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Realistic or Modern Grove Academy [No More Spaces Till Later]



Welcome To Your Grave

This is a little place we like to call "Grove Academy."


Here at Grove Academy Boarding School you'll be turned into the best person possible.

Here You Will Be Appreciated

Nobody will make fun of you here.

Everyone will love you.

Find friends, find hope, find peace, find great education.

Here You'll Have Fun

There's always stuff planned here at Grove Academy.

There's swimming, golfing, soccer, and many other organized activities.

Only the best for our amazing students.

Here You'll Find You

Here there's over one hundred counted clubs here to find yourself.

There's many job options to help you when you're not in class.

There's of course, College - Greet + Meets.

Why Don't You Join Today?

Call 1-815-8723-3483

Or Email Headmistress Jennings at GroveAcademyBoardingSchool@gmail.com


Everything here is perfect.... maybe a little TOO perfect.


Hey guys! Chloe here- and this is my first advanced Role Play I've posted, and I want it to go perfect- well, as close to perfect as we can get.

If you're interested please pm (start a conservation) with me telling me that you're interested. I'll then give you a little task, and if you do it right, you can fill out the character field. Please no anime for pictures.

So- what do you have to do?

1.) Read This.

2.) PM (You know, start a conversation) with me and I'll ask you a few questions and you'll do a little task.

3.) Once I approve you, you can fill out the form on the Character Sign-Up page.


READ THIS- "Rules."

1.) DON'T start role playing until I approve you - and once we get all the first semester characters filled out we'll begin. So be patient.

2.) No playing God. You're not God, if someone punches you- you can't duck it multiple times.

3.) Romance scenes are okay- but black out before it gets too advanced.

4.) If you don't post anything in a week you'll get a warning, and if you wait another five days you're out. (Please PM me or tell me in the out of character chat if you know you're going to be away.)

5.) Hate the character - not the player.

6.) As you know if you PM me I'll tell you the plot - and don't try changing the plot or else you'll be kicked out from this role play.

Okay! Thanks. Please follow the steps I've constructed for you.


Me @ThisUserIsBlocked As Chloe Martins and Matthew Adams

@oOBubblesOo As Olivia Green and Mason Park

@Retghauls As Darkan and Manuel

@LittleWolfie As Addison Jackaby and Aidan Jackaby

@Hell0NHighWater As Rosyln Eiker and Axel Eiker

@nynja As Susannah Sauveterre and Anderson Sauveterre

@Nat As Jack Bonaire and Michelle Harlington
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Chloe straightened out her plaid skirt. She hated plaid- but it was instructed by the headmistress that the students had to wear plaid or khakis with a white top and plaid tie. Hasn't this been done before in movies? The small blonde girl shook the thoughts out. It couldn't possibly be like a movie. She knew better. This was hard cold reality. Nothing like the movies.

Slowly walking up the entrance steps, she looked around and it was visible that she was early. Well, for the new students at least. Lines of returning students walked perfectly into the school by her side. Chloe wasn't exaggerating. They were perfect. From every strand of hair to the way the walked sync in the line. Watching them in awe, she stumbled over the top step, almost falling but she caught herself. Taking a deep breath, she walked into the brick mansion.

Standing in front of her was a tall brunette woman with barely any wrinkles. "You must be a new student." She grinned happily, guiding Chloe into the boarding school. Pointing to a room lined among the huge ball-room-like area, she motioned Chloe ahead. "That room, sweetie. There's another boy in there already, but more people will be coming and joining in."

Nodding, Chloe walked past her and opened the painted wooden door, blinking at the room. Multiple empty chairs where lined along the walls, very few scattered in bunches in the middle of the room. Tables lined by every six seats. There, in one of the bunched chairs sat a boy with brown hair who had his hands on one of the tables. Looking up slowly, he noticed Chloe, and nodded his head.

"New kid?" He guessed correctly. Nodding, she scurried over to another one of the tables across from his. "Seriously- you're the only one I've seen that's imperfect in this school!"

Knowing that it wasn't supposed to be an insult, she nodded. "Yeah, everyone here is perfect. Creepy." She agreed, nodding, putting down her bag at the edge of her seat.
Darkan was really nervous. Why did he had to take Manuel to his first day of the boarding school. Of course he loved Manuel, they're best friends, but that boy didn't have any respect towards others. "There you are!" He shouted when he saw the tall boy walking towards him. Noticing that he didn't wear the uniform they were assigned to. "Dude, I know you don't like rules. But please do this for me? I don't want to have a bad impression towards the teachers just because I'm friends with you."

