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Fantasy Half-Breed Institution

Zadock's latest comment had her blushing profusely, even bringing about a school girlish giggle. In attempt to change the subject, she'd brush past him with a bit more skip in her step. "Come on, let's go for that walk."

The last month or so had been an emotional one for Alexa, finding it hard to come to grips with what she was. Needless to say there was a lot of resentment towards her parents for not warning her, but also fear of rejection. Being nearly ignored by your family your whole life makes you a tad paranoid, and often drives a need for popularity. Such was the case with Alexa, and out of fear of rejection, she spent most of the month alone, sitting away from the others in the cafeteria, only working on her abilities when out in the woods.

One month to the day of her arrival, she once again walked through the dimly light forest, barefoot as she had seemed to give up on shoes. While her feet didn't much resemble that of a birds, they did have the makings of talons that sprouted from her toes. It was quite a sight, and not at all suitable for shoes. The harpy sighed as she nestled herself upon a rock, watching the birds sing and take flight within the trees. Her own wings rustled in the wind as her dark, flowing mane brushed against her pale bluish cheeks that accented her icy eyes. She still hadn't quite figured out how to change back, which was disheartening. The only thing she could manage was to make the claws within her fingers come and go at will. At least she didn't have to worry about accidentally bumping into someone and slashing their torso to pieces! Frustrated, she stood up, letting the expanse of her wings open to their fullest to reflect the brilliant blues and purples within, colors that have only grown richer the longer she was in this form. "If they can fly, why can't I? What's the use of wings if I can't use them?" If anyone were near, it might appear she was about ready to leap from her perch. @Drumonkey @anyone
Looky here it's been a full damn month in this place and you still get petrified of your own shadow. "S-Sorry, but th-that's Andrews fault." Aouli muttered as he entered the cafeteria. During the past month his powers have been developing rather fast. He is able to transform with ease and even make only a certain part of his body change. For instance if he only wanted his wings out then he could do it. He is also capable of sending strong waves of electricity when in human form and can medium lengthen bolts when in his mythological form. The one thing that didn't change was his timidness, if anything it seemed to be slightly worse. He was either alone, with Andrew, or with Zadock, but would have a heart attack if he was in a big group (more than five people)
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The last whole month was rather interesting for andrew. Everyone seemed to be getting stronger and so was he. This he liked. It made life more fun. He had learned how to make his shadow alot bigger than just a tree and he was now able to turn into a shadow which was useful for stealth purposes. He was hanging out with people, aouli, zadock, and dysis. They were fun what could he say. He was sitting at a table eating cereal when he saw aouli sitting alone. Again. He decided to get up and go talk to him. "Hey aouli" he called out
Aouli jumped a bit when he heard his name, but this time he didn't let out a scream or fall out of his chair. He slowly looked up and saw the person talking to him. "H-Hey An-Andrew." He muttered as he held on to his hood with one hand. In the entire month that has passed no one has seen him without that hood covering part of his face. A few have tried to get him to take it off which annoyed him greatly so now he had developed a new habit of always holding onto his hood with one hand or both.

