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Fantasy Guardian Academy

[QUOTE="Angel Lucifer]I'm scared for ma life ;-;

The future is a terrifying thing, Lucifer-sama.
[QUOTE="Angel Lucifer]"...RUN!" *Hides under a table* "Is she gone yet?"

S-shi? She? Lucifer-sama, familiarize yourself with the fact I am indeed no female.
[QUOTE="Angel Lucifer]"Why do I feel like I just dug my own grave..."

Perhaps your instincts are dead on, Lucifer-sama.
"I have an idea..." Looks around table to find coast clear. He then proceeds to run into the nearest closet, locking the door from the inside. He then rigged the door so that when opened, a hidden Semtex explosive goes off. Due to the length of the closet he would be fine, but the one who opens the door will not be. "I'm safe now, right? Why do I still feel dead anyway..."
[QUOTE="Angel Lucifer]"I have an idea..." Looks around table to find coast clear. He then proceeds to run into the nearest closet, locking the door from the inside. He then rigged the door so that when opened, a hidden Semtex explosive goes off. Due to the length of the closet he would be fine, but the one who opens the door will not be. "I'm safe now, right? Why do I still feel dead anyway..."

*Simply gives the door an annoyed glare* Lucifer-sama, you can't stay in hiding forever.
[QUOTE="Angel Lucifer]"Oh no, I forgot about food...Never mind this is a school cafeterias storage closet. Ooh Doritos..."

I will fucking sit outside this door for eternity if I have to, Lucifer-sama.
"I have another idea" Lucifer sadistically smiles before taking out a remote detonator "If your so intent on waiting out there, then how about I come out for you, da?" He laughs, insane glint in his eye as he detonates the semtex. He stands there in the slowly clearing smoke just to see...
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*Major damages have been done, blood scattered on the ground and a limp body laying in the center of the room.*

*Eventually gets up, simply covered in bruises and large scrapes, blood too.* I'm going to kill you for that, Lucifer-sama.
*Licks a large scrape covering half of hand* Bitch please, I'm not that masochistic. I'll kill you when I've healed, Lucifer-sama.
[QUOTE="Angel Lucifer]"Okay then, I'll just go back to eating my Doritos."

I've some issues with my feminine features to attend to. Catch you later, Lucifer-sama.
[QUOTE="Angel Lucifer]
xD sorry... In all honesty I didn't mean to hit the s.

Either way, the feminine avatar was bothering me a little. I only kept it due to a lack of my perusing through photos online, and my lack of liking most of the photos.
[QUOTE="Angel Lucifer]I understand, I personally don't like photo browsing despite how much I have to do it.

All to agreeable. That's usually why I keep to using pictures I've already saves for character appearances. I find looking for more a nuisance.
I basically just went and found like 5 good pictures and used them over and over for every RP I'm in as well xD
[QUOTE="Angel Lucifer]I basically just went and found like 5 good pictures and used them over and over for every RP I'm in as well xD


Well, this conversation has been pleasant- but I'm afraid I've got a date with a dear friend of mine soon and will be logging out for tonight.
Hey I won't be on for a while, I got a church and a party to go to. The party should end around 1:00 pm.

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