Gotham City


The God-Emperor of Mankind

This is where the IC roleplaying shall take place.
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Barbara couldn't believe that she had received the call.  Immediately after hanging up her smartphone, she wondered for a moment whether it had all been a dream.  Whether she was still dreaming.  After all, she was still half-asleep.  It felt like only minutes since she collapsed exhausted on her bed.  In fact, it had been four hours ago but considering she'd been up 36 hours straight, fighting crime, four hours wasn't nearly enough to be fully cogent. 

But the call had been for real.  At first, she thought about just hanging up and going back to bed.  But no.  She was intrigued to say the least.  At worst, she could still turn this to her advantage, maybe even show Batman up.  So, she quickly got dressed, choosing a stylish yet conservative black jacket and skirt combo.  White silk blouse underneath,  Stylish yet practical flats.  (She hated heels.)  Grabbing her briefcase, she headed to the GCPD in her five year old Honda.

The desk sergeant (Sgt. Bishop) directed her to a visitors' room.  Barb opened her briefcase and waited behind the ceiling high plexiglass for her two cilents to arrive.

@Robyn Banks  @HarleyPuddin
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Barbara couldn't believe that she had received the call.  Immediately after hanging up her smartphone, she wondered for a moment whether it had all been a dream.  Whether she was still dreaming.  After all, she was still half-asleep.  It felt like only minutes since she collapsed exhausted on her bed.  In fact, it had been four hours ago but considering she'd been up 36 hours straight, fighting crime, four hours wasn't nearly enough to be fully cogent. 

But the call had been for real.  At first, she thought about just hanging up and going back to bed.  But no.  She was intrigued to say the least.  At worst, she could still turn this to her advantage, maybe even show Batman up.  So, she quickly got dressed, choosing a stylish yet conservative black jacket and skirt combo.  White silk blouse underneath,  Stylish yet practical flats.  (She hated heels.)  Grabbing her briefcase, she headed to the GCPD in her five year old Honda.

The desk sergeant (Sgt. Bishop) directed her to a visitors' room.  Barb opened her briefcase and waited behind the ceiling high plexiglass for her two cilents to arrive.

@Robyn Banks  @HarleyPuddin

Harley was dragged into the visitor area by the guards, she had her hands handcuffed in front of her. The guards pushed her towards the chair where the brunette was sitting opposite the glass.
"Hey! Ain'tcha gonna uncuff me ?" They guards ignored her and stood next to the door. "I got rights ya know" She huffed as she was told to be shut up and sit down. 
She stared at the girl behind the glass , knelt on her chair and leaned close pressing her face against the glass and looked her over. She cocked her head to the side trying to figure out what was going on. 
She eyed the girl suspiciously. 
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Harley was dragged into the visitor area by the guards, she had her hands handcuffed in front of her. The guards pushed her towards the chair where the brunette was sitting opposite the glass.
"Hey! Ain'tcha gonna uncuff me ?" They guards ignored her and stood next to the door. "I got rights ya know" She huffed as she was told to be shut up and sit down. 
She stared at the girl behind the glass , knelt on her chair and leaned close pressing her face and looked her over. She cocked her head to the side trying to figure out what was going on. 
She eyed the girl suspiciously. 

"Where's Ms. Sinclair?" Barb asked the prison guard.  "The other's one on the way."  Barbara turned back to Harl.  Sighed.  "Dr. Quinzel.  Please...take your seat.  I'm Barbara Gordon.  Your 'associate' contacted me about taking your case.  I'll be...defending you."  Barb couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth.  If someone told her that she'd be defending Harley Quinn, she would have told them that they were as crazy as well...Harley.  But here she was.  At least, the crazy clown girl had no idea who she really was.  But then again, with Harl, it was always hard to tell what sick thoughts were rattling around in that head of hers.
"Where's Ms. Sinclair?" Barb asked the prison guard.  "The other's one on the way."  Barbara turned back to Harl.  Sighed.  "Dr. Quinzel.  Please...take your seat.  I'm Barbara Gordon.  Your 'associate' contacted me about taking your case.  I'll be...defending you."  Barb couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth.  If someone told her that she'd be defending Harley Quinn, she would have told them that they were as crazy as well...Harley.  But here she was.  At least, the crazy clown girl had no idea who she really was.  But then again, with Harl, it was always hard to tell what sick thoughts were rattling around in that head of hers.

