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Fandom Halo Spartans: Unexplored Space

Nap-Nap brushed off the elite commander. "Stupid elites, always hoarding the food and making us work with those bird-brained psychopaths."

Nap-Nap was not looking forward to his day. On one end, he had no idea what to do and worst of all, now hewas in charge of scouting the perimeter the ship just created. Taking his small platoon, he quietly led the group, with an elite of course.

There was a saying that elites died first and that grunts die first only if they lead. Nap-Nap lived by those words, holding his needler should he come across any enemies on his search.

They were now entering a canyon, and one that caused Nap-Nap to gulp in fear. Canyons were the worst. Why did the prophets want this planet so badly? What ever happened to a glorious sabbath before the storm?

Or was their beliefs only second now to the cause?
Locke remained motionless in his pod as the squad leader, Second Lieutenant Hamilton, give them their orders over their coms. Locke was unsurprised by the orders though. Most of the ODST were being dropped on the outskirts of military bases and civilian population centers closest to the fighting. The orders were simple, clear the dropzone, regroup, and be assigned orders by the nearest Operations Center. Locke vaguely wondered where he was being dropped, but it didn't really matter. It was all Reach to him.

Five minutes later the shrill buzzer sounded as it signaled the 10 second countdown to drop started. Lock loosened his body and closed his eyes as the countdown dwindled down. He had only one wish during those long years that he was assigned to ODST. Locke wanted to fight beside his fellow SPARTANs again. "Now, I am on step closer." he thought right before he was launched from the UNSC Trafalgar.

After about a minute had passed, Locke began his ritual of steeling himself for the rough landing ahead. Since his pod was basically a metal coffin with a heatshield, he began to lock his armor up and brace for impact.

Another minute and a half passed before Locke felt the familiar rumble that occurred when entering the atmosphere and made Locke and every other ODST look like meteors streaking towards the ground.
Celine was under fire from the enemy, who only let up when the snipers took potshots at them. There was only one elite and a handful of grunts left, she felt the skirmish was dragging on needlessly the covvies were in cover and Celine didn't need this to take any longer. Once the next suppressive sniper volley forced them into cover Celine rushed head on into the enemy position, some roadblocks that were put up not too long before the attack. She first ran through the grunts, who seemed extremely startled by the Spartans sudden charge, she shoved one out of the way sending the thing tumbling to its back. This didn't atop some of the other ones from getting a few lucky shots in before the other troopers stepped in to draw their fire.

Celine was face to face with the elite, she took a quick... Although inaccurate shot with her shotgun aimed towards the thing's legs, a grazing shot at worst but it did weaken the energy shielding on it. She then rammed into the hoping to knock it on the ground, but the elite took the hit, although with a bit of stumbling backwards. He retaliated with a Grab at her shotgun, a grab of which he actually got a hold of...a struggle for the gun ended with it being flung across the road. Celine.. Now without her main weapon grabbed the arm of the elite... The one that still maintained grip of its plasma weapon, she used that leverage to trip the beast up with her legs. As it stumbled, she drew her combat knife, swung behind it and stabbed it in the back of the neck. It coiled back trying to get the spartan off his back when the firing of an SMG brought it's struggles to a halt... The beast fell and one of the troopers ejected his case and inserted another one... Standing on the other side of now dead elite.

" nice one McCarty " Celine spoke with now a noticeable heavy breathing.

"No problem, but Jesus Christ Bek why'd you do that" the man responded.

"Tell you what... Give me time to come up with a reason.. And I'll let you know then..OK" she replied back with a bit of a chuckle as she patted the man on the shoulder.

She grabbed her knife out of the dead elite, and walked over to where her shotgun had landed, as she picked her weapon she noticed some streaks in the sky falling towards the planet, "drop pods... At least this place might be getting some extra firepower" she mumbled to herself. As she kept looking at the sky.. Something else caught her attention, more banshees... Another bombing run.. This time.. More directed at a single target, that target was the building her sniper's nest was located. She watched the flying death machines tear the building to shreds...knowing that in all likelyhood they were dead.
The Spartan Found the Door to the Building, he hadn't been spotted by the Covenant coming down the road yet so he quickly parted the door with his raw strength, getting into the gap he opened up for himself and letting the door close behind him. Now that he was in the building he made his way up stairs to get to higher ground, the roof would be a great place to get to. The building seemed empty and abandoned already and he had no resistance so far.

