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Realistic or Modern Haenghada University//Closed


Suua wanted to tell her parents so bad, she wanted to brag to every single person she met that Tae was her boyfriend, that this amazing and wonderful man was hers. Even thinking about it caused her heart to swell. But telling her parents was so many different types of scary, she hadn’t been allowed to date until she was legally an adult and even then she chose to really not. Suua had never had a boyfriend, only been on a few dates, so this was her first time telling her parents about someone she loved. That person was someone they loved too, someone they already knew and cared for. It was another layer of scary, the fear that her relationship might affect their relationship with him. It was the same reason that Suua clamped down on her feelings for however many years, that fear of changing things beyond repair. Suua watched as the water went down the drain and breathed through the worry, it was stupid she knew it but Tae was so important to her that every little thing felt astronomical. Every thing needed to be perfect for him.

Tae’s voice came from the other side of the door and Suua jumped slightly, “Hey.” She spoke so softly as he slipped into the door, leaving it slightly ajar as he came over to where she stood near the counter. Tae opened a bottle of water and placed it near her before standing behind her and looking at her in the reflection. The touch of his hand made her instantly relax a bit, her breath escaping her in a long sigh. “N-no Tae! I want to tell them! Really, honestly.” She watched him in the mirror, her eyes widening a bit as she tried her best to convince him. Then he continued and Suua watched as something akin to pain crossed Tae’s dark eyes. Her heart broke.

“Tae no.” Suua turned where she stood to take his face in her hands, now facing him instead of watching each other in the mirror. Her dark chocolate eyes stared up into his own, a gentle smile lighting up her face. This man was the love of her life, she hadn’t needed to be with others to know that fact. Suua was lucky to have known Tae as long as she had, she was lucky to have fallen in love early and lucky to have him love her back. Their relationship was beautiful, it was awkward and evolving but she loved him. “I love you more than I’ll ever be able to explain. You are so kind and loving, talented and brave, smart and handsome. I felt so lucky just to have you as a friend and to know you love me too feels like a dream still.” Suua paused to run her thumbs over his skin, it was so soft and warm against her clammy hands. “My parents think the world of you, they always have. They love you, they love your parents- I love your parents even if Hoya is an ass. But that’s what made me so worried, the same reason I didn’t tell you I loved you for so long. I don’t want anything to affect anybody’s view of each other. I know my parents won’t but I just have this irrational fear that you go from Tae to Suuas boyfriend and it strains how close you and my dad are. It won’t! But I just- if I caused that it would kill me.”

Suua rambled, it was her thing. But eventually she fell silent and just stared up at him. “I want to wear t-shirts with your face and hold up signs that say Gi Tae is my boyfriend. I’m not worried at all about anyone being disappointed, if they are fuck them.” Her smile brightened as her hands finally fell from his face and she reached for her bottle of water. After a few long slips and closed the bottle and pushed away from the counter. Suua’s lips graced Tae’s jaw with a soft kiss as her hand reached to lace her fingers through his. “How about we go together? I mean they’re bound to be thinking of reasons we’ve been in her for so long right?”

“I’m just glad you realize you’d be a shitty post man.” Somin grumbled the response as Zane pulled her close, effectively calming her anger. Damn this man and the effect he had on her. He was so close, staring down at her as the skin of their foreheads met. She swore that she could see his soul in his eyes, how earnest he was, how much he meant the lovely words that left his lips, how much he truly loved her. It was a love that Somin had never felt before, not in any ex boyfriend, not in all the time with King. It was a love that she knew blazed in her own eyes back at him. Pieces of her hated how much Zane meant to her, hated how much she cared about him. But they were very very small pieces that still clinged to his stupid idea that she had to be alone and focused to end up successful. She knew now how untrue that was, hearing that Zane failed only fueled her fire more, only made her want to work harder to fix this, to get him back in the place he belonged so they could kick ass and prove everyone fucking wrong.

“Damn straight I can’t, you leech.” Somin chuckled and smiled into the kiss, her body arching towards him slightly as her arms snaked up around his neck. Only a moment later were they interrupted by his phone going off and Zane needing to pull away. Somin’s arms slumped to her sides with a thud as she watched his face, trying to discern what text he could have gotten. “Bad news first is a good guess yes.” She listened, eyes brightening a bit. “What do you mean that’s all great news! You’re going to prove those old fucks wrong and make them eat their fucking words.” She threw her arms around him and jumped, wrapping her legs around him in an excited hug. She pressed a few quick kisses to the sides of his face before pulling back and grinning. “Of course I’LL help you, I mean I’m not working with the best tools but we can figure it out.” The joke made her eyes sparkle with sarcasm. “Seriously Zane, whatever you need. Im there.”

All thoughts rushed from Kings mind and were replaced with confusion, followed by acceptance then finished with rage. Girls? Just some girls? “Sora nothing about those bruises on your stomach are just anything, they’re bad. Your pretty face is all scratched up. That enough pisses me off to high hell without you showing me… that!” He growled a bit and his hands fell from her face to rest on the tops of her thighs. King stayed kneeling at peered up at her with a look that showed he was so scared of her breaking, so scared of anything scaring her off again… he wouldn’t blame her! Not after his father and this incident. His so called fans who were apparently delusional enough to think something like this was okay! The thought of that made a chill run down his spine. Even a few years back in high school when Soras locker got vandalized he thought it was nuts, this was psychotic.

“Sora.” King sighed and squeezed her leg gently, “Just if that shit starts up again please let me know, you don’t have to keep that stuff from me. I’d rather you didn’t. I’m never too busy for you, especially for shit like this. Hell even if you wanted to just go see a movie or hang out at the house, I’d cancel those stupid meetings in a heartbeat. They don’t need me there.” He moved a hand from her leg to reach up and hold her child between his thumb and index finger. “I love you so much. And I promise I won’t do anything over the top about this okay?” He already had plans to try and figure out who exactly did this, they wouldn’t hear from King explicitly but he would task his team with finding a way to make sure the girls knew what they did didn’t go unnoticed.

“You want a shower? A warm shower will help a lot and then we can bandage up everything. Easier than these stupid wipes…” King stood and held out a hand to her, “I can go start the water to warm up. I’ll sit outside the curtain and talk to you so you’re not alone, or outside the door with it cracked. Whatever you want. Maybe I’ll be nice enough to let you borrow a hoodie.” King winked, an attempt to lighten her mood a bit. With his other hand he reached into his pocket and texted a quick sos to his assistant with the briefest of messages about what happened. Told him he would be out for at least today and to make sure no one fucking questioned that. “What do you say? Shower and I can get my laptop for us to watch movies in bed?”

Tears welled in her eyes as King held her chin and spoke all his sweet words. She knew that he was just as scared of losing her as she was him, and just the way he looked up at her made her feel all the love in the universe. Yes he could be a sarcastic asshole, but he was also the most caring man in the world. Even when they were apart there wasn’t a day she didn’t think about him.

“I want your favorite hoodie." A sweet smile spread on her lips as she made her demand, pushing all of the sadness aside and completely ready to forget about today. "You can sit in the bathroom with me, I don't think I'm quite steady on my feet yet." Not completely a lie. "And a movie sounds perfect. I-" Sora felt her cheeks heat up as she finally stood, her arm wrapping around her waist to help stabilize herself, before planting a sweet kiss on his cheek. "Thank you, Ji."


