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Fantasy Guardian Academy For the Gifted.

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Nate already memerized his schedual and walked out of the class,"This might be boring" Nate said to himself.The only student he knew at the school was Frost.A chill went down Nate's spine.It was best to stay away from her.Since there was no where else to go Nate went to his dorm wondering if he dorm partner and if not when.Once inside his dorm Nate turned to his cat form and went on top of his bed waiting for free period to end.

@Ldybug123 (My character is your dorm partner if you didn't know)
Cicero said:
"Okay if you don't mind I'd like to like it."He said not waiting for an answer he lifted up her dress to see the wound and started licking the blood around it then the wound itself after finishing he lifted his head looking at the girl "You really enjoy changing your eye colors don't you?"Ra asked dully before snickering
"I dont do it. THey change on there own." She said while laughing herself. This is new. Never net other people than my dad. She thought. is this what people normally feel around others. She questioned her self.

Ldybug123 said:
"U...um...I'm not sure where the dorms are..." Zared said quietly to Logan. @LilyannaGaming
Logan grabbed Zared's hand and lead him to the male dorms. "Just look for your dorm number." He said pointing towards the many doors.
LilyannaGaming said:
"I dont do it. THey change on there own." She said while laughing herself. This is new. Never net other people than my dad. She thought. is this what people normally feel around others. She questioned her self.
"Really...weird."He said while walking around his dorm his head spinning some more trying to make his way back to the bed he fell lifting himself on his hands and eventually jumping up standing straight still feeling light headed "Blood....magic finally taking its tole."He said laying beside her
Nate heard the door open and saw a half angel half demon guy.That was pretty cool.Nate jumped off the bed and went under it.Then a couple of seconds later out came Nate who looked like a ant compared to this guy,but then again....Nate was the smallest student at the school.

@Ldybug123 @LilyannaGaming
Walking up to the front gates of Guardian Academy was a young male, hands in his pockets and a duffel bag, containing clothing and other necessities, swung over his shoulder. Kira's face was displaying an overall neutral expression, with maybe even a tad bit of disinterest mixed in it. Today was his first day at the mentioned school and even though the boy's expression might've indicated otherwise, he was indeed a little nervous.

Ugh... This is so stupid. Not too long ago i've killed people for money and managed to stay completely calm while doing so... But i can feel my heart racing on my first day at school... He thought to himself, closing his eyes for a short moment. The male let out a small sigh, following to which his lids fluttered open again, gaze locking onto the huge building in front of him. Well... Here goes nothing...

Kira entered the academy's mostly empty halls, heading over to the information board not far from the entrance. He studied one note in particular, one on which multiple directions, like the way to the headmasters office or the dorms were written on.

After a few moments, the male continued his way, heading upstairs to the principal's place. He knocked on the door and waited for a couple of seconds, receiving no response at all. Not like the boy expected Gabriel to be there anyway; it was clearly written on his schedule that the man was currently teaching Weapons Training; a subject Kira was actually registered to attend. Well, but since the boy arrived quite late today and classes were about to end, that wasn't going to happen.

He entered the office anyway, placing his duffel back onto the headmaster's desk. He opened, and started rumaging through it, eventually pulling out the registrational form, he needed to fill out in order to attend the academy.

The papers were filed pretty badly by him. Anything regarding his past was left blank, a bunch of stuff was scrambled out and re-written again, and his handwriting was really hard to read.

He placed the form onto the headmaster's desk for him to see, zipped his bag shut again, before swinging it back on and leaving the room.

The boy pulled out his phone to check the time and realized that his first class was now officially over. If he remembered correctly, free time was next on his schedule.

I guess i should head over to my dorm and drop off this bag. He thought before pocketing his cell again, moving towards said direction.

The male's eyes were locked to the floor, sinking into his thoughts while continuing his way towards the dorms. Eventually, Kira completely bumped into the back of another student, causing him to look back up. He blinked a few times and analyzed the person in front of him; an average looking boy with brown hair. Looking past said individual, the ex-assassin saw a demon/angel hybrid heading into what seemed to be their room.

He relocated his gaze back to the guy he had bumped into, and simply spoke,
"Hey, watch where you're going, idiot." A mixture of grumpiness and annoyance was filling his tone of voice, the same applying to his expression.

To be fair, Kira was really the one at fault here, really; the student had his back turned to him after all.

Still, the sudden bump caught the boy off-guard.

With his hands in his pockets again, he slowly got into movement again.

Nate waved and smiled for a sec,"Greetings 'roomy'" Nate said even making the air quotes.He never met a half angel half demon before.That is interesting.For this Nate wondered how many people bullied him.After all he was half of two opposites.

