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Fantasy Guardian Academy For the Gifted.

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Mina smiled. She erased the weapon, but kept the water. "I kinda like my blood and dislike pain. I never got sucked on yet, but I think I dislike that too..."

"Makes you feel any better....I won't hurt unless I make it but why would I hurt someone like you're self?"Ra asked the girl trying to give an innocent look but ended up snickering "Do you want me to show you?"He asked plainly "I haven't drunk anyone's blood for awhile I've been drinking my own...and that doesn't taste good for fill me up."The boy added

@Ami the breadling
"I was joking okay I wasn't going to...not yet unless I'm really hungry."The boy said snickering a bit

@Ami the breadling
Mina drew something. It was a godzilla. She kissed it, she was very scared. A gigantic 40-cm tall monster appeared and let out a squeaky roar.

"Seriously are you that scared of me joking around....annoying."He said while throwing blood spears at the beast that blow up on impact
Mina saw the beast die and erased it. The corpse disappeared. She then looked up at Ra. "I never really saw a vampire, but i was told they were full of bloodlust... And you were creepy all the time.. and then you did all that "kidding"... How can i not be scared? I am a coward all the way! It needs much less to scare me!"
"Gee thanks...only some of vampire are full of bloodlust not all of them."He said while rubbing his eye licking away the blood on his hand "As for me being creepy I don't think I am...just have a different sense of humor compared to you."The boy stated plainly "You might wanna stop being scared...you're in a school full of creatures get use to it and don't be scared okay."Ra added dully

@Ami the breadling
Cicero said:
The boy snickered "Worth a shot right besides if you have my files why do I need to write this stuff down at least I told the truth about me being a vampire right?"He asked plainly "Also keep those files handy you also might wanna make copies I tend to get in trouble a lot for some reason."The boy added smirking turning to Logan "Hey...looks like you're stuck with me for the whole school year."Ra told him snickering a bit "Just to let you know I tend to get hungry at night so heads up never leave you're neck exposed at night...especially if i'm hungry."The vampire told him grinning giving him a dark look @Cicero
The headmaster sighed and shook his head. "This is for students to meet each other. That way they are aware of the creatures here. And don't worry. Your file is sitting on my desk with the rest of the trouble makers. AND DONT THREATEN STUDENTS LIKE THAT, Ra! If you need blood the infirmary supplies it. So no worries." Gabe said taking a seat.

Logan shuddered at Ra's words. The was glad when Mina came over. "I got weapons training, Elemental Magic, Defense against dark arts, and Mythology." he said smiling.
"I wasn't threatening her I wouldn't do that!"He said frowning "Geez can't anyone take a joke once in awhile i'm a vampire of course i'm going to make jokes about drinking people's blood."Ra said before wrapping his arm around Logan's shoulder. "How long do you think it will last until you try and kill me?"The vampire asked snickering a bit before turning to the girl "If it makes you feel safe...highly doubt it of course but if you want you can hang around me if it will make you feel safer then walking around alone....and yes of course I won't drink you're blood bla bla bla whatever else you are scared about."The boy suggested to the girl grinning

@Ami the breadling
Cicero said:
"I wasn't threatening her I wouldn't do that!"He said frowning "Geez can't anyone take a joke once in awhile i'm a vampire of course i'm going to make jokes about drinking people's blood."Ra said before wrapping his arm around Logan's shoulder. "How long do you think it will last until you try and kill me?"The vampire asked snickering a bit before turning to the girl "If it makes you feel safe...highly doubt it of course but if you want you can hang around me if it will make you feel safer then walking around alone....and yes of course I won't drink you're blood bla bla bla whatever else you are scared about."The boy suggested to the girl grinning
@Ami the breadling
Quinn walked into the lobby, wings unfurled. Walking up to her father she smiled. "Hey, dad. Having trouble already?" She said letting out a small chuckle. Looking at the group she smiled. "Hello, Ra, Mina, and I think it was Logan?" She said looking over each student. "Ra, please keep the bad rep. down. Logan, might as well get use to Ra. your stuck with him. Mina, im glad to say I will be your roommate. I am Quinoa Domne. Please call me Quinn." She said sweetly.

