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Graded [Hallson Tribe Territory, Sky Kingdom] Carrel in the Clouds: Library Arc


Roleplay Artist
Time: Morning

Weather: Outside Cool, partially cloudy.

Place: Hallson Tribe Territory, The Great Skra, Sky Kingdom

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Orikanyo Orikanyo

The goal of this rp is for participants to make their way through The Great Skra (A library) and any trials and tribulations it may have to offer and discover any thing or information of interest. Victorique is here to learn more about titles, while Kane is there to assist.

Participants please link the character sheet of who you are using in your opening post.
Entrance Recap:
The large gates with winged guards along the walls were opened up and before them were streets of winged vendors, and incredibly tall buildings, with additional platforms jutting out from the tall long house stylized buildings, for those who could fly to access presumably with more points of interest on them. a processional way leading toward a central rotary ornate water fountain of a winged warrior with a sword and shield with a unique helmet standing tall and proud, from the fountain split off into all sorts of paths and side streets from there.

Thankfully for those who had arrived in the Sky Kingdom safely, and who had gotten through the teleportation stone would find themselves able to move through the city. Even if there was a good deal of it was really only convenient for those who could fly, fortunately with the way it was designed, there was still a ground to walk on and lower streets, as even the designers knew that someone might not necessarily feel like flying the whole time, or having to fly from every single building to building.

Despite this there were people flying about as expected, some looking human, others having more fae, and some even beastial features, the majority having some sort of wings on them.

There was a stand on the street level where a shorter somewhat stout braided bearded man with curly orange hair, spectacles, wearing a green tunic and shorts with some basic cobbled shoes. He had white feathered wings jutting out of his back. Based on the way his cart was composed it looked like he was selling all sorts of luxury goods like carpets, jewelry and spices. Upon seeing Victorique and company he’d call out.

“[Are you tired of what some of you landfolk call height sickness? Buy some of my amulets! They’ll take away the feeling! Help you adapt! My prices are reasonable!]” He’d call out to them. (Player choice next round if want to stop and engage, acknowledge, or ignore)

Kane Blackburne

Regardless, Victorique would be able to ask around easily enough in Terran where to find the library, and thankfully for her a civilian, while a bit caught off guard by her appearance and lack of wings would tell her where to go, she’d need to head past the large circular fountain and processional way and head off on the right diagonal path from it, and the library was present just beyond a greenspace park like square where people could hang out, there being a gazebo to sit made of stone with some norse looking carvings, as well as sitting areas in the center of the grassy area, where a community garden of sorts was being grown, and more angelic valkyrie like figure statues were present in the garden space. There was a pond there with some vibrantly colored angelic wing fish swimming in it, which Kane had looked curiously at when they passed.

The Great Skra
Also fortunately, the building described was a bit hard to miss, towering above a good deal of it’s surroundings, a stone fortress like building with some windows, and an iconic dome on top. In addition there was a sizable stone staircase which led up to the carved central door, with more ornate iconography. On either side of the stone front entrance staircase was a statue of a muscular armored winged figure who looked like they were blowing some sort of horn, and on the other side was a statue of a more feminine winged figure who was wearing robes reminiscent of a mage, holding what could only be interpreted as a magic book in one hand, and a magic staff in the other, with the dynamic pose chosen like they were going to release a great spell with how they held the staff.

Standing at the front of the library door however was another fairly tall figure.
He appeared to be wearing a similar helmet to the guy who had been at the checkpoint desk, one of his eyes was a bit peculiar looking, and instead he was wearing a blue tunic, and boots where he had a sizable sword sheathed at his side. He would look to Victorique and company who approached the step and would say,

“[Halt! You there, did you purchase a ticket for today’s event?]” Not looking like he was going to let them through unless he got an answer, with the serious look on his face, and his guarded body language.

Kane would raise a brow at this. "[Since when does a library need tickets?]"
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Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Realising the new heights were starting to affect her ability to breath, she'd ask the [Spirit Companion – Wind] she'd made a deal with after evolving into a Lightfoot Halfling to see if it'd be willing to help her out by providing some extra oxygen. Should that not work, however, she would approach the man offering amulets to attempt to see if he was speaking truth and to haggle down the price with an [Ultimate Argument].

[Ultimate Argument] – Appraisal B, Heightened Senses [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Insight B, Perception B, Persuasion B, Law B, Energised B – Character takes in any information they can from someone and uses it when carefully picking their tone of voice and mannerisms to convey their argument in the most persuasive manner, tailored to whatever might suit the person they're trying to convince. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

After being told where to go, she'd be able to make her way to the library. “[Looks a lot more stone-made and far more solid and less floaty than I expected.]” She'd mention upon seeing the library. “[I wonder what Skra means. Or what it is.]”

“[Tickets? No, we do not. We're not here for an event. We're just here for the books.]” She explained. “[Although, like my friend Kane, I am rather curious what type of thing is going on for a library to need tickets.]” She'd quickly translate they were being stopped for tickets for some unknown reason, should a non-Terran speaker have ended up joining them.
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori, Frequent Flier

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario

Squink had followed along now that she was coming along in the big (sky) city, hoping that her trip would prove fruitful as she had no clue what to do or where to go other than following Kane and Victorique's own little adventure. While it did seem like whatever they were doing probably didn't need her help or presence in the slightest, maybe should learn a little something or get a better idea on what to do next just by being around people probably smarter than her.

Despite the offer for amulets to help deal with height sickness, Squink had... absolutely no clue at all on how to speak Terran, so whatever was being said to her was complete unintelligible gibberish. Since she didn't really know what it was about, she supposed that it probably wasn't too important to her and that it hopefully wouldn't come back to bite her later.

Following along to the library, she still had no clue what was being said or going on.
"Uhm... I have no clue what anyone is saying in this place... maybe going to a library might not be the best idea for me, they might not even have any books I can actually read... " she spoke sheepishly, wondering if coming along was a mistake. Though when Victorique translated about tickets, she was even more confused.

"Oh... I don't... have a library ticket, I guess? D-do they mean like, a card or something? Is it a translation thingy?... " the ilithid asked, things had only gotten more confusing the longer she was around.​
Femboy Femboy

There were many things Finn has done throughout his adventures, most of which was aided by some... Unseen hand in his development... but having picked up off screen a small book on how to speak terran for dumbies, he... Could now speak it.

He clasped the book and put it away somewhere, the man looked ratified with the fact his speed reading could have gained him so much in so little time. It was almost like he should have known this the whole time!!


yea sure lets go with that.

Now able to understand the people around him, Finn shook his head. [Must be some sort of event, maybe a library festival?] he spoke up in fluid Terran that he most definitly picked up only recently and knew instinctively out of pocket.

Man magic was great.

Rather he assumed thats what it was and didn't care to change perceptions on it.

Wait, the purple one didn't understand Terran!? Should.. HE translate...?

Yea sure, lets talk to the... Squidily... Lady... Squishy lady, with big... The young man cleared his throat. "Lady Squink, from what I have gathered he seemed to be asking if we have tickets for some form of event!"
Oden (#ACA9A7)

Oden had never felt so inclined to fly around an entire city before, with almost every inch of this land built entirely for wings in mind. Even back in her clan residences with all the owls, their close relationship with numerous other more land-locked clans prevented such architecture. It was both fascinating and freeing at the same time, as the old owl ruffled her feathers after a long flight passing by gorgeous airborne decor and murals.

A jubilant salesman seemed to be advertising some of their wares to them, but without Terran comprehension she didn't pay him much heed, although her gaze did linger on some of shiny trinkets he had to offer before moving on.

"I'm in a similar boat. Here's hoping they at least have a couple books in different languages, or at least in Common. This is one of the few tribal islands open to tourists after all." Oden smiled briefly in response to Squink's concerns. Though she supposed even if they didn't, she could just go fly around with Squink elsewhere and find something else to do until the ship was due to make its return.

As they approached the stone library, Oden's gaze lingered on the giant guard's odd eye as Terran was exchanged and translations were shared. Though she tilted her head at Finn referring to the ilithid as 'Lady Squink' all of a sudden, she was grateful for the added context in comparison to Victorique. "Might just be some fortunate, or unfortunate, timing." She mused, idly awaiting the explanation and its translation to come.
Time: Morning

Weather: Outside Cool, partially cloudy.

Place: Hallson Tribe Territory, The Great Skra, Sky Kingdom

Mentions: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Orikanyo Orikanyo Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

The spirit companion of the wind which Victorique had contacted would thankfully respond by creating an environment of extra oxygen around her so she wouldn’t feel the stereotypical symptoms of elevation sickness.

Kane Blackburne

Kane unfortunately didn’t really have a wind buddy who could help him adapt quicker, not that he was terribly educated on the subject, that one could become used to the environment if they were elevated long enough over time, but for the sake of adjusting Kane would make his way over to the seller and try to figure out what a good price was for the amulets was.

