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Graded [Hallson Tribe Territory, Sky Kingdom] Carrel in the Clouds: Library Arc

Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece |
Languages: Common | %Analog%

“If they intended on hurting me, they probably would've done so already. Someone who's got the ability to grant titles likely could've gotten rid of me already with ease.” She replied to Pandora, perhaps with a bit too much confidence. “The fact that they're only giving me discouraging titles seems more like they're just testing my determination, so I'm only more motivating to figuring this one out.”

Well, what Pandora explained next made a whole lot of sense. “Oh, that's pretty cool. That explains why you're so competent in a lot of stuff... Do you happen to speak Analog as well, by any chance?” If Pandora did, she'd continue in Analog, otherwise in Common. %“If the airship hadn't convinced me already, you surely did. I want to meet this Merasmus at some point.”%

“A top floor that's dangerous? Sounds like the place to be~” She joked, though she was serious about going there. “Skull? They like the classics here, it seems.” She couldn't help comment upon seeing the key/pass.

After parkouring her way up, she was greeted by the Gargoyle soon enough. “[A trial for knowledge? That sounds neat!]” She was actually pretty interested in testing her knowledge against whatever this might be. “[What can you tell me about this test and what would you suggest I prepare?]” She asked, not even sure what the test was about. Any information she could be given ahead of time was likely going to be useful.

Leaning forwards, Finn seemed to be very interested in the way things were turning! hell he loved seeing magicians at work! "Oh yea! Look at that! proper magic!" he laughed heartily, seemingly quite into it! "See this, its common for magicians to stay in one place whilst they incant their spells. Allowing more controll over their magics in effect and, if I may add, general display. Its important for their spells to be perfectly performed to prevent misshap or misspell of the.. Uhh...

Spell." he was going through it as he watched further... utilizing his Appraisal skill he would try to snoop on these two, and see what they were about.

[Skill usage: Appraisal A Grade Upon the two sages.]

"Seeing as their aerial folk, I'd imagine they are capable of movement while casting, even more so in the air, a quite strong advantage. Though they no doubt would have to be very careful as a strong blow could very well foil their flight, a fall is as deadly as a crossbow bolt. Or rather a lightning bolt for this instance.

No doubt you know this all yourself, a fuller pilot right? I do hope I can see you in action one day...

Gods... I wonder if they have some sort of magic to stabilize a person if they get hit hard enough...?" Finn seemed to be looking all around for medical teams on stand by, though his interest was largely on the fight.

"Reminds me of duels, drawing blades for honor or.. such..."
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori, Frequent Flier

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Squimk squomked squonkily and squimbled squibblies.

Whilst things were going on in some weird debatey-fight thing, Squink was simply just more distracted sucking her own lips a little. They had some weird like, hint of fruitiness or something? Kind of like the taste of lipstick or something. Though she doesn't wear lipstick, weird. It wasn't a bad taste, why did she taste that? Maybe it was just a weird little thing... what do lips taste like normally? Do they have a taste? Now it was a bit gummy or something... maybe that was just the taste of the inside of ones' own mouth? Why didn't she taste that all the time then? Things didn't make sense, it was like that one time she dropped a pencil but then no matter where she looked she simply couldn't find it like it had evaporated in thin air. Why did life have so many little weird things that didn't make sense...

Oh right there's other stuff happening. Squink looked to Oden when they asked about the Otenzian empire, a bit confused until they had elaborated and explained a little more. Silently confused as she tilted her head, the ilithid was a little nervous.
"W-what, what do you mean? T-there, where the blue guy and that other... J-Jared? Jareth? Guy, was.... n-no, surely not right? Wouldn't we have noticed that? Yes, I-I don't remember anything like that happening there... right?" she asked, not remembering a single thing about enslavement on that trip. She would've probably been a lot more reluctant to go if she knew about that, why was it only now that she was hearing about this?

"Uuh... we don't... have to go there again, right?" she softly asked, soon enough turning her attention to the little bot that was kind enough to give them translations.
"Thank you again, Iro" she briefly mentioned with a smile. Though the longer she watched, she didn't get why they didn't just try to come to a kind and civilised mutual agreement. Why did it have to resort to fighting? That didn't seem very nice.

"For a flying kingdom, I wouldn't have thought their methods of discussion so... b-barbaric, or something... I don't see why they couldn't just kindly talk it out or something. It doesn't seem so nice for one of them to be humiliated just because of having a different opinion. I mean, look how many people are watching, this seems a little rude for something that doesn't feel like it has anything to do with us... maybe coming here only as a one time trip isn't so bad an idea if their ways support stuff like this... " Squink openly spoke in thought for a moment before briefly continuing.

"When do we get to travel to the nice place, with no big problems in the way or at said place? I feel like everywhere is a little unhapoy or fighty... " the ilithid questioned with an upset look on her squishy purple face, though the question was mostly rhetorical. The ride here felt more peaceful and comforting than watching all of this go down with tons of strangers around.​
Oden (#ACA9A7)

"Hm, I think I remember mentioning it briefly in passing, but it wasn't really the time nor place to discuss it. We, as beastkin, were already fortunately quite safe with the large convoy and the accompaniment of the blue hero." She comforted gently, patting Squink's shoulder amidst her nervous stuttering. "Don't worry about it too much. Though I advise you not stray too close to that empire's borders if you can, or if you intend to, let me know in advance. You are a good friend of mine now after all." She shook her head, not wanting to shackle her friend's explorations despite her concerns.

"Thank you, Iro." The old owl smiled at the little transformed robot just as the cacophony of the fight began, settling into her seat with ruffled feathers. Her gaze casually glanced towards his little projector screen whenever foreign words were exchanged, though she was mildly surprised to hear an actual duel would be taking place here in a library of all places. She didn't particularly agree with it, seeing as one error in the barrier could potentially destroy decades of information, but it was not her land so she didn't care to think more about it.