Elise flounced into the academy doors. Instantly sensing another Vampire. huffing she turned toward the vamp yet walked to the headmaster. Signing the paper she got her dorm mate. Staying in the lobby she went a little ways from the group. greet. to bad I cant get a good sense on which person it is. She thought instantly ruling out Quinn.

Logan shrugged off Ra. Smirking. "Wont be long Ra. Well, depends." He said. He turned his attention to the new comer who said hello to the headmaster...No, wait, Her Dad?!?!. She was elegant looking and spoke beautifully. He nodded when she said his name and listened to what she said. Well if Ra wouldn't be such a rude guy we could get along. He thought. "Hello Quino...Quinn" He said as she introduced herself.
Ra looked at the person snickering a bit "What a bed rep me....never not yet anyways."He said before stopping and stiffing looking around "Where are you?"Ra asked aloud letting go of Logan walking towards the direction he was being pulled "I know there is another vampire show yourself!"The vampire commanded plainly pulling out his knife cutting his arm and hand making a ball of explosive blood

Elise squeaked. moving sideways. Welp, found out. She thought to her self. Using her heighten speed she appeared behind the Vamp. Trying not to make a sound using her dark magic to cloak her. Anyone could sense the magic's presence due to the fact she could hide it.\

Smiling at Logan as he responded she nodded. Then turned to Ra giggling at his reply. Then looked at him as he left and walked around. She sensed the other vamps presence amoung with the dark magic. Elise. Has to be. She thought to her self. "Ra, calm down." She said smoothly. Using her mind Manipulation, se wasn't strong like her father, but was hoping it would be easy. Fatherr! Help! Sending a message to his mind. He shook his head. and she sighed. @Cicero
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"What do you mean calm down!"He asked while making the blood ball bigger looking around "Where are you?"The boy asked plainly while summoning a small minion to sense out other spell users eventually leading to behind him turning around throwing the ball "Got you now!"Ra stated before jumping back@LilyannaGaming
Cicero said:
"What do you mean calm down!"He asked while making the blood ball bigger looking around "Where are you?"The boy asked plainly while summoning a small minion to sense out other spell users eventually leading to behind him turning around throwing the ball "Got you now!"Ra stated before jumping back@LilyannaGaming
Elise squeaked. Using her mind impusion she tried ordering him to freeze. revealing herself. "Damnit!" She yelled. Remembering his name. "Ra!" Saying his name with authority. Her dark magic forming spears around her. They circled her.

Quinn sailed into the air. Lifting Ra into the air. "STOP!" She yelled at both of them.
"What the hell how do you know my name?" He asked trying to move looking at her "And why are you acting like you have authority over me?"The boy demanded to know before struggling to get free from the air

"I'm guessing. The angel lady just said in in front of me. And I don't have authority over you. just my normal voice." Elise said she walked toward the doors. Her dress flouncing behind her. her spears disaapeared. Nodding before she left. She walked over to a garden and began mumming.

Quinn looked at Ra. "Can you control yourself?" She asked as she landed. Still gripping the boys shoulders. She watched Elise leave. @Cicero
Ra growled at the girl leaving before turning to Quinn "I was in control...I just dislike other vampires that I don't know."He stated calmly while making his blood ball disappear licking the blood on his arm and hand. "Now can you let me go?"Ra asked having a plan to talk to the vampire girl some more

Cicero said:
Ra growled at the girl leaving before turning to Quinn "I was in control...I just dislike other vampires that I don't know."He stated calmly while making his blood ball disappear licking the blood on his arm and hand. "Now can you let me go?"Ra asked having a plan to talk to the vampire girl some more
As long as you don't kill any one, I guess." She said looking at a small red stain on her pure white dress. Sighing, she twisted the cloth to where it wasn't able to be seen. Smiling she released the boy. Don't do anything to piss my father off. Please, Ra. She sent him mentally. She turned, her dress falling behind her, showing scars on lower back. Then slowly walked towards her father and sat beside him.

Logan watched, Curious of the little exchange. But otherwise stood there and Did nothing.

