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Fantasy Grand Ultima


Seikaze submitted a new resource:

Grand Ultima - A Great threat rises but only those who are unknowingly holding something strong can stop it.

The Shadow of the Void

In the world of Alezzari where magic is common, there is the legend of a hero who saved the world 300 years ago but in his adventures, there was an enemy even he could not defeat. This part of his legend was not revealed and was kept hidden for all those years. Only those who know this said that the enemy was instead sealed for some time, but the seal weakens and is now starting to break. If even the hero could not defeat it, who can? The enemy was known as the Shadow of the Void as people say.

The Void

After the events of the hero's legend, the hero disappeared and was never found. Peace continued on and people started to forget it. In the world of Alezzari, there was another world full of darkness. That place is known as the Void and has a portal currently at a region called the Lands of Chaos. The shadow of the void is currently sealed there, waiting for the time to break the seal completely. As time passed, it weakened and things started to happen. The Void portal started releasing tremendous amounts of dark energy affecting every region in Alezzari.

The Adventurers of Fate

In Alezzari, there are mana cores which are inside every person, mages use those mana cores to produce magic and use it in any way. People who can't use magic have locked mana cores and are called Civilians. There are different types of mana cores and there are those people who carry its rarest type. An Ultima Core. A Core which only activates on people who have it, even if they have locked mana cores, on dire situations or emotional bursts. Having discovered this, 10 adventurers find out about each other while in a vacation in Stargazer Arc when a tragedy happened. Their Ultima Cores protected them from that tragedy and now they find out more about it teaming up together, only knowing that only they can stop the shadow from taking over Alezzari.

Alezzarian Magic

Alezzarian magic is all about the production of mana from your unlocked mana core(s). Mana is exerted and formed either into a projectile, a trap, a weapon and many other forms. As Mana Cores are depleted, people are severely weakened and will need to rest.

Rune Magic

The rarest and oldest type of magic in Alezzari. Instead of runic words used, like runes, its magic is an enhanced form of mana formation and can also be called Ancient Arcane by magus researchers. This type of magic is so rare that in each generation, 1-5 people only carry this type of mana core element.

Mana Cores and their Types

Mana Cores are the Mana Storage inside people in Alezzari. Some are locked and some are unlocked. How strong your magic is depends on your Mana Core's capacity that can be enhanced through training.


The Most Common mana core and holds only one element

Mana Cores with Multiple Elements, Maximum of Three.

The Core of a Seal breaker, Seal breakers only have Barrier destruction magic and cannot have any other magic, their magic destroys most magic shields and barriers in Alezzari. Despite their magic lacking on almost everything, it has one ability to compensate for it. Shards of the Protector. In which the Seal breaker uses Shards of the shields or barriers he/she has destroyed and uses it either for Defensive (forming another barrier) or Offensive (Building a weapon or hurling large shards) techniques. Their mana cores do not depend on mana but on the barriers they destroy which fills their mana cores to use Shards of the Protector. Destroying Shields and Barriers do not consume mana and are limited to how large your mana core capacity is. Another helpful thing about them is that they Regenerate their Mana Cores through meditation at a faster rate unlike normal mages but absorbing Shield/Barrier shards are still faster.

The Rarest of all the Mana Cores. It comes with another Mana Core and will only be activated through Dire Situations or Emotional bursts. It holds a large potential of Magic Capabilities.

The Races of Alezzari

Alezzari also has races to be taken note of and these are


  • Elves
  • Fairies


  • Citizens (Humans that who do not have Mana Cores)
  • Mechanics (Humans that do not have Mana Cores and specializes in Tinkering and Engineering)
  • Mages/Magi (People who have mana cores)
  • Beastbornes (Affinity to the Wild and Nature, can or cannot have a mana core)

Alezzarian Date Information

This date information is known to no one except Lancelot who was called back in time.

  • Year 0 - ??? (As researchers say, Alezzari was fully formed)
  • Year 100 - The time when only Ancient Alezzari was the region in Alezzari, Ancient Alezzari was the island in the center of Alezarri before.
  • Year 300 - The time of the first Rune Wielder, Destinia.
  • Year 322 - Void Portal opening
  • Year 330 - Sealing of the Shadow of the Void
  • Year 500 - Due to a large Seismic Reformation, Ancient Alezzari was knocked off to the side, being replaced by the temple of Alezzari. Ancient Alezzari was then sealed by a very strong barrier that even seal breakers can't break. Together with the closing of the Void Portal.
  • Year 700 - Manatus Region rose up from the sea due to Seismic Reformations
  • Year 900 - Followed by Gale Region
  • Year 910 - And Naturos Region
  • Year 983 - Time of the 2nd Rune Wielder, Lancelot.
  • Year 989 - Lancelot was sent back in time by Destinia to seal the Shadow of the Void due to time disruptions.
  • Year 1000 - Lancelot saved the world. After casting a spell that ended the final battle, it was so strong that it consumed his whole mana core whole and even his spirit was used. In order to preserve himself, he put himself in a Recovery Stasis which sealed him inside crystalized mana for many years.
  • Year 1115 - The Lands of Chaos rose up from the sea due to another Seismic Reformation.
  • Year 1120 - The Void Portal reopened on the Lands of Chaos
  • Present Year 1297 - The Shadow of the Void has broken the seal.
  • Future Date 1297 - Set date
  • Future Year 1300 - Lancelot's awakening and beginning of his last quest with 2 other adventurers (Which the whole Alezzari wasn't aware of)

