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Fandom Gundam Build Fighters:NEXT

“Liz....that last blow you did there-”

“Enough. The last thing I wanted is for us to started fighting amongst ourselves from this. We'll discuss about this later.”

Jing interrupted as he also went to check on Sekai.
Turned out, Sekai was just snoozing away. He was just extremely tired.

Domon walked up to Jing, and held a hand out. "Good luck in the tournament."
“That was an intense battle we fought back there,Master Domon.”

He shook hands with Takashi's rival.

“I apologise on behalf of what my teammate did to your pupil.”
Domon shook his head. "No, Sekai was the one at fault. He was training all day yesterday for this, and didn't get any sleep." He turned towards Junya, who held Sekai up Mikazuki Augus style. "What exactly was that technique back there though? It was quite impressive."
“I....think explaining it would be a little tricky,plus,I'm afraid someone would eavesdrop into what I have to say and take note of it,since I was actually saving that ability up as a last resort move.”

Jing responded with a sheepish look as he scratched the back of his neck. Domon's strength already forced him to partially reveal that sudden death attack earlier,and last thing he wanted is for people to find a countermeasure against it when he hasn't found a way to avoid getting Destiny into a temporarily disabled state.
"Well then, if you ever do get the chance to tell me, I would like to hear it. See you later!"

With that, team Triple Cyclone left, as the next match was announced.

"Alright! First up, we have a group of three people who never once fought in the GBWT, but they should not be counted out! Give it up for......"

He forgot what the sisters, minus Hibiki, team name was.
"Erm, Yes! We have team Resolute Breakers facing off against another new team! This team, hailing from Tokyo, Japan is team Crimson Ocean! Lead by Chuya Narukami!"

Of course, when the other team showed up, it seemed there was only one person present. "Sorry! My friends are running late! I'm so sorry!" Chuya said. Illya took notice of the outfit she wore, a martial arts uniform, but it looked more like something from a Mahou Shojo anime.

Chuya placed her gunpla, a Master Grade Exia, but with an added weapon, a standard GN beam rifle, as the field generated into space.

She took a look around, noticing Jing who currently was looking away. 'So that's him......' Chuya thought.
“Wait,just one?”

“It's not gonna be a fair match...I say one of us fight her one on one fairly instead.”

“Then I'll go!”

“Hey! I was going to fight her!”

“First come first serve!”

Both Ikazuchi and Akatsuki started quarrelling about who should go first,making an awkward situation that made Jing feel like sitting in a corner out of embarrassment. Inazuma quietly (and reluctantly) went towards the launch pad with her Gunpla's,


“I guess we'll be fighting each other so um....”

Inazuma bowed respectfully towards Chuya.

“L-let's give it our all!”
“Um...okay then.”

Inazuma went to stop Akatsuki and Inazuma from fighting. Eventually,the latter two had also placed their own Gunpla onto the launch pad. Akatsuki with the customised Age II while Ikazuchi uses a customised Freedom Gundam.


The screen read battle start.

"Chuya Narukami, Exia, Let's show them what we got!"

Her Gundam's eyes flashed on, before it took off.

Illya would be looking at the fight, but notice Jing was not watching. "Is something wrong?" She asked.
“....I sensed Chuya Narukami's thoughts earlier.”

Jing was on his phone,looking up at information of the participants in the tournament.

“I don't know why...but she seems to know me for a different reason that is from me being the Destiny's Fool.”
Illya would look at the battlefield, while discussing the girl's relationship with Jing. "You think she's an enemy?"

Jing found Chuya's information, one of her teammates Jing recognized, specifically a certain someone.
“Feng Huang...?”

Ignoring the confused look he was getting,Jing went silent for some time.

“....I see,seems that explains Narukami's thought.”
The Exia flew past the Age Gundam, and Inazuma's Gundam, at a great speed that was not normal for a straight build, activating it's GN sword. As soon as it got in range, it fired at the Freedom, before jetting in front of the gundam. In an instant, The Exia slashed down at the Freedom, hopefully cutting something off from the range it was at.

'Feng, I wont let you down!' Chuya thought.
Fortunately,she did,as the Freedom lost its entirely right side.

“Ikazuchi! Fall back!”

The Age II fired a massive stream of beam at the Exia while its sword bits flew in to impale the latter.

“I doubt that will work...”

The Exia evaded the beam before skillfully avoiding every sword bits headed for it.
"Trans Am!" The Exia glowed a tint of red as it quickly flew around the sword bits, firing it's GN beam rifle and destroying the bits, before turning around and jetting towards the AGE Gundam, and swinging it's GN sword at it's Chest.
The GN Sword drew closer to the Age II,a few seconds while from cutting it. However,its blade got shot out of the way by the F91's add-on cannons

“Ikazuchi! Akatsuki! Leave this to me! Please!”

“Are you outta your mind!? She's gonna give you a-”

“Just let me handle this! Please!”

The F91 and Exia started clashing swords against each other,both of them were fighting equally.

“No stopping Inazuma when she gets serious huh...?”
Chuya would be surprised at how the F91 was keeping up with the Exia in Trans Am state. The Exia would fly back, throwing it's Beam Rifle away, and drew a GN Long Blade, before going back in to fight. The swords clashed, still at equal strength and speed.

However, the Exia's Trans Am turned off, as it quickly flew back. 'I may have to kick it up a notch.'
The F91's cannons took aim at the F91,firing simultaneously at its enemy. At the same time,the Age II and Freedom also fired at any possible direction the Exia might take to evade F91's shots.
Chuya closed her eyes, before the Exia vanished and appeared behind the Freedom, slicing it in half, before jetting away. "You should never expect me to go down easy like that!"
“We are well aware of that!”

The lower torso of the Freedom fell off the upper body itself,revealing it to be a core fighter similar to that of the Impulse. It flew towards the back unit of the F91 and attached itself as a makeshift add-on thruster.

The Age II continued covering fire for the F91 Gundam as the latter flew towards the Exia with high speed,the M.E.P.E activated.

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