Andrew laughed a little "you and that hood aouli" he said sitting down "are you ever going to take it off?"
"I-Is it a problem? I do-don't like people seeing my f-face. They always l-laugh." He muttered quietly. Another thing that didn't improve through the month was his self esteem. He has been told he was doing good in his classes by the teachers, but he didn't feel like he was and hated it when one teacher said that everyone should watch Aouli if they need help (he actually fainted when more then seven people gathered around him in less then ten seconds). @Penance
Standing on top of that rock at the edge of the forest seemed to bring about a sense of peace for Alexa. With arms open, wings spread widely, she let the breeze catch her wings, and with a deep breath, took a massive leap from the rock. For just a moment, it seemed as if she'd be able to fly. However, with arms and legs flailing about, the harpy went crashing to the ground. For a moment, she was dazed, dreaming that she was truly flying high in the sky with the birds, twisting and turning in and out of the clouds. Upon waking up though, pain was a bit more evident. "Ugh..." was about all she could make out, hand coming to hold a bump that quickly formed on her noggin. With leaves all tangled in her hair, and a rather audible groan, she slowly hoisted herself up, and clumsily walked her way towards the cafeteria.
At that sentence Aouli placed down his food and held onto his hood tighter. From experience whenever someone said that they would try to tackle him or something to get his hood off. In his defensive after 11 years of being called names and told to hide his face, you can't really expect him too be open about it. "I-I might take it o-off sometime. B-But only I'll on-only let the people who I know w-won't laugh s-see me." He mumbled as he reached to eat his food. "And Zadock, who are y-you looking f-for....sorry." He muttered quietly. Oh looks like someone is getting better with there eyes. @Penance @Drumonkey
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As per the norm these last few weeks, Alexa began to chastise herself beneath her breath for attempting something so foolish yet again. "A freak with wings who can't fly. When will you ever learn!" One by one, long digits would pluck the forest floor from her long, darkened hair that was no where near it's usual flawless state. Her stomach began to rumble, talons digging into the earth as she grew closer to the building, the one she dreaded so much. Harpies were known in legend for being ordered to steal a king's food, and she had gotten picked on about that from time to time while trying to enjoy a nice meal. The banged up harpy reached the door, and with heavy breath, pushed it open. The large room filled with creaking that would announce her entrance.
Andrew then realized that he thinks he'll laugh at him. "I wont laugh. I promise." He said "oh and hey zadock"
"Oh ok" he said nodding "wait she?" 'Didnt know he had those kind of friends' he thought laughing a little
The harpy was a tad busy scolding herself, and plucking debris from her hair that she almost didn't hear Zadock call to her. A smile was quick to turn upwards upon hearing his voice, though quickly dropped upon seeing Andrew and Aouli. She didn't know them too well. Aouli was only known for ditching her and her bags at the tent on her first day, and being terribly shy! The light tapping of talons upon the floor seemed to echo through the somewhat quiet room as she made her way towards the three guys, icy blues nearly piercing two of them! "Hey Zadock." She'd call out and wave, watching one nearby student making fun of her from the corner of her eye. With the snap of her head, she stole an apple from the strange student's plate before biting into it and plopping down upon the table by her friend (not even on the seat!). "What's up?"
Dysis would slowly enter the cafeteria, she looked and felt exhausted after a whole night of attempting to half shift only to end up failing. Plodding over to the nearest table she would fall into a seat, not really hungry yet.
"I'm trying to eat something solid but it's not going well then I sat with my friends Andrew and Aouli. He is terribly shy and Andrew is a shadow demon." Zadock smiled at her and pushed his bowl of oatmeal towards her. "Do you want the rest? I didn't eat much of it."
Andrew cocked his eyebrow at the harpie 'guess she's too cool for chairs' he then looked around the cafeteria and saw his friend dysis sitting alone. "Hey dysis" he called out "what're you doing over there alone?"
Penance said:
Andrew cocked his eyebrow at the harpie 'guess she's too cool for chairs' he then looked around the cafeteria and saw his friend dysis sitting alone. "Hey dysis" he called out "what're you doing over there alone?"
Hearing her name called she would look up, her tired eyes landing on Andrew. "Oh, hey I didn't notice you..." Dysis would half say half mutter, exhaustion heavy in her voice. Getting up she would make her way over to him.
At first, her eyes would squint towards that bowl of oatmeal, only because she didn't want to be seen as a 'food thief.' However, it was only Zadock, and he wouldn't pick on her like that. With a nod, she'd finally slink into a chair and begin working on the oatmeal, humming with delight. Every moment or so, she'd shift, her wings not quite fitting just right. "Aouli, yes I remember you. You ditched me my first day! That wasn't any way to treat a lady." With a sense of mockery in her tone, she'd go back to eating while sizing up Andrew.
Penance said:
He then pulled up a seat for her "these are my friends, aouli and zadock. Harpie lady however i have yet to meet."
Sitting she would greet them in a weary "Hello..." Trailing off she would fight to say awake, almost nodding off multiple times.
"Her name is Alexa. I met her the first day she was here and since then we have been hanging out talking. Oh yeah Alexa are you ok? I thought I saw you dreaming for a minute or two. Did you try to fly again?" Zadock asked in a concerned voice and put his hand in her knee in a comforting way. @Penance @FieryAngel
Aouli eyes began to spin he was feeling a bit awkward. "I-It's only been a m-month and y-you two already have girl friends." He mumbled totally misunderstanding the situation.
Alexa focused on the bowl of oatmeal, casually stirring it around as if it held some sort of buried treasure. A simple touch to the knee was nothing that would bother her, as Zadock had earned her trust. "I don't know...maybe.." It's not like she wanted to admit to trying to fly again, as each attempt only ended with injury, and the bump on her head throbbed to prove it! She caught Aouli's mumble, and the spoon slipped from her fingers and clanked loudly upon the table. Jaw fell open, staring in disbelief, unsure just how to respond. "Uh.....girlfriend?"

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