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Realistic or Modern ∴ Grade A Society ∴ Main


the kid shuffles under the blankets when he hears someone else shush him, he jumps like he had just seen the worst movie jumpscare in his life, he literally flew under the covers to hide. After a few moments? He pokes his upper half back out.

He sits up and shrieks in pain from the massive wound in his chest, likely the one you saw from earlier. You see that many of his wounds are untreated, deep cuts and massive scrapes that look like he was ran over by a cheese grater went unchecked...

he seems to be repressing something quite important for awhile, but eventually breaks into soft tears again

"S-sir... I wanna ask you somethin, but I-I'm scared you'll say no and g-get mad at me..."
@Tiny Cosmic Leonard jumped as the boy cried out, instinct driving his hand to his own wound. He rubbed the bandages, unsure what to say as he saw the child break down again.

"Uh... you don't have to worry about that. I promise I won't." Leonard said, holding back a sigh.

his is eyebrows lower in a sort of heartbreak or hopelessness. He shuffles further down into the sheets and hides behind the thin cloth.

"a-am I being annoying? Y-You can kick me out if you'd like... I-i was gonna ask if you'd keep me, b-but I don't think you will now..."
Leonard's mouth was dry. He didn't know what to say. He wished he could just shake this thinking out of the boy.

"No. And sure you can stay with me." But I don't really have anywhere, he added in his head. He tried to keep the thought off his face, forcing a smile instead.

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