That was until he got passed the halfway point of floors, he walked around a corned into a room before a couple of shots were fired at him, luckily both missed completely. Civilians. Lots of Civilians taking cover in this room.

"Don't shoot, I'm with the UNSC."

"A Spartan!? We're saved!"

He let out a sigh and looked around, there were way too many civilians for him to be able to look after all by himself.

"How many of you are there?"

"There are some more of us on higher floors."

"Everyone make your way to the Roof, I'm going to call for Evac." The Spartan then got on his comms, "Requesting a Couple Pelicans at my Co-ordinates, we'll be on top of a Building, I have a lot of Civilians over here that need evacuating."

Suddenly the sound of glass smashing caught everyone's surprise as Elite Rangers with Jetpacks came in at the side, wielding plasma repeaters they gunned down a few civvies as screams rang through the room. The Spartan immediately started shooting his Suppressed SMG at them,

"Could also use Assistance form any Marines in the area. ASAP!" He then addressed the civilians, "EVERYONE MOVE! THOSE WITH GUNS SHOW SOME REACH RESISTANCE!"
Nap Nap shuddere as he saw the pods rain nearby the area he was about to go into.

"It appears the prophets grace us with a kill." The elite held his sword out.

Nap Nap just held his gun up looking at his two privates amd directing them to keep an eye out.

"Maybe we should go back? What if they kill us?" Nap nap asked. "Oh scrap I don't want to end up like Yip-Flap. No one even talks about Yip-Flap."

He carefully peered over the edge, his gun aimed at the nearest pod.
"Probably a lucky shot from a Banshee." Locke thought as he felt a shockwave and a blip from his IFF disappeared during his descent. It was too soon for the Covenant to had set up Anti-Air yet. With his suit locked up, all Locke could do was wait for the impact of the landing while listening to the broken com transmissions that came in as he fell to the surface. The probability of him surviving the landing was much higher than the ODST even with his skeleton of a pod.

The landing was rougher than usual as the pod flipped a few times after the initial impact. After the pod came to a standstill while being upside-down, Locke started to unlock his armor while he took note of his IFF. Three ODST died on impact, two with critical injuries, plus the one that died during the drop, meant the squad of 20 that he was attached to was down to 14. It wasn't unusual to lose that many before even getting out of their pods. But the ODST weren't the only thing on his IFF, he was also picking up movement on the edge of his motion detector. The banshee must of alerted nearby troops to clean up the drop zone. But if the Covenant were anything like the Insurrectionists, they would check the contents before wasting ammo.

Locke checked his confined quarters, his equipment was knocked loose during the flipping but was undamaged. He carefully undid his harness while holding himself up to minimize noise and righted himself as best he could. Locke loaded his M45 with shells that had been scattered and readied himself for whatever would open the hatch to his tin can coffin. "It's show time." Locke had smiled more in the last hour than in the past 5 years.
Most of the People that stayed behind with Magnums were dead, there were only two left, one of them was severely injured by plasma and screaming for help. The Spartan took out the last grenade and unpinned it before waiting, an Elite Ranger was moving forward as another stayed closely behind. He threw the grenade and it hit the Ranger in the head, bouncing off and exploding, sending the two elites away from each other and killing them. The Spartan then stood up from cover aiming his SMG at the Rangers, but there were none left, he let out a sigh and looked towards the surviving fighting civvies.

"Thanks Sparta-AAAH!" A Ranger comes out from cloaking, stabbing the Civilian with it's energy knife in the back of the throat and threw him to the side. The Spartan grimaced and ran forwards shooting his SMG till it ran out of ammo, which was very quickly, just enough to take the Elite's shields down. Though the Ranger put up a fight, punching the Spartan into the ground, he rolled away before the energy knife was stuck into him and instead stuck into the floor. He got up, but the Ranger was quick, throwing a Plasma Grenade at his adversary - who quickly raised his gun up, the grenade stuck to that instead and he quickly threw it at the Ranger, it missed but blew up behind it and sent the elite scrambling forward. The Final blow was dealt there, as the elite was knocked forward the Spartan shoved his Combat knife into the Elite's throat. It fell to the floor Dead.