Cicero said:
"Really...weird."He said while walking around his dorm his head spinning some more trying to make his way back to the bed he fell lifting himself on his hands and eventually jumping up standing straight still feeling light headed "Blood....magic finally taking its tole."He said laying beside her
She watched him with concern etching in her usasally emotion less fixtures. "Do you want me to leave?" She asked him. Expanding her mental limits to see if anyone was in the hall way. Logans familiar signature was nearby. "Logan is coming." She whispered. Shutting her mind down again. She looked at the boy and her eyes went Bluish purple. Damnit stop changing! She thought to her self. She closed her eyes, still sitting beside Ra.

BobbyW said:
Walking up to the front gates of Guardian Academy was a young male, hands in his pockets and a duffel bag, containing clothing and other necessities, swung over his shoulder. Kira's face was displaying an overall neutral expression, with maybe even a tad bit of disinterest mixed in it. Today was his first day at the mentioned school and even though the boy's expression might've indicated otherwise, he was indeed a little nervous.
Ugh... This is so stupid. Not too long ago i've killed people for money and managed to stay completely calm while doing so... But i can feel my heart racing on my first day at school... He thought to himself, closing his eyes for a short moment. The male let out a small sigh, following to which his lids fluttered open again, gaze locking onto the huge building in front of him. Well... Here goes nothing...

Kira entered the academy's mostly empty halls, heading over to the information board not far from the entrance. He studied one note in particular, one on which multiple directions, like the way to the headmasters office or the dorms were written on.

After a few moments, the male continued his way, heading upstairs to the principal's place. He knocked on the door and waited for a couple of seconds, receiving no response at all. Not like the boy expected Gabriel to be there anyway; it was clearly written on his schedule that the man was currently teaching Weapons Training; a subject Kira was actually registered to attend. Well, but since the boy arrived quite late today and classes were about to end, that wasn't going to happen.

He entered the office anyway, placing his duffel back onto the headmaster's desk. He opened, and started rumaging through it, eventually pulling out the registrational form, he needed to fill out in order to attend the academy.

The papers were filed pretty badly by him. Anything regarding his past was left blank, a bunch of stuff was scrambled out and re-written again, and his handwriting was really hard to read.

He placed the form onto the headmaster's desk for him to see, zipped his bag shut again, before swinging it back on and leaving the room.

The boy pulled out his phone to check the time and realized that his first class was now officially over. If he remembered correctly, free time was next on his schedule.

I guess i should head over to my dorm and drop off this bag. He thought before pocketing his cell again, moving towards said direction.

The male's eyes were locked to the floor, sinking into his thoughts while continuing his way towards the dorms. Eventually, Kira completely bumped into the back of another student, causing him to look back up. He blinked a few times and analyzed the person in front of him; an average looking boy with brown hair. Looking past said individual, the ex-assassin saw a demon/angel hybrid heading into what seemed to be their room.

He relocated his gaze back to the guy he had bumped into, and simply spoke,
"Hey, watch where you're going, idiot." A mixture of grumpiness and annoyance was filling his tone of voice, the same applying to his expression.

To be fair, Kira was really the one at fault here, really; the student had his back turned to him after all.

Still, the sudden bump caught the boy off-guard.

With his hands in his pockets again, he slowly got into movement again.

Logan stumbled. "It was clearly your fault." He called to the new student. So many people here. Ugh. He lifted him self in the air. He stared at Kira as he walked to his own dorm.
LilyannaGaming said:
She watched him with concern etching in her usasally emotion less fixtures. "Do you want me to leave?" She asked him. Expanding her mental limits to see if anyone was in the hall way. Logans familiar signature was nearby. "Logan is coming." She whispered. Shutting her mind down again. She looked at the boy and her eyes went Bluish purple. Damnit stop changing! She thought to her self. She closed her eyes, still sitting beside Ra.
"No your fine...I just need to get blood from the nurse's office that's all..."He said looking at the ceiling "So what let him come in this is his room to isn't it?"Ra asked sarcastically while looking at his pale skin wiping away sweat "Where is the....nurses office?"The vampire asked
"Stay, I will be back." Quinn said starting to get up and leave. She looked at Ra's pale form. "If your coming we must hurry before, you collapse." She half-heartedly joked she was worried. Weird she never worried for anyone but her mother She thought to her self. She walked towards the door. @Cicero
"Tch. Whatever." Kira mumbled to himself at the other student's response, closing his eyes for a short moment. He pulled one lf his hands out of his pockets and placed it onto the handle of his door, but right when he about to enter, he suddenly felt the breeze of a wind coming from behind him.

What the...?

The boy's eyelids fluttered open and he turned his head back, raising an eyebrow at the sight of the student from just now floating in the air. He watched as said individual approached their dorm, eyes locked onto him the entire time. Now this was interesting. I'm guessing he's an elemental or something along those lines?...

Before the guy entered his room, Kira once again called out, "Hey!"

When he'd gotten his attention, the male'd add, "What's your name?" now actually interested in this person.

