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Fandom Gundam Build Fighters:NEXT

"Thank you. I had to take up a few classes, but I think I did the best I could. Although, I feel like I forgot something." Emiya said, but in truth, he just said it to be secretive about the ghost pepper he put on Jing's plate.
Taking a bite off his meal,Jing felt his throat and stomach burn agonisingly the moment he swallowed.

“Something wrong,Jing?”


Jing muttered,as he didn't want to come across as rude regarding Emiya dishes and continued eating. Each bite giving him a feeling of getting set on fire slowly but surely.
”I'll go check...”

Jing responded,coughing a little after what he had to put himself up through. His palm rested on the door knob,rotating it anticlockwise as he pushed the door opened.
When he got the door open, he saw Illya, still asleep but with another person in bed in a...... Percueliar position. Turns out it was not the room Jing thought he had put her in, but Akatsuki's instead.

He pulled the door back and closed it, walking away from other doors and went into the bathroom.

“On second thought,I don't think I'm in my right mind for the moment.”
Elizabeth would call out to Jing from the Kitchen. "Is everything okay?"
Meanwhile, Emiya was cleaning the dishes, but was getting a little help from his sister, and Elizabeth.
“Apart from me needing something cold to snap me awake,nothing bad happening.”

The room which Illya is in would creak opened as Archer stepped out.
Archer smiled mischievously after hearing Jing mention nothing bad was happening. "Are you sure?" She asked. "From what I saw, you took a quick snapshot of the situation in Akatsuki's bedroom."

Elizabeth had an eye twitch, not knowing Archer was just fooling around. "What do you mean by that?!" She asked, holding up a sharp knife she was drying off.
She looked like she was about to murder someone, the way she was slowly wiping the blade.
“Wait,I didn't do that-”

Jing's eyes widened in horror as he saw Elizabeth holding the serrated knife in a very,VERY,murderous manner. Here's the thing about blades that are jagged. They don't cut as deep as a normal blade would,which would mean it would have to be used as a saw to leave a deep cut.

Three guess as for how painful it would be for anyone to have to go through that.

Iori's Model Shop
Sei noticed that Jing was unusually quiet,as if he was in a state of trauma.
-Iori's Models-

Reiji looked around at the people who showed up before they left to go to the tournament. Sei, Himself, and Shia stood at the entrance. Shia herself seems to have a Frame Arms Girl type gunpla on her right shoulder. Illya stood with Hibiki and Emiya, but Illya was blushing for an unknown reason. Felicia was there with Zakuro and Maxwell, but Zakuro was giving Felicia the evil eye as if she was going to smack her if she said anything.

Haruka, in her Heero Yuy appearance was with Noza and Maoh, haruka looking like her cheerful self, but looked at Maxwell in confusion, who wore a mask to hide his identity. Jing, Kotori, and Elizabeth would be there as well.
.......And to think that all i wanted to do is just come here to do the last finishing touches on Destiny before heading out....

Jing thought, feeling nervous about the current atmosphere.
Sei looked at Illya and would ask her, "You have any words of encouragement?" He asked.

Illya nodded, before looking at everyone in the room. "Thank you all for coming here before we head out. I want to wish you all luck, and I will do my best to get to the finals, so I can rescue my sister at the world tournament!"

"If you make it that is." Noza would say, as if he would not let her make it to the finals. "What's up your's Noza?! You shouldn't be that adverse to others, you know that?!" Haruka would ask. "I'm just saying, no one here is even worth fighting against. They should just pack up and leave to spare themselves the disappointment."

That statement seemed to have riled up Kotori.
“Oho? For some guy piloting some over-glorified lion chest-ed mascot,you sure talk as if you're so sure that everyone will drop dead before the match starts.”

Kotori snarked,her forehead and eyes slightly under the shade as she looked at Noza pretty intimidatingly. Even as someone who is admittedly rather short for her age,she can still scare the utter crap out of nearly anyone. Noza wasn't one of those anyone however.
"Trust me, I've seen how you guys fought before. The only way anyone would ever be worth my time is if they possessed a strong flame." He then looked at Kotori menacingly. "And you as sure don't."
“I'll be sure to make a fool out of yourself when we fight!”

Both Noza and Kotori glared daggers at each other,some electricity cracking between their glares.