“You’re really wearing that? Like, in public?” Sora was sitting on the couch for a well needed change of scenery from her bedroom scenery, finishing up what felt like her hundredth book this week and Gods had she been bored. It was like King read her mind. The molten haired man sauntered down the stairs with a personalized sweatshirt. Now while she was never one to criticize someone’s choice of clothes, Sora had lived in shorts and King's hoodie this last week, she didn’t think screenshots of the girls threat were considered fashion.

How he got those texts she’d never know. Maybe when she fell asleep during their many late movie nights? She’d kick his ass. “And you don’t see this as over the top?” Her brow quirked with amusement. Her dad had a doctor come over to check on her, found her ribs were fractured, and ordered her to stay off her feet until the bruises were at least healed. A week in and the cuts on her face were mostly gone, her lip was healed, and there was one lone bruise on her cheek.

“You know what? Fine. You go out in that, and when I’m healed I’ll go out in the skimpiest dress I can find. Somin and I can go clubbing. But don’t worry, nothing over the top.” A sly, playful smirk spread on her lips and she sat her book down to focus her attention on King. She knew how angry he got when guys looked at her, let alone hit on her. Of course it was all a bluff. Sora was a lady and although her clothes were tight and flashy, she always made sure to dress modestly enough.

With a small wince at the pain in her side she stood to her feet and moved to his side, her thin finger playing with the end of the strings of his obnoxious hoodie. She secretly loved how petty how he could be. “Can you clear your schedule tonight? I need out of the house, and I thought we could do something.” Somin had been so busy with Zane this past week, and with the two of them at his apartment it has allowed her and King to spend some well needed time together. At this point they had seen every movie on Netflix. “Anything really, even a walk around the block. If you're too busy I'm sure I can manage a walk on my own." The thought was a little terrifying, but King seemed positive that no one would touch her again.
Woo Lee

Things have been going far too good. For once in Lee's life she wasn't angry, or bitter. She was... content? Happy, even. Suua and Tae had finally confessed to their parents during dinner that night, Jin and Yuri would NOT leave poor Jung alone. By dinner time she was two drinks in though so she couldn't help but chuckle. The guys Lee usually dated were more or less to piss off her parents. Dangerous, questionable individuals with no real goals in life. Jung was the exact opposite, he enjoyed life and all it had to offer, and more often than not he saw the good in everything. He was helping her figure not only her future out but what she wanted in life, what she wanted for herself.

A week had gone by and it was official, Zane was out of the house. He was trying to get back in and she was sure he'd succeed, but the air about the house was different. Sora was hurt and held up in her room with King, Tae and Suua were literally always together, and it kind of left Lee and Jung on the outs. That was fine with her, she recruited him to help weed her small garden on the back patio, tend to her plants, prepping them for the first frost not too far off, and help her with the dance routine she had been planning for the final showcase. It was still a few months away but there was no harm in prepping early. Night time they usually would watch movies on the couch or she'd steal him to go for a late night swim. It was getting almost too cold to do that though.

It was clear the universe had thought things were going too well too. Lee had a morning meeting with her manager, an idol wanted Lee to rap in one of the songs on her newest album, so she went and handled that first thing in the morning. Jung was up and they were already planning to hit up the gardening store later on in the day so she invited him along. It was on the opposite side of town and while they were more than capable of walking, her manager always insisted on her taking a car. Something about it being safer? In theory it was, but when their driver went through a green light someone blew past it and straight into their car. The car flipped one, two, four times. Lee didn't maintain consciousness for long, not after she smashed the side of her head against the window from the sheer impact. The side of the car she had been on was completely crushed in. She didn't even get the opportunity to check on Jung.

Just like that names and faces became a blur. When she woke up she couldn't even remember who she was, let alone who her parents were. "Do NOT fucking touch me!" The fiery Lee personality was still alive and well as she held an IV pole with her good arm to threaten a nurse. Lee had superficial cuts everywhere, a broken collar bone and shattered humerus that had already been surgically repaired, but nothing was as concerning as the amnesia. Could be temporary, could be permanent, the doctors didn't have a clear answer yet. She was yelling, throwing things, the nurses were trying to tie her down before she could cause further damage to her broken bones.
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Gi Tae

Change was scary, there was no denying that. That was why it took Tae years to be honest with Suua, to be honest with himself how his feelings had grown for her. That was his biggest hurdle; he didn't give two shits about what anyone thought about them, didn't care what his parents or anyone else would have to say about their relationship. He respected Suua to no end though, he'd wait as long as he needed. Relief washed over his features as she reassured him, the heaviness of the sadness in his eyes gone the more she rambled on. The breath he had been holding in was finally released as her lips met his jaw.

"You are literally the best thing in my life, you know that right? Like an angel on earth," the words were a sigh of relief, broad shoulders rolling as if to get the lingering imaginary weight off of them. His whole body, his whole fucking existence felt so much lighter after this conversation. Gently he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before bringing it to meet his warm lips, pressing a sweet kiss to the back of her clammy hand. "Nothing will change. If it does, well, I'll work twice as hard to win your parents favor again. And let's be real, my mom's been planning our wedding since we were six. She's going to cry tears of joy."

"Let's do this then. Together." A wickedly confident smile took hold of his lips as the pair made their way out of the bathroom and up the stairs. "I'm obligated to inform you that I'll be getting you t-shirts with my face on it, and vice versa. We can match. I'm even contemplating mugs."


Good news? Suua's stern ass parents seemed happy, though not quite as happy as Rosee. By the end of the night the woman was discussing what china they'd use at the wedding, the theme, what cake they'd order, the venue. Yubin's face was taut; not from their relationship announcement, but from how long it seemed like Rosee was waiting for this moment. Yuri literally squealed with delight and the whole table raised their glasses to cheers for them-- even Hoya, though he said nothing other than that. Hyun was sure to catch Tae before the end of the night to give him a firm pat on the back that said more than words could ever say. Congratulations, don't blow it. Message received, he had no intentions of hurting Suua or disappointing their families.

The rest of the week flew by. Everyone was busy with their own shit going on, and truthfully Tae wanted to enjoy his time with Suua. Graduation was on the horizon and who the hell knew what life had in store for them, they needed this time together. They made silly dancing videos on tiktok together, rode swan boats at the park and fed the ducks, and went to the arcade where he won her the most adorable, fluffy alpaca from one of those claw games. It had a pink scarf around its neck and its cute face reminded him of Suua. He also gifted her with matching shirts with each others faces on it. It was by far the best week of his whole fucking life.

Today they were supposed to hear about Zane coming back to the house, the last thing he expected was a phone call from Hyun saying Lee was in surgery from a car accident. Hadn't Jung been with her this morning? Whatever they had planned for the day was dropped and they instantly headed to the hospital. They also may have forgotten to inform King or Sora what was going on.