“Well can’t say I have the same connections with having a wind buddy like you do, so I think I’ll try to get my hands on one of those.” He spoke to Victorique matter of fact. Kane did a pretty good job at not expressing any discomfort he may have been feeling even as he did, it had felt hard to breathe for quite some time now, his fitness helping some but still.

When he got over there he looked them over.

“[So lad what are you offering in exchange? Bring anything rare and special from the land below?]”

“[What do you mean?..I mean I guess.. I got some stuff...I take you won’t be taking Rykes or something like that then then?]”

“[pffft No boy, we don’t usually don’t take landfolk currency up here, you need to give something people want in exchange, stuff like goods or services.]”

“[That isn’t to say that everyone isn’t interested in landfolk currency, there are those up here who collect them but even then I imagine there’d only be so much they’d be willing to give in exchange for most of them.]”

Kane would let out a sigh, looking annoyed that he hadn’t learned of this before landing, that would have been REALLY NICE to know before they got here but at no point had that book mentioned any of that from what Victorique read.

Eliza Talton
Thankfully because a certain light haired hero who recently learned Terran tagged along, Eliza Talton and her guard had joined the party, also wanting to spend time with Victorique.

She would hear the vending guy and make her way over.

“[Hm, I learned all about this before we came, don’t worry about it Kane.]” She’d say looking a bit smug as she presented a small but decent sized jar of spices which had been divided up to those from below.

“[I take it this will be enough for our party?]”

The man gently took the jar as she held it out and without a word opened it, sniffing and examining the spices.
“...Quite right! This should be enough!]” He’d said cheerily handing the bundle of plainish gray amulets which had small wing engravings in them and a symbol which seemed to represent wind. Unfortunately it didn’t appear they granted the user flight, but however when she gave one for Kane to put on, he let in a deep breath..after he put it on

“[Ahhh..yeah that hits the spot, Thanks Eliza.]” Feeling immediate results. For some reason she didn’t seem to get one for Pandora, but she then handed a few over to Pandora.

“[Of course Kane, it’s not a problem.]”

It was certainly a rarer sight to see them getting along so smoothly.

“[Pandora would you be a dear and hand some of these out?]”


“Of course miss, right away!” She’d make her way over to Squink, Oden, and Finn.

“ Eliza wanted me to give these out to you, they should help with the..height sickness, that is if you’re feeling it at all, I’ve..heard it isn’t very pleasant.”

Unit #2 “Iro”
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1-1.png

Iro would have followed Squink diligently, looking around the cityscape excitedly, “There is so much to see and do here Squink! Thank you for letting me come with you!”

“Look at the way these buildings are made! And I'm sure it’s okay! I think it’d be silly if they only had Terran language books, most libraries have books in all different languages! maybe there'd even be something of interest for someone your age Oden! I mean you must have already seen so much of the world in all the years you've been around!"

Iro spouted the latter line more than a bit tone deaf there.

“But it’s okay if you decide to go elsewhere I’ll come with you! But I do think Victorique might like your help since you offered, so maybe we should check it all out first, in ths library if they’ll uh let us in, I should mention I can understand Terran, so if you need translation elsewhere I can provide it!”

By the point Kane and Eliza regathered with the group, the guard type guy explained the situation, and those who couldn't speak terran got a translation in some form from either, Victorique or Finn from the looks of things.

“And for the name? Beats me. Doesn't really sound like anything I've heard before even in Terran.” Kane would respond to Victorique. What even was a Skra?

Kane was however a bit surprised and even impressed at Finn suddenly showing off his Terran translation skills, had he just been messing with them the whole time? He looked over at Finn raising a brow a bit at the thought.

Upon examining the eye, Oden might have been able to tell it sort of looked like it might be a false eye which had been put together and given to him.

Ticket Guy?

“[You landfolk Really don’t know much do you?]” He’d chuckle like he was entertained at the prospect of it all.

“[I mean of course you don’t, first time up here right? Well If you must know our sages are having one of their public debate forms, and the mighty Sage Ulric Graybeard Is facing off in a magical spectacle against Sage Erik the Red, in a match in the arena! Both have reasons for this duel debate and it’s sure to be a grudge match for the ages! Might as well take them anyway even if you’re just here for books! Don’t worry the tickets are free to the public, just ask Zren over there!]”

The guy seemed pretty persistent even as Victorique had explained they didn’t need them.

He’d gesture to the statue of the armored winged figure who had been blowing the horn.

“[OY Someone say my name?]” The stone figure apparently named Zren appeared to suddenly move making a strange grinding sound like a grindstone would.

“[Someone else need tickets I ‘ere? Well then git over here!]” The stone ‘statue’ called out with some enthusiasm, pulling out some pieces of parchment which had details of the event and offered them to the group.

“[Nothing to worry about you can still use the library too, though I will say I hope you came prepared! Isn’t always the easiest for the unwinged to get around!]” Zren continued.
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori, Frequent Flier

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Squink's attention was brought to Finn, having not expected for the man to so suddenly give her a translation as well as dubbing her with the title of 'Lady'. It was quite a flattering thing to hear, though she was wondering in her mind if it was just some sort of accustom he did to all the ladies. Did he do it with Eliza earlier? Squink could only suppose he wouldn't have done so to Victorique due to his... well, seeming interest in Victorique's noticeable height difference.
"O-oh, I didn't realise you... n-nevermind, that sounds a bit silly" Squink murmured sheepishly, of course he could speak Terran. He was a human, why wouldn't a human be able to speak Terran?
"T-thank you for translating that, uh, S-Sir Finn. Although I'm not entirely sure what a library needs tickets for. U-unless maybe they said that too, or something, if you're able to translate that too for me? Hehee, uh, sorry for being a little bit of a burden since I can't speak or understand what they're saying. I don't mean to be nosy or anything, i-it's just curiosity and such, w-what is it that you could be coming along too for? Is there something you're also interested in, m-maybe you can help me figure out things to do or where to go with my own time since you seem to be a capable and successful travelling adventurer and all" she spoke sheepishly, moving on to make small talk in order to try and make good impressions with said knight. Finn had seemingly spent most of his time trying to get comfortable with Eliza or getting on the nerves of Victorique from what it seemed like to the ilithid, so she wasn't entirely sure if she had done something to get on his bad side rather quickly before now.

Though, the resident purple squishy gave a cheerful look to Oden when the owl had mentioned about books that were readable.
"Mhm, I think it'd be a bit too awkward to have someone read me an entire story like I wasn't able to read at all. Though I suppose there is an entire whole city that I could've went to go and look at, although doing it alone would've probably made me a bit scared to even do it at all, so I probably wouldn't have ever considered going off on my own. M-maybe I could've asked Copper or something to just stay on the airship instead if that were so... " Squink spoke, getting a little offtrack in thought.

She noticed Eliza amongst them, happy to see that she had been able to come along too. Giving a small wave, she greeted the woman.
"Hello, Eliza!" she cheerfully chimed, receiving the amulet to help with breathing in such an elevated location and giving a small nod of gratitude to Pandora.
"Thank you" she briefly mentioned on being given it.

"I'm excited to be able to get to spend more time too, Iro. Thank you for continuing to accompany me along the way, I don't think I should bother Sir Finn to translate things all too much, so I guess I can hopefully rely on you to be my little helper of sorts when it comes to understanding anything that's said" Squink said with a small smile, kneeling down and giving a pleasant hug to the construct. Iro did make her happy, he was a good little construct, though her tightened hug did end up picking him up quite a bit to do so. Having a cute little companion to come along her adventures was just soothing, Oden was an amazing friend to have along but there was something a little bit different when they were a cheerful little guy in a short, adorable stature. Though, she'd come along to try and help Victorique... however she was supposed to do that exactly.

When the guy who apparently spoke about tickets kept talking, the ilithid held quiet. Becoming even more confused and a little nervous when a statue started moving and talking, she looked to Finn and Iro.
"U-uh, w-what's... happening now?" she asked softly, it felt really awkward when she had to pretty much be spoonfed context to the situation.​
Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Squink Femboy Femboy | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo

Truth be told, she had no clue why all the others were following her. Squink even made it obvious she had no purpose in the library. “I'm not sure what it's about either, but you can just go look for something to do elsewhere, you know. I mean, I'd love to further figure out this mind-reading of yours, but I really got to wrap up my library business first.” She replied. “As for why we need tickets, I honestly don't know either.” She added, having yet to get an explanation herself.

“[When the hell did you start speaking Terran? You were making a fool out of yourself mere moments ago.]” She looked at Finn, confused. She also realised this meant she could no longer talk about him behind his back with the winged folk here. What a shame. “[Either way, congratulations on learning the language.]” She figured she'd add.

“{Thanks buddy.}” She'd state the the [Spirit] Companion of wind, the moment she could feel the air around her shifting.

“I could ask it to be extended, but in case we have to split up, I'd suggest doing so.” She replied to Kane, when he mentioned getting some amulets. She did, however, perk up when she learned this place had a haggle and trade culture. “[Now that's interesting...]” She mumbled, wondering if she could [Ultimate Argument] her way into riches here.