Harley leaned back still keeping her eyes on the girl "Barbara? hmmm" she thought for a second. "Thats a funny name ya got there." she started baaing like a sheep inbetween little laughs. It hurt a little to crack jokes, it reminded her too much of her Puddin. She pulled a little face then quickly changed expressions back to happy.
"Charlize called ya, huh? Well let me tell ya I'm innocent" she threw her hands in the air attempting to make a big motion despite her hands being cuffed. "I didn't do nothin, I was kidnapped! Then the batfreaks came and threw me in here!" she said trying to innocent as possible.
"The real person you should be arresting is Batman!" She spat. "He killed Mistah J, he didn't nothin' wrong! All he wanted was to make everyone smile" She said sounding noticeably annoyed. 
"Yes, that's very amusing, Dr. Quinzel," Barb commented at the woman's 'baaaaing', not at all amused.  Suddenly, the psycho started proclaiming her

innocence, vociferously waving her hands in the air.  Alarmed, the guard reached for her gun but quickly stopped herself as the loco-girl settled down again.

"You say that you were kidnapped?"  Barb challenged her.  "Yeah, about that.  The police are claiming that, in fact, you and Ms. Sinclair came up with that as a plot to lure Batman into a trap.  And based on your past, shall we say, 'colorful' escapades, your claim that you were the victim in all of this is going to be tough to prove.  Not to mention, the whole," Barb pointed her finger at her head and twirled it, "craziness thing you got going for you.  So, why, don't you level with me, Harl, and tell me the real reason you and Charlize decided to hold the Mayor hostage.  I'm your lawyer, I can help you."
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"Well it's your job to tell them it's a damn lie isn't it?" Charlize said still handcuffed escorted by a cop to her seat. "Hello darling, hope happy Harley here wasn't a problem. She doesn't when to shut up." She turned to Harley for the last part as a warning. "It's not her fault, she's a blonde." She joked.
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"Yes, that's very amusing, Dr. Quinzel," Barb commented at the woman's 'baaaaing', not at all amused.  Suddenly, the psycho started proclaiming her

innocence, vociferously waving her hands in the air.  Alarmed, the guard reached for her gun but quickly stopped herself as the loco-girl settled down again.

"You say that you were kidnapped?"  Barb challenged her.  "Yeah, about that.  The police are claiming that, in fact, you and Ms. Sinclair came up with that as a plot to lure Batman into a trap.  And based on your past, shall we say, 'colorful' escapades, your claim that you were the victim in all of this is going to be tough to prove.  Not to mention, the whole," Barb pointed her finger at her head and twirled it, "craziness thing you got going for you.  So, why, don't you level with me, Harl, and tell me the real reason you and Charlize decided to hold the Mayor hostage.  I'm your lawyer, I can help you."

"Well it's your job to tell them it's a damn lie isn't it?" Charlize said still handcuffed escorted by a cop to her seat. "Hello darling, hope happy Harley here wasn't a problem. I know she know when to shut up." She turned to Harley for the last part as a warning. "It's not her fault, she's a blonde." She joked.