"Lee just-- sit the fuck down!" Her parents weren't getting through to her at all, it had gotten so bad that Lee started to throw things at them and they retreated to the waiting room. They were far too soft with her, same with the nurses. Tae had intended on going to check on Jung but when he heard about Lee's memory (or lack there of) he sent Suua to him, both to protect Suua from seeing Lee like this and to warn Jung. He loved Lee but she was a fire cracker, she hated being coddled. Anger flashed in the wounded blondes eyes as she glared over at him, like she was contemplating hitting him instead of the nurse. There wasn't an inkling of recognition in her eyes and that killed him.

After a moment she put the IV pole back and sat back on the bed, the glare still well alive on her face. "I've got her." The panicked nurse was quick to retreat from the room and allowed Tae to slide a gloved hand through his hair with a heavy sigh. "I'm Tae. We've known each other since we were in diapers. You're pretty much my sister. There's a blonde girl that's worried something fierce about you and her name is Suua, try to be nice to her. She's your best friend." And then there was Jung. His heart shattered for his friend. Maybe it wasn't a good time to introduce him as her boyfriend?

Acting was Zane's niche. Or, at least it had been. Singing was more King's talent, the man had a voice that made every woman fall for him. So when Somin suggested scrapping the scene altogether and doing both a song, and a dance he laughed and thought it was a joke. Only, she was serious. Memorizing a whole song and dance in a week well enough to pass an audition seemed absolutely mind boggling to him. They had a lot of work to do.

The apartment was only five minutes from the dorm. It wasn't anything over the top and lavish like he would of preferred. A simple furnished studio apartment, and as Minho and Somin kept stating 'it was just temporary'. Not sharing a room with King for once was actually kind of nice. When Somin wasn't in class she was over helping him work on his routine. They'd push the furniture to the wall and use the open space; a good idea really because Zane had two left feet and would fall. Constantly. Why were there so many movements!? Somin seemed so sure that this would pass the audition though so he didn't complain... okay, he didn't complain much. More often than not they'd order in, sore from all of the dancing, and despite his exhaustion he'd do his best to charm her into staying.

Like he said, it was nice not having a bunkmate. Late nights drinking, sharing the most off the wall and random stories, secrets, and just getting lost in each other. It was a well needed reprieve from the angsty world around them. He wasn't sure he could live with King the rest of his life but, Somin? This felt right. He didn't need to date a million women to know she was the most perfect one for him.

The audition was finally here and, for once in his life, Zane felt nervous about a performance. Somin seemed confident that he'd pass with flying colors and he just had to put his faith into all of the hard work and practice they'd done in the last week. He walked her to the dance studio on campus, planted a loving kiss on her lips, and made his way to the auditorium to wait for his audition. Here goes everything.

He NAILED it. All of the judges were smiling and whispering amongst themselves for thirty seconds once he was done with his song. Before Zane even got off of the stage they were quick to inform him that he, indeed, passed this time. Zane's face lit up; not for the fact that he'd get to stay in school, but because he got to stay with Somin. He would go back to the house, get to be her partner again. He was on fucking cloud nine. After bowing and thanking them a few times he rushed out of the building, quickly pulling his phone out and dialing for Somin. All he wanted to do was hold her, spin her around and kiss her until she couldn't take it anymore. He was getting the most expensive bottles of wine to celebrate tonight!

“Of course I am, you stole my favorite hoodie so I had to go out and get myself a new one. Seems only fair.” King made a dramatic gesture to the image on the front of his hoodie and gave a little spin. It was large on him, dark grey with a large printed image of some of the threats that Sora had received on it. He had his ways of getting them and he decided if he couldn’t go after those idiots directly, he would confront them this way. King finished jumping down the last few steps and moved over to where Sora laid on the couch, leaning over the back of it to peer down at her. She looked so much better than she had just a week ago, most of the injuries were gone at this point save for the ghosts of a few.

When Sora spoke again, king felt his eyebrows twitch together in mild annoyance at her empty threat. “First issue with your threat babe, is that I’ve seen how Somin acts in public. Anyone tries anything with you, she’ll take them down. And secondly….” he paused to lean down closer, his eyes turning to dangerous slits and he raked his gaze over her body. “You think you would be able to get out of the house in something like that. I happen to know you would be sadly mistaken.” His voice held a little bit of a growl in his throat, his eyes holding her gaze for a long moment before he finished leaning in. King planted a short but hard kiss on Sora’s lips, parting only when she pulled away to join him standing behind the couch.

King watched her with a sly grin as her hands moved to the strings of the hoodie, the view of the action actually making his face flush just a few shades lighter than his faded hair. Adorable. Absolutely fucking adorable. “Not a problem.” He said it instantly despite knowing it would indeed be an issue, his manager was growing annoyed with how often King was canceling but oh well… it’s not like they would fire him. This was no different than how he acted when she disappeared, hell he was worse then. They would get over it… just until the bruises fully healed. At least that was how King justified it to himself. “Whatever you want, a walk, dinner, movie. Anything.” His hands moved to smooth over her hair, stopping behind her neck to pull her forward gently and place a quick kiss on her forehead. “Though now that I’ve been promised a fun dress, I feel like maybe I should come up with a plan that requires a certain dress code”

“Oh.” It was all Jung could say as he listened to Suua explain what was going on with Lee. They had just gone out on a simple outing and then suddenly they were in hospital beds. Jung could remember the drive, he and Lee had been chatting about their shopping list for after her meeting and then suddenly things went wrong. He could just remember thinking that the car looked wrong, something was loud and that his head hurt. Then the next roll, Jung was knocked out cold. When he did wake up in the hospital he was recovering in a surgical bay. The nurses explained to him that he had shrapnel embedded in his leg that was dangerously close to his femoral artery, his leg was immobilized prior to surgery and he would have to stay off it for a while due to the damage. Whatever, where in the hell was Lee? Jung was always polite but now, here? He had been YELLING at people, demanding to know where she was, wanting to see her. All they would tell him was that she was stable.

After a while a room had been prepared for him, Jung would be staying at least a few days to watch for any surgical complications. It had been hours since he was able to get any information on Lee and when Suua had come in he was hoping and praying for her to take him to see her somehow. Only instead he was met with the worst news… maybe not the worst, she was alive… but this was pretty damn bad. “But it’s probably temporary right Su? I mean, things like this happen with trauma. People get their memory back.”

Jung couldn’t even begin to imagine how scared Lee must be, how scary it had to be to not know who you were. “You saw her right, does she at least look okay besides the memory? Maybe I could try calling and talking to her or something. Or you could take me down in a wheelchair!” He knew that the moment the nurses saw him in the hall they would take him straight back but he could try and bait Suua into at least trying.

Somin was fairly certain she had never worked harder than she had getting Zane ready for his audition. She knew that even if he didn’t get back in, she wasn’t losing him… But she wasn’t letting him lose his dream. She wasn’t going to make him stand by her side and watch her live this life… so they practiced and practiced. The two of them spent every single moment together except the times that Somin had to be in class or sleep. Hell even sometimes she would sleep in his new apartment just because they worked so late.