He let out a few breaths before looking around and drawing one of his two suppressed pistols, the inured Civvie was still alive, so he threw him over his shoulder and made his way to the roof.
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All that Nap Nap did was scream as he attempted to fire his Needler. What happened was that he fell back, the gun flying in the air.

Meanwhile, the main elite and the rest of his squad attempted to shoot at the pod.

"No no no no!" Nap Nap began desperately searching for his gun, crawling across his elite commander to see if it fell back in the pit.
Locke shook his head in disbelief as he heard the plasma beat against the hatch. Covenant obviously didn't know that the drop-pod was designed to survive dropping from orbit. It wouldn't last forever with most the heat shielding burned off but the pods were made from heat tempered steel and could take quite a bit of abuse. At least a regular one would. Even with it's significant armor reduction his pod would last a minute or two against Covenant weaponry. But Locke still made preparations in case the Covenant wanted to waste a significant amount of their weapon's energy to slag just one of the many pods in the area. Locke formulated a backup plan as he grabbed a grenade and went to work.
As he caught up with the scouting elite, Regium looked up into the sky at the falling lines. The other elite looked up as well. As they got closer, they both realized that the drop pods would be landing nearby the outpost. Regium commanded the other elite to get back to the outpost as quickly as he could and help wherever needed. Regium said he could give his report later. As the elite sped off, Regium took a minute to survey the nearby land and try and find some altitude. He found nothing however, as the area was mostly flat lands and small hills. He grunted at the realization before heading directly towards the suspected landing area. He went slowly though, and got off the ghost about twelve hundred feet before reaching the edge of the canyon. He walked the distance and went prone at the edge to watch. He didn't see anything hit the ground, but he did see the pod in the canyon, and not long after did he see the scouting party he'd sent out open fire on it. He sighed as they needlessly exhausted the weapons. He only had his carbine with him, so he wouldn't be able to help from this distance once the enemy emerged from the pod. He decided that the squad would be able to deal with the threat, and he got back to his ghost. He sped off back towards the outpost to get everything situated.
Eventually, the firing stopped and Nap Nap of all grunts peered over the edge, screaming the best insult he could think of in human english.

"Come out you fucking noob!" From the few forms of human entertainment that he'd managed to smuggle from other runs and from other grunts, this was supposed to be a pretty intimidating insult. He only hoped it would work in his favor.

"Yeah, what he said!" His right-hand grunt added.

The elite, on the other hand, simply walked right up to the pod, prepared perhaps to stab the occupant inside for safe measure.
Locke was a little thankful when the firing stopped as the hatch to his pod was giving off a dull red glow. He watched his motion detector as a single blip moved closer to his pod. Locke sent an enemy contact signal over his IFF before grabbing the straps of the pod's harness, bracing his back against the wall and kicking the hatch with both legs as hard as he could, sending the superheated hatch flying at the enemy closest to pod. He smiled a bit as the unlucky elite got winged by the glowing hunk metal, popping his shield and knocking him down. The hatch continued to flip and somersault towards the rest of Covenant troops.

Locke quickly let go of the straps and grabbed his M45 shotgun as he jumped out of the now open pod. Locke threw one of his two grenades at group of grunts and jackals that were now scrambling to get out of way of tumbling hatch before landing next to elite now attempting to get up. Locke pumped one shell into the Elite's unshielded back and another one into it's head for good measure. Locke paused for a second and turned his attention to other Covenant to reassess the situation before his grenade went off.

He was now on the roof with the rest of the Civilians, there were a bunch of them, it would probably take more than a couple of pelicans to get them all out of here. A Civilian transport ship would be useful right about now, he looked around hoping that even a single pelican would turn up at this point. It did, though he was lucky to find that there were two pelicans on there way, they weren't fitted like standard military however and were instead local City Police Pelicans. It would have to do.

The Pelicans turned, showing their backs, on each one two mounted turrets stuck out the passenger area with a guy on each one. Four Marines and their sergeant got out of one of the Pelicans to assist the Spartan. The Sergeant called out,

"Okay Everyone get into the pelicans, do not rush, single file!"

The Civilians started to get in, the Gunner for each pelican helping them to step on. The other Marines were on the roof keeping a look out for Covenant activity in their immediate area whilst the Spartan and the Sergeant talked.