"Some interesting hypothesises." Oden mumbled thoughtfully, mulling the ideas over in her head as she glanced back toward the show of fire and lightning. Sage Erik gave off the impression that he looked down on landfolk, with the most outlandish theory for their origin, though it would definitely be interesting should there be good evidence for it. Sage Ulric on the other hand seemed more agreeable and believable, though Oden didn't particularly lean towards either theory either way. Ancient history was certainly fascinating, but her realm of historic interest tended to revolve around the time period that included the currently standing nations far below.

The old owl originally only half-turned an ear towards Squink's little mutterings, but the more intricate the ilithid's thoughts became, the more her attention shifted. "Hm..." She hummed for a brief moment, lifting her gaze. "Your words make me ponder your origin again, dear Squink. If you came from Kuridan, such fights would feel natural and commonplace for you." She chuckled gently, her laughter somewhat difficult to discern within the sizzle of thrown magic and rambunctious cheering. "Although, I've never once really thought you could've come from the same world as me."
(Narrator Note: RP will be continued in next part(s), splitting between those who are title information searching and those who are not.)

Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo Femboy Femboy SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Narrators Involved
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Narrator Standing
S Grade Iberis Odhir (633 Points earned)

Summary of the Roleplay
Participants from the airship who passed the border check make it into Hallson tribe land in the Sky Kingdom. Victorique in her title information search along with Kane, Oden and Squink as support find The Great Skra AKA a great library designed for flying folk in the Hallson tribe.

NPCs Eliza Talton, her guard, as well as her human-construct hybrid Pandora also come along with Finn to the library.

Eliza uses her resources to secure the group amulets which help them deal with any altitude thin air related defbuff they’d experience otherwise.

Victorique, Kane, Oden, Squink, Finn, Eliza and Pandora learn that there is an event going on in the Great Skra, a debate between the sages in the observation arena on top of the library.

They enter, Victorique, Kane, and Pandora go off to try to find out more information about titles in the multi-floored library, Oden, Kane, Eliza, and Squink go off to watch the sage debate magic battle in the arena above, Finn and Eliza mingle, as do Oden and Squink.

Both Victorique and Pandora find some surface level adjacent title information while Kane gets a key from the front desk to take on “The trial for knowledge” in the old section of the library, and he informs them. The three make it to the old section of the library and prepare to enter the trial which is covered in the next RP part.

Goal Achievement
Yes, Kane whose goal is to assist Victorique with her title Search, and Victorique who is looking to learn more information about titles both worked toward their respective goals in this RP by taking steps to acquire this information.

Finn, Squink, and Oden had more generic travel to the Sky Kingdom and do stuff there goals which they also worked toward.

Criminal Acts Perpetrated

Lore to Establish
Detail any new lore you'd like to introduce, including:

The Great Skra:

A multi leveled Library designed for flying people accessible to the Public in the lands which the Hallson Tribe owns in the Sky Kingdom.
Has an observation arena on top of the library for spectator events. Also has an old section in the library which contains very old information which can only be obtained by proving oneself worthy by passing trials

Post Established:

Nation: Sky Kingdom, Hallson Tribe

Fleygr Sage Order Faction:

A hierarchical order of winged sages who partake in academic research in Hallson Tribe lands. A good portion of members also act as professors in higher learning institutions.

They settle their academic disagreements through a showing of magical prowess in a duel, sometimes to win an audience of the higher ranking sages to hear them out. They are also responsible for archiving and maintaining a large portion of academic text in the Hallson tribe.

Post Established:
Finished - [Hallson Tribe Territory, Sky Kingdom] Carrel in the Clouds: Library Arc

Nation: Sky Kingdom, Hallson Tribe

Partial Participants

Partial Participant Invaders

Full-Time Participants
List all full-time participants, including:

Kane Blackburne TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Victorique Sopheana Elvario Elvario

Squink Femboy Femboy

Finnegan Huttman Orikanyo Orikanyo

Oden SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Characters with Point Boosters

Squink - Attentive Student

Recommended Titles
N/A. Probably covered in last part of rp.

Assets/Titles Roleplayed For


Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles


Hunters' Involvement


Special Skills or Assets


Transactions Performed


Rules Utilized

Some rules: 3 Action economy, abilities/skills do what say can do.

Character Sheet Oddities

Finnegan Huttman is scooped after worlds choice.

Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates

For aftermath everyone in the RP is working toward their stated goals coming to the Sky Kingdom, otherwise For Lore possibly include suggestions seen above.

Narrator Bonuses

Additional Notes

Oden partook in this part and some of the next part because it was before an earlier part was graded and we learned that she didn’t actually gain clearance into the Sky Kingdom.

Finnegan Huttman’s sheet is scooped from worlds choice at the time of this being graded.

Novama Novama
Last edited:
Isekai Hell Grade

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Orikanyo Orikanyo SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Looks like Victorique is closing in on some title secrets. Let's see how the next rp shapes up. Despite finn scoop, all this happened already, so no changes there. Add gains as normal. Hoping the improved grading pace will reduce the number of oopsies that come from grading rp's behind. I'm assuming the next rp will give something more approximate to a mission accomplished. Little curious what goals the other characters have for running around in the sky other than being tourists.





Kane - 46pts
optional title acquired [Do not encourage her]

Victorique- 31pts
optional title acquired [You ever hear of a boy named Icarus]

Squink - 60pts (attentive student)

Finn - 13pts

Oden - 21pts
(as noted previously, oden didn't successful gain entry to the sky islands. future rp's in the sky islands will require another successful travel rp to the clouds to gain any rewards beyond points)

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