“Good luck, don’t fuck it up.” Somin shot off a text with a little pink heart at the end. “Oh and I love you.” Another one. She tossed the phone in her bag, grabbing out her shampoo and conditioner from the locker. Then she moved to grab her towel and a note fell from its folds causing her to sigh. Great another creepy letter. Her increased public time with Zane had led to more and more texts, notes, glares. His little fan club believed she was at fault for his failing, that she was a distraction. Then another part felt that Zane was theirs, that it wasn’t right of him to have a girlfriend. Somin was getting constant threats to stay away, she was used to it a bit from her time with King but Soras recent incident proved these people were crazier than she thought. Whatever. Today he would pass his audition and end up back in school, that should appease them at least a little bit.

Somin took her shower items and moved to the private shower stalls, tossing the note as she passed a trash can. Then she stepped inside and locked the door. She had so much nervous energy this morning that she had gone to the gym for hours now and badly needed to feel clean. The moment the shampoo touched her scalp, Somin felt a strange tingle but ignored it. It only took a few moments of rubbing it in, the hot water touching it, for things to go badly wrong. Her eyes stung, her skin felt hot and burning, there was a smell that she recognized instantly as bleach. Then the pain got so bad she started screaming.

Thankfully another girl had been in the locker room too, getting someone to call 911 and helped Somin out of the stall, getting her partially dressed as the waited the few moments it took for an ambulance to arrive. She couldn’t see, mostly because opening her eyes hurt so fucking bad but she couldn’t tell the damage. Her face was red and itchy and she couldn’t stop crying. In the ambulance they continued to wipe her skin and eyes with cool rags, trying to make sure they got everything off that was giving her chemical burns.

They were wheeling her into the ER from the ambulance bay when Somin heard a familiar ring coming from her bag. “Someone please answer!” She begged them, her arms wrapped tightly around her own shaking body, her eyes still squeezed shut. “It’s my boyfriend, I want him here.” She whimpered the last part as her gurney changed direction, she heard someone yell for a hazard shower and a list of supplies she couldn’t begin to understand. She just wanted it to stop, the itchy painful burning that now felt like it was burrowing under her scalp, under the skin of her hands and face. Somin felt freezing despite the burrowing heat and all she wanted was any sort of comfort. She wanted Zane… even with the pain… he would make it better.

Suua had gone to Lee first only to be met with a violent storm of confused words and hurtful looks. She hadn’t believed the nurses when they said Lee was showing signs of memory loss, there was no way she could forget everything… there was no way she could forget Suua right? Only obviously there was, Lee wasn’t being mean because of anything Suua had said or done she was just acting that way because she was confused and scared. Either way it still hurt. Hurt enough that Tae had taken over Lee duty and sent Suua to check on Jung, though she wasn’t sure that was much better.

Having to help explain to him what had happened and what kind of situation Lee was in was heart breaking. “They say it’s probably just a trauma response, but they won’t know more for a while. It’s possible it never comes back and they told us to just focus on teaching her everything again.” Suua sighed and sat down on the arm chair in the corner of the room, pulling the pink phone from her pocket before fully settling. She sent a quick crying emoji to Tae before looking back up at Jung. “She looked okay. Actually she looked better than okay, the nurses said she’s been combative.” For anyone else that wouldn’t have been a good thing but honestly the thought made her smile. Fighting against literal help seemed just about as Lee as it could get. “She was lively.” Suua smiled softly over at Jung, looking him over and adding, “Physically she seems to be in okay shape, better off than how you look.” She was aware that it was probably a fucked up thing to say to someone in a hospital bed but it was the truth and knowing Jung he honestly would probably feel better knowing that.
Woo Lee

Not knowing your name or anyone you’re supposedly close to was terrifying. Like an animal cornered and surrounded Lee was shaken to her core. Her only defense mechanism was that award winning bitchy attitude of hers. The guy in black, Tae? He didn’t seem too off put by her behavior and was even barking orders at her. She didn’t like his tone but, she found herself complying and sitting on the bed. Better than thath damned concerned blonde—she was just like the nurses fussing over her. Don’t move around so much, you’ll get hurt, listen Lee didn’t even know her name right now, she just wanted a minute to breath. No one was giving that to her. Even those parents of hers immediately started fussing!

“I got into an accident with someone right?” Lee didn’t bother responding to Tae. She held no regrets for her attitude towards the blonde, Sota or whatever her name was. Bright blue contacts were still in her eyes as she narrowed her gaze. The facts were this: she was in an accident, her name was Lee, and she couldn’t recall a damn thing. Her vocabulary was there, she knew she was in school though couldn’t recall for what, and she couldn’t remember anyone. “Take me to him.” Him… she wasn’t quite sure why she assumed it was a male. Without flinching Lee ripped the IV from her good arm and stood to her feet once more, walking out the door with blood trickling down her forearm. She wasn’t giving him any option other than taking her to Jung. Even if she was dressed in all of her oversized hospital gown glory.

Miss Lee!” The nurse’s scolding went in one ear and out the other. She was maybe an hour out of surgery to piece together the shattered bone in her arm, her collar bone broken in three places, yet she didn’t care. There was a clear goal here—obviously if she found Jung then everything would fall in line, right? She’d remember this morning, the accident, and in turn she’d remember everything else. It made sense in her head. Tae was quick to wave the nurse off before escorting her down the hall. From his body language she could see that he was irritated, and truthfully she didn’t care. Lee needed this to work more than anything even if every movement fucking killed her at this point.

“This the room?” The look on Tae’s face was one of complete annoyance. Obviously he wasn’t going to lead her to a strangers room, she was just checking. In she went. “You’re just everywhere today aren't you Sota?” Lee’s brow quirked as her eyes spotted the blonde from earlier. Sota wasn’t enough to spark her memory so her eyes quickly moved to the man in the bed. Much to her disappointment no memories came flooding in. Yet, the sight of him battered and broken had her heart aching in a strange way. It even caused the hardened look on her face to soften, albeit slightly. “Does it hurt?” Her eyes lingered on his immobilized leg and for some reason guilt washed over. Why were they in the car? Was it her fault he got hurt?

Suddenly Lee took a step back, a searing pain shooting through her skull as her bloodied hand moved to grab the wall to balance herself. Luckily enough the nurse was rushing into the room with a wheelchair, pushing it right behind her to catch her before she hit the floor. “You may stay here for a few minutes but you need to remain seated! And let me tend to your arm. No more ripping things out.” Lee couldn’t help but roll her eyes just as the nurse knelt down beside her to wrap up her bloodied arm.

This man would be the utter death of Sora, of this she was certain. She loved his ridiculous ass hoodie, not that she'd tell him and inflate his ego even more, and couldn't help but giggle at that little twirl he gave. Per usual though Sora put the threat in the air with absolutely no way to back it up, and it seemed that King was calling her on her bluff as he leaned over the couch. Just the look in his eyes had her face heating and heart thundering in her chest-- and his words, Gods above Sora was all but putty in his head. "W-Wait a min-" Too late. There was no time for a rebuttal as his lips crashed into hers. A shiver shot down ever inch of her body as she found herself returning the kiss in earnest.

