Grey Key Academy



An example of the Character Sheet:








Dude or Dudette(I'm sorry, I just had to)



(Minimum 1, Maximum 4)

Angels would have healing, or something along the lines of heavenly, as well as heightened senses.

Demons would have something related to fire or dark energy, as well as heightened senses

Vampires would mainly have heightened senses and perhaps psychic powers

Werewolves would have great strength, speed, and could obviously transform, though it is rare for one to have connections when it comes to energy.





1st Hour-

2nd Hour-

3rd Hour-


Remember, two Basic Educations, three Supernatural Classes, and two Electives.


Rika's Character


Gabriel Crow


Year 1





1-Gabriel has the ability to sense certain emotions and atmospheres around her

2-Gabriel can see glimpses in the future and past, but only for a brief amount of time, say, 10 seconds

3-Gabriel has great hearing and speed, but lacks in strength and sight.


Gabriel could be described as strange from most point of views. She is very mysterious and always does everything for a reason, and will honestly explain the reason if asked. She remains calm in every situation she is in, and is quite different from the rest of her species. Often times it is very hard to tell whether she is your friend or enemy, but, surprisingly, is quite popular around the Academy. She gives advice, and is even seen as a younger sister from the upper classmen. Gabriel is witty, and enjoys a good mind game, and has quite a sharp mind about her as well. She acts as a child oftentimes, and even carries around a stuffed rabbit in her bag. Overall, when first approached, she seems calm, but in high spirits, and yet, strange and mysterious at the same time. It is rumored that she is one of the deadlier of the demon house, however. And everyone knows to every rumor, there is always a truth.


To Be Revealed


1st Hour-Algebra I

2nd Hour-Technique I

3rd Hour-Control I

4th Hour -English I


5th Hour-Art

6th Hour-Species History

7th Hour-Cooking


Gabriel has deep scars on her hands, and has a Russian accent.

Also, there is four people to every dorm with two bunk beds, two desks, two bathrooms, two closets, a large mirror, plenty of living space. It is prohibited for different species to live in the same room together. I've made a list of roomies as well:


Angel House

1-Sidara Chisolm-Year 4

2-Morella Desrosier-Year 1



Demon House

1-Laeyra Crowe-Year 3

2-Gabriel Crow-Year 1

3-Freya Sparks


Vampire House

1-Merideth Nethern-Year 3

2-Arielle Kim-Year 4

3-Karrie Borne-Year 3


Werewolf House

1-Mei Oakshield

2-Ravan Coleman



Angel House

1-Alexi Mortmirror-Year 2

2-Tennin Royal-Year 2



Demon House

1-Dante Abaddon-Year 4

2-Adder Yang



Vampire House

1-Jasper Solomon-Year 3




Werewolf House

1-Asher Summers-Year 4

2-Faolan-Year 3


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Of course! :3 We'd be glad to have you. A spot has your name on it, my friend!


You too~ <3 Can't wait to see your characters.



Merideth Nethern










Enhanced hearing

- Possesses clairvoyant abilities


Merideth is a very quiet and reserved person. She highly lacks emotion and it is extremely rare to see her show any. Being a very soft-spoken girl, Merideth doesn't let much bother her and she doesn't mind being bossed around; quite frankly she is used to it. Some would think she is mute because she can go for so long without the need to talk but Merideth does surprise others when she does speak; she usually says the weirdest/strangest things when she decides to speak. Basically, Merideth is a very mundane and emotionless girl who likes to keep to herself at all times.


((May add this in later))


Algebra II

English III

Technique III

Species History III


Control III

German Language-Learning



She carries around a parasol outside when the sun is up

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  • large.jpg

    You see that~? That's me~

Hellooo~ This is honestly really interesting~ <3 Waitin' for the application to hopefully get approved. xD I feel so tired. Bleh. Suckish character sheet, I know. D: Sorryyyy!
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Laeyra Crowe










She has heightened senses, as well as the power to control and manipulate shadows and darkness. She also has enhanced athletic skills and agility. She is currently developing her earth manipulation skills, however it is still not as adept as her darkness manipulating skills yet.