The Three Seasons of Alezzari

  1. Season of Hunt - This is when the rarest of monsters come out. The best time to hunt for rare ingredients, equipments and items that can only be found with certain monsters. This also the time when rare plants bloom. Early Start of the Year.
  2. Season of Harmony - A Season where the weather is very beautiful, perfect for every recreational activity there is. Plants (depending on the type) grow best at this time. Midyear.
  3. Season of Darkness - That time when the Void starts releasing tremendous amounts of Dark Energy which triggers harmful effects on every region. Also the coldest time of the year. Late End of the Year.

Alezzarian Optional Information

  • There are the so called Sages of Alezzari. They were entitled sages because they have great control over their magic.

    • Gura - The "Gale Guidance" of Gale Region, who specializes on supportive enhancements.
    • Karu - The Greatest Healer of Naturos who cannot cast offensive magic but can cast powerful healing magic.
    • Claria - The Arcane Wizard of Manatus. The only sage with offensive magic. Instead of casting normal magic at each time, Claria uses highly destructive magic in battle which consumes a lot of mana focused on one strike. This was due to the unusual flow of mana on her mana core.


A Drawing of the Map of Alezzari

The Regions of Alezzari

One of the three Main Regions, focuses mostly Magic and Research. The highest form of Authority in Alezzari is here, the Grand Magus and his Alezzarian development groups such as Alezzari's Defense System and Research team and many more.

Its Capital is the Zali Citadel which has 2 parts, the Machina Part and the Arca Part. The Machina Part mostly consists of the lower parts of Zali Citadel and Stray Mechanics who live there. The Arca part is the higher parts of the Zali Citadel that consists mainly of the working part of Manatus and the daily lives of mages.

(Stray Mechanics are Mechanics who wander off Machina Haven)

One of the three Main Regions, full of nature and forests, mostly ravines and valleys and such landforms. Woodland Races mostly live here and manage everything with the naturey theme of tree houses and buildings in the grove. Outside the Grove's borders (A river) is a large desert which is hard to explore.

The Grove, Naturos Region's capital is where the Woodland Races live with Nature spirits and Ents. Most high quality food and agricultural processes are gotten here and is where healing magic is profound.

One of the Three Main Regions in Alezzari where the Wind Kingdom lies which is another defense of Alezzari which consists of knights and is also in charge of Expeditions on new lands and ruins.

Its First Capital, the Wind Kingdom does the working part of Gale Region.

Its Second Capital, Aurele Town Port is the most famous town port in Alezzari which is known for its cool and clean breeze of the sea wind.

Also considered as a Main Region but is currently being thought out. Due to Seismic Waves and abnormal earthquakes, this new Region rose out of the sea. Because of the void portal, its lands are mostly corrupted and magmatic making it a very dangerous place and is currently being studied by expedition groups.

Machina Haven is an Island near Manatus Region which is as the name states a safe haven for every Mechanic. Iron supplies and Engineering is the common part here. Every Mechanic that leaves Machina Haven is considered a Stray Mechanic.

A Moderately large Island that is the most famous tourist and vacation spot due to its incredibly beautiful landscapes, beaches, views and fresh atmosphere.
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" Attention all passengers aboard. We have arrived at Starlight Harbor. Please give your tickets to the Receptionist before leaving the ship. "

The Ship stopped and everyone gathered their luggage to prepare. As the announcement was made, people proceeded to give their tickets to the receptionist on the exit. A lot of people were very excited, some said this was their first vacation in Stargazer Arc before exiting the ship. At the last part of the line was also a boy who has his first time here.

"All right! I'm so Excited! I didn't think I'd get a free ticket to Stargazer Arc from the lottery in Aurele Town Port." Rika excitedly muttered to himself.

After a long wait, the line moved and he reached the receptionist. Rika gave the ticket and immediately ran outside to see the already overwhelming scenery of the harbor. There were many people who had gone to the large inn to set their things up. Rika followed them to check in, get a key for a room, and put his luggage down. The only things he brought was a pile of clothes, Rin (The currency of Myria) and a Cookie in case he got hungry. He then got out of the room, closed the door and ran towards the beach.