"Good Call Spartan, you probably saved a lot of lives today."

"Maybe, Sergeant..."

"Sir! Covenant Drop Ship!"

It rose into sight from the back of the building, a Covenant Drop Ship - Spirit Class. It poked it's two carriages over the edge of the roof and unloaded it's Shielded Jackals, the marines fired their Assault Rifles at them. The Pelicans were full, but there were still Civilians on the Roof, the gunners fired at the Jackals as they flew away. The Spirit that dropped them off moved in the direction of the Pelicans in an attempt to chase them down. The Sergeant got onto his Comms,

"We need AA-Support on a Spirit Chasing down Two City Police Pelicans filled with Civilians, I repeat AA-Support required on Civvie Filled PD Pelicans!"

"These Covenant Bastards won't let up!"

The Spartan and the Marines kept their fire on the enemy Jackals. It was only Jackals and they all had those bloody point defence gauntlets. A few of them had been killed, but a lot still remained.

"Civilians Stay on the Ground."
After what seemed like an incredibly long trip, Torhilda wished the marines luck and jumped off the Spade without waiting for it to stop. After making sure the area around her was clear she brought her turret close to her and headed off towards the sound of the gunfire. She had seen a few drop pods falling near hear, and if there was anyone who knew how to find a good fight it was the ODST, providing any of them stay alive long enough. With that thought in mind she hugged the gun closer to herself as she broke out into a half-sprint. After a few moments sprinting she crawled up the side of a small hill, finding herself on the side of a small canyon. She was just in time to see someone burst out one of the pods and go to town on the Covenant nearby it. She moved closer to the edge and set the gun up on the ground. Taking aim at the largest cluster of enemies, firing at them in short bursts. At this range she couldn't hit anything but it'd be enough to get them scrambling for cover. Making those Hell Jumpers job easier.
Locke watched as his grenade blow away a few jackals as few more died on the other flank. Between his sudden appearance from the pod, the large chunk of metal being chucked at them, the Elite dying, the grenade going off, and the rain of bullets now coming down, most of the grunts and a few jackals panicked and ran. To reinforce the idea of retreat, Locke charged towards the remainder of the jackals to finish them off. The jackals surprising easy to take care of with them being distracted by the cover fire needing only 5 of the Locke's remaining shells. After crushing the skull of the last jackal with butt of his shotgun, He surveyed the area to see that the group that ran had no intention of coming back. Locke opened a comm channel to the friendly blip on his IFF. "What unit are you from?" He had already had his suspicions, but Locke wanted, no, needed to confirm it. Locke had only been on Reach for 10 minutes but in his book, but his day just kept getting better and better.

@Shyla Nesthorn

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Torhilda stopped firing as soon as the enemy began to flee, saving ammo. She patted her gun as it cooled down. "Good boy, good boy." Picking it up she started to head down to the pods when one of them contacted her. At this distance she couldn't make out which one. "I'm acting on my own right now, not with any unit. I saw your Eggs coming down and figured you'd need a hand. If you're in need of an extra big gun I can tag along with you." She assumed the man on the other side of the radio was an ODST member. "From the looks of it you lost a few on the way down. So I assume your answer will be a yes." She hopped down into the canyon, making her way to the pods.
Locke headed back to his pod to take stock and properly equip himself. He sent the all clear signal to the remaining ODST before responding, "Does that mean you are a SPARTAN?" Locke was fairly sure what the answer was, as there were very few unmodified humans that could handle an automatic weapon with a 12.7mm round by themselves, but he needed to know. Locke uttered a grunt of annoyance when finding that his M392 DMR's scope had not survived his earlier rough landing. By the time that he was done gathering his scattered ammunition and removing the scope from his M392, the ODST were securing the perimeter, tending to the wounded, and trying to contact a Command Center. 'For weaklings, they do run a tight ship.'

@Shyla Nesthorn
"That's an affirmative. SPARTAN Mk-II Torhilda Vinter at your service. What about you? Which bird dropped those Eggs you came down in?" As she got closer she could see a more heavily armoured individual standing with the rest of the ODST, most likely the one she was talking to. As she moved forward she kept an eye on her surroundings, making sure the covvies weren't just waiting for them to gather up and drop a plasma right in the middle of them.
Nap Nap had already fled for the hills, screaming his head off as Jackals and fellow Covenant soldier's were reduced to bits and pieces.