It took every damned bit of willpower in her body to pull away and stand to her feet, her knees trembling as she tried to soothe the pounding in her chest. If she had stayed on that couch for a second more she would've pulled him down with her and neither of them would've gotten anything done for the day. "Well now I feel like I need to do some online shopping for some Ji approved dresses." Her small frame leaned against King, her chin resting against the middle of his chest as she gazed up at him. Sora could only assume he was canceling on his manager more than often this past week; he had been by her side diligently throughout the day, scolding her whenever she tried to do anything against doctors orders. Not that she was complaining at all. She was grateful for whatever time they got together, from the movie time cuddled up to him, the takeout since everyone knew he couldn't cook, even just making fun of the the tabloids on one of the many magazines Lee got her. It was just until she was healed a little bit more, so she'd take full advantage of it while she could.

"A walk by the river and bear hot pot?" What with winter coming up quick she was getting frigidly cold with every damned breeze. Sora had spent her last few winters in Florida, she wasn't at all prepared for a Korean winter again. "Either way we should get out of the house. If we spend any more time here alone we'll end up getting distracted. Again." A playful smile tugged at her lips. Not that she minded when they got distracted, she loved him more than words could ever express. As if on cue his phone began to ring in his pocket. "I'll go get ready." Standing on her toes she pressed a quick kiss to his lips before heading upstairs.

Ever the perfectionist Sora still had to look good when going out, broken ribs or no. She tossed on some quick foundation to cover the lingering bruises, a quick swipe of eyeliner, mascara, and finished up with a swipe of gloss. For the first time since the assault she slid on a pair of tight fitting black jeans and a cream colored cashmere sweater. It hurt but, she could manage. "Do you have any new birthday traditions or do I get free reign like the old days?" Sora ran her hand through her long straightened dark locks as she took the last step off the stairs, making her way over to him with a sweet smile on her face. The look on his face, however, was anything but easygoing like it had been just a few minutes ago. "Everything okay Ji?" The only thing that usually rattled him this badly was his dad. Her heart sank to her stomach-- no, no. "Need me to rough up your manager for you? Surely he's not as scary as your dad. Right?" A small nervous giggle passed her lips as she gave his hand an encouraging squeeze.
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Gi Tae

Suua and Sora were always the easier ones to deal with of their family. They were also the far more sensitive ones. He loved Lee but she always had a bit of a bite to her tone, her voice, even her eyes had a deathly glare to them at times. She was normally fine with the lot of them (save for Sora) but without her knowing any of them.... well, at least he was prepared for the attitude. "What? Take you to him? No way in Hell." Tae's brows furrowed and he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Quickly he pulled it out to see the text from Suua and his heart broke for her. This wasn't easy for any of them by any means but, she essentially lost her best friend, her sister. On top of all that she was stuck trying to support Jung through it-- something that would've fell on Tae's shoulders. Only he was dealing with the injured viper. He shot her back a quick upside down smiley face.

He took his eyes off of her for two seconds and she had already ripped out an IV. "LEE." She wasn't listening, that much was clear as she stalked out the door. "Fuck me." Quickly he shoved the phone back into his leather jacket and chased after, his jaw clenching as the nurse began to scold her from behind her desk. "If you tie her down I can promise you she'll bite the restraints off. Let's just roll with her on this." Lee was set to be in here for a few days, they'd have to learn to deal with her eventually. With a heavy sigh Tae threw up his hands in defeat and walked down the hall, making the few turns, and stopping right outside Jung's room.

And of course her question caused his brows to furrow further. At least she could tell she was being a pain in the ass. Once inside the room he gave an apologetic smile to Jung, happy that he was at least okay and conscious, before moving over to Suua on the arm of the chair. His warm hand smoothed over her platinum locks, planted a firm kiss on her forehead, and sat in the chair. The gloved hand drifted to the small of her back and rubbed her soothingly in attempts to settle her. Tae was tough and could handle Lee's attitude, he hated that she didn't remember him, but Suua? She was already going through so much with the online harassment; she needed as many people in her corner as possible right now, she didn't need to lose one of her biggest supports. "Suua, Lee. It's not Sota." It was a fight he wouldn't win but dammit he had to try.

The positive of this visit? Lee wasn't being mean to Jung. She wasn't entirely opened arm, it didn't appear that she remembered him, but there was a hurt look on her face which meant she felt something for the man. His heart broke for his friend. Lee was always Jung's soft spot. She was always the first to defend him even back in high school, she fussed over him, cared about him, they wrote music together and gardened and they were fucking adorable together. It was one thing for them to be estranged, but to be complete strangers? Tae couldn't even imagine if Suua forgot him. The thought made his hand drift to Suua's hip and gently squeeze, knowing damn well she was thinking something similar.

Before anyone could react a nurse was catching Lee from falling and tending to her bleeding arm, Tae's heart nearly leaping from his chest. Gods damn, what they were going to do with the two of them? "Jung you move from that bed I'll break your other leg." They'd need to keep a leash on that one, and Suua and Tae would have to keep an extra eye on Lee. "Suua and I can give you guys a few minutes to talk. Call us back in when she's ready to leave." He stood from the chair and slipped his hand to lace with Suua's, quickly escorting her out of the room to give the pair of them a much needed break. "How are you holding up?"

The phone was ringing far too much for his liking. This was a big deal and he knew just how badly she wanted to know the results, so on the fourth ring he felt deep down in his gut something was wrong. Should he head on over to the studio to check on her? With a quick glance down at his watch he began his trek across campus, the phone still to his ear. The phone picked up and he didn't make it more than five feet.

Zane's entire world shattered and he instantly sprinted for the car that was waiting for him. He didn't understand-- she was just at school! She wasn't jumped, she was just taking a shower so what the fuck happened?! What could cause burns like this? He wasn't a fucking doctor so he didn't have the answers. All that he knew was that he could hear Somin yelling for him when the nurse picked up; that alone would make him run to the end of the earth for this woman.

Within ten minutes Zane was running through the front door of the ER and in a clear panic as he spoke to the nurses. There was some confusion on whether or not to let him back at first, he wasn't family, which was getting Zane entirely pissed off. "I'm telling you I'm going back there to find my girlfriend. I'm not asking at this point." It wasn't like Zane to get mean but, dammit he wasn't playing around right now. His voice held a bit of a growl to it as he made his way back through the doors.

Luckily enough the nurse that answered the phone heard the bickering and was quick to find him, immediately escorting him through the halls back towards Somin's room. He could hear her talking but, honestly? He didn't understand a lot of it. Hazard shower, bleach burns, hair loss... He felt his mouth go dry. Just what the fuck happened?

There would be hell to pay for whoever did this to her, but first thing was first; taking care of Somin. This woman was always taking care of someone and for once she was going to allow someone to take care of her. No, not just someone-- she was going to let him take care of her. Whether she wanted it or not.

They had given her something to calm her nerves, reasonably so, and for that he was thankful. Knowing her she'd of been freaking out by now. After what felt like an eternity they made it to Somin's room and he didn't wait to thank the nurse or anything, he just simply ran into the room. "Somin?" His heart was pounding a mile a minute as he looked over the dark room. He could tell by the figure laying in bed that it was her even with the head bandages on, even with the covering over her eyes.