“[Just in time to spice things up and make the day.]” She couldn't help comment when Eliza came in for the rescue. She was sharp enough to notice Pandora didn't seem to need one... Which was the final straw. She'd gesture at Eliza, hoping she'd lean down for a bit. “Am I allowed to try to go all-out investigating Pandora? I mean, I know I guess I could ask her to tell me, but... She's being mysterious and it's really making me want to play this 'game' with her, yet, well, you've been nice enough, she's your servant and all, so I don't want to be rude?” She asked. Probably the nicest she'd been a long while.

“[Forgive our ignorance.]” She replied when she got told that 'land folk' didn't know much. Sort-off annoyed, but also in a sort-off 'let's just hear it' type of acceptance.

He raised multiple questions. “[Why have tickets if it's free anyway... why is there an arena in the library...?]” Those two questions prompted instantly.

She sighed, going over to grab tickets. “[Y'all can go watch this match thing. I have books to find.]” She'd state, upon obtaining them. “[Thank you for the tickets, sir.]” She'd reply, although she still had no clue why this whole process was even needed. She just wanted her books already. She knew there HAD to be more title-based information somewhere here. “[I don't suppose you can loan me a pair?]” She asked, when she was warned about needing wings. That whole thing was getting old rapidly.

Standing tall, the knight gazed upon other questioning his ability and right towards learning terran at a breakneck pace, it seems... He would have to reveal his secret early...

Cracking his neck he stanced up, body ready as he spoke clearly and without a single stutter!

"I simply forgot how; then remember just this moment."

And thus he would continue.

"As a accomplished adventurer I shall say this, simply find a destination you wish to go and go there! The rest follows suit without issue!" He responded to Squinks words with the best advice and slight lie he could muster. There were in fact alot of issues getting from place to place, getting to Rotia alone was a piece of hell in a handbasket and really what else could he say but try? He couldn't ruin her dreams! He couldn't say that to her pretty... Squishy... Tentaclely face!!

...But yes time for tickets!!

[Sir Zren! Might we trouble you for some tickets? I really am looking forwards to seeing this sage debate!]
Oden (#ACA9A7)

"Thank you, miss. I think I felt the worst of it during the rapid altitude ascension during the airship ride, but any little helps." Oden smiled warmly back at the maid-like human, having never quite caught her name after all this time. She nodded her thanks to Eliza also, before gently placing it over her head and around her neck, the amulet's appearance gradually obscured beneath her grey plumage.

"Hoho, careful with your words there Iro. Should I have been a more hot-tempered sort, you wouldn't have gotten away with that line." She quirked an eye towards the little guy, harmlessly poking fun yet warning him at the same time. Iro's words were a bit of a double strike to the heart, first calling her old and secondly reminding how many years of her life she had wasted trying to keep the Aritomo Clan together. In another life, perhaps she would've been as well-travelled and wise as Iro had assumed.

Shaking her head however, she still smiled. She could not get mad at the little ones for such lines. Subconsciously, she viewed the little robot as a child, and Oden had always had a soft spot for children, especially the adventurous and exploratory ones that loved to learn. She was once a tutor for many after all.

"But yes, I'm sure I'll find plenty of interest in the library. I am curious about the history and culture that has been cultivated on this distant mainland after all." She smiled back, before turning back to the situation at the library's entrance. The guard's false eye was curious, but Oden knew better than to rudely stare at one's potential scars.

As the conversation progressed in Terran, the sudden turn towards the now-moving stone statue was pretty startling. Still, accepting the tickets seemingly offered to them, she glanced at the indecipherable text on the parchment before nodding her thanks to the towering living masonry. Squink's mutterings did not escape her ears, turning towards her as she offered her one of the tickets she had accepted.

"I understand the sentiment. If you wanted to go and explore the city, you could have asked me to come along. Library or city exploration, both seem enjoyable to me. Though I suppose we're already here now and might as well have a look." She chuckled at the end, silently wondering what these tickets were for.

Finn's sudden announcement that he simply remembered how to speak Terran all of a sudden was rather suspect, but, she left the righteous knight to his secrets as he marched on up to the statue to collect tickets of his own. Like Squink, she turned to Iro to await his translation and explanation, half-watching Victorique continue to converse with the false-eyed guard.
Time: Morning

Weather: Outside Cool, partially cloudy.

Place: Hallson Tribe Territory, The Great Skra Lobby, Sky Kingdom

Mentions: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Orikanyo Orikanyo Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Eliza Talton

“Hello Squink! Glad to see you made it over to the library well enough, something tells me that this isn't going to be a mundane book finding operation..” Eliza said, sounding a bit more serious toward the latter part but her smile returning not long after. “But don’t worry, I’m certain with the skilled people we have here, it’ll be just fine.”


Pandora would give a smile and nod to Squink upon being told thank you. Pandora would turn to Oden and smile also “Naturally, It’s not a problem at all.”

Unit #2 “Iro”
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1-1-1.png

Iro would reciprocate Squink’s gesture and bring her into a hug of sorts with his extendable arms, doing so in a way which could be read as affectionate.

“Of course! My primary objective is to serve and I want to serve you well Squink! You are one of my first organic friends, of course I will help you translate, I am proficient in several of the most used languages!”

When the statue moved Iro was a bit surprised himself but cheerily continued, “Don’t worry! I believe it is a construct not unlike myself! He is just offering tickets to the event, and they are free!”

Iro looked over at Oden and let out a stilted sounding laugh. “Oh I am sorry! I was not trying to be impolite, I have heard that some are sensitive about their age, but I think it is an accomplishment!”

Kane Blackburne

Kane thought that Victorique telling others they could go elsewhere was reasonable enough, he wasn’t sure if everyone was going to get value out of this excursion but he supposed if they felt they didn’t want to stay they could just leave too if need be, however hearing Eliza say that perked his interest, yeah..it was safe to say fighting arenas in a library were far from orthodox where he was from. He was really just there to act as muscle for Victorique and keep her safe like usual at this point, since he wasn’t exactly going to have the easiest time reading a damn thing in the library, hopefully he wouldn’t have to swim either, it’d be really nice if he could learn some of these skills sooner rather than later if he was going to keep going around to places with her, hell his job might even require it too at some point if he’s tasked with head hunting someone.

Eliza looked down to Victorique and listened, a small smile forming on her face.

“Oh, you want to investigate dear Pandora? I mean if you’d like too I don’t really have any objections, she’s quite the amazing maid I’ll give her that, and I will say she is very capable in other matters, if she wishes to tell you more I suppose that’s up to her or what you can gather for yourself, so go right ahead if she truly is of interest.”

“I imagine she’ll feel quite honored for you to show such an interest in her Victorique, she has been quite impressed with your performance, she’s said as much, and I know you don’t really find the word cute dignified or endearing, but she certainly used flowery words to describe you on more than one occasion~”
She’d giggle a bit toward the latter part. Eliza would reply softly.

Ticket Guy

Ticket guy would chuckle at Victorique’s questions which she threw out there.

“[Why have tickets if they're free? It’s so the sentinels know why you’re in the library! They keep track of everyone who enters and exits, and what material people entering may be removing from the premise! You do not want to go in there without some kind of ticket, trust me! Particularly if you’re a landfolk, I’m sorry to say you’ll automatically be more suspect than a native would be whether there’s merit to that suspicion or not. Of course we also offer more permanent memberships for an appropriate trade. He coulda just given you a library browsing ticket but why not take one which lets you do both if it’s free all the same?]”

“I hope you don’t think I’ll be leaving your side when I traveled all the way here for the great reveal." Kane replied with a bit of a grin, when Victorique had said the others could go check out the show.

Zren looked to Finn,

“[Course You can! As can your friends!]”

He’d hand him the ticket which had the writing in Terran on it stating it was for both, he also handed them out to the whole party, from Kane, Victorique, Kane, Iro, Squink, Oden, Eliza, and her accompanying guards who had stayed quiet for a good deal, just staying near her looking serious.

"[My Finnegan, I had no idea you were such a quick study! I will say that is most impressive and will most definitely come in handy when we go to those ever important socials for your goal~ Don't worry I'll certainly be available to attend them with you, and help out where I can.]" Eliza would add cheerily and somewhat assertively, sounding like she was more so impressed by his ability to pick up Terran, not even finding it strange he claimed he forgot.

“[Pfft I don’t know about that! You got something mighty expensive from below to trade for a pair?]”

It sounded like he was sort of joking but might have been serious, was there a way to get wings up here or something that would let you fly?

Kane once again found himself raising a brow at that overly optimistic sentence which Finn had thrown Squink’s way, yeah right, if half of the world wasn’t trying to kill you at a given..he’d think to himself.


Eventually Ticket Guy would tell them to enjoy and clear the way so that the large doors would open up for the group and when they saw past the doors it would become abundantly clear why even to Victorique’s eventual dismay why wings kept getting mentioned.