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BobbyW said:
"Tch. Whatever." Kira mumbled to himself at the other student's response, closing his eyes for a short moment. He pulled one lf his hands out of his pockets and placed it onto the handle of his door, but right when he about to enter, he suddenly felt the hreeze of a wind coming from behind him.
What the...?

The boy's eyelids fluttered open and he turned his head back, raising an eyebrow at the sight of the student from just now floating in the air. He watched as said jndividual approached their dorm, eyes locked onto him the entire time. Now this was interesting. I'm guessing he's an elemental or something along those lines?...

Before the guy entered his room, Kira once again called out, "Hey!"

When he'd gotten his attention, the male'd add, "What's your name?" now actually interested in this person.

Logan spun around. "Huh?" He asked confused. His little tornado stopped. He landed perfectly on two feet. He entered the person's mind to figure out what he asked. Only to realize he couldnt. He felt the searing pain in his head. "Wh-a-at? Ho-w-w did you?" he growled holding his head in his hands. "Damn it." He muttered. Once thae pain sudsided. "Who the hell are you? What did you do to my head?" He muttered.
LilyannaGaming said:
"Stay, I will be back." Quinn said starting to get up and leave. She looked at Ra's pale form. "If your coming we must hurry before, you collapse." She half-heartedly joked she was worried. Weird she never worried for anyone but her mother She thought to her self. She walked towards the door. @Cicero
The vampire snickered bit while weakly getting up walking towards her smirking "I might be pale and have low blood but I can still walk."The boy said grinning
The female took her usual walk in the hallways, ((meh~ I'm sorry I dunt know what class it is so *^*)/)) although she wants to drink blood like always, she can't. The main reason is because she's in a school and she just didn't want to freak people out by drinking a random person's blood. Of course, she can't just say: "Hey what's up? Can I drink your blood?" Yeah..... The answer would be no and in a school it's probably not allowed. Why can't Yami drink animal blood? Animal blood just isn't as thick as human blood. She sighed as she walked through the hallways, controlling herself to not drink blood.
[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]The female took her usual walk in the hallways, ((meh~ I'm sorry I dunt know what class it is so *^*)/)) although she wants to drink blood like always, she can't. The main reason is because she's in a school and she just didn't want to freak people out by drinking a random person's blood. Of course, she can't just say: "Hey what's up? Can I drink your blood?" Yeah..... The answer would be no and in a school it's probably not allowed. Why can't Yami drink animal blood? Animal blood just isn't as thick as human blood. She sighed as she walked through the hallways, controlling herself to not drink blood.

(Currently is Free time)(Also blood for Vamps is supplied at the Nurses.)

Elise walked around and found the Female vampire. "Hey, Im Elise." She introduced her self. Trying to make at least one of the Vamps like her. She smiled and walked amoung side wih her.
LilyannaGaming said:
Logan spun around. "Huh?" He asked confused. His little tornado stopped. He landed perfectly on two feet. He entered the person's mind to figure out what he asked. Only to realize he couldnt. He felt the searing pain in his head. "Wh-a-at? Ho-w-w did you?" he growled holding his head in his hands. "Damn it." He muttered. Once thae pain sudsided. "Who the hell are you? What did you do to my head?" He muttered.
Kira's questioning expression immediatly turned into a more serious one as he felt the boy's attempt at infiltrating his mind. A slight smirk spread across his lips after seeing said person wince in pain, realizing that tricks like that weren't effective against him. "Tsk tsk tsk... You know, it's rude to simply look into someone's thoughts without their consent... Or, try to do so anyway." The boy slyly stated, moving his hand away from the door handle again before shaking his head, heading for the mind reader. "It's a defense mechanism. I'm guessing this was the first time someone actually resisted your telepathic abilities?" Kira was now standing before the student once again, his grin never fading away.

"Anyway... Trust me, you're better off without knowing what's going on in here." He continued, tapping himself at the head. "The name's Kira, by the way."

Aurora walked up to the gates of the school with her hands on her hips and a readied gaze in her eyes. The bells on the ornamental box that held her paintbrush jingled softly as she stepped forwarded. "Holy toledo this place is so nice looking! I am going to have so much to draw." The girl excitedly continued walking forward to try and find the headmaster's room where she could turn in her admittance form and find her dorm room.

She stepped into the hallways but had some trouble locating where to go. She wandered past a couple vampires, several others students chatting and then finally met up with two boys chatting in front of what seemed to be the headmaster's office. She set her luggage to the ground and cleared her throat, "Hi there! Sorry to bother you both but I am looking for the headmaster. I'm new and am desperately trying to get my bearings. If either of you could help." Aurora gave a big smile and hoped that her warming demeanor would merit some kind of response from one of these two.

@LilyannaGaming @BobbyW
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((Oh okay! Thank you!))

First giving a glare at the female who just a talked to Yami. Then it quickly turned back into her usual expession. "Hello Elise. I'm Yami." Yami introduced herself too, in a way that she usually speaks. @LilyannaGaming

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