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Fantasy Griffin Valley


One Thousand Club
Hello to all, and welcome to Griffin Valley. As you can tell from the name, griffins dwell in the secluded mountain range of "Griffin Valley." This mystical place is hidden from humans, enchanted so whenever the occasional hiker comes across the slopes, they suddenly remember they have someplace to be. //Wink wink// Griffin valley is peaceful. There is bountiful game, clear streams and small ponds, and plenty of nooks and crannies that the Griffin Tribe of the mountains call home. But there is (of course) an enemy. As strong (if not stronger) than Griffins. They are known as Hippogriffs, a species of half horse half eagle. They are the mortal enemies of the half lion half eagle Griffins.

While Griffin Valley is basked in the gold light of the sun, the Hippogriff Vale is shrouded in the grey, pale light of the moon. The Vale has a similar enchantment as the Valley. The two hybrid species are locked in war against each other, wanting control of the Eclipse. With the Hippogriffs in control of the moon, and the Griffins in control of the Sun, whichever side wins on the night of an Eclipse will have control of both elements. This eventually casues the other to return to their "regular form." (Ex.: Hippogriff=Horse+Eagle. If the Griffins win, the Hippogriffs will either become a horse or eagle, losing their mystical powers.)

The only problem is, there hasn't been an Eclipse for the past 700 years. The shamans of each Tribe fortell the next and final Eclipse is fast approaching. Whoever wins on this night will become the rulers of the Moon and Sun forever, while the other Tribe will be stripped of their magical powers and cast away into the natural world.

It is up to you to decide which tribe will win. Will you join the Hippogriff Tribe? Or the Griffins?
Panreth shook her large ruff of feathers from the early mountain dew that always hung in the air of the Valley. Squeezing out of the tunnel that led to her small cave, the half-hawk-half-lioness hybrid stretched out her wings, letting them dry in the sunrise. She sat on the edge of a large crevice. Her cave was small and was close to the camp. Lifting off, she flew up and out of the ravine and towards the clearing of the Tribe's camp. Landing lightly on the soft mossy ground, she breathed in deeply and looked around at the bustling Tribe.
Rose sat in her empty field she was always here and never left only for when there was something going on. She huffed quietly into the misty air, fog blowing into her head feathers. Blinking coldly while stares at ground, she slid her claws forward slowly, laying down and shaking long feathers only neck and shoulders. Expanding her wings to stretch them out, folding them back down onto body. Placing head down onto talons.-
Wain sat on a tall outcropping of rock, his large owl-eyes taking in the grey sky, dark rocks and scrubby plants that dotted the Vale's landscape. His disk-shaped head swiveled around, scooping up sounds from across the fields. Shifting his smoky grey wings more comfortably over his back, Wain stood up and gave a soft hoot, taking to the dead air with several heavy flaps of his wings. He flew slowly across the foggy terrain that had no effect on his owl-eyesight.
Glances up from the ground, seeing the figure fly across the plains, growls a little softly and stands up. Stretching out large wings, yawning softly and folding back down on spine. Walking around the soft, grassy terrain. Her eyes, skipped up to the sky softly seeing heavy clouds cover dim sky.
Wain caught something making slight movements on the lifeless plain below. Flying a little lower below the fog, he tilted his head this way and that, following the steady breathing of what sounded like another Hippogriff. Spotting the other creature, a dark female, he tipped his wings towards the ground and landed heavily a few meters away, his lower-horse-half's hooves pawing gently at the dense soil.

Appoa strode anxiously around the camp, stopping to ask a wandering Griffin here or there if they needed something. He was met with the same awkward looks and muttered no's. He was often told he worried to much, and that he had the support of his Tribemates. No matter how often he was soothed, Appoa always felt as if he wasn't doing enough. Lifting his ears, the young Chief hurried over to a hunter, Panreth.

"Hey, Panreth, do you need anything? Do you want to go on a patrol? I can arrange it if you'd like.. Wait, nevermind, I think I just sent one out.. You can- erm-"

He quickly bit his tongue and shuffled his wing feathers awkwardly.

Panreth stopped suddenly as the familiar voice of the Tribe Leader assaulted her ears in a turret of questions. Jumping back slightly, Panreth's lion-like tail whipped back and forth in irritation. Flattening her ears in annoyance, she rolled her eyes and grumbled,

"I'm fine, really. I was about to go hunting on my own.." She narrowed her eyes. "If that's alright with you?"

@Carl Poppa
Looks up at the hippogriff as it lands a few paces away. Shakes wings out which had risen slightly in defense expecting anther creature. Not many other hippogriffs game to this area as often as she did. Folds wings back down to sides, and shifts against the soil under her feet. Shakes head feathers out as well for they had stood on end. Sniffing the hippogriff while did. Muscles start to ease as recognizes the creatures scent.- Greetings Wain. -Mutters, dipping head a little bit, not drawing eyes away from.-
Wain gave her a curt nod. "Hello," He said tersely. He glanced around at the surrounding terrain. It looked pretty deserted, besides a shallow grey lake in the distance. Returning his gaze to hers he dipped his head quickly, his grey-haired tail flicking lightly. "Do you come here often? Or are you lost?" Though he doubted she could lose herself out here, it was a far ways away from camp, it looked as though no one had ever been here.

