Half-Breed Institution

Shog said:
I understand that they are sudden and hard to work with immediately. However, I have governed enough RP's to know that when I give people a "few minutes to wrap things up", it doesn't happen. There is no perfect time to jump ahead. Sure a few things will wrap up, but then I either give too much time and have to leave or something and leave people hanging, waiting for something to happen, or nothing wraps up because people can't just drop a conversation. I am guilty of the latter as well. This is the first RP where I have been this sudden. Come to think of it, I warned people of the last one days in advance. For large time skips like that I do my best to give warnings like that. Now, please use the OOC instead of the IC when you have something like that to say.
Sorry, I understand that your try and and I sort of can't use OOC at the moment unless someone as recently posted there. I'm using the app because I'm no where near my computer at the moment
Penance said:
Nothing? People have been talking
Hey @Drumonkey I had a thought. Have you ever seen rise of the guardians?
of course I have lol my character is both boogey and sandman lol why do you ask now?
Oh I was gonna say that your were sandman cause you use sand to attack and I was the boogeyman cause I use weird shadow things to attack but that works too xD
oh my gosh that is so true its scary! holy cow. I wonder what will happen with our charachters though. Your guy chose a side and mine doesn't choose sides what shall happen?
I dont know man xD but i do know my guys going evil and we're already slowly becoming rivals so its getting pretty accurate to the movie
Kill me, watch what happens. I have plans for my sandman to help him fight. *Laughs evilly*
You kinda sorta might. Im sure once I introduce it you will see it and be like ohhhh I get it then go Fuck that could be bad
I'm totally not planning on Alexa joining a side, only because I kind of want to be surprised myself! So, feel free to try and persuade her to join a side!

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