Laeyra, or more commonly known as Lae, is extremely ... expressive, she's outspoken and can be melodramatic at times. Supposed she could act all calm and quiet, but where's the fun in that? Sure, she can be flirtatious and sly, she means no harm really. Despite what everyone believes about demons being all mean and stuff, she doesn't thrive on making people's lives miserable. If anything, she tries her best to stay out trouble, even though she somehow always manages to be caught in some pretty sticky situations. She can be eccentric at times, meaning that some of the things she says don't make sense whatsoever. But overall, she can be a really amusing friend to have, or a very tricky enemy.


(Might Add Later)


1st Hour- English III

2nd Hour- Technique III

3rd Hour- Algebra II

4th Hour- Species History III


5th Hour- Control III

6th Hour- Sports

7th Hour- Drama

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Morella Desrosier (Mori)










healing, which is a lot more powerful but lacks control, as she tends to drain energy too quickly

- Heightened senses

- She can, if healing isn't an option at the time, transfer pain from one person to another. This does not heal them but simply acts as a temporary fix. this is also good self defense.


Morella, or Mori, is a girl who sticks to her studies and often gets scared in social situations. However, when not around others, she is reckless and care free. This often leads her neck deep in trouble. Anger issues also make it difficult to be seen in a positive light and if it weren't for the redeeming qualities of intelligence and good grades, she would always be in trouble. She loves food and cooking as well, getting immersed in it for hours longer than she should.




Algebra I

English I

Technique I

Species History I


Control I



She is really short and young looking, so tends to get upset when reminded.

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@Akeira: Lovely CS~ <3 A very pretty angel! Accepted!

@Sulli: Ooo, what a pretty vampire you made! She's a doll! Accepted.

@LannaRae: Hee, hee~ I have a feeling your character and my character will get along! Accepted!

@Bea Delaine: Nice angel! 8D Accepted! <3 Though the image is not working, so can you fix that so we might see her beautifulness? Gracias~
Oh wow, she's so pretty! ^-^ Accepted, accepted~ <3

Aww! Thank you! Your membership makes me happpy~ 8D
Of course~ <3


To get the characters better associated, I am going to give a list of roommates when we get enough guys here. Also, I am going to need a list of people your characters hang out with during free time/lunch. :3 There's no such thing as anti-social! <3 Because I love you all.
Name: Jasper Solomon.

Age: 16.

Year: 3.

Gender: Dude.

Species: Vampire.

Abilities: He has heightened senses and strong psychic powers.

Personality: Jasper is a cunning man, who can make someone die with the blink of a eye. He has strong psychic powers and can easily min-control someone to do something for him. He is a sharp and dangerous guy who is perceives as a hardcore guy but is quite sensitive inside. He would do anything for a lady, he's very secretive with his kills and is someone not a lot of people want to make friends with. He has few friends but he mostly sits alone, mysteriously.

Schedule: 1st Hour: English IV

2nd Hour: French

3rd Hour: Technique III

4th Hour: Species History III


5th Hour: Algebra

6th Hour: Art

7th Hour: Band/Orchestra.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/anime-girl-1451.jpg.7ea2b427354fb49e54b6ff70e7315f43.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11489" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/anime-girl-1451.jpg.7ea2b427354fb49e54b6ff70e7315f43.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Karrie Borne










1- Telekinesis

2- Enhanced Athletic Ability

3- Enhanced Senses(eyesight, mainly)


Deadly beautiful, her personality is the the perfect match for her appearance. A sadistic sense of humor captivates her mind, while she captivates her peers with a cunning, confident exterior. Appearing to have no flaws, she does have one, or, well, two. Her red hot temper. Flaming up at a moments notice, she explodes when she is angered. Then, cooling off, she plots and holds deep rooted grudges, being sly and sweet to get what she wants. She hates to be shown up, always having to be on top. This is her only other flaw, ad also the thing that causes her to fly into a temper. Otherwise, she is sweet, cool, sly and(oftentimes) flirtatious. She is selfish and manipulative, loving to get what she wants. The only thing more demonic than her would be a demon.