Despite being panicked on the inside there was a calmness to his tone, a sense of relief washing over him seeing that she was, well, alive. His towering frame moved to the side of the bed so he could pull up a chair right next to her. His warm hand gently touched her so he didn't scare her, his fingers lacing together with hers after a second. "I'm here. I-I'm sorry I couldn't of been here sooner." For once Zane didn't have anything snappy or witty to say. Seeing her in this bed had him shaken to his fucking core-- he would burn down the campus in order to find whoever did this to her. "Is there anything you need right now? I'll get it for you. Anything, you just say the word."

The mention of dress shopping nearly made King purr as Sora leaned against him. He wrapped his arms low around her waist and hooked them behind her. Sora stared up at him as she spoke and King simply stared, his eyes moving over every line of her face over and over again. Every day he was shocked by how much he loved her, every day that amount just increased to a new high that he never knew was possible. King was never letting her go again, the fact that he ever had in the first place made him feel like an absolute moron. He should have figured out where she was and literally went and taken her back. Sora was his soulmate. Sora was his other half. “Then a walk and hot pot it is.” King smiled widely down at the short woman just as his phone began to go off and cause that smile to fall. Great.

Sora excused herself to go get ready and King waited until she was up the stairs to answer the surely annoying phone call. Instantly he was met by the raised voice of his manager, “What no hello?” King growled into the phone before wincing at the yelled response. This was nothing new, the past few days had been nothing but taking complaints for him staff although the yelling was new. “Listen, listen! Tomorrow I’ll go to your stupid fucking meeting okay? I don’t understand why you need me there anyways. All I do is sit in the corner and scroll on my phone.” That gained another barked yell that made King yank the phone away from his ear. “Okay okay! Just leave me alone until then yeah? Send a car tomorrow morning and I promise I’ll be in it if you just fuck off for the rest of today.” King didn’t wait for an answer, instead he quickly hung up and muted his ringer before shoving the phone back in his pocket.

“Ready whenever you are babe!” King yelled up the stairs before moving to the front door to pull on his shoes and find a jacket for the both of them off the coat rack. It was getting cold recently and he knew Sora handled that worse than most did. Behind him he heard the sound of her heading down the stairs and turned to face her. King held out the coat to her with a grin, looking her over as he did. “You look beautiful Sora.” Just looking at her made his chest squeeze tightly, it was insane how much she affected him.

“Free rein, I know better than to pretend any differently anyways.” King rolled his eyes but the grin never left his face. He had never been to big on birthdays but Sora loved the celebration, any celebration to be honest. “Hey now, don’t you worry about that.” King didn’t think he had let her hear anything, he didn’t think he was doing a bad time of hiding his annoyance but maybe he wasn’t or maybe she was just that good at reading him. “Seriously it’s fine, I promise. I just can’t skip out tomorrow otherwise I think Miss Manager might explode but that’s more her problem than mine.”

There had been an officer dispatched to the locker rooms at the school, at least that’s what the nurses explained to Somin as they helped her get comfortable in the hospital bed. Well as comfortable as she could be she supposed. Thankfully the pain meds that were dripping in her IV helped quite a bit with the comfort she so desperately needed. They had brought her back quickly after her short ride in the ambulance, doused her in what felt like a raging waterfall and then taken her back to a room where Somin was changed into a hospital gown and bandaged up. Apparently the burns to her scalp had been bad enough in some places that it caused some of her hair to thin out, other bits were discolored and damaged. Her skin was red and painful to even the slightest breeze or touch. The worst of it was her eyes, they had gotten her to open them for just a few moments to test her vision but that was so painful that she ended up a shaking mess by the end of it. Her vision wasn’t fully gone but she could tell it was terribly affected, everything was to fuzzy to the point that she could barely even make out shapes. The doctor assured her it was likely temporary but for the time being they decided to tape them shut and add a bandage to keep them protected from light while she healed.

The whole fucking ordeal seemed to take both a lifetime and mere seconds at the same time. Now Somin sat propped up against some pillows, the tv in the room playing some show that she didn’t recognize by sound and clearly couldn’t see anyways. The nurses had turned it on to help drown out the noise of all the beeping happening around her but it didn’t help. When one of your senses had been taken away it only heightened all the others. The only thing that would help her mind stop spinning was Zane. Somin had asked the staff about him about a million times now, it hadn’t even been that long but she wanted him here. No, she needed him here.

As if her internal wishing had actually reached some god above, Zane appeared. Somin heard the door open first and turned her head towards the sound, a reflex met with the fact that she still couldn’t fucking see. How stupid she must look. “Zane?” Her voice was quiet, a little hoarse from all the screaming over the last hour or so. It also didn’t help that she was now fighting breaking, she didn’t realize how many emotions she had been holding onto, keeping in out of some innate necessity as if showing any weakness would cause more harm. But now that he was here, now that Zane was by her side… Somin could feel it all crashing down.

Somin heard the sound of the chair pulling closer, then she felt the comfortable warmth as Zane slid his hand around hers. In that moment she thanked god that her burns hadn’t reached her hands, she thanked god that she could touch him and feel his warmth without there being any pain. Hell she was pretty sure that even with pain she would have held on. “Zane.” Her fingers squeezed his more tightly than she thought she could, her head falling back against the pillow as she swallowed a sob that formed in her throat. Honestly she wasn’t even sure her eyes could form tears in her current state but she wasn’t sure she wanted to figure it out. “I just need you, don’t go anywhere. I- Just tell me how the audition went. Tell me anything. Just stay with me and distract me from this nonsense.”

Somin hated herself a little bit for being so open, for wanting- no needing him as much as she did. But there was no helping it, if her current situation taught her anything it was that she belonged completely to this moron. Zane was the first thing she thought of when the pain hit, she wanted him to come help her. He was the first person she asked for as soon as someone would listen. He was likely the reason this all happened… and she would take the punishment all over again. This had to be related to those stupid fucking notes, Somin realized that after the nurses said an officer had been sent. At first she thought some freak accident had occurred but… they had found she was burned with bleach. It was too weird of timing for it to be a coincidence.

Sota. It hurt, it made her chest squeeze impossibly tight and not in the good way that Tae made her feel. This hurt so badly she didn’t know how to react. Lee was her best friend, her sister, her biggest confidant. Was all that just gone now? All their memories from the last lifetime worth of years?! Thank god that Tae was here, Suua was fairly certain what without his hand on her back she would have been a sobbing mess by now. He was trying so hard to hold her together and help with Lee that it made her feel a little guilty for being such a mess in the first place. Suua looked up at him, her wide blue eyes rimmed with red from worry and crying. “Thank you.” The words were barely a whisper but she followed them with a soft smile anyways, hoping he understood. “I’m trying to be wherever I’m needed.” Suua breathed the words to Lee, not really having the heart in her to say anything more, not right now at least.

Suua watched with a slight bit of hope as she watched Lees face morph into concern as she looked at Jung. She didn’t seem to remember him but just looking at her you could tell that part of her knew she cared about Jung. That was enough. It was good to see that part of Lee was still there, well part beyond the sass. Just as things looked slightly more hopeful, Lee was suddenly taking a turn for the worse and the nurse was having to rush to assist her. “Lee!” Suua gasped and quickly stood up from the chair but Tae was on it faster. Standing from the chair he reached out to take her hand after giving a quick warning to Jung before leading her from the room.