"Yeah yeah alright. Tomorrow I will wear the uniform." Manuel said irritated. He really didn't want to go to this school, not at all! Although he was pretty happy that he didn't had to face this adventure on his own. Darkan was a little brother to him if anyone would make fun of him or even gave him a filthy glance they will have to deal with his fists. "Common let's go inside. Before we are to late and have the ugliest room." He took Darkan by the arm and guided them into the building.

A tall woman stood in front of the boys. "You must be Manuel. They said you wouldn't like the uniform. I hope you aren't going to make to much trouble here. Follow me." The woman headed towards a ball-room. "You can wait here."

Darkan looked around in the room, he was suprised of how big it was here. "You're going to have enough space to be a jerk around here." He laughed at Manuel an poked between his rips. "Shut up." The taller boy responded. He saw that there was another boy and girl in the room. "Hi. So you guys are probably new to. I'm Darkan and this is Manuel. But don't mind him he doesn't really like new people." Darkan said smiling softly at the teens in front of him.

Manuel didn't like anything of this crap. He didn't understand why Darkan was so excited, he was like a puppy, everything that's new he would wiggle his tail at. Manuel shook his head getting out of the thoughts. He looked away when Darkan introduced the boy. He wasn't here to make "friends" He wasn't here for any reason at all actually.
Chloe turned around, and stood up. "Hi Darkan, Manuel." She pulled her hair behind her ear noticing Manuel wasn't wearing his assigned outfit. Laughing a little, she walked over to both of them. "Good thing I'm not the only who hated the outfit." She turned to Darkan and shook his hand.

"Hey. The name's Chloe." She did a small bow but nothing too big. Matthew, not bothering to get up just turned his head slightly looking at the new people emerging into the room.

"Matt!" He hollered, turning back around. Not looking back once at Matt, Chloe looked at the chairs.

"Hey- did you realize the weird way people walked out there?" Chloe questioned wanting to make sure Matthew and her weren't seeing stuff. "Matt saw them, too."

She rubbed her neck nervously. Chloe didn't like perfection. It was too much of a stress to worry about such things. Things like that really pressed her buttons, but somehow she kept it all contained in her tiny body. At the time she just found such things... odd.
Michelle had stood before the mirror in her cousins home, now her home, staring at the reflection in fright. The uniform with its skirt did not do well in covering all that she was insecure about, and the tie made her feel like she was suffocating. Her hands had been shivering, a leather bag strapped over her shoulder, her mothers, and she had waited patiently for her cousin. One of the few she trusted in the world.

Jack came down the stairs, a white backpack on his back, when he saw his cousin, seeing the trembling girl reminded him far too much off how it had been to visit her. So with steps much longer than how she could walk, he stepped over to her, his arm over her shoulder, and bent down until they were the same height, her with her 4'8", against his 6ft. "Hey, you'll get through this" He whispered, brushing a blonde curl away from her face.

It was almost like he was her older brother. It had always been like that. Whenever he was around, she would follow him, her hand in his, always a step behind, always looking behind herself, making sure her father was not angry. And that was very much how they looked as they approached the woman with brown hair. She certainly seemed like she was the woman with knowledge at the school. So when she was back by the gates,

"Another pair of new students?" She smiled, though Michelle seemed frightned, clinging to her cousins jacket.

"Follow me" She said after Jack had replied to her with a nod, and they so did, before being directed to a ball-room, Michelle being pulled beside Jack as they entered the room.

It was almost like a deer against a car. She could handle it, but she was terrified, especially as she saw the majority of the people currently present were males. "Jack!" she whimpered, clinging closer to him. Yet he could not do anything about it. There was no way changing his cousin.

"Hi, Jack and Michelle here" He greeted them, leading Michelle over to one of the tables by the end of the room, and sat down the table next to her. "So, you guys know anything about when any lessons start or?" He then asked, trying to not reach out and take hold of Michelle's hand as she sat there, scratching the inside of her palm.
Chloe watched as even more people flooded into the huge room. She cautiously watched them all as if she was trying to observe something. "All new?" She knew the answer, but there was something inside of her that couldn't help but ask. The question just escaped from her mouth. No gates to hold it back in.

