Grand Adventure: Red Skies at Morn

Sounds good, sounds about right. He's thirty-one and a eunuch, so I'd say he was a senior unlicensed crewmate, aye.

"I'm the Cook - or glorified slop-stirrer - aboard the Lady Skyclad.

Betimes I also tailor, tinker, cobble, and do laundry and ironing.

And I tend to a little herbal garden in the corner of the map-room."
Aye, thats another thing. There'd be a washroom right next to the head so laundry could be done, though it would likely be an irregular thing since water is a precious commodity on board.
Airships don't go quite that high usually, it's too much strain on the engines. Some can push it if they need to but again, last resort option.

Besides, collecting cloudwater is a bitch and a half. Magicky types even find it annoying when they have to, and you only get like a cup of water out of a 10 ft cloud.
Well that's not to say the ENTIRE crew will be human. Most of them yes but I imagine there's a few outliers in the deckhands.
sorry Stew, the rivals are going to be piloting the Lightbearer, and it's named that for a reason.
Glad you caught that Pooks. And yes, you're right. But that's fine, as soon as I get Giy's profile we'll be ready to post. Rivals can be filled in later if we start getting enough interest.
Not really. Your main job will be plotting courses from wherever you are to where you need to go. But what that mostly entails is knowing the air currents and how weather patterns affect certain regions of the map. Basically you have free reign to suggest a storm on the horizon if you see fit. I'll give the final "word of god" on that so everyone is affected but the navigator could suggest it if the so choose.
[QUOTE="Alad V]So,what sort of weapons does the Lady Skyclad have? Cannons? Ballistae? Onagers?

Panty cannons
Ya'll are silly.

But in all seriousness the Skyclad will have at least 6 standard cannons on board with various types of shot, and a brand spanking new pair of repeating guns on the upper deck. The armory will also be filled with your standard rifles, pistols and a few hand cannons for personal use, but the large cannons and repeaters are the only true artillery you'll have available. The Skyclad is built for long-distance exploration after all, not offense.
I imagine he would. If you're the dedicated arms-master aboard a ship it kinda goes with the territory that you have some personal toys to play with. In fact any individual is allowed to bring their own firearm, but unless you're an officer they'll have to be stowed in the armory for safe keeping (and to prevent mutiny). Beyond that ships are required to have enough firearms on board to equip every crewman with at least one weapon should they come under attack. Generally speaking ships that plan to be attacked frequently will have enough extra to arm half the crew over again.
Being on an airship, would ignition sources not be a bit of a problem? I read a book based on a kinda alternate history of WWI, and on their airships the UK had compressed air guns and rifles instead. Then again the airship was also a whale... so there was that.

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