Elise was sitting on a tree surrounded by a few spears. She was wary of the other vamp, but otherwise disengaged in battle. She hated to surrender, but she knew nothing of the newcomer. Smiling to her self she hummed playing with her dark magic.
"I wasn't going to...maybe not yet anyways."The boy stated yawning a bit looking away his eyes watching her walk away seeing the scars "Dammit....headmaster I thought you were suppose to be nice to your students...especially your daughter that prick"He said before getting up seeing Logan "Hey you're coming with me whether you like it or not I need someone encase me and the other vampire try to kill each other again."The vampire said before walking out looking around for the other vampire

Cicero said:
"I wasn't going to...maybe not yet anyways."The boy stated yawning a bit looking away his eyes watching her walk away seeing the scars "Dammit....headmaster I thought you were suppose to be nice to your students...especially your daughter that prick"He said before getting up seeing Logan "Hey you're coming with me whether you like it or not I need someone encase me and the other vampire try to kill each other again."The vampire said before walking out looking around for the other vampire
The headmaster did not hear Ra's words. Instead he was watching his daughter. "You handled that well. Next time let them fight it out." He said sighing. Quinn ignored this and shook her head. Putting her mental barriers up.

Logan followed the boy out of curiosity. "Why me? Its not like I can really do anything. " He said. He looked up at a tree where he felt magic presense. "There." He said in a small voice.

Elise instectively scrambled towards the top of the tree spears dangling outside the limbs. She watched the two carefully. fighting her intict to fight them. he squeazed as far as she could up the tree. Almost falling. She shrieked. Then growled at her mistake.
Matt was late. He could see the school now. In his hands he held his registration papers, the ones he forgot to turn in that had all of his records and his info. Of course, he lied on them about who he really was and what he could do. But his mom talked to the headmaster beforehand and they established that his identity would remain secret. With his bags dragging behind him, he finally made it to the school, panting.

Matt ran up to the headmaster with his papers, "Sorry for being late sir," he stammered, our of breath, "transportation issues." He handed the headmaster his papers. @LilyannaGaming
"That's why you managed to find the girl easily."He told him looking at the tree he pointed to walking towards it before seeing the spears a bit then hearing a shriek making him snicker "Man what a great vampire you can't even hide in a tree without failing."Ra told the girl hearing where the noise came from biting his thumb and index finger until blood came out forming them into bullets appear from his thumb and finger taking places around him aiming them at the girl "Now come out before I shoot you...."The boy demanded dully rubbing his eye with the other hand grinning

Foundry said:
Matt was late. He could see the school now. In his hands he held his registration papers, the ones he forgot to turn in that had all of his records and his info. Of course, he lied on them about who he really was and what he could do. But his mom talked to the headmaster beforehand and they established that his identity would remain secret. With his bags dragging behind him, he finally made it to the school, panting.
Matt ran up to the headmaster with his papers, "Sorry for being late sir," he stammered, our of breath, "transportation issues." He handed the headmaster his papers. @LilyannaGaming
The Headmaster nodded. He understood and recognized the kid immediately. He smiled. Quinn sighed. "Hello, I'm Quinoa Domne. This is my Father and headmaster Gabriel. But call me Quinn." Se said before taking the papers and setting them in a folder. Smiling she looked at the boy. "Matt is it?" Se asked politely.

Cicero said:
"That's why you managed to find the girl easily."He told him looking at the tree he pointed to walking towards it before seeing the spears a bit then hearing a shriek making him snicker "Man what a great vampire you can't even hide in a tree without failing."Ra told the girl hearing where the noise came from biting his thumb and index finger until blood came out forming them into bullets appear from his thumb and finger taking places around him aiming them at the girl "Now come out before I shoot you...."The boy demanded dully rubbing his eye with the other hand grinning
Sighing Elise lept from the tree. Hissing. "If I wasn't in a hurry and was focused I wouldn't have fallen. What do you what?!!?" She screeched. Annoyed. She turned to Logan, "Immortal, had to rat me out." She rolled her eyes.

Logan lifted her in the air with his wind. "how did you know what I am?" He said calmly.
Matt politely smiled back, "It is," he said, "Nice to meet you Quinn." He looked at the chaos that was happening with the blood boy, "So... What's happened?"


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