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Realistic or Modern Haenghada University//Closed


The people who had been leaving Somin strange notes and sending annoying texts had been a group of three other students at the university. The self proclaimed leader of Zane’s little fan club, the girl who Somin poured a drink on at the club a few weeks back and another little twat had apparently come together and decided that they needed to scare Somin away from Zane. In their full confession with the police they admitted to the letters, they admitted that they thought Somin was hurting Zane’s career and that they were going to do something about it. However it seemed they left the biggest moron of their crew in charge of their final prank, in what was supposed to be a way to ruin Somin’s hair with HAIR dye ended with actual industrial strength bleach from the supply closet in her shampoo. It left her with some damaged hair, chemical burns on her scalp and some on her face… all of that she could deal with. It was her eyesight that was driving her insane. The doctors all swore it would heal and be back to normal and Zane was doing amazing at helping her though this all but it didn’t keep her from wanting to fucking scream.

Then as if things needed to get any worse… Jung died. He just… died. Somin still couldn’t fully wrap his head around it, he was just so alive! It was no secret that she constantly rolled her eyes at the man and his bubbly manner but he was a light in the house that was now just gone. Somin hadn’t even gotten to see them after their accident before he passed away. It was all just a lot to handle at once, even if they weren’t the best of friends. As stupid as it was, everyone under this roof was her family now despite her best efforts and it felt like they lost their dumb little brother.

“I can take off my jacket Zane.” Somin sighed, though her voice kept a hint of softness to it. She couldn’t believe how great of a man he was, how much he was willing to do for her… he had been constantly apologizing for what happened to her and thought it was his fault despite how many times she told him that it wasnt! “Thank you though, my knight in shining armor.”

At this point Somin could see mostly everything, just like she was seeing them through tears? That was the best way to put it she supposed. Her burns were mostly healed thanks to Zane’s constant care and attention. Her hair was a work in progress and she was fairly certain she would need to cut off inches but that was the least of her worries and for now she just managed it with lots of oils and headbands.

“Guys please, I’m always one for biting each others heads off but can we not right now?” They had just gotten home from a fucking memorial for Christ sakes. “Plus I literally will lose my mind if you guys bring my headache back after it finally went away like two days ago.” Somin groaned and pushed her sunglasses up on her face, light still really messed with her a bit. When Zane held out the cup for her she took it but paused a moment, he was kind of right about it not being the best of ideas… she really felt like she could use it if she was being honest but instead of downing the drink she turned and held it out to Tae as a peace offering.

“You need it more than I do.”

King has to physically bite back on the urge to slap Tae silly for the way he talked back to Sora. Any other day of the week he probably would have but… the guy was going through it and they had just gotten back from his best friends funeral. Instead King moved to Sora and wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders, pulling her close into his side and kissing the top of her head. His voice was barely a whisper as he spoke into her hair, “Don’t take it personally love, he doesn’t mean to take it out on you.” He gave her another long squeeze before releasing her from his hold. King unbuttoned his suit jacket and tossed the thing on the back of the couch before leaning against the cushioned armrest.

Everyone seemed the be reaching a point of just absolute sorrow. Life lately had been down right awful after it had just gotten so so good. Sora had gotten hurt, Somin got attacked, Lee and Jung got in their accident and now this…it all put a lot of shit into focus for him. Suddenly all of his complaining about his career seemed so fucking futile. Life was so short, that had been proven a lot recently… why was he wasting it being so hard to work with and trying to be miserable.

Lee moved through the room with a few cups of what could have only been alcohol knowing her and King grabbed one gently after Sora. The liquid went down smoothly as he listened to the others in the room, mostly Suua as she worked up a plan for their own little memorial. King wasn’t sure if his opinion would help or hurt but… “I think that sounds like a good idea kid.” Then a knock came to the door that made King jump a bit before turning towards the door with a raised eyebrow. No way pizza was that fast right?

“I’ll get it. Go get changed.” King smiled softly at Sora before moving to open the front door. Outside it had began to get dark and their porch light had turned on but even being able to see the guy standing in front of him didn’t help him know who it was. “Can I help you?”

