Grey Key Academy

Oh, that's fine, take your time, darlin'! ^^ 
*reads over CSs* Alright, accepted, lovely characters! <33 After I edit the front page, I will edit the roleplay page and we'll start! :) Best of luck to you all! From now on, post in the OOC please~ 
The roleplay has commenced! <3 Post, post, post!
I think I'll tag along, too. It looks like fun. I'll have a character up in a few moments, if you're still accepting.


[Dante Abaddon]


[Year 4]




1. Hellfire Abilities. This includes, but is not limited to, the usage and conjuration of hellfire, a highly destructive flame that burns with far more intensity than that of regular fire. He can summon, manipulate and envelop himself in it, displaying a vast range of control.

2. Darkness Control. On a minor scale, he can manipulate the forces of darkness. Usually used to augment his hellfire techniques, he can access a variety of moves such as shadow manipulation, doppelganger creation and a shadow form that allows for stealth.

3. Expert Swordsman. Skilled with a blade after many years of training, yet far from a master, he shows a talent for working with his summoned weapon, the Gatekeeper, a blade of sharp obsidian, honed steel and when he so chooses, alight with hellfire.


Calm, collective and highly intelligent, Dante is a force of sheer terror to his foes and one of eccentric intellect to his friends. He is formal in nature, not often overstepping his bounds unless engaged in combat, in which case he embraces his demonic nature and will toy with his opponents until they are not only physically bested, but spiritually crushed. Outside of battle, he is eager for conversation, but only with those who can think on his level. He enjoys talking down to what he considers "lesser beings," though he does not label any one race as such. Instead, the title is reserved for those without intellect. He feels no animosity towards the other species, but rather, he embraces them with open arms, as the more knowledge he gains, the more power he has over them all, or so he sees it.


1st Hour- Technique IV

2nd Hour- English IV

3rd Hour- Gym/Sports

4th Hour- Species History IV

5th Hour- Control IV

6th Hour- Free Hour ( Meditation )

7th Hour- Cooking


Other information is kept locked away, on a need-to-know basis. Information and knowledge is his game, after all.
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What a lovely character~ <3 I love him! Accepted, though the image is not working. I'll add him to the list, and await your post~
Alright! Look forward to seeing it! Baha, me too! I think your character and my character will get along just fine~ <3
Heard there was a call for werewolves and males? Perhaps Faolan will be up to par? I've never tried much with a male character...

  • This image is slightly different in appearance than what I visualize but the grin just embodies his personality so well...

He's adorable! Accepted!

Yes, there is lunch! It is after 4th Hour and lasts for 45 minutes, and then follows into 5th hour! I forgot to specify.

Curfew is at 11.

Yes, they can! :3 Just not causing trouble. Remember, you're not breaking the rules if you don't get caught.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Suzuya-Tohzuki-starry-sky-17106505-1280-1024.jpg.8171384259c625642a3a8db6868d9d9c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11504" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Suzuya-Tohzuki-starry-sky-17106505-1280-1024.jpg.8171384259c625642a3a8db6868d9d9c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Tennin Royal



Gender: Dude


- heightened senses

-Grow angel wings

-Stronger than the average angels

Tennin is a really kind person as expected, his quite different from other angels his personality is more aggressive than the others making him a violent person. All angels look at god as their father for obvious reasons so those Tennin, the only difference is that he has a different opinion in what father sais, it might be his way to think but Tennin likes to hang around with demons, werewolf’s and vampires, he’s not that deep in believing god will disapprove his behavior by being friends with a demon, in fact he thinks the real purpose of angels are to unite all races in harmony even if they were bad all their life.

Will develop throughout the story


1st Hour-

2nd Hour-
Technique II

3rd Hour-
Algebra II

4th Hour-
Species History I


5th Hour- Gym

6th Hour- Control I

7th Hour-



  • Suzuya-Tohzuki-starry-sky-17106505-1280-1024.jpg
    197.2 KB · Views: 37
I'd like to join the Demon household, cold you reserve me a spot whilst I write up my CS?

This'll be my first RP on this site, so I'm having high hopes. xD
Character Sheet:




He uses a fake name, since it's easier to use; Josh Malifurous

This is his real name for those curious enough: Emperal Mastorad of the Malifurous.

Titles, Nicknames, etc: TBR, but I've got a few which will be revealed through story revealage.








Daemon, Don't quote me on that, GamesWorkshop. D;


The Emperors Power.

The Emperors Power is a power which not everyone can have, and the demons who are born with it have it in forever varying way's, ones Emperors Power could be metal construction from nothing and the other can have something else, so on, so on. Josh's Emperor power is to create Knight's from his very pressence. The aura in which he holds around him was consistant through out his life, gradually getting stronger the older he got. With a capability to create five knight's and a Queen. [Their powers resembling much chess pieces, the knight being strong, but not stronger then the Queen, etc.]

The Knight's each varry in appearence and strenght, but their general purpose is set in stone and so is their strenght's limit. The Queen, limited to one piece is the strongest of what Josh can create. This power has given him many names and titles during his days in hell.

2. Increased Senses.

Rather self explanatory, if I need to explain, just tell me.

A Creeping Pressence.

