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Fandom Gundam Build Fighters:NEXT

In response,the Tryon III had barely evade the railgun rounds as two of them grazed the shoulder armour.

“His aiming's pretty terrifying...!”

As I recal,Tryon III and Dryon III are formed into one by three separate Mobile Suits,which would in turn mean it has to power of a Mobile Armour. The only question.....how would those two pilots utilise them to their advantage?

“Haruto! I got this! Together with the Gunpla's I made for the next Meijin Cup...!”

Jing and Illya had a deadpan expression in response to hearing what Sakai had said.

“.....Didn't he get disqualified twice for entering the competition using a Gundam Girl whom he never had permission when building?”
Illya would respond, "If he had not...... We'd be in a world of hell."

Sakai didn't get the chance to fight Maxwell. The Hyper Fumina was intercepted by Saber, who had both swords drawn. "Sorry, but your fight is with me."

The Death Strike would retract the ranged weapons, before jetting towards the Tryon, and swing the beam scythe at a ridiculous speed, and with such precision and accuracy.
The Tryon III had to separate itself into its three different Mobile Suit forms,Riku Tryon,Sora Tryon and Umi Tryon. The three MSs attempted to do a pincher attack on Death Strike Gundam,the Dryon III also joining in to take down their enemy.

Winning Fumina's Shuriken Bits were thrown at Saber,who easily deflects them. Not that Sakai was pretty worried however.
The Death Strike was surrounded by the other MS in a circle formation. As soon as they fired, the Death Strike vanished and appeared behind the Dryon, who was struck by Riku Tryon. The Riku Tryon itself was destroyed by Dryon's rocket fist attack, and the Umi and Sky Tryons blew each other up.

The Death Strike brought the beam part close to Dryon's neck, as he then said, "Check mate." And brought the scythe back, slicing the Dryon's head off.

Illya was stunned. "Did he just........?" Elizabeth looked at Jing, also surprised. "That wasn't...... Was it?!" Both were talking about the Death Strike teleporting.
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“That didn't look like it teleported to me however.....more like...”

“That definitely wasn't what I did when I borrowed Setsuna's Destiny. It's more like that teleportation that 00 QAN[T] can do.”

Alarmed by the voice,Jing looked behind him,finding the hooded battler from before.

“Sorry,I was looking for a clearer angle to look at.”
Illya looked at the Hooded battler. "You mean the Quantize ability?" She asked.

Back on the battlefield, the Death Strike would land, and be on standby in case the Hyper Fumina managed to defeat Saber.

Saber flipped back, before throwing one sword at hyper Fumina, and the second sword would glow with electric energy.
“Yeah. I noticed some slight excess particles disappearing seconds after it popped out of sight.”

“You sure you aren't making it up? Your hood doesn't seem to look as if it'll let you see anything.”

“I can see just fine thanks.”

The hooded battler replied,sounding slightly annoyed at the remark.

Winning Fumina evaded the sword thrown at it (or was it her? I seriously don't know...) and flew towards Saber,firing at the latter.
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Saber flew towards the Hyper Fumina, the beams only grazing her as she would soon get close, and swing her weapon, sending out a huge beam of electrical energy at the opposing MS girl.
However a beam shot would cause Winning Fumina to stop her own evasion and get struck by the Excalibur.

The beam went out of sight, along with the winning Fumina, who hit Sekai in the face and knocked him out cold.

The screen read battle ended, as team Avalon would be cheered on by the audience. Felicia waved at them, but mentally, she had to figure out how to defeat her own sister without making it look like a double cross.
The sight of the Winning Fumina slammed onto Sekai in the face had hooded battler sweatdropping nervously.

“Is this supposed to be normal....?”

“Unfortunately....depending on how unlucky one is...yes.”
Illya smiled. "I knew she could pull her team through..... But the guy who has the Death Strike feels a little scary." She then looked at the match up panel. "Who's fighting next?" She asked Jing.
“Team Angelfish against Team...."Lesser Keys"?”

“Ah- Not good! it's my team's turn...!”

The hooded battler ran off quickly for the next match.

“....For some reason I pity him....”
“So it would seem......”

“Let's see.....our opponent would be...”

Kotori widened her eyes in terror at the result.

“.....Right off the bat and we're about to be on the receiving end of some ass kicking....?”
Emiya looked at the match up. "Team Triple Cyclone?" He asked. "That would be us." Sekai would say as he and his team mates approached the group. Junya looked at Jing, and said, "You're Destiny's fool!" He said, surprised. Domon would laugh, and say, "He may be a fool, but he's the student of Takashi."
“A student who is always on the receiving end that is.”

“Guess we're for a fight against them then,Kotori?”

“Not just any fight,Kagu....this will be one hell of a wake up call for us.”

Jing turned to look at the other matching,where he found who Illya bad her team would be up against.

“Seems we aren't the only ones pitted against someone who could make us lose if we're not careful.”
Jing carried on watching the match between Team Angelfish and Team "Lesser Keys" (Whose idea was it to call themselves that anyway?). The match they're in is heavily in favour of the former team,as it had more deep water to hide in and it was dark.

“....I don't see Angelfish's opponent anywhere.”

“I don't think them staying off the water to try to shoot them out would be much of a bad idea,though it would be like shooting in the dark.”
All of a sudden,out of the water emerges a red and black coloured customised Exia/QAN[T] Gunpla,apparently surfing on an arm and leg-less Z'Gok.

“.....Am I actually seeing this for real?”

The custom Gunpla whipped out its pistols and fired at the sea behind it and the Z'Gok.


A few attentive viewers could barely notice some mono-eyes flashing under the sea where the QAN[T] last fired at.

As if the pistol shots were some markers,two sniper shots flew into the sea,causing two explosions that made a huge splash from underneath.

The QAN[T] then lazily aimed one of its pistol under it,firing at the head of the Z'Gok before backflipping onto land. The Z'Gok exploded,and the winner of the match was decided.

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