Harley eyed her up and down another, boring one, she thought about the woman's last name it was somehow familiar. "I'm telling ya the truth lady!" She leaned closer to the glass again. "The police are useless, why do ya think we have a Bat brain!" She tried to wave her hands about again. "I aint got nothin else to tell ya! Your the crazy one Baaabs believing the cops!" She stuck her tongue out at her, while attempting to mock her twirling motion . Something clicked in her head and she realised the commissioners last name was Gordon. Maybe they were related, Harley smiled thinking about the times she and her puddin kidnapped the comish. (commissioner )
"Aaah good times" she said out loud sighing.
She turned around to see Charlize walking in. "Hey! I'm not even a real blonde so jokes on you" She said puffing her cheeks out
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Harley eyed her up and down another boring one, she thought about the woman's last name it was somehow familiar. "I'm telling ya the truth lady!" She leaned closer to the glass again. "The police are useless, why do ya think we have a Bat brain!" She tried to wave her hands about again. "I aint got nothin else to tell ya! Your the crazy one Baaabs believing the cops!" She stuck her tongue out at her, while attempting to mock her twirling motion . Something clicked in her head and she realised the commissioners last name was Gordon. Maybe they were related, Harley smiled thinking about the times she and her puddin kidnapped the comish. (commissioner )
"Aaah good times" she said out loud sighing.
She turned around to see Charlize walking in. "Hey! I'm not even a real blonde so jokes on you" She said puffing her cheeks out

"Well it's your job to tell them it's a damn lie isn't it?" Charlize said still handcuffed escorted by a cop to her seat. "Hello darling, hope happy Harley here wasn't a problem. She doesn't when to shut up." She turned to Harley for the last part as a warning. "It's not her fault, she's a blonde." She joked.

My job is to use the law to provide you with the best defense possible," Barb said through gritted teeth.  "And as far as this job is concerned, you haven't sold me on why I should be taking it.  The fact, darling, is that you're guilty as sin.  Both you and crazy clown girl over here.  Speaking of...would you please stop that!" Barb angrily motioned Harley to stop waving her hands.  "You're gonna give the guard a heart attack."  Turning back to Charlize, "What I want to know, Ms. Sinclair is why me?  There are hundreds of defense attorneys in this city.  Some of them are even good.  So, why did you call me."  Now what was Harl doing?  Was she actually sticking out her tongue at her?!  "Why are you so happy all of a sudden?"
"Alright Ms.Gordon. We need to get out of here ASAP. I need to look into redoing my night club and Harley here needs time to grieve for her loss." She informed the lawyer before crossing her legs. She couldn't spill about what they were actually planning it would be a waste. Quinn might ruin it for them if she kept yapping  so she felt it was her job so smooth it down.  "You're the best attorney in Gotham so I'm counting on you to get us out on bail."

She looked towards Harl then said "I mean look at that face does she look like she deserves to be in prison?" she teased.
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My job is to use the law to provide you with the best defense possible," Barb said through gritted teeth.  "And as far as this job is concerned, you haven't sold me on why I should be taking it.  The fact, darling, is that you're guilty as sin.  Both you and crazy clown girl over here.  Speaking of...would you please stop that!" Barb angrily motioned Harley to stop waving her hands.  "You're gonna give the guard a heart attack."  Turning back to Charlize, "What I want to know, Ms. Sinclair is why me?  There are hundreds of defense attorneys in this city.  Some of them are even good.  So, why did you call me."  Now what was Harl doing?  Was she actually sticking out her tongue at her?!  "Why are you so happy all of a sudden?"

"Alright Ms.Gordon. We need to get out of here ASAP. I need to look into redoing my night club and Harley here deserves time to grieve." She informed the lawyer before crossing her legs. "You're the best attorney in Gotham so I'm counting on you to get us out on bail."

She looked towards Harl then said "I mean look at that face does she look like she deserves to be in prison?" she teased.

Harley laughed and pouted at tried to look as cute as she could. "Yeah I deserve to be outta here, I'm to fragile to be here I could break any second" she said dramatically 
She looked back at the guard then back at Babs. "Hey you related to the comish Babsy?" She said with a curious look.
"Alright Ms.Gordon. We need to get out of here ASAP. I need to look into redoing my night club and Harley here needs time to grieve for her loss." She informed the lawyer before crossing her legs. She couldn't spill about what they were actually planning it would be a waste. Quinn might ruin it for them if she kept yapping  so she felt it was her job so smooth it down.  "You're the best attorney in Gotham so I'm counting on you to get us out on bail."

