One of the Marines that receives a Battle Rifle from the ODSTs is the little newbie, who didn't put up much of an argument but appears to be a little flustered at having his rifle being switched away. He must have been trained with an Assault Rifle the most or something to have that small but noticeable reaction to having it taken away. Or he's just nervous and new things are making it worse. I watch him for a moment longer, then, in the back of my skull, I make a mental note to have him switch with one of the more experienced Marines who has an AR so that he is stuck with a spray-and-pray weapon rather than precise power. That seems to be more of his cup of tea.

I look back to Chris as he starts to walk over to the large group of Marines, then follow behind him. I watch the Marines wander off after his orders for them, sniffing out an exit to the building. When he instructs me about the pilot of my Pelican I rode down here, I nod. I'll just wait to contact him when I'm outside.

When we walk to the exit, we have to wait a moment for Chris to pry the door open. I use that moment to make the newbie switch weapons with another Marine after calling them both over. The older Marine doesn't argue, no matter how pissed he looks. And the newbie seems to gain a little more relief with the reappearance of an Assault Rifle in his hands.

Before we walk through the door to exit the building, I put a hand on the kid's shoulder and say in a quiet but reassuring voice, "Just remember what I said on the Pelican: pay attention and keep your senses alert, and you will survive this. Okay, kid?"

He glances at my hand on his shoulder and swallows, then nods vigorously while saying, "Yes, ma'am. I remember."

My hand gives his shoulder one more friendly pat, then I gesture him to the exit. He looks at it, then jogs up to it so he can exit right after the last Marine does. I follow behind him once I'm sure that no one else besides Chris and I are left in the building, but I make sure to give Chris a nod in thanks for his politeness. Then I step back out into the sunlight of the outdoors with my rifle gripped in my hands, my visor adjusting automatically to protect my eyes from the bright light contrasting the gloomy light inside the building.

@LonelyAssassin @GhastlySquash
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