The library itself was set up in such a way that it was tall with multiple floors. In addition Floors had large swaths of bookshelf areas on the walls. Once one got above the first floor, Large areas of what would normally be sold floor itself were missing only leaving square areas of floating stones to stand upon. Thankfully the bookshelves at least had more sizable standing and sitting areas to presumably enjoy and study the books on the perimeter. There was also floating furniture in some areas which someone who was flying could use and rest upon.

This floor feature was so consistent that one could look up from the first floor and look past the floating floor stones up into the arena which was the dome on top of the library, which had its own see-through floor.

There was a front desk near the entrance, parallel to it, which looked like it was made of dark marble, but there didn't seem to be anyone there at the moment, although there was a small silver bell on the desk, which looked like it could be rung.

In the right corner of the lobby like area there was another large floating eye which appeared to be affixed on whoever walked through the front door.

Thankfully on the far side wall parallel from the entrance there did appear to be a shoddily made rickety wooden ladder which someone without wings could theoretically take up to the next floor. The real question was if there was a staircase anywhere obvious..from the left of the entrance there did appear to be a stone corridor which one could go down that was lit, albeit dimly.
Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo

She looked at Finn as if he'd swallowed a goose. “Your protagonist powers are further awakening. Soon enough, you'll be drawing in a harem or forgetting that slavery is bad something. Please don't let your power corrupted you like that, or at the very least warn me so I can get away in time.” That was all she could conclude from whatever weird statement he made ever so casually about obtain a shitload of new knowledge out of the blue.

Having been granted permission to investigate Pandora, she nodded. “Good, good.” There was simply too much she was curious about at this point. “Huh... what... she... has?” That was confusing. She'd not expect someone so capable to be so impressed with her. Clearly, she was amazing, everyone should know that. Yet normally, she just assumed people would talk behind her aback about how mean, angry, annoyed, salty or disgruntled she could be. Or about how short she was. Or about how she looked young. Those kinds of things. She'd not expected someone to be complimenting her behind her back. Was that even a real thing?

She'd head up to Kane, gesturing for him to lean down. “Hey Kane... do people ever compliment someone behind their back? Isn't it usually just insults?” She just had to double-check if Eliza wasn't just making a big fool out of her and her investigative capabilities at this rate. Surely she had to be... right?

“[Sentinels? Like gargoyles or something?]” She asked. “[Gargoyles are cool.]” They weren't as cool as mecha's, but they were definitely cool. “[So the ticket is more like a license. Got it.]” She'd nod. “[How'd I get a permanent membership? Just asking out of curiosity. I am a detective, so libraries would be a point I'd return too and these sound promising enough.]”

“[Mighty expensive... Hmmm.]” She rummaged to her Pocket Dimension, until she found something.

[Colourful Shroom] - A colourful hallucinogenic mushroom imbued with magic given as a gift of gratitude by a Mushroom Guardian. When consumed results in vivid hallucinations. Good for opening the mind or causing a bad trip.

“[I've got this. Is an authentic Mushroom gifted to be my an authentic Mushroom Guardian. It's stated to be able to open up someone's mind. I highly doubt you can get anything like this anywhere else, let alone one in such a great condition, as I've carefully kept it in a [Pocket Dimension] all this time!]” She stated using [Ultimate Argument] to see how far she'd get with that.

Ultimate Argument – Appraisal B, Heightened Senses [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Insight B, Perception B, Persuasion B, Law B, Energised B – Character takes in any information they can from someone and uses it when carefully picking their tone of voice and mannerisms to convey their argument in the most persuasive manner, tailored to whatever might suit the person they're trying to convince. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

Regardless of whether he'd bite or not, she'd eventually get to enter the library. “I'm fairly good at wall-running, but I guess this is where I'll have to try it on bookshelves.” She had to conclude. That was going to be rough. “Now how in the world will I find the section on titles...” She mumbled, until she realised she could get two goals in one go. “Ah Pandora, would you mind helping me look for them? I'm sure with your skill-set you can keep up, if not beat me.” That got her help in finding her book and more chances to study he latest object of her investigative fascination.

"Slavery is a vile thing and an afront to all I stand for, slavers should be cut down and butchered for their acts and their names burned from history." his words were immediate and exact, the venom in them cutting clear like a blade through cloth. "Abuse of power over those less fortunate, are nothing more than monsters in a civilized person's skin... Don't start hmming and haing of morality and hypocracy, I know the score of this world." he breathed in lightly and let it out with purpose.

[That would be wonderful Eliza, lets see about this library first. Have a feeling it's not just one." with all the hustle and bustle, and welcomers, its more like a carnival entrance than anything truly like a library. he would take his tickets, and come inside....

"...it... looks... like an arena...?" Finn stared up, unsure really what to say beyond the obvious... [I'll be going up, I want to see what that is about.] he seemed to not so much wait for others on that point, perhaps excitement or perhaps wanting to cool his head from Victorique's words earlier. He tested the ladder first, before deciding to give it his trust before starting to climb up it, abit nervously...

But braver soon took it's place as he started to climb.
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori, Frequent Flier

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Orikanyo Orikanyo Elvario Elvario

Squink felt a little awkward about Victorique suggesting about that she could go elsewhere since she had nothing else to do in the library, though it sounded like Oden would have came along if she were to go and explore the city instead. Though like the owlkin also had said, they may as well have taken a look within the library now that they were present. It was at least nice to hear that Oden would be coming along and likely to find things that she enjoyed, the ilithid hoping that she would find the same for herself. Though if she didn't, perhaps she could find something worthy out of spending time with Victorique doing mind-reading and other stuff she was capable of doing. Upon receiving Finn's advice, she hesitated for a moment trying to grasp it all before giving a small smile and nod.

"T-thanks, Sir Finn, I'll be sure to keep all of that in mind when I'm travelling around places and such. I hope that I can become a confident and capable adventurer like you one day!" she mentioned, something about his vibe quite reminding her of that one time she met that blue guy called Michael. Though that other guy was some sort of super wellknown hero, so it wasn't at least a lot more embarrassing or pressuring interacting with Finn.

Following along and overhearing Victorique speak to Finn about his 'protagonist powers', she wondered if such a thing was true... whatever a harem was, plus she didn't know how someone could forget slavery was bad.
"P-people can forget those kind of things? I'm not sure what all that is, but these 'protagonist powers' sound dangerous. M-maybe I should learn how to stay away from those... " Squink murmured softly to herself, joining the group into entering the library as she took a look around. The weird eyeball thing that appeared to be watching those who entered was extremely creepy, making her keep her hands close to herself as she picked up the pace a slight little to keep closer to everyone else.

Having looked up, she wondered what the big deal about whatever was going on in the arena was all about... she could notice Finn was already taking his own initiative to check it out. While she could help out Victorique with whatever it was she needed to do, she was a little curious to the other thing for the moment.
"M-maybe I'll try to come help you afterwards, Victorique. I'm thinking I'm gonna take a little look at whatever is going on there just to see... you can come along too Oden if you like, or stay in the library, I don't mind. Iro, do you want to come along to see too, or you can stay and help those here, I'm sure they'd value your assistance searching for what they're looking for" Squink asked, unsure if Iro was more here to help or spend time with her as his first 'organic friend'. Though, the ladder climb itself seemed quite daunting and untrustworthy, maybe she'd choose a different way up.

Preparing that self-levitation that she had practiced, she opted to attempting to just lift herself up to the higher floors. She would also simply extend her arms out to carry him up since she was pretty sure her mental strength was enough to do so. Unsure which of the others were coming along, plus seeing Finn was making attempt to do the entire thing on some shoddy ladder, she offered her aid.

"Uh, does anyone want any help getting up to the top rather than... climbing, the whole way up?".

1. Flight (F) + Energized (F)
2. Telekinesis with Extra Steps: Magic (D) + Telekinesis (D) + Energized (D) + Magic Range (E) + Indirect Affinity (E) + Magic Targets (F) + Selective Magic (E) + Spell Duration (E) - A strengthened Telekinesis that can lift targets that weigh up to 200lbs, including up to five targets and at a longer range. Can also be used to throw objects up to 2lbs in weight with one's own mind. (De Grade) (1 Post Cooldown) (To carry Iro/anyone else up)
Oden (#ACA9A7)

Oden merely smiled at Iro viewing her age as an 'accomplishment', wondering if he truly thought that, before the large gates before them slowly opened. Being able to look up and see nearly every ornate shelf was quite mesmerizing, with Oden rotating her old head a lot more than usual (Feature: [270° Head Rotation]) as she took in the sights.

As Victorique mentioning looking for the section on titles, the old owl tilted her head in mild confusion as the halfling oddly asked Eliza's maid Pandora to help find it. "Why not try the front desk? You could see if ringing the bell summons someone considering your mastery of the language." She gave the suggestion without much pause, wondering if the halfling and/or Pandora truly aimed to search this grand library by hand. Whether the maid had some magical ability to locate the section quicker or not, the old owl just felt it made more sense to try and ask someone first as a non-native to the area.