“Just pack my father’s shit from his office in a box and burn it for all I care. I’m only staying in town long enough for my mother to feel comfortable with things and to gather my brothers belongings.” Without even so much as a goodbye Dehyun hung up on the man on the other side of the call. The memorial had been tacky, an event pulled together by his father who was currently out of prison on bonds and his whole team of skevy associates. Dehyun would have assumed that the man’s arrest would have made him lose all of those contacts but apparently not and it seemed his father was hellbent on making Jung’s death a publicity stunt. Despite his father currently free and walking around, Dehyun was listed as his next of kin for everything so that meant the school had been asking him to come clean out the office for weeks now that the investigation was mostly over. Not. His. Problem.

Dehyun has gone with his mother when she left, he had never liked his dad and he had always made it very clear. Unfortunately for Jung that meant his father sunk his claws even deeper in his talented youngest boy. Which also meant that Dehyun and Jung had never been close, they had never been allowed to be close, but losing his only brother was obviously painful… though this loss was also strange. He knew it hurt, he felt the hurt but he also couldn’t help but feel like the man who had passed away was a stranger…

Dehyun shook away the thought as he double checked the address his mother had written down for him and knocked on the door. A boy who he slightly recognized from some commercial or some shit opened the door and very rudely addressed him. “Probably not.” It was instinct. The man leaned to peer past the pink haired kid and saw a room full of people he recognized from the memorial, then he noticed Tae and …. Was that Somin? God how did he not know the people his brother lived with all this time. Especially her! Jung and him didn’t talk much but they did text at least once every few weeks. “They can though.”

The tall man pushed into the house without really asking and moved straight to Tae. “Mom sent me, she said that she had spoken to you about some of Jung’s things and that she wanted me to pick them up for her. She says she sorry and all that but she couldn’t make herself come do it herself…” The boys mother had always been a bit eccentric and dramatic, now her youngest child had died suddenly and Dehyun was absolutely positive that she would be bed ridden for weeks “So, is it upstairs or…?”
Gi Tae

Oh, the lot of these people could get fucked. His entire life he fought back the anger issues that ran deep in his paternal line, what with the murderers, the mobsters, Tae tried to be different. His mom always taught him to take a couple deep breaths through his nose and out his mouth, but that could only solve so much. Thankfully Suua was there in her soft, gentle loveliness helping him from his tie and speaking with that angelic voice of hers. It was helping him keep grounded, his large gloved hand holding her hip lightly. Not enough to restrain her, but just enough to comfort him, to let her know just how much she helped him even in his darkest day.

He didn't want to give Somin another headache so he'd refrained from biting off anyone's heads. For now, at least. That didn't mean he was going to apologize to Sora by any means-- King could get fucked, Sora was a big girl and handled it just fine. Tae knew Sora longer than King did, she was raised with them and she was more than accustomed to his temper. That, and Suua was already running herself ragged trying to keep the house together. He didn't want to add anymore stress on her. His free hand moved to hold the back of her head gently and pull her in closer, his lips pressing to her forehead for a long moment. "Thank you..." He mumbled quietly against her warm pale skin. He didn't specify why he was thanking her, but it was for everything.

"Jung would've loved us having a fun time to remember him by, not some pathetic publicity stunt from his father. A good drink, pizza, let's live it up for our boy." His mood was visibly lightening, even more so as Somin handed him her drink. "Thanks. I'll, uh, try to be on my best behavior for the night."

That promise went right out the window as he heard a voice coming from the doorway. "King, no. NO. Do NOT let that--" Too late. Ever hair on Tae's body stood as he physically restrained himself from pummeling the blonde man darkening their doorstep. He didn't know why Jung's brother stoked the flames of violence in Tae's soul, he just fucking did. Whether it was that carefree asshole personality of his, or-- No. No, that was it.

"Oh my GOD Dehyun, like the day couldn't get any worse. I thought we had this thing where we didn't acknowledge each others existence. Remember that? It was SO nice. I ignored you the whole memorial, it was the only nice thing about it." Tae swallowed down the cup Somin gave him before setting both of the cups down on the table, stepping forward and in front of Suua, like he was protecting her from some great danger. He didn't want her or Lee anywhere near this guy.