Born 18% demon, 82% vampire, she was always meant to be a sadistic, evil, manipulative girl. Her mothers side had demon blood, her fathers pure vampire. Her mother, though, had been kind. Her father was the evil, cruel one. Neither were ever as awful as she, though. At the age of five, she killed her pet dog by cutting it open to watch the blood. She killed a boy the same way two years later, this time drinking the blood at a full moon, collecting it and saving it. Since then, she has lost her sadistic killing side through maturity, and now prefers to drink from the donors blood bags. A bit less messy, to her.

Upon coming to the school, Karrie immediately made the promise to herself that she would reign as queen. She plans on reaching the position through manipulation, flirtation, and anything else that she has to do, using her good looks and sadistic dark side to manipulate others, contorting her personality around the angels and vampires to be who they would like to see, avoiding the werewolves all together in order to avoid anything tarnishing her reputation. Demons, on the other hand, she is her true self around, being as sadistic and cruel as she likes. Never enough so, though, to be taken away. She has bigger plans.


1st Hour- Gym

2nd Hour- English III(Advanced)

3rd Hour- Algebra II(Advanced)

4th Hour- Species History III

5th Hour- French Language

6th Hour- Control III

7th Hour- Technique III



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11488" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Alexi Mortmirror










1- Flight with wings

2- Slightly enhanced athletic abilities


Of course, Alexi is sweet and angelic in nature. He does have a slight temper, but is rarely angry. There are very few people that he dislikes, and those that he does he has good reasons for disliking them. He's never been one of those people with a lot of blind faith, but the one thing he does believe in is his Father. It's the only thing that he has never exactly seen proof of, but his belief in Him will never even threaten to waver. One of the blindly sweet and naive people in the world, Alexi is hated by few and hates even fewer. He isn't perfect, though. He is easily pushed to do something, never the leader. He is outgoing, though, always goofing off and talking to people. It's a simple matter to get rid of him, thoug. Simply act angry. her hates making others mad, always backing off.


1st Hour- English II

2nd Hour- Gym

3rd Hour- Geometry

4th Hour- Species History II

5th Hour- Technique II

6th Hour- Control II

7th Hour- Spanish Language



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/HotAnimeGuy4.jpg.8cbab03c200eabfa246a8e7bab60057e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11490" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/HotAnimeGuy4.jpg.8cbab03c200eabfa246a8e7bab60057e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Asher(Ash) Summers










1- Transformation

2- Majorly Enhanced Athletic Abilities

3- Slightly Enhanced Senses(hearing, mainly)


Closed off, private, and independent, Ash typically keeps to himself. He rarely talks to anyone, and hates many people with a passion. His temper is quick and lengthy, grudges staying for weeks, months, years, you name it. He is big on vengeance, always having to get back at someone when he is insulted or degraded. He especially hates Karrie, merely for the fact that she is so uppity, manipulative and cruel. It is a simple matter for him to get around, he manages to leave others behind instead of picking a fight, using his hearing to avoid others, generally. He would never back down from a fight, though, always having to be the alpha and his pride is greater than any of his fears. He'd never fight is it wasn't absolutely necessary, though.


A closed book, Ash would never share his past with anyone. Before coming to the school, he wasn't exactly well like. His parents sneered at him, his own werewolf genes coming from his fathers father, skipping over his father, aunt and uncle and settling on him. In his families eyes, he became a freak as his grandfather died a couple years before he was born. He was glad to get to the school, even if he did not show it. Even before coming to the school, he had a good hold on his transformation. Or, at least, a good enough one to avoid any conflict within his family about him.

Not exactly a good student, Ash had to retake Algebra II his fourth year unless he didn't want to graduate. Of course, he chose to retake it.He never wants to return to his family, even if that would mean taking a class with a bunch of people in their third year.


1st Hour- Control IV

2nd Hour- English IV

3rd Hour- Algebra II

4th Hour- Species History IV

5th Hour- Art

6th Hour- Gym

7th Hour- Technique IV



@Rika I finished it but added little things to Karrie and also I just couldn't come up with a Biography for Alexi.



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Your vampire character girl is beautiful, and the other two seem like a work in progress! I look forward to seeing them. ^^

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