Not thinking much more of it, Oden's attention was drawn towards Finn as he suddenly seethed. The seemingly sincere disgust towards slavery from the human made the old owl pause in contemplative silence for a moment. "I take it you aren't from the Otenzian Empire then, Finn." She hummed thoughtfully, although she hadn't suspected as much from the knight anyway. He didn't give off the impression of someone from that cultural area. "I'm glad to have it confirmed that you have no plans to capture and sell Squink or I at least." She chuckled in finality, though she felt the simple knight seemed a little more interesting now.

Oden smiled as she watched Squink offer to levitate those still on the floor. She felt that Squink had changed subtly since they first met, having become more confident in herself as her powers developed, and it was nice to be able to watch her friend grow on her journey. Leaving her to it, Oden belatedly noticed Finn had started ascending the ladder, his speed quickening swiftly as he gained confidence in his steps. Pondering for a moment, she flew after him, resting herself on a floating chair higher up within speaking distance. "So Finn, apologies if you've mentioned before, but what brought you to the Sky Kingdom?" She asked idly yet curiously, intending to accompany the group heading towards the debate's arena.
Time: Morning

Weather: Outside Cool, partially cloudy.

Place: Hallson Tribe Territory, The Great Skra Lobby, Sky Kingdom

Mentions: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Femboy Femboy Orikanyo Orikanyo Elvario Elvario

Eliza Talton

Eliza looked a bit confused by what Victorique meant by ‘Protagonist powers’ it not being a familiar term in her realm of thinking.

“Oh come now Victorique, I hardly think Finn is the sort..all he’s done is proven how capable he is!" She said with a smile.

“And you have nothing to worry about in the slightest Squink! even if Finn had those sorts of powers he's a great guy whose morals are strong” She reaffirmed.

She would however smile a bit when Victorique asked for clarification to which she nodded, “Indeed I tell the truth.”

Kane Blackburne

Meanwhile Kane would chuckle a bit at Eliza’s expression and what Victorique had said.

Kane looked back at Victorique and would do as she gestured. He let out a bit chuckle there on the spot when she asked him of all people that.

“Are you really sure you want to be asking me that sort of question? People talked about my father and me all the time behind our backs! I’m sure they still do now! what I can tell ya though is that I’ve listened and heard enough conversations where someone is being praised while they aren't there rack rather than being spoken ill of so It’s possible even if I don’t think I’ve ever had it happen personally. I mean there’s a lot that’s great. It wouldn’t surprise me if Pandora was saying some nice stuff.” He’d respond a bit on the softer side.

Ticket Guy

“[“Yeah things like Gargoyles I bet you guessed that based on my moving friend here huh?]” He’d gesture to the moving statue.

“[Right again! Like a license explaining why you’re in here.]”

“[There are a few ways of doing that, trade something of fair value for access, become a donor, or make an significant academic contribution which benefits this library’s collection, you’ll find that all the sages at this event all hold life time memberships for that very feat.]”
Ticket guy spoke matter of fact.

When she pulled out the shroom he looked a bit more surprised, upon seeing it as well as her explanation

“[Woah, miss now that’s something rare! You should go see my buddy Thorkell in the business district. He’ll definitely be interested in something like that, you see he collects things from the land nations below and I think something THAT rare would definitely be right up his alley. He’s definitely the sort of guy who could get you some proper wings, and that might just be enough to make it happen if you were serious and he can authenticate that.]”

Kane was a bit surprised to hear Finn sound so serious in that moment but it was clear he was passionate about slavers being vile in his mind, Kane could..agree with that much at least, enslaving people was wrong. The only time it made sense was as a form of punishment for people's heinous crimes thus being sentenced to fight on the front lines against the monster but even then it wasn’t the same as slavery it was a punishment.

Eliza upon hearing Finn smiled a tinge of pink appearing on her face once more, “Mmm, I’m certainly pleased to hear you say that you think so.”


By the time they were in the library, Pandora would look around, and then to Victorique hearing her question, perking up a bit.

" I would be happy to assist you with your search! Anything in particular I should look for section wise? but..uh first I should ..ask”

She’d look to Eliza, who looked back at her with that same smile,

“Of course you’re more than alright, go ahead and assist Victorique, you’re certainly one of the most capable ones here, I have my guard I’ll be fine.”

She spoke giving a little reassuring wave that it was no big deal.

Kane looked at the development and nodded, “Thanks for the help Pandora. I’ll give it my best too.” He announced, though it was a bit curious what he’d be able to do given his abilities not all that long ago. Of course just as any of the others perhaps hadn’t been aware, Kane had quite a high amount of potential which had been building up from within whether it was divine intervention or not..perhaps some of it would be valuable here.

“Maybe we should consider checking that corridor to see if there are stairs? Or I guess you and Victorique can start doing your jumping parkour stuff..and I’ll do that.” he replied. Figuring he’d go check that out.

Unit #2 “Iro”
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1.png

Iro looked to Squink excitedly, “I think it’s okay! Victorique should be fine with the assistance of Pandora, and Kane! I would like to spend more time with you if that’s okay! If you are going to the arena up there then…I’ll meet you and the others at the top?” Iro asked cheerily.

“Glad to see you are joining us Oden!” the [Small] bot would also add in.

Iro would then quickly extend his arms and ascend his way quickly up the ladder with great agility, after Finn

When Finn had gone to climb Eliza was quick to want to go after him, “ Finn, please be careful I understand you're strong but you should make sure to pace yourself!" She’d call out, looking like she was about to start heading up the ladder too when he had started.

However one of her guards suddenly ran up and put his hand on her shoulder.

“My Lady I must insist I cannot allow you to climb up something which is so risky to climb! Your father and older brother would be furious if they ever found out!”

“But then how else am I supposed to get up there?” She’d turn back and pout a bit. Also importantly how was she going to snag a seat with him if she couldn’t get there punctually?

However her eyes lit up when she heard Squink make that offer and saw what she was doing.

“If you would be a dear and lift me Squink, that would be most appreciated, I trust that you won’t drop me.”

The guard didn’t look terribly pleased to hear that either, letting out a reluctant, “...Very well, since you were clearly capable of doing it safely on the ship. But I expect that you take every precaution and rest by setting her down at a secure location if you need too on the way up. That goes for yourself if needed.” The guard spoke in a very serious tone to Squink on the matter.

It looked just like Pandora had been getting into a position ready to leap before she stopped, looking over to Oden curiously.

Kane on the other hand paused when he heard Oden suggest they ring the bell “Or yeah. I guess we could try doing that first..I mean it's not a bad idea but I don't know if I'd get my hopes up too high with how some of the locals have responded to us so far.” He’d ask turning back to Victorique, granted he didn’t really see anyone around on the ground floor to give them service, maybe whoever it was for would be summoned?

Thankfully for those climbing the ladder seemed to hold even if it made creaking sounds which weren't the most comfortable to hear..and the material looked thin, but the top was still a distance away for Finn as he kept going, it did look like there were places which he could shift himself onto a floor if he so desired from the later, even if there wasn't a ton of platform space in some cases, but thankfully the arena bleachers and circular standing area looked solid, like someone who didn't have wings could use easily enough should they climb to the top and enter the space.

Oden would be the one with upward mobility who would probably have the easiest time exploring the floors and having the ability to rest on the way up if she was so inclined.
Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo | Squink Femboy Femboy | Oden SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

She looked at Finn, a bit surprised by his ferocity. “You might not want to visit either of the Empires, in that case.” She stated, wondering how long he'd live for if he was going to be a freedom fighter there. “Can't say I'm a fan of it myself either though.”

A chuckle escaped her lips upon hearing Squink murmering with her heightened senses. “Don't worry, Finn's a righteous Hero. He'd never be corrupted like that. Right, Eliza?” She asked, as it seemed Eliza was already agreeing. So much hoping to put on the pressure for no reason other than entertainment.

She was surprised the purple squid offered to help her to begin with, even if it'd be 'later' and all. “Sure, sure. Just don't forget we got more mind-reading testing to do as well. That was fun.” She'd add.

Scoffing at the owl, she shook her head. “Honestly, I don't want to risk having to trade for it, to deal with more cultural difference, or to try to explain what I'm even looking for. Casually asking them if their library has a book on one of the best-kept secrets in this world might not go over well, so I figured I'd try looking by myself first. Or well, with some help.”

Having Kane lean back in to whisper back, she'd reply. “Well yes, who else? You didn't grow up on roses and sunshine. You grew up in the real world, like I did.” She stated. “You'd really think so too?” It sounded like this was highly difficult to believe for her. Perhaps she wasn't all that confident about her reputation when it boiled down to it.

She'd reply to the Ticket Guy. “[Yeah, though I always thought Gargoyles were made to be uglier.]” She'd nod at the license bit. “[Huh. Well, once I uncover some more mysteries, I'll be sure to write them down and drop them off. Or get you my autobiography.]” She replied on the topic of adding contributions.

She was honestly surprised the mushroom was a lot more rare than she gave it credit for. “[Huh, good to know. Thanks.]” She stated, putting it safely back in the [Pocket Dimension] after learning it had some actual value to it. “[Perhaps I'll go find this guy later.]” She wasn't sure about it yet, but it might be fun.