However, a thought suddenly crossed his mind. Turning back, he gestured his squad into a huddle.

"What's wrong Nap-Nap?"

"Shut up Flap-Rap."

"You too Pak-Pak."

"Both of you!" Nap-Nap shouted. "We're going back."

"Why?" Flap-Rap gasped. "You saw what that Demon did to us? Obliterated!"

"No, we won't kill them..." Nap Nap smiled. "We're going to steal their guns and present it as a trophy. Then the Commander will be so happy we get off this rock and back to Bahalo."

"Wow Nap-Nap you're a genius!" Pak-Pak nodded. "Let's do this."


@Shyla Nesthorn @Galain Fletchawk

Coming back, they soon saw more Demons in the area, but Nap-Nap was ready for it. All he had to do was find a gun, take it, and present it as a trophy. Something that would make the Commander believe he killed a Spartan. Maybe those silver tags they always wore. That would be inscrutable evidence.

Sneaking below, the grunts took cover behind a boulder.
"SPARTAN-091 Locke, currently assigned to 12th Shock Troops Battalion, 3rd Platoon. We were dropped from the UNSC Trafalgar. It was a bit of a rough landing but...." It was then that the Platoon Leader, 2nd Lt. Hamilton, cut in."Good to have another SPARTAN on board! We just got orders to help with civilian evacuations and I'm sure my men wouldn't mind the extra firepower." Locke didn't necessarily dislike the man as he treated him better than the other ODST did even though was barely cordial, but his leadership skills were lacking and often used Locke to make up for any bad calls that he had made.
The Jackals on the Rooftop were now cleared out and he only had three of the five marines that had been dropped off with him now, and a lot more civilians to take care of. The Sergeant of the Marine Squad went over to the civilians, started to give them a pep talk, something about fighting to get off this god damn planet. He started to give each one willing to fight just a little longer to get to those transport ships the guns of his dead marines, the Spartan even gave his pistol to one of the Civilians and took out his other one.

The Spartan checks over the edge of the building, there were still covenant in the streets below, they were stuck for now. Hopefully those pelicans would survive the first journey away from that Spirit. Could we wait that long? No and the reason was them over there, in the sky. Phantoms, lot and lots of Phantoms.

"We have to move, before those Phantoms spot us and decide to drop off some troops."

The Marines nodded, they started to move the Civilians back into the building so that they wouldn't be spotted on the roof. They made their way through each floor, no other Covenant had scrambled through to check on their rangers. Reaching the bottom floor, the Spartan exited the door first, this street was clear, he ran across the road to the building on the other side, making sure to keep an eye on the couple elites at the cross roads. The Building's door was unlocked and so if they were careful could get across, they needed to be quick before these covenant bastards could regroup and attack.
"So when do we raid it?" Pak-Pak asked, eyeing the Spartan and ODSTs. "They can kill us Nap Nap!"

"Shhhh." Nap Nap held his finger up, trying hard not to waste any methane in his tank.. "My plan is absolutely flawless. Just take one of those tags when they drop them and then after that, we're all set."

"You think it'll work?" Pak-Pak asked, a bit worried.

"Of course, numbskull. Cowards always survive the wars, and the trauma!"
Locke strode over to the two wounded ODST and examined their wounds. 'One is conscious and stable but has a shattered femur and a cracked hip. The other one is unconscious from a head injury and there is a large dark blotch on his abdomen, probably internal bleeding from g-force trauma.' After finishing his assessment he relayed the information over the comms in his usual cold monotone. "We'll have to call in a medevac for the wounded unless we can find a vehicle nearby to transport them. One is stable and the other one is terminal unless he receives proper medical attention within the next 30 minutes." Locke scanned the area as waited for the 2nd Lieutenant to come up with a decision.