"The room is in Hell. I'd gladly show you but, y'know, with your one-way ticket there I don't think that's necessary."
Woo Lee

For the most part Lee stayed quiet. No one was really talking to her, and when they did she could feel the pity in their voice. Sota was nice and all but, even with her she felt an overwhelming sadness in their conversation. That was her best friend who she could barely remember, Lee felt like an asshole. She quietly downed the half full cup without so much as flinching, doing her best to numb the sadness, the pain, the fucking guilt. There was guilt with everything, not remembering her friends, Jung's death, Tae's anger even made her feel guilty.

Her jaw clenched once, twice, and a third time at the mention of a memorial Jung would've liked. She thought to excuse herself from the room. Why would she bother participating? It wasn't like she could share memories about the guy. She was the reason he was dead, it felt like an insult to him being apart of anything honoring him. She knew she had a place here once upon a time ago but, now? Now she felt like an outsider looking in.

Tears stung in her eyes as she took a few backsteps towards the stairs. She didn't want pizza, she wanted to drink until she blacked out. Just as she reached the bottom of the steps, however, a knock thumped on the door. The pink haired guy, King, opened the door to reveal a familiar blonde guy pushing his way into the house. He wasn't familiar because she knew him, no, she didn't know anyone. But she recognized him from the funeral talking to Jung's mother on more than one occasion. The way he spoke made it clear that he was Jung's brother and for a minute she felt even more guilt.

What was the solution to guilt? Alcohol. Lee quietly made her way back into the kitchen to pour herself some more, even grabbing an extra cup for their guest. "Tae be nice." Lee's voice was no nonsense as usual once she made her way to the group once more, shooting the overprotective man a stern look. "Third floor, the room on the left. We're, um, getting some pizza I guess. Having our own memorial for Jung if you'd like to join us."

Lee had a solemn look to her face and tone as she looked back at the new man. Then it hit her. Introductions! Something that genuinely excited her right now because she was literally always introducing herself to people lately. "Oh. You obviously know Tae, that's Sota behind him. King is pinky by the door, that's Sora. Somin, Zane. And I'm Lee... unless I've already met you before and I'm just making an ass out of myself again?" Quietly she grimaced to herself and her room was looking better and better.

"Here. Want a drink?" She shot him a small awkward smile as she handed him the beverage.
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Truthfully? Tae's reaction was to be expected, she didn't know why she thought it'd be different. It made her smile nervously to herself and thankful that King didn't punch the guy? She did appreciate his comforting hug though. A relieved sigh slipping past her lips and she gave a small nod. "I know, thank you." Her thin fingers moved to smooth out his button up for a small moment, stealing an extra bit of comfort from him as he leaned against the armrest.

She took the cup with a small thanks before sniffing the glass with a small scowl. She wasn't usually a big drinker, not too keen on the taste of it, but given the circumstances it'd be incredibly stupid, and rude to refuse. Lee was tossing it back like water, but without a mixer or a chaser Sora would just gradually sip on the one glass all night most likely. "Good idea Suua. Jung would've liked that." Sora took a quick swig of the liquor as the knock sounded. Who would've been here at this time of night?

"Oh, uh, okay." Sora's heart skipped a beat at that smile of King's like a love struck school girl. She was a downright sucker for this man, completely smitten, head over heels. She was so glad he was chilling out around everyone, even if it was just a bit. Without a word she was running up the stairs to rid herself of the stuffy memorial clothes and into a pair of purple pajama bottoms and King's favorite black hoodie she had confiscated. Hey, she was injured and needed it for her recovery.

By the time she returned to the others there was a new blonde man joining the group? She could hear Tae yelling at him from her room, but for why she didn't know. Lee was offering the man a drink and introducing everyone. She made her way back over to King's side since he seemed downright irritated and gave him a playful smile. "As much as I like seeing you in a suit you should go get changed into something more comfortable. You know, before you punch a stranger. I'll have a drink and hopefully some pizza waiting for you." With that said she stood on her toes so she could press a sweet kiss to his cheek.

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