As for Pandora, she'd nod. “I'm looking for anything that might explain how titles are granted. So far, my working theory is that most of it is the Law God, but I'm not sure yet. Whomever gives them out doesn't like me trying to figure out, they gave me the titles to show me, yet I do feel like this place might be the best shot at learning more. It likely won't have its own section or be on the cover of a book... perhaps something like starting by the records of titles shown through the black orbs, then using those to find out footnotes on history books, then using those footnotes to find the original books and keep tracing back studies upon studies till we get to the juicy source materials.” She stated. “We might be here for a while.” She warned.

“You know, I appreciate you guarding me, but with Pandora here, I should be safe as well. She's a Mechanical Marvel, after all. I'd not mind if you preferred to go look at the event going on.” She told Kane, feeling like he'd probably like that a lot more and that he wasn't going to be of the most help here to begin with.

That said, he did just make himself useful. “Actually, yeah, you asking for it might help out. That would perhaps make it less complicated...” She concluded. Perhaps Kane could get a toned down and less suspicious version of the answers. Mostly though, it'd just not waste her own. What a great friend she was. On the topic of that, she'd go for a round with some [Halfling Parkour] to go check out some sections.

Halfling Parkour - Fast B, Jump B, Water Speed B, Wall Bouncing F, Wall Running F, Appraisal B, Heightened Senses [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Acrobatics B, Perception B, Energised B - Character uses their senses and movement abilities to parkour through the environment. - Grade Be - 3 Post Cooldown

"...I've... had flimsier truces than this ladder... Just keep moving Finn you got this..." he girded his guts as he continued to climb, determined to reach the top. Really, he just wanted to see what was up there, and... Yea know... The thing is you always want a higher seat to see things better right? Who could blame him for trying his luck?

Sure he could fall down and crack his skull or worse but...

Actually that sounds terrible...

"Ah, no. I was raised in Ryken. I don't remember much before I came to Ryken with my father." Between spools, he tried to speak to Oden, occasionally looking to her to try and speak. "I was hit by some form of memory loss, my father said so... Mother passed early, traveled around with his work, I hit my head and lost my memories..." he tested a pole before going up it cautiously. "I should have asked more questions when he was alive, but thats long said and done I suppous.

As fr what I'm here for, I came because I was invited, thats all." SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Getting off on a safer spot, Finn started to try and look around and see what this whole sage match thing was about.

NO he wasn't just getting hyped to watch some nerds wrestle or something no sir!

He was doing this to....

Watch some Sage beat the snot outa something!

Big difference!!
Last edited:
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori, Frequent Flier

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Orikanyo Orikanyo SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Squink hesitated a little when she heard Oden say about someone trying to sell them, nervously fidgeting with her hands as she looked to the owlkin and to Finn.
"P-people wouldn't do that, r-right? Why would they want to do that? I-I don't really see why someone would want to buy me, but that sounds... really weird and creepy, I don't think I like that" she answered, hoping such a thing wouldn't ever happen. She hadn't heard or seen about people being bought or sold anywhere, was it something really that normal that Oden would consider someone among them to do so? Well, she didn't recognise this empire place that Oden spoke of anyway, so maybe they were nowhere near it and it was some sort of evil kingdom elsewhere in the world.

Smiling and nodding to Victorique however, she hoped she could be back soon enough to help out. Especially since they'd get to do more psionic practice, which felt like it would be very good for her. That, and it'd probably impress someone, of which she hadn't gotten to do much.

Forgetting how nimble Iro actually was and being once again a little surprised once he could make his own way to the top, she looked to Eliza who asked for help getting up... which only seemed obvious considering her other option would be the way Finn went which held rather questionable safety.
"Sure, I can help carry you, it's the least I can do for all the niceties and such you've done for me so far!" Squink hummed with a cheerful grin, focusing her currently ongoing power in order to selectively lift up Eliza with her too. Hesitating a moment on the serious point that was given by the guard, her confidence waned a little from the pressure that was being placed on her.

"U-uh, yes, I'll do my best and won't do anything bad" she answered, it being pretty clear that she both struggled under pressure and expectation as well as just got reminded of the very bad potentials that could happen. Nevertheless, she focused to try and go to the top to see what was going on with Eliza being carried in tow using her powers.

1. Flight (F) + Energized (F)

D: 2/2 (Ongoing with Spell Duration)
Telekinesis with Extra Steps: Magic (D) + Telekinesis (D) + Energized (D) + Magic Range (E) + Indirect Affinity (E) + Magic Targets (F) + Selective Magic (E) + Spell Duration (E) - A strengthened Telekinesis that can lift targets that weigh up to 200lbs, including up to five targets and at a longer range. Can also be used to throw objects up to 2lbs in weight with one's own mind. (De Grade) (1 Post Cooldown) (To carry Eliza)
Time: Morning

Weather: Outside Cool, partially cloudy.

Place: Hallson Tribe Territory, The Great Skra Lobby, Sky Kingdom

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Orikanyo Orikanyo SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Eliza Talton

“Of course, Finn told me of his most noble goals on the airship I’ll have you know, he desires to help the poor afflicted citizens of Rotia against the constant monster threat.” Eliza would confirm to Victorique, further supporting him.

Kane Blackburne

Kane heard Victorique’s reasoning for not wanting to ask for help, and usually he wouldn’t be one to ask either if he thought himself capable that and he usually wasn’t super big on just talking to people because particular those he didn’t know well, but looking first wasn’t a bad idea if they could just locate it.

He was somewhat surprised to hear how self aware Victorique was of their situation, but then again it was her he was thinking about, of course she was. He’d nod quietly in agreement, based on what he knew of where she had been and what she had to go through that sounded true.

He would nod again when she asked if he really thought so,

“I think if it’s you we’re talking about and they've seen what you can do, yeah…you’re pretty amazing, why wouldn’t you get praise?” He let out, feeling a bit self conscious about how he would be perceived at telling Victorique that but it was how he had felt since working with her to solve the Evergate situation. She had saved multiple lives and came out unscathed in the process, that had all been quite an accomplishment as far as he was concerned.

Ticket guy would have chuckled some by the point Victorique mentioned the Gargoyle business and would tell her that he’d be waiting then, though it was curious if he was meaning to sound serious or thought she was simply being humorous.

He’d also give her a “[No problem He’s my buddy so I gotta throw him a bone sometimes, and I really do think it’ll be your best chance at getting something where you can fly in return.]”


Pandora looked to Victorique attentively and gave a nod. “Very well, we can try to find a section on law for a general category perhaps..maybe that’ll have text on the black orbs from where we can work our way back as you say.”

“I imagine that checking out a religious section if we could find one would be a good place as well then if you believe it’s related to the law god and that’s your going theory.”

“Most strange that you say you got mysterious titles that were in..opposition to your search? I wonder why whoever is responsible would care that much Or maybe they just don’t like people prying into what they're up too..”

“And that’s okay with me! I think you’ll find my stamina is quite..proficient.”
Pandora added with a friendly smile.

Kane looked back at Victorique, hearing her say that.. “I mean..yeah I guess I could do that.” he responded in a bit more of a subdued tone than usual, looking over to Pandora. She was quite strong after all..he probably could do just that.

But then he perked up a bit upon hearing her say that, as he was just pondering how to get up to the arena, if the ladder was really the safest bet.

“Course I can handle that! I’ll let ya know if I hear anything good while you two go look!”

Thankfully for Victorique she would be able to move around the library with her light and agile form, able to jump between floors essentially to land on the floated suspended rocks which thankfully did not shift as she did so, some sort of magic keeping them stable.

In order to check out shelves she had the ability to run up them some, and even stand on some of the viewing platform spots near the shelves to get a good read.

After some moving around she’d catch a fairly sizable section which was labeled “[Law]” In terran text. There were all sorts of scrolls and texts with authors and title names, some looking quite old, others newer, a black and purple scroll appeared to be on the black orbs, would stick out some for it’s unique color. If Victorique looked to the scroll she would see it was neatly organized and discussed orb’s use in society for many years, as well as how apparently the large eyeball she had seen was more of albeit a more alive version which was a sort of summon that persisted in use in Hallson tribe land.

A silvery gold book comparing the laws of the landed people and the Sky Kingdom Tribes also stuck out, like some sort of dissertation which had been written. “Landfolk” did not have the same rights in the Sky kingdom as did those who were born there and had wings, however seemingly having wings might put you in a better spot than not regardless of where you were from, nevertheless it was apparent should she check it out that you were inherently more suspect with biased language being used.

While Victorique had the opportunity to check through for more information and use some of her skills to hopefully dig through the texts easier, she would hear a similar sound of stone moving against itself and would see a more..stereotypical gargoyle “fly” along not all that far away from her, like the sort that would be used to scare away demons, thankfully it was one that was on her side rather than adversary, as if she glanced to it, the horned, ox tailed, winged, hunched over looking imp sculpture would give her a friendly wave.

Pandora on the other hand was also able to jump up quite high impressively, and even sustain the agile acts like Victorique was, going onto the opposite side of the library to look around, starting on the first floor.