This is going to go on for some time until either one of us of the group gets defeated huh....
"It sure is getting intense in here." Illya said. Everyone soon left the store, as the groups then split up by genders and boarded the rental buses. All the boys with Mr Ral who volunteered to help transport the teams, along with Rinko, who would be taking the girls.

It would be a couple hours later when the buses arrived at the stadium, crowded with at least 13 others teams. A couple recognizable ones were team Build Busters, Led by Sakai, and Kei's team. Of course Kei would show up because he was a sore loser at times. There were a couple of new teams too, Sekai Kamiki stood with Domon Kasshu and Junya Inose, and oddly enough, The hooded fighter who tagged along with them would go meet up with two others, but Inazuma, Ikazuchi, and Akatsuki seemed to head to the registration area.

Illya looked at Hibiki, and was quite confused. "Are they going to be participating?"
“Yeah. Akatsuki and Ikazuchi recently built a new gunpla each alongside Inazuma since they wanted to have a shot at the Qualifiers. Though....”

Illya noticed that Inazuma looked rather tired as Ikazuchi wrote down the name of their team.

“Inazuma got dragged into it.”
Illya would understand but walk up next to Inazuma, before putting a hand on her right shoulder. "Don't worry about it. If you doubt yourself, you won't be able to fight with all you have."

Jing noticed the same hooded battler who challenged him- no,challenged Setsuna meet up with someone looking rather similar to Dante and Vergil from DMC4 (SE for the Vergil-knockoff),eventually joined by another one who looks like Nero from the same game. The only thing that's different was that they weren't wearing tailcoats in public.

He's here too...? Alongside his own teammates....
-Few minutes later, inside the stadium-

"Alright then, is everyone ready for the GBWT Japanese Qualifiers?!"

The crowd cheered in excitement.

"Alright! The match ups have been decided! First off, it's team Avalon, led by Felicia Edefelt, against Team Build Busters! Get ready!"

Felicia would walk up to the table, as saber hopped down onto the launcher. Zakuro would place her Crimson Sinanju, but Illya got a strange vibe from it.
Something about this Sinanju seems off.....and seeing that they're currently fighting the Build Busters in their very first match....how will Team Avalon adapt?

“Wait,what's that he's taking out?”

Everyone in the stadium saw that Haruto Sato and Hideo Isaka place the Tryon and Dryon respectively onto the launch pad. Sakai Minato whipped out.....well,a familiar Gunpla that made a particular dirty-blonde haired girl scream internally in embarrassment.
Haruka would approach the group, not with her team at the moment, and reply, "Don't worry. If anyone can pull through, Felicia can!" She then noticed on the screen that the masked fighter placed a Deadscythe looking Strike Gundam on the launcher. Her face lost all color. "......Oh....... "

Illya looked at the teacher confused. "Something wrong?" "Felicia will be fine....... But the other team won't be......" She then whispered to herself. "I'm not safe either."

The field generated into a city, as the fight soon began.

"Felicia Edefelt, Saber Wing, Launch!" "Right!" Saber said as she took off.

"Zakuro Edefelt, Crimson Sinanju, Launch!" The red UC Ms took off.

The masked fighter took the mask off, before he spoke. "Duo Maxwell, Death Strike Gundam, Time to reap some souls!" His gunpla's wings opened up before flying off at a great speed, going past the Edefelt sisters gunpla.
“Let's go! Team Build Busters! Let's show them our power!”

“Got it!”

Haruto and Hideo spoken in unison as the Tryon,Dryon and......."You-Know-Who" launched.

“Now....our opponents shouldn't be much of a problem-”

The three of them noticed the Death Strike Gundam fly ahead of its allies towards them.

“He's seriously charging in towards us? What an idiot.”

Sakai mused,not realising that the pilot is one of the most feared battlers in the entity of Gunpla's Battle. It would seem that his teammates didn't know too,as Haruto went ahead. With the Tryon.

“I got him! I'll leave the others to you two!”

“They really don't know,do they?”
Maxwell would notice the Tryon approaching the Death Strike. 'So you want to be the first to go.' he smirked as the Death Strike's rail guns unfolded along with the back cannons before firing four separate beams of energy at the Tryon.

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