A Creeping Pressence is the aura of which Josh draws his Emperors Power from, this aura is what surrounds him and makes others feel at ease, this aura can increase during certain times of rage, anger or straight up joy. Josh's sense of joy is twisted and it is the reason why it increases in size during these moments. When this aura is not assembled into the pieces of 'soldiers' or 'knights' under Josh's command, then the aura looks like a giant, however only his upper torso, shoulders and head fit, however whilst it is not recongnisable and the only thing that can really be understood is the glowing red eyes from this towering creature, it has only appeared once and many speculations and missinterpretations have been made around this, Killer Aura.

The Ten Eyes.

Josh has alongst his days in the demonic kingdom of which he called home, hell, collected ten sets of eyes, each with different purposes, effects and drawbacks, certain eyes can be used at the same time as another one and therefor allowing combinations, Josh has elevent sets of eyes if you count the human ones which he uses when he's not in need of using a special ability of an eye, etc.

Josh has not yet used any of his eyes, however he's spoken loudly of his collection, to students, who mostly think it's super weird and creepy and teachers who think the same thing, but just a little more silent about it.


Josh is a calm, collected and incredibly smart and clever person. He, however is also a very disclosed man and many controvercies and rumours surround him. He isn't quite the athletic person, instead he has a leaders aura and charisma, not the kindest leader, nor the nicest, however the aura is ever present, but that is not the only aura which surrounds him, oh no, there are two more. The first one is the unconfortable feeling of being watch when you're around him, being watched by millions of people at once, being watched by an entire army, at once. Many people speak to great detail when reporting this ever present invisible pressence and many stories have been made around it.

The secound one, much resembles the prior, however.. It is far darker then the any other auras around him, it dwells the others down in size tremendously as if they didn't exist and takes over the entire room. This aura has been nicknamed the Killers aura. Not because Josh is a killer, but because it's so dark of an aura that it is almost visible behind Josh as an unidentifiable upper body, it is see through and only it's upper torso, shoulders and head fits behind Josh. This aura is unknown and what it means is also so, it only appears during vague visits and have only happened once thus far, but the occurence echo's the school when people speak about rumours and the likes, actually, many of the schools rumours seem to end up bound to Josh, for some unknown reason, is it dislike for him, or is it just coincidence?


Josh has lived long, longer then his supposed life span, Josh has experienced many things unknown to anyone, even his closest 'friends'. No one knows his true lineage, nor do they know his story. All they know is that he lives luxoriously. Almost as if given special treatment for being a good student, even though he's a demon. The dorm room he has is for him, and him alone, he has decorated it with expensive thing's in which he finds uses for, he reads, writes and does many things that a lone demon would do when they are the talk of the talk, when it comesto rumours.

The room is a very beautifully decorated luxirously remodeled and painted one, he had recieved help from 'workers' in doing so. A banner takes up the space before one of the two windows giving light to the room, it's acting like a curtain, infact. In the lower right corner is a grand piece of armor, one which resmebled a ruler, a king, a true demon amongst demons. It was grand, it was marvelous and it was his.

He wouldn't say much about the armor if anyone would ask, nor would he do the same about his past, because he'd like to keep it secret untill the time class for it. The surprising thing about Josh is that he actually appears more like a silent angel, if you could excuse his dark aura and terrifying pressence. But the truth is that Josh is probobly the darkest of all demons, he just.. uses his brain, unlike the others of his kin.


1st Hour- English.

2nd Hour- Species History.

3rd Hour- Art.

4th Hour- English.

5th Hour- Band/Orchestra.

6th Hour- Control

7th Hour- Technique.


Since Josh has his uniform on all day during school it isn't noticable during that time of day, however due to his unknown past experiences his body is riddled with scars, and the occationally piece of dark metal trying to replace what was once there. Josh's entire jaw is made out of dark metal, infact, however is hidden by the excessive use of make-up, etc. He doesn't want to display his truth unless needed, or intentional.

[Of course, if something is wrong, etc. Let me know.]

It's done, took a while.
Ah! What a very intriguing character! Like a little riddle. I'm sure he'll fit in nicely and get along with the rest of the demons! Accepted. :3



Dantalion Belial. He wants to keep his real last name hidden (Trust issues).






Dude xD




(Minimum 1, Maximum 4)

He can control darkness, as well as be darkness.

He has a supernatural body condition.

He can control dark fire.

Mind Manipulation.


He smirks often, but it most of time it's just a tic. Dantalion is rather calm and levelheaded, though don't try to grill him, unless you want him to smack you like a fly on a wall. He is quite intelligent, but can be dense in some situation or can misread the air easily. He really hates when people doubt him, and it will cause him to smirk maliciously. His history is unknown, or maybe, he never had one in the first place... He uses explicit words often (with a straight face) , and doesn't really care about what species you are; Angels are an exception, since they tingle the tip of his fingers, but if they seem okay, he'll deal with their presence. He is sometimes antisocial and vague in his words, like if he was in a far away world.


He doesn't want to tell.



1st Hour-English II

2nd Hour- Control II

3rd Hour-Technique II

4rd Hour- Geometry


5th Hour- Species History II

6th Hour- French Language- learning

7th Hour- Gym- Sports.


He has a scar on his back and his arms, fading white. His scars and eyes glow red when he is mad and when his skin starts turning shadow dark, that means he is ready to go berserk. He has a ring made of dark metal on his pinkie.
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