@Shyla Nesthorn
By the time he got back, the few elites left at the outpost were just about finishing up. He went to the elite he had sent on the scouting mission. The scout told him his findings, or lack there of. "Ignorant fool, how can you have seen nothing?!" Regium exclaimed. The elite replied, but Regium dismissed him before he could finish. Regium contacted the ship master of the Seeker of Truth, condoning the construction of a small base at the location. "A squad encountered a human soldier. There may be others with the filth, but this can be ignored. For now, we can begin construction. Send down reinforcements as well." A few minutes later, the Seeker of Truth had sent out two drop ships and began materializing the requested base. The reinforcements would be there within the day, consisting of five elites accompanied by a squad of grunts or jackals for each, and maybe a hunter squad or two, Regium assumed.
"Hey, Spartan! Come on up here for a moment."

From my seat in the transport bay of the Pelican, I sigh and sag my shoulders, my head dropping a bit with them as I hear the pilot yell from the cockpit of our ride. Will any pilots on crafts that I board ever care to learn my name and call me anything other than "Hey, Spartan?" Will they? Ugh.

"Well, let's go see what this is all about," I mumble to myself as I stand and stride to the cockpit of the Pelican I am riding to a city on Reach, a squad of slightly familiar Marines and ODSTs along with me. When I get to the pilot's seat, I stand beside it with my hand casually on the side, leaning slightly on it but still not too close to the seat. "Yes, sir?" I ask once situated.

He launches immediately into his inquiry without looking in my direction, his voice slightly rushed. "I just got a transmission that another Spartan was trying to get a large number of civilians out of a Covenant-surrounded building, with him being the only soldier around. From what I'm hearing now, most of the survivors were later picked up by a couple Police Pelicans, and he now has a small squad of Marines along with him."

He has to pause mid-question as he suddenly jerks our craft lower to avoid a flock of Banshees, this distraction causing him to pause his question and tense up. It also causes me to stumble a bit, but I brace myself to keep from falling over. He continues after a short sigh.

"What I was going to ask," he continues, even more rushed than before, "is if you want me to drop you guys off at their position and take as many civilians with me as I can, then book it back to safety? I mean, we're already in the area. And since you're the highest ranking soldier aboard my bird, I thought I'd ask you."

I look at the pilot for a moment, then look out the view window to mull over the question in my head. We weren't assigned to any specific spot in the city, and that fellow Spartan sounds like he could use some help with his sticky situation. And this Pelican could hold quite a few civvies. We could be used in other parts of the city, but saving civilians is definitely a top priority at the moment.

After only a few seconds to think it over, I respond to the pilot with, "Good plan. Drop us as close to that group as you can without alerting too many Covenant to our presence. I know that will be hard, but at least try. Before we drop, find a way to contact said Spartan with our plan that so he is aware and not confused."

The pilot nods a couple times, then I turn to walk back to the crew bay. As I do, I hear him connect with the comms, attempting to contact the Spartan and tell him of our plan. I hope he gets through. While he does that, I stand firmly behind the cockpit of the Pelican and connect with the comms of all the soldiers currently in my squad. I know they are all in the Pelican, sitting literally, like, no more than twenty feet from me. But, hey, I naturally can't talk very loud, and this Pelican is very loud. So this will be the easier way to communicate.

"Alright, people, listen up," I instruct in a commanding voice, causing a few heads to jerk and look up from their pre-battle stupor. "We will be dropping soon close to a small group of soldiers accompanying a larger group of civilians. We are to land, loud out, get said civilians inside this craft in the swiftest but safest fashion possible, then join the other soldiers below. This bird will leave with as many civvies as possible, and we will stay on the ground and accompany the other soldiers with defending this city. Understood?"

From the five regular Marines and three ODST aboard, I receive either a vocal "yes, ma'am," a half spirited "understood," and a few lazy wave-salutes from a few of the less respectful soldiers aboard (mainly the ODST. No surprise there). And then there is one Marine that just sits in the back, slumped, gripping his rifle for dear life, and looking sick to his stomach while appearing like a deer caught in headlights as he stares straight at the floor. My eyes linger on him a moment longer, guessing that this must be his first true outing. Poor kid. Then I look back to everyone else and give them a curt nod. After a pause, I check that I have my Battle Rifle, Needlers, and knives on me, then turn and walk back to join the pilot again in the cockpit in my spot from before so I will know when we land. I also get the slight urge to be a snark and tell the guy that my name is actually Church and not "Hey, Spartan," but I decide to leave well enough alone. I will probably never see the guy again, anyway. So who gives a shit, I guess.


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