Matt stayed in his chair watching Jack and Michelle. He knew this was going to sound rude, but the curiosity was killing him. "Family or Dating?" He yelped from the other side of the room. His brown eyes followed as they squirmed in their seats. He could tell that the girl was nervous, and he couldn't blame her. The pressure was high coming into a new academy.

Without knowing it, his eyes drifted over to Chloe. So far they were the only solo newbies. Didn't know anyone yet. He cussed under his breath at the luck of him becoming an outcast easily. He'd be alone. No one to support him or tell him that it was going to be 'okay, now chill, dude.' Matt tucked into his seat, sighing.

Meanwhile, Chloe finally sat down at an empty table, not wanting to pressure anyone that already had someone they were going to sit with. Dramatically, she sighed, fiddling her thumbs. Finally responding to Jack, she dipped her head in response. "I have no idea. I was just told to come and sit in here and wait for the people to arrive."
Manuel wasn't amused by the girl and just walked away and sat down on a chair as far away as possible from the others. "Don't take it personal." He said to the people who just walked in to the room. "He's a bit of an ass if you don't know him." He whispered to the others and laughed. "But he's a great guy." Darkan looked at the new girl. "Don't be scared we don't bite." He said smiling softly, knowing how hard it is to fit in in a new group.

Manuel just looked at how Darkan talked to the others. I will let him do the talkey talkey and then we can get out of here. He thought to himself. "Hey Darkan! When are the room assignments?!" He shouted at the boy. He saw him pulling up his shoulders being busy with the new people. Ugh disgusting. He took his notebook out of his backpack, making sure no one was looking and took a pencil.

"I'm sorry I forgot to mention my name. I'm Darkan." He said to the new guests. "I also don't know anything about the schedules. I think they will tell abou that soon enough." He looked at Chloe, she looked like every girl I guess, sweet and innocent. But they never were.
Michelle stared at the boy who had spoken. Dating!? Just the idea of being with anyone in that sort of sense sent a shudder through her body, and she pulled her legs up under her. She knew Jack would answer for them, so she remained quiet. Very quiet, though a small yawn escaped her, just covered with her hand. She needed more sleep, she just could not get it.

Jack shook his head to the boy. "We're family. She's my cousin, but because of family situation, she's more like my sister." Well, saying they were more like brother and sister could potentially help in case any guy decided to get a bit too close to Michelle. That girl didn't really know how to say no after all, if anyone forced her to anything.

So darkan was the name of the blonde guy. "Well, then both your buddy and Michelle has something in common. They don't like people, so don't be offended if she doesn't talk a lot. Just... Some of us have a story that ruins a bit of our ability to approach new people" that was probaly the easiest way to explain it. After all, it was not just daisies and sunshine in her past.
"Pleasure." Chloe smiled halfheartedly. She was a teacher's pet and hated when people didn't like her. "I don't anything about schedules either. Probably Headmistress Jennings will hand them out." Her eyes followed over to Michelle and Jack. She gave them a small smile. Her goal was to befriend everyone, and nothing would stop her. She'd kill herself before someone hate her. Chloe had her heart set to it.

Matthew looked away from all people. He was going to get a migraine with all the talking going on. Getting up, he treated himself to the corner. He didn't care if they made fun of him, or thought he was crazy. Matthew was alone - and frankly, at this moment he didn't care. Finding the corner, she slouched down, landing on his butt, spreading out his legs. Undoing his tie, he took a deep breath.

Scrambling through his pocked he found a lighter and a cigar, and started to light it. Breathing into it, he started to wind down. The stress was lowering with every breath he took. Before he knew it, the smoke blocked out all of the other kids. Just him and his fog. Matt knew his father would kill him if he didn't become popular.

He had to be the "it" the it jock. But this year he didn't want to be. In fact, he never wanted to be. He heard Jack talking to him, so he used a hand motion to get the smoke out of his way. "Only family?" He breathed. "Ah. I see."
Addison threw her arms round her brother's shoulders as they headed through the gates, bypassing the staff with a tactical ease that she perfected before the summer. Safe to say they didn't like her much at all since she was the resident troublemaker but she didn't want Aiden to immediately be judged based on how she behaved, it wasn't fair on him.

