Grey Key Academy


[Name]Adder Yang

[Age] 15




[Gender] Dude

Dude or Dudette(I'm sorry, I just had to)

[species] Demon

[Abilities] Considering the way he looks, he controls these tiny tech weapons, and as well being a demon, he can sense around him. He uses dark energy in the little robotic weapons, making them corrupted

(Minimum 1, Maximum 4)

Angels would have healing, or something along the lines of heavenly, as well as heightened senses.

Demons would have something related to fire or dark energy, as well as heightened senses

Vampires would mainly have heightened senses and perhaps psychic powers

Werewolves would have great strength, speed, and could obviously transform, though it is rare for one to have connections when it comes to energy.

[Personality(optional)] He is a devilish, evil and intelligent demon. He will crush anyone in his way, and wears a demonic smile.

[biography(optional)] Unknown



1st Hour-Phys Ed

2nd Hour-Math/Algebra

3rd Hour-Science/Biology

4th Hour- Social studies/ world cultures and geography


5th hour- Tech (his fav)

6th Hour-English

7th hour - reading

Im sorry if it isnt good enough.
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~ The Fire Ignites ~

? Here comes Freya Sparks ?

  • How old is Freya?

    Freya is currently the young age of fifteen.

    Is she male or female?

    Freya is undeniably female, and she's quite the alluring one, at that.

    What year is she in at GKA?

    Freya is in her second year here at Grey Key Academy, and she's liking it so far.

    What sort of species is she apart of?

    Though Freya can appear sweet, she's actually a demon. Don't be fooled by her intoxicating charm.

    What are her unique and special abilities?

    Freya has an
    affinity for fire and darkness, being the demon that she is. With all sorts of fire: she can manipulate it if it's present, and she can also create it out of nothing. Due to her affinity, she's also fireproof; meaning, she cannot be burned. The same goes for darkness: Freya can manipulate it as she wishes, in various creative ways, or she can cast a veil of darkness upon herself or someone else. She also has the ability to fly, being that she has demonic wings she can summon at will. They're large and bat-like, equipped with sharp, pointy accents. Along with that, Freya has heightened senses. This also comes with being a demon; all five of her senses are refined and strong. To top it all off, Freya has intense psychic/empathic abilities. She's not able to see the future, but she can read minds and link minds together. If she wanted to, she can even manipulate minds; make people see or believe things that aren't necessarily true. As for the empathy part of it, if Freya were to touch someone, she can feel their emotions and connect with their memories. She's not really able to control these abilities much, so sometimes when she touches people, she may accidentally share her memories and emotions with them, as well.



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Hello~ *-* I, oh, so wanted to join this! :3 Here's my CS:



Name: Meirianne (Mei) Oakshield

Age: 15

Year: 1

Gender: Dudette :D

Species: Werewolf (YES, a female werewolf :3)


Enhanced Senses (mostly vision)


Highly Enhanced Agility

Athletic Abilities


Easy going, Mei can be a good person to talk to, for she claims to be a good listener, which she really is indeed, with all her heightened senses and such. She gets a little nervous and clumsy when there is to much of a crowd of strangers around her, but gets confortable when she warms up to them. If Mai has nothing to do, she might as well just get a book to read in any corner she finds, giving the impression that she's a bookworm. In fact, she likes to go around doing things with others, but won't bother anyone if not needed. When angry, Mei gets pissed off, swears and goes away and may or may not stay with a grudge against you if you don't say something back which she doesn't like.


Being raised by her family, Mei got her "werewolfiness" from her mother, which was a werewolf herself. Her older brother is a normal human, just like her father, who didn't know Mei's mother and herself were werewolves until Mei was born. When he knew about it, he took her older brother away and Mei was raised by none other than her mother. She sometimes talked with her brother, which actually thought er heightened senses were cool, but only saw her father in his own funeral, when Mei was to go to the first year of school, some years later, which made her lose the time to get into the school, making her go into school later than the others.


1st Hour- Cooking

2nd Hour- English I

3rd Hour- Technique I

4th Hour- Control I


5th Hour- Species History I

6th Hour- Algebra I

7th Hour- Gym/Running Grounds

[Other] None at the moment :3

If there's something missing, please tell me :D
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Hey there, recently getting back into roleplaying and thought I'd not only try out a new site, but that I'd give a shot in your RP! So here's my profile. That is, if you're still accepting ;] let me know if I need to twiddle some knobs and jiggle some thingamajigs, and I'll edit post-haste!

Ravan Coleman

  • I'm known as...

    Ravan Coleman

    Been prowling for...

    18 years now

    Now attending my...

    3rd year

    The parts I got say I'm a...


    It's fairly known that I'm what you'd call a...


    I'm known for certain skills, such as...

    Stealth - Due to her years of living in the wild and stalking prey, Ravan is very capable at at getting where she wants without others ever knowing. Unsurprisingly, this affinity has lead to her learning skills, which tend to get her into trouble in 'civilized society'.

    Enhanced hearing, strength and smell - Just like you'd expect of someone that's a werewolf, her sense of hearing and smell is bolstered, as well as her natural strength, especially in her transformed form.

    Iron Will - Ever since she was a little girl Ravan has had a reputation for being incredibly stubborn. This might not seem very important, but her hard head and iron will oddly gives her a slight resistance to anything that'd affect her mind, like psychic powers, mind reading etc, and oddly to helpful supernatural abilities like healing or anything which might bolster her as well.

    Transformation - Transforming comes naturally to Ravan due to how often she has to transform in the wilds to hunt and basically survive; however, she does have some difficulty holding back when she gets incredibly angry, though it's never been a real issue as of yet.

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@Sugiura Yoshitoki: Awww, what a little cutie! <3 Accepted. As of now, he is supposed to be registering himself at the Academy, finding his room, and then reporting to the demon hall. ^-^

@Crystalline♥: You must have spent a lot of time on this CS. The character is very pretty, and I'm sure she'll fit in nicely, being roomed with Laeyra Crowe and Gabriel Crow(mai character). :3 You're supposed to do the same thing as Sugiura. Btw, accepted!

@Pandadise: Wow, we finally have a female werewolf! And she's lovely. Same grade as my character. ^_^ Accepted~

@Jaded Conformity: Wow, what a mysterious, little doll! I love her. And I love the picture too. <3 Accepted.

[Name] Abigail Borstett (Abi)


[Year] 1

[Gender] Dudette


[Abilities]Enhanced Senses (vision, smell.) Transformation(she can transform into a ball of light)

(Minimum 1, Maximum 4)

[Personality(optional)] You'll find out if you get to know her in the roleplay :]

[biography(optional)] Nope.



1st Hour-English 1

2nd Hour- cooking 1

3rd Hour-Control 1

4th hour- Algebra 1


5th hour- History 1

6th Hour- Running/Track

7th hour- Human science

Remember, two Basic Educations, three Supernatural Classes, and two Electives.
aww :c thanks for replying though c:

wait, does that mean you're not gonna accept any more members then? :o
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