“Terrible.” Suua sighed as soon as the two of them stepped from the room. This had to be hard on him too, they had all been close for so long. “How about you?” Suua turned to face him, her hand still laced with his as her free one reached up to gently swipe some of his dark hair from his face. “She hasn’t been exactly easy to handle during this so I’m sure it’s been hard on you.”

Somin's condition was... gut wrenching. He was relieved that she was alive, that she would heal, but livid because someone had caused this to her. Somin would never hurt a fly, she was too busy achieving her dreams, her goals, so she could support her family. She didn't have time for this fucking drama and yet, someone took it upon themselves to drag her into it. If it wasn't for her needing him right now he'd be seeing straight red and be out for blood. "I'm here, babe." Zane smiled a little, not that she could see it, but was hopeful she could hear it in his voice. Any encouragement, any semblance of normalcy was a must right now.

As her fingers squeezed his hands he heaved a sigh of relief; the panic that he had felt from the phone call until now, he was terrified he'd lose her, that they'd never be able to talk again, that they'd never be able to simply hold hands like this. Zane needed Somin just as bad as he needed the air he was breathing. His dark eyes watched her, his form firmly cemented to that chair unless she needed him to leave for any reason. "Want the bad news first?" A small smile tugged at his lips, his thumb caressing the soft skin of her hand and making small circles. "We have to move back into the dorm, because it looks like you're stuck with me until graduation."

Always the jokester, always an asshole. It made him chuckle quietly as he brought her hand to his lips to press a warm kiss to it. "I passed with flying colors thanks to you." Zane fell silent for a moment, contemplating his next move. He wanted to know who did this to her, why they did this to her. Was it because of him? King's fans assaulted Sora, he didn't put it past the psychos in his fan club to do the same. He weighed the options a bit in his head, though he ultimately decided to bite his tongue... for now. She wasn't in a position to be talking about this shit right now, and she needed a distraction from it all.

"It's unfortunate though, I've enjoyed having you all to myself. Think Sora would mind switching rooms with me? I'm sure her obnoxious ass will be tending to your every need, but that's my job."

It all happened so fast, he hadn’t even known someone could deteriorate like this. Jung had been so worried about Lee that he ignored his own issues, he ignored the headaches and the strange feelings he got from time to time. It went on like that for two days until he couldn’t ignore it anymore. Well he tried, but his body betrayed him and he collapsed as he was signing his discharge papers. It was a full day later when he finally woke up… back in his hospital beds and attached to more machines than he had ever seen in his life.

Inoperable. That was the word the doctor used. There was a weird sort of panicked peace that set in when you heard that word. Jung had a brain bleed from their accident that had been so small that it was missed on his scans, however now it had hemorrhaged and due to its location there was nothing they could do to stop it. There was a very small chance it could possibly clot and heal but… they told him not to have much hope. They allowed his father to visit with guards from the prison, Jung called his mother who said she would be on the next plane but he told her to not worry. To not waste time planning on travel. To just stay on the phone as much as she could… she agreed but sent Jung’s older brother to the airport to make his way to the city.

Then there was all his friends, Suua and Zane, Tae, Somin… King and Sora. Lee. Lee who he had finally admitted that he loved but she didn’t remember him still. She was trying, Jung could tell she felt terrible that she didn’t remember him, he could tell that a piece of her still knew him and that was enough. It had to be enough, it wasn’t likely that he would be getting anything more than that now. The room was over capacity with everyone in it, all of them watching him like he was already gone. Jung couldn’t blame them, he basically was. He felt tired and weak, he had grown pale and frail. He knew very well that he didn’t look like himself anymore.

Then everything went dark. For a moment he heard the chiming and screaming of various machines around him, the yelling of nurses and then silence.
Woo Lee

It had been a week since Jung's passing and it loomed over every waking moment of Lee's life. Already the stress of remembering everyone smacked her in the face when she was around everyone, and she had already felt horrible about being the one to ask Jung on that morning errand. Now? Now his death was on her shoulders. No one blamed her outright, but she damned well blamed herself plenty. The stress kept her up at night, had her leaving at odd hours to go drink at random bars. Lee skipped class most days lately just to go gamble, or drink, or whatever she could do to just forget her life for a few hours. The last thing Lee could even think about was writing music, and at this point she'd be kicked out by graduation.

What was worse than the stress and the guilt? The fucking pity everyone looked at her with. Already she struggled to grieve for the man that she knew SO well yet hardly at all. Everyone in the house looked at her like some battered puppy that they were too afraid to approach. She loathed every second of it, she felt uncomfortable in the house, in her own skin, at that damned memorial. Jung was the only person in her circle that didn't look at her with pity.

Jung wasn't here anymore. Despite her not knowing him his absence left a gaping hole in her heart, yet Lee found it difficult to actually grieve for the man. She was bottling everything down deep; the depression, grief, anxiety. She was bound to pop her top at some point... she was just thankful it wasn't at the memorial. Where, you know, everyone looked at her with even more pity. His mom hugged her-- cried to her, thanked her for being such a good girl to her son. Lee went to the bathroom and took a shot from the flask in her purse after that.

The memorial ended and they bailed back to the house; not soon enough, in her opinion. "That was the worst thing in my whole life. Granted I can only remember a week of it. Anyone else want a shot?" Lee's long blonde hair was pulled back and clipped with a large black bow, her thin frame hugged in a tight black knee length dress. The weight of everything on her shoulders had her forgetting to eat, avoiding it all together, so she was quickly losing weight.

Without waiting for an answer she bee lined to the kitchen, grabbed one of the few bottles she hadn't drank in the middle of the night, and poured everyone a cup. She bunched up the 7 cups in her arms and moved back to the living room to pass a cup to everyone. Lee's cup had an extra shot or two in it.

The date King and Sora had walking by the water and getting their bear hotpot seemed to be the last bit of normalcy the two of them would have for a while. Somin was literally bleached, blinded, and Sora spent all of her free time tending to her. Well, when Zane wasn't around. Lee came home a few days so Sora tried to help her out, which, surprisingly to no one but Sora, Lee hated. That woman just naturally hated Sora. King was back to meetings almost every day, and she was still on the mend from those broken ribs of hers. No lifting or excessive movements, but, hey, she was figuring it out.

And then there was Jung. Jung and Sora used to study together when they were younger, they were kind of the odd balls out. They were never super close, but they were friends! The loss was one the entire campus felt, but none more their little group. And poor Lee! Sora tried her best to console the girl but she was always so quick to brush people off. It was heartbreaking.

"I'd offer to give her a hug but the last time she threatened me with garden clippers." A heavy sigh passed slipped past Sora's as soon as Lee made her way into the kitchen. She was just happy that King was there in attendance to stand in the back awkwardly with. Sora shrugged off her black jacket and hung it up with a small wince, pain radiating from her ribs from the motion.

Just as she moved to help Somin Zane was already on helping her into the house. Her sight had returned a little but it wasn't all there, she hated the assistance but it obviously helped her. Sora shot King a small smile, thankful that he was at least doing okay out of the group, and moved towards the living room. All these horrible events lately had made her appreciate him so much more, if that were possible.