" Ahh! Finally. First, the beach then the forest tour in... The next hour!" Rika took a deep breath and jumped into the cold waters of the beach which had a lot of people.
Elija walks off the bus. He only had his sword with him, carefully concealed by the thick black robe he dons. He looks sullen, his face is difficult to see because of the hood covering it. He silently mutters to himself "Another contract... I have to do what I have to do to survive here I guess, it disgusts me at how many humans are willing to pay someone to kill another..." He continues to push his way through the crowd "Stargazer Arc, contract 147, Antonio Frederico, Pay, 2000 Rin" he keeps speaking as he walks.

He stops at the receptionist and checks himself in quickly, then keeps moving.

(( are all out posts gonna need this sort of length? ))
(( Aye aye, I think I might die inside because I'm juggling several RP's on a few websites, 2 of which I'm running, so my posts might take a fair while at times ))
"Hoo~! so this is Stargazer Arc~" said Ferena while running through the crowd. She gave the ticket to the receptionist, then as she

head towards the waterfalls...All eyes are on her as if they saw a beautiful peacock..."What the heck are they looking at???" as always the stupid

Ferena didn't know about it...

"ohh....where am I...Eh! What's that!?"she said, while wondering where she is, then somewhere near the beach she saw a cute tiny bird...It was soo cute that she forgot things about going to the waterfalls...
Elija takes a seat in one of the many lounge areas, he takes his time to meditate, the contract deadline had another three days, he'd got here pointlessly early. If only there was a way to keep himself satisfied in this happy little hellhole, or so it looked like to him
Vacation? What the hell? When did she ever ASK for a vacation? Right in the middle of making the perfect coffee-blender, too...Weapons wasn't all she did, you know. But just yesterday, the boss had barged into Elena's room, demanding an explanation for her behavior.

"...What? What did I do? I literally sleep here, you know...And you can see how tidy it is? And I just need a few more tweaks to the temperature regulator on this thing, so if yo-".

"NO! No more work for you! Are you insane? You're well aware it's illegal for people to work all year long! If you don't take vacations, they'll have MY head! Take vacations this week, or you're fired!"

...This was a new one. Was this the administrative section's idea of raising worker morale? No- they KNEW she had no shortage of it. I guess it must've gotten really serious, if they were forcing her to not work for a week. A week! She could make 3 new inventions in a week. Hell, she could probably make her coffee-blender into a coffee-bomb maker. God damn, that sounded hot and hyper. She'd definitely do that when she got back.

"...Alright. I'll leave tomorrow. Now can you...leave? You're way noisy, chief." Her chief sighed and waved at her dismissingly before stepping out. She had no idea what to do, how did people enjoy not working? It had literally become her life. If she didn't constantly use sunlight as an energy source, she wouldn't even step outside. Argh...maybe if she hid in the drawers...

But nope, she got kicked out the very next day, her bag in tow. And now? She found herself stepping off the Stargazer Arc transport bus. If anything, she had never been to Aurele. You know what? She'd make this fun. She brought more than enough plastic bags to collect samples from ALL the flora in the damn area. You didn't get between Elena and her work, she could make sleeping a taxing endeavor.




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Elija walked around the room, looking for a book to read that interested him on one of the many shelves, unable to find something that appeared truly interesting, he picked up one about 'a fantasy world, the book involves mana crystals of various sorts that people were born with.
Elena had just finished setting her stuff up in her room. She had also gotten changed: the forest tour would be starting soon, and she needed to be dress appropiately for such an endeavor: Insect repellents, her travel bag, the adorable explorer hat! She had also prepared a brand-new notebook in which to write the results of her various analysis of the local flora. She had a lot of time...and nothing to do...so she started engraving a title in the notebook's cover with pens and markers.

Akbar's Beginner Guide: Aurele Flora (Volume 1).

She grinned. It would be but one more to her collection of research achievements. She made sure to every book she published to her family, a fact they were utmostly happy with. And so was she, as she saw the bookcases in her office get more and more full. It was her legacy-explorer kids would come looking for the herbs she'd have found purpose for. It made her stomach tingle in anticipation.

Ah hell, she could afford to get there early! She finished readying up and headed for the expedition's starting site.
Elija was bored with the book. He took out the next, a work-in-progress book by an author called Owen, Ether was the books name.
She had arrived at the dome, why they named it an Arc she had no idea. Skygazer Dome would have been more apt, or sphere, but they had to go with Arc for some reason. She wandered for a moment, not really wanting to stay in line the stupid elf was holding up, it was just an elf, people, nothing too spectacular here. She had other things too do, like read, and practice for example. Her magic was still not up to par, and incredibly destructive for an Arcane Magus. But she did go here to take a break for once, maybe watching the heavens would be good for her.

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