Yawns softly, and stretching out back. Gaze flicking up when hears him speak. Stands straight, and shaking feathers out and scratching at the ground softly with talons.- I come here often, to get away from everything. Mostly the tribe, to much drama there. -Mutters, feathers fluffing up a little bit as thinks of the continuous drama and scenes happening in the camp.-

@I Am Not A Wolf
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Wain straightened slightly, raising his wings off his back and feeling the cool breeze filter through the feathers. Blinking slowly he nodded. "I understand.. Sometimes I feel the same way. But.." He trailed off, staring into the distance for a few seconds. "The Griffins are weak. We have to take them by surprise, and no one is agreeing when or how." Turning his head back towards her he angled his ears to her. "I'm not gonna get into it, so the best thing to do it wait."

With that he sat back down, slouching his wings and heaving a heavy sigh.

Nods a little bit, lowering head to claws, scratching softly at beak before shaking head feathers out and raising head back up. Ears go up hearing the faint crunching of leaves, turns head a little bit to see a small rabbit hop up to. Looking down to it, smiles softly and rubs beak against his chest gently. Loving to see nature welcome self into it's home.-

@I Am Not A Wolf
His eyes dilated quickly as he saw the rabbit hop up. He tilted his head, his disk-shaped face scooping up the sounds of the creature's tiny heartbeat. Shaking himself, he rose a talon to scratch his chest feathers, one or two molting off and drifting lazily to the dirt beneath him. Grunting in annoyance, he quickly swept them aside with a wing-tip. "Of course, I have to start molting now.." He grumbled, mostly to himself.

Looks up at him, looking at the feathers on the ground. Smirking a little bit and laughing softly.- One of the pains of being half bird ey? -Shakes feathers out, nudging the rabbit away softly with beak before looking around. Gaping jaws open into a large yawn.-

@I Am Not A Wolf
Nods and snorts. "Yeah, I suppose." He glanced at her out of the corner of his vision, blinking slowly before turning his head almost all the way around to gaze back at the way he came. The spikes of rock that surrounded the camp were slightly visible through the misty landscape. Flipping his head back the right way, he shuffled his front talons awkwardly.

Looks at him, shifting talons forward to lay down on stomach. Folding wings down against sides to keep warm as a cold breeze blows against thin-furred horse half. Looks at the ground before shaking head and neck feathers, huffing quietly in boredom.-

@I Am Not A Wolf
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Wain looks down at her and snorts in amusement. He also lowers himself onto the ground, poking her with a talon and rolling across the dirt, leaving feathers in his wake. Jumping up, laughter lit his eyes and he hooted, "C'mon, let's go explore." He was away from camp for the time being, so he may as well have made the most of it.

Smirks a little bit and shrugs a little as stands back up. Looking at him and shifting wings. As looks the plains, then the sky.- Where to? -Tilts head to side. Lowering head and rubbing beak and eye with talon. Starting to pace forward.-

@I Am Not A Wolf
"Hmm." His gaze wandered the flat terrain until they locked on the distant lake. He looked back at her, raising a talon and pointing in that direction. "Thata way?" He planted his foot heavily back on the ground and tilted his head questioningly at her.

Shrugs shoulders a little bit, as starts to pace forward.- Sure. -Gets a challenging twinkle in eye as bolts forward.- Race you there. -Feathers fluffing up playfully.-
Appoa lowered his ears and nodded. "Yeah, sorry... I just-" He rubbed the back of his neck with a sharp clawed talon. "Sorry." He flicked his lion-tail, he ear slightly perking again. "Hey, I could come with you! Hunting I mean, If you wanted, er.."

Panreth snorted in amusement. "Sure, we can go hunting. Don't ask me, oh wise and powerful leader." She mocked, rolling her eyes and striding towards the take-off cliff. Turning her head back, she waited for him to follow.

@Carl Poppa
With a embarrassed grumble, Appoa followed her quickly to the cliff and rose his wings, taking off quickly in two swift flaps of his great golden wings. He flew out, a slight breeze ruffling the mane of feathers around his neck. His tail whipping below him, he turned and hovered midair, waiting for the hunter to follow.

Gheesh had recently awoken from a nap and was parched,he looked around the area he was in and spotted a pond.He lumbered over and dunked his face into the water waking himself up and also got his beak full of water to drink."Peace...and quiet." he said opening his wings as he stretched before he started running and jumped into the air into a breeze giving him enough to lift off and slowly fly up to scout for something to eat.

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