Maybe it was a blessing Lee lost her memory? Sora would be a train wreck if anything happened to King, she literally wouldn't know how to go on with her life. "Tae, Suua, how are you two doing?" Sora shot the two of them a smile as Lee came out with the drinks, quietly thanking her cousin and taking her cup. Alcohol wasn't a great idea with the pain medication nearly everyone was on, but at this point is getting to be a necessity.
Gi Tae

The prodigies always had a small inner circle; Tae had an even smaller group than the others did. Suua was a bright ball of sunshine that everyone loved, Lee was... well, okay, she had a chronic case of resting bitch face like him. Jung was the one outsider that Tae truly let in, whom he trusted with his secrets, his friendship-- he trusted the guy with his fucking life. If he hadn't been head over heels for Suua since he was a toddler he was pretty sure him and Jung would of grown old and grey together as catty best friends. Needless to say the loss was more devastating to Tae than anyone else.

Lee was the one person who he imagined would be the most devastated, fortunately for her she still didn't have her memories. Part of him hoped she never remembered, saved his sister from the heartache, but then another part of him felt like an asshole for wishing that on her. There were no words to describe the overwhelming grief he felt over the loss of his friend, it was a pain he didn't wish on anyone.

And the worst part? Tae literally sat in the room looking at all of Jung's shit. A few nights ago he lost it-- he tried to put Jung's things in a suitcase so his mom could pick it up, but he froze as soon as he touched Jung's ugly ass wardrobe. It was like getting rid of his best friend for good, like the empty room would leave a gaping hole in his soul. So his things were just there, untouched, waiting for Jung to come back.

"What do you think? My best friend died. I just attended the most depressing fucking memorial to date--- of which he would of hated by the way. I'm doing fucking great." His response was practically a growl to Sora's question. Tae shot a sharp glare over at the woman as he loosened the black tie around his neck; he wore a black button up, his black leather coat, and matching black slacks and shoes. And, obviously his famous leather gloves. Logically he knew that Sora was being a good friendly soul like always but, he didn't fucking need to be coddled right now. He needed his friend, and his friend wasn't here. Was Tae mad at Jung for up and dying on him? Possibly.

Tae had met Jung's mother and father several times over their decade friendship, and like with Lee his mother cried to Tae, thanked him for being such a good friend to her son. Tae didn't cry but, goddammit he nearly did right then and there. He spent the rest of the memorial bouncing between Suua and comforting Jung's mother. By far the second worst day of his life. "Thanks." Tae plucked two cups from Lee's arms and handed Suua one, a heavy sigh passing his lips as he instantly threw back the burning liquid.

This last two weeks were the most unnerving, stressful of Zane's entire life. He spent his time up at the hospital with Somin literally every day up until the nurses made him leave for the night. At home he, well, got things ready for Somin to come home. It was all he could not to go out and fist fight someone. It didn't take long for the police to find out who was responsible for the bleach, and if it wasn't for the police arresting the girls he would of probably beat the shit out of them. By the time the girls were released on bail they were expelled from campus, and Jung had suddenly died.

It was depressing as shit around the house. Tae held up in his room like a recluse, Lee was home and pissed off more than anything, and the rest of the house was in a somber mood. Zane and King were never really close to Jung. The guy never seemed to be a big fan of the two of them, but Zane didn't hate the guy. He was a good and nice person, they just weren't friends. So he spent his days helping Somin around the house when she finally was released back home.

"Let me help you with that." Zane smiled down at Somin as he guided her into the house, a gentle smile plastered on his face. His large hands gently assisted her out of the jacket he insisted she wear to protect her from the cold. Stairs, the weather, hell the guy was cutting up her food into bite sized pieces so she wouldn't choke. He brought her more than what she needed or asked for and was going absolutely above and beyond to help her. He was like a pathetic puppy though, all too eager to help her and absolutely gutted when she refused. He'd be lying if he said he didn't feel guilty over what happened to her. It was because of him, but she insisted it wasn't his fault...

He only wished that was convincing enough to ease the guilt.

"Hey hey Tae, cool your jets. The girl was just asking. We get it dude, it's been rough." The way Tae snapped at Sora made him literally cringe. He guided Somin into the living room so she could take a seat and rest a little, At least Lee didn't have her memory? Her and Jung were... dating? He wasn't quite sure where their relationship stood, but he knew that they liked each other. Liked, being the operative word.

"I don't really think drinking will fix our problems here Lee." Zane gathered two cups from her though he hesitated on giving Somin one. "I, uh, your call I suppose. Medically I'd advise against it, but after that memorial..." After him, King, Somin, and Sora stood awkwardly in back, yeah, he'd say they needed a drink.

Grief was nothing new for Suua, she had been through a few deaths of family members and she even took it hard when strangers died in movies or books. What can she say? The girl was a bleeding heart. But never once had a death hit her like this, this felt so very cold and devastating. Suua and Jung weren’t the closest of friends but she cared about the guy, he was Jung’s closest friend besides herself and she would always hold Jung dearly in her heart for befriending Tae the way they did. Tae rarely branched out from their small inner circle but he and Jung were like brothers at this point and Suua knew how… trying… Tae could be when it came to social interaction. Beyond all that there was the simple timing of it all, it was so sudden and happened during all of them already on their toes due to what happened with Lees memory and Somin’s assault.

Due to it all, Suua was run ragged. Tae wasn’t handling this well and she didn’t blame him, she wanted to be there for him and do everything she could to make him feel better… but she also needed to help Lee despite the woman not wanting the help… then there was trying to keep everyone fed and as happy as the could be. Between Sora and Suua it was like everyone had become their children and thankfully King listened to Soras demands. Suua had barely slept the last few days between cooking, helping Lee get comfortable and keeping Tae company. Hell she was fairly certain the hundred layers of concealer under her eyes barely hid how purple they were!

“Tae.” Suua sighed softly, gently rubbing her hand against his shoulder, moving it across his chest before her other hand joined at the knot of the tie he had just loosened. She carefully pulled and finished removing it from around his neck but left her hand free of the tie against his chest. Behind her Zane spoke up and caused Suua to pull in a harsh breath, fighting her own urge to snap back. Her pure exhaustion was waning her normally bubbly self. “He would have hated it.” It was a terrible sentence but it actually brought a nostalgic smile to her face, “He would have helped Lee plan an escape and convinced us all to go home and hang out in the yard within the first hour.” She watched as Tae took two of the drinks from Lee and handed her one. For a split second she thought to tell Lee that maybe drinking wasn’t the best for someone recovering from an accident and subsequent amnesia but… fuck it.

Her own glass of vile liquid was gone seconds after Tae’s. Suua looked up into his eyes before glancing around at the room. “Let’s have our own.” She pulled out her phone and pulled up a local pizza delivery app that they used often and punched in their saved order. “A memorial he would have liked, with the people who actually knew him. Not all those fucking industry people who acted like they did just because of his dad.” She turned her attention back to Tae, brushing her hands gently over his gloved ones before lacing her fingers though his. “We can take off these stupid clothes and sit around to honor him in the way he would have wanted. Pajamas, booze and pizza.”

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