Kane would make his way over to the desk while this was going on and he’d ring the bell, without hesitation after.

And he’d wait..for a bit, with not much going on at all, until after a while..a rather tall, horned lady with wings made her way over behind the counter.


“[Oy what do you want Landfolk? Didn’t even know your kind could read to be honest.]” She spoke matter of fact and not in the most friendly fashion.

Kane wouldn’t miss a beat, clenching his fist a bit before replying,”[Listen lady, I’m looking for information on the origins of titles and how they work, much as I can get, and I bet a strong, knowledgeable librarian like yourself would be able to help point me in the right direction.]"

She’d look back at Kane and roll her eyes. “[pffft, that’s a death wish boy, you’re talking about going into the old section of the library for something as deep as that sure you’ll get some information in the main part of the library, but probably not as in depth as you’d like without going into the old, and even I don’t know if I’d want to go back there alone, I can tell you where to go but we won’t be liable for any injuries, nor will we be covering any funeral rite expenses.]”

She replied, very serious sounding.

“[Yeah yeah, landfolk are weak, can we get a move on then?]” He’d brush it off

“[You must get to the top floor of the library, there’ll be a large door there marked in terran which has restricted access, unless you have this key for your party.]”

Which she’d procure from a red orangey pocket dimension she manifested, the key itself looked like a piece of ivory with some sort of human looking skull engraved into it with a scholar’s cap on and a scroll under the skull.

“[And..are there any stairs? By any chance?]” He’d ask a bit hopefully.

“[Hah, there are some but I think you’d be better off using the ladder if I’m being completely honest with ya.]”

Kane would pocket the pass after she handed it over, to which he felt the eye focusing in on him again and appraise him..sounded like there might be some more discrete information back there.

Kane would then thank her and start heading up the ladder after the others, gritting his teeth a bit, and not looking down, if he had survived monster attacks before and in Rotia to the point which he had getting up a ladder should be a breeze as far as surviving danger was concerned…He thought to himself. He’d need to let Victorique and PAndora know what he had found.

After getting to a few floors high or so he’d call out, “Hey! Victorique! Pandora! I found out something cool from the desk person if you all got a minute!” Not entirely sure where they were exactly at this point, hoping he wouldn’t get in trouble for being so loud, it was a library after all..but his mobility made things pretty limited.

Before Kane arrived

Eliza would reply to Squink, “Thank you Squink~, I truly appreciate it.” And she would be levitated with ease thankfully, it looked like she was quite trusting of Squink with this ordeal, the guards on the other hand all looked rather nervous at this development.

Iro would stay back a bit and climb at the rate which Squink floated for a bit.

Eventually all those who were trying to reach the top would successfully ,and the entrance to the large arena which still had some seats together came into view, it had a dome like roof, and bleacher seats all the way around not unlike the East Empire might, with a sandy and stone arena floor.

In the arena were two men on either side who were standing on their prospective sides looking like they were getting ready for something. Both were bearded and robed, and had wings.


(but with wings for both)

Noticeably there were a group of other robed people with wings who were presumably also sages who had come to view the event who had some of the most prime seating.

A few of the sages appeared to have a private viewing box which looked directly over the arena in a prime spot, they appeared to be some of the oldest and had more ornate robes, perhaps high ranks who were overseeing the event.

The wingless bunch would get some looks from people in the audience immediately who could tell they were out of place, noticeably Oden had the least cool reception, as those looked at her more neutrally compared to the others.

"Well, we should find some seats then, don't you think so Finnegan?” Eliza asked, getting up closer to him, hoping that he’d be receptive to her bid for a seat with him, a soft smile on her face.

Unit #2 “Iro”
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1.png

Iro would look to Squink! “Yes Let’s find a seat! I want to be near you!” There were some options, some higher and closer to the arena floor and some higher and more private above, it depended where the group wished to go and if they wanted to split up where they sat or not, as it did not appear the seats were preassigned.

Eliza’s guard who had made the trek on ladder were near here and it appeared they were deadset on sitting near wherever she chose to go or ended up.
Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece |

She just looked at Kane confused. Still unsure if and/or why some would genuinely praise her when they weren't doing it directly to her face for some ulterior motives or just for the form of it. Eventually she just shrugged. “Perhaps I should sneak around and listen in on conversations to see if I can confirm as much myself.” That might be a good way to learn about the truth of things.

Nodding at Pandora, she was happy. “You pick up quickly.” She'd add, glad not to have to explain much or say things twice. She chuckled when Pandora mentioned the 'opposition' titles. “Between [GIVE UP], [DRINK SALT WATER] and a mandatory [Annoying Pursuer] with a lovely letter threatening my pursuit leads to despair, I'd say there's indeed some opposition. Yet I was called 'dearest Victorique' and considering I can't seem to get rid of this title, how could I not want to meet this dearest friend that gave it to me? Though the [DRINK SALT WATER] one really makes me wonder if they're a child. Imagine that. The laws and mechanics of the world governed by a child. That'd be the scoop of the age, no?” She chuckled, although she sometimes seriously wondered about the age of the one making such a low-tier insult. “That said, if you want to know more about my titles, you should tell me about yours first.” She added, still rather curious about them.

Waving back at the gargoyle, she'd been having a fair bit of fun. Investigating and parkour, two of her favourite and biggest talents, combined in one. This place was neat. She was distracted from her parkour through the library when Kane called out. “Alright!” She stated, as she jumped, hopped, ran and parkoured her way back down to the desk. Or to wherever Kane was at when he called them. “I'll admit that the stuff I found thus far wasn't the most promising. Well, I guess I found out that we've got few rights here and miss some wings to make up for the sightlessness.”
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori, Frequent Flier

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Finally ascending her way to the top, it appeared as if the woman she had levitated up had went off to try and snag a seat next to Finn. The ilithid silently contemplated what that was all about wondering if they really had a good thing going or something and were really hitting it off as friends, hearing Iro say about wanting to stay with her. Smiling softly, she was glad and comforted that the little construct wanted to keep spending time with her.
"Right! Uh, we should probably find a place where we actually have a good view and all. It wouldn't be too helpful if we couldn't see what was happening... lets go and try to get a little closer. To be honest, I'm not even really sure what's happening up here" Squink spoke softly to him, remembering and looking to Oden who she believed had also came along. Giving a small wave gesture to Oden, she answered.

"Hey, Oden, do you wanna come with us to get a better look? I'm sure you could probably figure out everything that's going on to explain it, you know a lot of things! That and it's always good to get to spend more time with friends!" Squink cheerfully offered to the owlkin, before moving with a little help of her self-levitation in order to try and get closer to see what was going on.

She kept an eye to see if Iro and Oden were still able to follow, hoping that she didn't bump into or get into anyones' way on accident and end up causing trouble. Up until she could get a good glance at the winged people who it appeared to be about, she lightly scratched her cheek as her tentacles nervously quivered and drew closer together.
"W-what are they... against eachother, about... exactly? Is this some sort of just, normal thing here? Being in a new place feels overwhelming when things like this are happening... on top of a library that is... " Squink asked absentmindedly as she mumbled, drawing a little offtrack as she just waited to see what was going to happen.

1. Flight (F)
Oden (#ACA9A7)
"It's fine, if you or anyone else fall, I'll try my best to catch you. It's why I've perched myself in the middle here after all." Oden smiled briefly in response to Finn's shakiness and quiet mutterings, before listening to his tale. "A ryken child, I see..." She mused thoughtfully with lowered eyes for a moment. Whenever someone stated they were born or raised in Ryke, it always tickled a funny part of her heart, considering she was around when Ryke was first formed.

"Amnesia...? I'm sorry to hear that Finn. To be so young and already have both your parents pass." She shook her head sadly, though she knew too many that had endured the same fate. "The past is never irrecoverable though. If you really wish to, perhaps you could find someone to help you uncover pieces of your past. Mundane or not, knowing your history can be comforting." She mentioned thoughtfully, briefly thinking of time mages or shamans she had heard in passing that could help with such matters.

"Invited, I see. I came here with Squink to see the sights and culture of the Sky Kingdom for the first time, after we noticed the advertising fliers around Rotia." She mentioned briefly, before focusing her attention back on the see-through arena as it seemed the rest of the group made it up successfully. Orikanyo Orikanyo

Stretching her wings wide, it took Oden only a moment to catch up in one fell swoop, immediately folding her wings back into place and ruffling her feathers a little. Looking around, it didn't take long for the old owl to find her distinctly purple friend. "Of course, I had no plans on sitting beside anyone else." Oden chuckled at her friend's open invitation, giving a gentle wave back from the arena's entrance as she trotted on over slowly.

Though she knew the eyes on herself were not so hostile nor judgemental, she could distinctly sense them on her wingless companions, and that made her wary. Only by seating herself as close as possible besides her friend, could she protect her, should anyone try anything uncouth. The ilithid was already stepping so well out of her comfort zone, making new friends and trying new magic. Oden refused to let anything deter that blossoming self-growth.