"Hey Addi, how do you know where to go?" Aiden asked curiously, wondering why they hadn't gone to talk to the woman everyone else had spoken to, or joined the line of clearly returning students. He was nervous enough without knowing what his sister was doing he really was. She was the confident one after all, not him.

"Because I've already been here before the summer, you were just too young to come when Ash first sent me here but now you're here as well so I have to take you to where all the other new kids go" Addison replied, ruffling his hair as they headed inside the building. "And there's no need to be nervous, this place isn't that bad Aiden, you get used to it" In fact it was way too close to perfect but then her brother would fit right in here the golden boy that he was. There was a reason Ash hadn't waited to ship them off together, he'd just wanted rid of her and her troublesome ways.

Aiden smiled as they walked into a room which seemed to contain the other new kids, maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all since he wasn't joining on his own right?
Manuel began to write a new poem again, he was really ashamed of liking these kind of things but if it calmed him down then he could use it. He looked over at the kids and wrote his heart out on the paper. How he felt about this, how he didn't want Darkan to have new friends and that he really wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. He was totally unaware of the others that were in the room now.

"There's nothing wrong with that."Darkan said while nodding to Jack. Thinking about how it came that Manuel didn't talk to people, he kind of understood him. He didn't blame his friend for being so anti-social. "So are you good at anything?" He asked Jack, wanting to now a bit more about his fellow students.

Manuel smelled the cigarette and couldn't hold himself to light one too. Slowly inhaling the chemicals and enjoying every minute of it, he laughed a bit to himself. He put away the notebook and looked over at the new people who arrived.
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Jack looked over to michelle, who was covering her nose with the tie. Oh dear, she really would be hating it at this school. Especially if more than just one of them smoked. Yet, he could see she didn't want to do anything about it, and let it be with that. She could just give him a sign if there was anything.

"I play the piano relatively well, while Michelle draws and cooks" he glanced over to the blonde girl, with a soft smile. It was some of the few things she expressed herself through. "What about yourself?"

Though he smiled to the two new kids who walked in too. "Hello, and welcome to the rest who do not know what we are doing"
Noticing all the talking Chloe smiled a little. Unsure whether Jack was talking to her or not, she just looked down. "Cooking's cool." She finally said, nodding. Not sure whether to go on or not.

Matthew hated all this talking. Everybody over looked him. But it didn't matter. Better than yelling at him. His eyes came upon... Manuel was his name? He watched as he, too, lit a cigarette. Observing him, he saw that he wasn't wearing any uniform. At first look, Matthew could have easily stereotyped him to be a loner, but when he pulled out a notebook, he was surprised. It was a nice little twist, he thought.

As the light in his cigar went out, Matt lit it again, taking another relaxed breath.
Aiden smiled and ducked out from under his sister's arm, wanting to seem like his own person. These people didn't seem so bad though. This could be an alright place to be after all it would seem, he didn't get why his sister hated it so much. Yes she may not have told him that but it was clear from the subtext.

"Well technically he's the only one who doesn't know what he's doing but yeah" Addison replied with a slight smirk as she pointed loosely at Aiden. "I've already been here before the summer but for my brother this is all new." she added, noticing all but one of them had perfect uniform on like her brother, shame she didn't too. Her tie was way too loose and too short and the skirt had a few extra additions in the form of a few metal buttony-stud-thingys on in various places. Addison was all about individuality but apparently this school was not so she just tried to not get caught, not that getting caught would bother her much. "I'm Addison by the way and this here is Aiden"

Aiden gave a small wave as he ran his hand through his hair nervously. Lots of new people it seemed but he guessed he would just have to get used to that one.
"I master the violin pretty good." He said proudly, it was the only thing he actually was proud of. Darkan was really hard towards himself, always trying to change himself. He smiled at the new students. "Hi take a seat." He said while looking at the chairs next to them. "How long have you been playing the piano?" He asked to the boy, he was happy that this guy might be someone who's as interested in music as he did.

Manuel saw in the corner of his eyes that Matthew looked at him. He didn't like it when people stared at him and normally he would say something about it. But he let it go this time, not wanting to have any trouble and hey, maybe Matthew was a great guy who could handle a jerk like him.

As he blow out some smoke out of his mouth he smiled to himself satisfied that everyone left him alone.
Matthew watched Manuel for a few seconds wondering whether or not to talk to him, but in the end he decided against it. He puffed his cigar, putting it down. "Don't hate me for talking. Cause trust me. I understand if you don't want to talk." He breathed.

