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Fantasy Guardian Academy

[quote name="x xD i T T 0X x' date=' post: 5520868, member: 42789&quot] xD We'll see. I haven't made a post yet.

*glomps* Make your yaoi trash notice my yaoi trash!!
[quote name="x xD i T T 0X x' date=' post: 5520917, member: 42789&quot]*Thumbs up* EY!

You like my signature?? *serious face* Because I think it's beautiful! *Face intensifies*
Hiruka said:
You like my signature?? *serious face* Because I think it's beautiful! *Face intensifies*

Of course I like your signature, Shizuo is such a hottie♥ I ship Shizaya, tbh.
Colorful music!

Ayane was sort of excited for the day ahead of her.

She was raised separated from most people, home schooled, taught to be the perfect servant for whomever she ended up being with. High school was where her mother had found her master, and so her mother saw it as her opportunity to give her daughter a head start. But that wasn't why Ayane was excited. She was excited because she was finally out in the world.

Ayane gave a soft giggle to herself, her arms wrapped around a stuffed toy of a llama with a hat upon it's head. Her soft lips were curled into a joyous smile. "This is going to be great!" She said, pulling her llama in front of her with a light dust of a blush on her cheeks. She was acting like a child- just as she always did. She pulled a backpack from behind her, opening it up and putting the llama toy in the bag with a stubborn look sprawled across her face. Once she finished, she closed the bag again and shifted it back onto her shoulders. She closed her eyes and continued to tread on her walk, trying to act as serious as she possibly could.


[fieldset="Nya! I forgot it again!&quot]

""Basic rundowns! Set, go!""

Full name:

Ayane Maiko Haruka


Aya, Ana, Mai




Cisgender Female


Angel's Servant

Angel's servants aren't actually limited to being the servant of an angel. They can belong to any species, low level or higher up. Angel's servants are basically human beings with special abilities ranging from magic attacks to physical upgrades. They live to serve under a person they chose or are chosen by until either that person dies or the servant themselves dies. Angel's servants are to protect their masters to the very end. Most servants chose a strong race such as an angel, a dragon, a demon, ect- and tend to stray from weaker races such as a vampire or siren of sorts. Although some Angel's servants serve a lower species.

Weapons and/or powers:

Magic // Physical Upgrades

Ayane is what we would call a "mixed" servant. Usually, Angel's servants only use one of two abilities: magical or physical. Their powers are given to them at birth. However, Ayane has mixed abilities and can master both magical abilities and physical. Ayane can cast magic spells and use earth elements such as fire, water, air, or even electricity or darkness. Some abilities are harder to master then other's are, and it takes a lot of training to get the skills down pat. With physical attributes, Ayane is stronger then most people assume. She can carry up to four times her size like it was nothing. She's also faster, quick-witted, and has more agility then regular human's do.


Character description:

Ayane is a short girl at the height of 5'2". She's quaint and tame. With a skinny frame and some curves on her, she can be found to be very attractive in one's eyes. She has locks of brown colored hair and beautiful, wide golden eyes.


As a clumsy and bubbly kind of girl, Ayane is very forgetful and has problems with focusing.

She's always smiling, no matter what. In tense spots, she tries to lighten the mood with a joke or crack a smile every once in a while. She helps people out despite her own problems and always puts other people before herself. She protects people as much as she can and hates seeing someone die right before her eyes.

Ayane isn't one to anger easily, but when she does things get scary. Never before has she killed someone, but she has come close to doing it before because she was angry.

Ayane isn't one for crying in front of people. Sure, she'll tear up from joy, but I mean she isn't one to publicly cry from emotional distress in front of others. When she does she gets embarrassed and tries to run off into another, less populated area.


+Getting serious people to smile


+Beautiful scenery



+Cute things



-Getting angry

-Watching people die

-Crying in front of others




-Ayane would do anything to protect someone, even sacrifice herself



Theme Songs






"H-hello! I am Ay-A-A- uh... Ayane! I-I'm Ayane Haruka. Pleased to make your acquaintance, 'sama!"


Now I have to figure out something else to do for my IC, THANKS.
[quote name="x xD i T T 0X x' date=' post: 5520990, member: 42789&quot]I JUT REALIZED YOU TOOK MY CODING SHEETS ;u;

Now I have to figure out something else to do for my IC, THANKS.

You have a nice friend ^^
[quote name="x xD i T T 0X x' date=' post: 5521059, member: 42789&quot]I'm still questioning how we're friends.

I question who considers me as friend xD
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[quote name="x xD i T T 0X x' date=' post: 5521090, member: 42789&quot]We've had a decent, bonding conversation. So I consider you a friend.

I feel very touched, no joke Q~Q



Rosalee got him with burns

Rosy throwing Hikari reminded me of barbie doll....not sure why though....=_="
[QUOTE="Angel Lucifer]Feel free to ask me anything here, or just casually chat. This wasn't really supposed to be a serious rp, it's just kinda here for fun, so enjoy. I'm not a very strict person, but for the sake of everyone just a few rules okay?
1No G-moding, it's annoying, unless it helps the plot.

2: Try and keep swearing to a minimum I guess?

3 I would highly appreciate it if you don't argue

4 Follow the regular RP nation rules

5 If you really want to kill someones character ask them first okay?

That's about it, I hope you enjoy the RP :)

Do you mind if I advertise a rp here?

Interested in a fantasy, supernatural rp? Maybe interested in a little Master and slave relationship? Then drop by and create an exciting, suspenseful, and romance story over in:

Romance isn't what this rp mainly about so come over and start conflict/war with us! What role will you play in this story?


(Not a scam lol)

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[quote name="x xD i T T 0X x' date=' post: 5521059, member: 42789&quot]I'm still questioning how we're friends.

Wait a minute-

we're friends? When did this happen?
[QUOTE="Angel Lucifer]This is awkward...RETREAT! I want no part of this! ;-;

[QUOTE="Angel Lucifer]Please don't hurt me ;-;... xD

I make no such guarantees.

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