The thought made her think back to Squink's earlier words during their ascension, cocking her head to the side in mild confusion as she pondered. "Did you not know that the Otenzian Empire practiced beast enslavement?" She inquired, only growing more puzzled the more she thought about it. "We even accompanied the sun worshippers to that terrible empire's border, dear Squink. Think I even remember you using some sort of magic on their guards when they stopped the caravan from entering." She thought back a little nostalgically, recalling the odd spiritualness she felt during that trip.

"I'm definitely not as smart as you idealize me to be, but it doesn't look like we're here to watch a fight if anything." Oden murmured thoughtfully, examining the location and attire being worn, both of the attendees and the 'combatants'. As a Kuridan native, she was more used to attending boisterous showdowns of strength or finesse, so whatever was about to occur here would be quite fascinating. "Perhaps they're here to discuss information or showcase new theories? Or perhaps this is a trivia or writing competition? Though I don't see any writing equipment on stage..." Femboy Femboy

"Really, I have no clue what we're here for."
She chuckled in finality, though she didn't really care too much since she was just a tourist, and these tickets were seemingly free. "Ah, Iro, could you be a dear and help us quietly translate the happenings to us in Common? Or perhaps if you can, display a screen of subtitles if that's in your construct capabilities? I know it's likely a lot to ask considering this seems to be some sort of literacy event." She asked softly, silently wondering if she and Squink should have come here after all if this was the kind of event being run. "If you'd like, I can owe you a favour later." She added in last minute, knowing she herself was not that close with Iro. TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
images (9).jpeg

"Mmh." Was all Finn really said on the matter of his past. He never said how his father died, he'd keep it to himself. They didn't need to know what happened, they didn't need to know his final words and didn't need to know the memory of blood on his hands; that still felt fresh in his mind. Distracting him he gave the onlookers a returned glance before giving his attention to Lady Talton.

"Of course, lets find a good one then." An arm linked with hers before finding a seat, with Squinky the squishy squonk to follow. He would keep that name in his head though, he had no clue what would happen if he said it out loud.

"I wonder what the event will be like." He wondered outloud, letting Miss Talton go from the linked arms as is polite of a young knight. He liked the girl, really, she was eager it seems to get to know him... Perhaps worthy of consideration in truth. She had beautiful hair and lovely eyes to boot...

But when he pictures her in his mind eye....


He always thinks her hair is a mostly white blue, like a tint of blue.

But no it was pure white.

Its an odd thing, she does wear alot of blue after all...


Oh, Oden is talking she seemed interesting, not everyday he gets to meet a traveler so....



"You still seem well appointed, Lady Oden. I'm sure you have much to teach us." He gave his two cents, hoping the thing would happen soon he was running out of filler thoughts.
Time: Morning

Weather: Outside Cool, partially cloudy.

Place: Hallson Tribe Territory, The Great Skra , Sky Kingdom

Mentions: Orikanyo Orikanyo SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

The plan which Victorique laid out sounded reasonable enough to Kane as he would have given her a nod. That was indeed one of the best ways.


Pandora was pleased to hear Victorique tell her she picked up on things quickly.

However she looked a bit surprised when she heard the nature of the titles which had been given out.

“Oh wow, someone actually sounds pretty annoyed huh? Yeah that would be the scoop of the age if you found out that was true!” She’d giggle some toward the latter part.

“As long as whoever this is doesn’t intend on hurting you, I suppose there isn’t much wrong with trying to figure it all out, I mean you worked so hard to get to this point.”

She was a bit caught off guard by the question of her titles.

“OH..my titles? I mean they’re really no big deal..I know you saw some of them, since it sounds like you’d really like to know, I got some of these because I already know you gathered I’m not exactly..the most traditional person..I’ve had some modifications, Merasmus was actually the one who worked on me, so I guess that could help explain some of the titles you may have caught wind of..I’m human but parts of me are…construct.” She finally said a bit bashfully.

Kane Blackburne

Kane had actually made his way up around the first floor or so and was standing on some of the flooring provided for the shelves.

Pandora wouldn’t take long to follow after too, she had been looking around too. “Hm, I found some interesting things pertaining to religion and the Law god but probably not where we need to go to find out what we’re looking for exactly, I assume what you found out will be much better.” Pandora said with a soft smile.

“Anyway, yeah so, there’s this room on the top library floor with books that is, and apparently there’s a large door which’ll lead us into the old section, but the librarian winged lady down there made a big deal about going to the old section of the library being dangerous, so I know it’s a friggin library of all things..but it sounds like we should be ready for danger, whether that means foes or not I’m not sure. With that said, if you’re both ready, guess I’ll meet you up there, she gave me this pass key thing for it.”

Kane would show the engraved scholarly looking skull pass.

Should Victorique be agreeable, Kane would start making his way back up the ladder to go seek out the large door, just trying his best to focus and hope the ladder wouldn’t snap, meanwhile the journey for Pandora and Victorique would be much easier.

The trio would all end up in front of the sizable door with carvings that were sort of like the ones on his pass, as well as two large dark stone torches with glowing blue bonfire-like fires atop them.

“I uh, guess I just do this?”
He’d hold the pass out to the front of the door and suddenly a winged sort of beast looking Gargoyle appeared in a blue burst of energy.


“[So you wish to take on the trial for knowledge?]” A decidedly masculine somewhat gravely voice spoke aloud.

“[If this is true, you may ask me questions before you embark, I hope that you have prepared.]”

Unit #2 “Iro”
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1-1.png

Iro nodded happily, “Okay!, yeah! Let's find somewhere nice!” Seemingly not too attuned to some of the looks the group was getting. Iro was happy to assist Squink in finding somewhere closer to the action.

“I think they’re gonna have some kind of fight!” Iro continued to announce.

Iro was pleased when Oden responded that she would join them. “Excellent, it will be nice to have you with us friend of Squink!”

Oden, Iro, and Squink would be able to secure good seats without having to deal with much trouble in the process.

When they were seated Iro looked over to Oden curiously, before giving a nod, “Yes I believe i can do just that if I reformulate my projector!”

Iro would suddenly begin to project from the furnace torso area at first what looked like the flying ship schematics they had come in on, instead showing what looked like focused subtitles on what was going on in the arena so that Squink and Oden had their own little orangey subtitles for the event.

Eliza Talton

Eliza gave Finn a pleasant smile when he linked arms with her, also able to guide her to a nice safe spot nearby where Iro and the others were, getting a nice spot to see exactly what was going on.

“Why thank you~” She replied, looking out at what was going on, “I too..do wonder what they’re getting up too, these men don’t exactly look like the gladiator type do they?”

It wasn’t long until the announcement of the event was made once again this time one of the more ornate looking sages called out, their voice projected in a louder way.

“Ladies and gentlemen! The event you have all been waiting for! Sage Ulric Graybeard Is facing off in a magical spectacle against Sage Erik the Red! Erik the Red contends that landfolk were created originally from the ice core of the first frost giant! While Sage Ulric Graybeard believes that landfolk actually descended from those of us who are winged and at one point or another they lost their wings!The two of them have gotten into various squabbles until after a particularly heated exchange Erik the Red challenged Sage Ulric Graybeard to a duel before the council!”

“[As you may know per rules This is a duel until one gives up. It will not be until the death, the loser will apologize to the winner and may otherwise be made a fool by the council!]”

“[Now then..let duel begin!]”

Sage Erik the Red

Suddenly a reddish magic casting circle appeared under the man in red as a large fiery aura appeared all around his person, as it looked like fire magical energy was building up.

“[Tch, It’s foolish to believe that the landfolk have anything to do with our kind! I’ll teach you a thing or two about what a hypothesis based in reality really looks like!]”

Sage Ulric Graybeard

Sage Ulric Graybeard’s beard wasn’t particularly gray which may have been a bit ironic but in fact he was on the younger side of things, instead sprouting more of a brown beard.

“[Hah! That’s preposterous, your old school thinking and search methodology only gets you so far! It’s clear that given how much they look like us, one day people like us left the sky Kingdom and eventually lost their wings, whether it be through divine intervention or otherwise! And I have plenty of examples in my research to support these claims!]”

A grayish magic casting circle appeared under Ulric, a large one at that too, as gray electrical energy began to spark around him and an area directly above him began to darken, looking sort of like a storm cloud, as the two started to make gestures and suddenly a very large serpentine world snake of fire came flying out from Erik the Red’s side the fire amalgamation letting out a great roar, flying quickly at Ulric.

From ulric’s side came out a ferocious sound of thunder which rang out as a golem which looked like it was made up of electrical energy came forth. Was it familiar? Regardless when the large snake-dragon fire like projectile collided with the golem, a dark cloud of smoke erupted in the arena, and it looked like the spectators were getting excited, applause and cheering could be heard.

All of the dialogue so far had been translated by Iro’s reworked projection.

"Well isn't this just exicting Finn? You're awfully strong to have completed the feats you told me about earlier I imagine you'd preform quite well in this sort of setting~" Eliza said with a smile.
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