"Nice to meet you Addison, and you, too, Aiden." Chloe said silently not wanting to cross anything. Nobody hear wanted friends. And if they did, they didn't want to friend her. She outlined her arm with her finger picturing for a moment what would it would be like to be a loner. If she didn't think about it, she started to wonder that she'd be a loner soon. Nobody liked the perky girl. Chloe sighed, shuffling in her chair. It hurt her to think she wasn't going to talk, but she forced herself to get through it. Biting her lip, she started to count the minutes she wouldn't talk.

Before long she turned it into a game. One minute.... Two minutes... three minutes... Smiling to herself she decided that the best thing she could do was befriend herself. All the chattering around her only fueled her to be quiet for even longer.
"Hey Addison and Aiden" Jack smiled to the two, giving them a nod in greetings. Nothing wrong with just saying hi to all the new ones, though Michelle didn't feel like talking. Quite the opposite, she had pulled out a block of papers from her bag, together with a pencil, and had started drawing, though she wouldn't show Jack what it was yet.

"Around 11 years I think?" Jack answered Darkan with a shrug, a little bit unsure. He had started playing before the twins were born. he had started around the age they were now. He had even tried dragging Michelle with him when they got older, but it hadn't worked. So it had just been him, and the piano. At least there was another music player at this school. Maybe there was a music club too?

Michelle eventually reached out, poking Jack in the shoulder with her pen, pointing at the blonde girl who wasn't talking, before she made a motion as if to say brush hair out of the face. Then, he caught a glimpt of the drawing. She was certainly drawing a person. "Excuse me, miss?" He spoke out to the blonde, looking directly at Chloe. "I'm going to sound like a douche now, but would you mind just brushing the strand of hair out of your face? Michelle's trying to draw you, and it fell in the way"
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Chloe looked up, and brushed her hair out of her face. She smiled to show it was okay. ...Six. She looked up, unsure whether to talk or not. Eventually, her perky side poked out ruining her game. "No, it's okay. And me?" Chloe wondered why they'd decided to draw her, but she gave a small smile. "Hi, I'm Chloe." She said, her eyes shifting back and forth between Michelle and Jack.
"And who might you be?" Aiden asked politely of the girl who'd spoken to them, walking towards her slightly before pausing. She seemed like a nice enough girl she really did. Then it seemed someone beat him to asking who she was and he stepped back again, feeling slightly awkward now.

Addison smiled as her brother stepped forward, he needed to make his own way after all. As much as she wished she could do it for his=m that was however. She herself, decided to step out of the way and leant against one of the walls. It wasn't her need to make friends, she seemed to do fine without any so far right?
Michelle nodded quickly to Jack, who returned his attention to the newcomers, and Darkan again. It was so much easier for him when Michelle managed to find someone else to talk to. After all, she didn't talk to a lot of people.

Michelle changed the way she sat sligtly, the paper on the desk, and the pencil moving quickly against the paper, as she occasionally looked at the girl. The other boy who tried talking to Chloe gave her a little fright, but as long as she remained quiet, nothing bad would happen, right?
Chloe's attention shifted back to Aiden, and she gave him a smile. "Chloe." She introduced herself, sending him a kind smile. He seemed like a nice boy, but a little uncertain. "Welcome." She said once more, pulling a seat by her out. But almost immediately she felt like that was too big of a gesture for someone she had just met. Looking back at Michelle. Smiling like she always tried to, she looked at the paper. By the way she scribbled in, Chloe could tell she enjoyed drawing. Her attention was wrapped around the pencil and paper.
After his smiled had faltered for a moment, it returned to Aiden's face when Chloe pulled the chair out. Walking over, he sat down carefully facing her. "Sorry, my sister's usually the confident one, not me" Aiden said with a slight shake of his head, his eyes roaming slightly, not quite sure where to look. Glancing down, his thumbs started twizzling around themselves as his fingers interlocked.
"It's okay." Chloe gave him a reassuring smile. "Your sister sounds amazing." Searching around for her, Chloe found Addison leaning against the side wall, watching them. "Want to sit here, too?" She asked the girl, inviting her to sit down as well. Getting out a notebook Chloe wrote down the date and time from the clock on the wall by Addison.

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