She looked towards Harl then said "I mean look at that face does she look like she deserves to be in prison?" she teased.

Harley laughed and pouted at tried to look as cute as she could. "Yeah I deserve to be outta here, I'm to fragile to be here I could break any second" she said dramatically 
She looked back at the guard then back at Babs. "Hey you related to the comish Babsy?" She said with a curious look.

Babs looked at Harl.  "Actually....  Fortunately, our criminal justice system doesn't take one's looks into consideration when determining guilt or innocence.  Okay, Sinclair, I'm not entirely buying this 'victim of circumstance' story of yours but I've have the two of you out within 24 hours.  Suddenly, her look hardened and she stared at Harley Quinn after hearing her comment.  "He's my father.  Something you wanna say?"
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Babs looked at Harl.  "Actually....  Fortunately, our criminal justice system doesn't take one's looks into consideration when determining guilt or innocence.  Okay, Sinclair, I'm not entirely buying this 'victim of circumstance' story of yours but I've have you out within 24 hours.  Suddenly, her look hardened and she stared at Harley Quinn after hearing her comment.  "He's my father.  Something you wanna say?"

Harley stared back and forth as Babs spoke to Charlize and she rocked on her chair. She smiled at Barbara when she confirmed she was related.
"Oooo! Me and Mistah J have had good times with him! He ever tell ya about us?" She said with enthusiasm. "He's a real trooper I'll give him that!" she said sticking her tongue out a little. 
She leaned closer to Babs watching her face closely with a big grin, maybe she wasn't so boring after all. 
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Harley stared back and forth as Babs spoke to Charlize and she rocked on her chair. She smiled at Barbara when she confirmed she was related.
"Oooo! Me and Mistah J have had good times with him! He ever tell ya about us?" She said with enthusiasm. "He's a real trooper I'll give him that!" she said sticking her tongue out a little. 
She leaned closer to Babs watching her face closely with a big grin maybe she wasn't so boring after all. 

The pencil in Barbara's hand snapped.  "You know what, I was mistaken."  She kept her focus on Charlize, knowing that if she took one look at that f&^%ing b^%$# grinning at her, she wouldn't be able to control herself!  She would punch through the plexiglass, shatterproof or not, and choke that %$^# until she was dead!!!  And she would do it...with a smile.  "You and clown girl can rot here."  She shoved her legal pad into her briefcase and shot to her feet, all set to walk out on these two scumbags.
"Alright Ms.Gordon. We need to get out of here ASAP. I need to look into redoing my night club and Harley here needs time to grieve for her loss." She informed the lawyer before crossing her legs. She couldn't spill about what they were actually planning it would be a waste. Quinn might ruin it for them if she kept yapping  so she felt it was her job so smooth it down.  "You're the best attorney in Gotham so I'm counting on you to get us out on bail."

She looked towards Harl then said "I mean look at that face does she look like she deserves to be in prison?" she teased.
The pencil in Barbara's hand snapped.  "You know what, I was mistaken."  She kept her focus on Charlize, knowing that if she took one look at that f&^%ing b^%$# grinning at her, she wouldn't be able to control herself!  She would punch through the plexiglass, shatterproof or not, and choke that %$^# until she was dead!!!  And she would do it...with a smile.  "You and clown girl can rot here."  She shoved her legal pad into her briefcase and shot to her feet, all set to walk out on these two scumbags.

Harley held back laughter, for the fact that she did really want out of here. She could poke fun at the comish later, right now she needed to go get revenge for her Puddin. She looked over at Charlize and poked her side. "Come on Charliee get us out here" she whispered. Mistah J was always the brains of the operation she didn't have much experience in this.  
The policeman was armed with a both a baton and a small gun as he patrolled the street, but Croc could not care less about that. Neither would hurt him. So he charged out of the alley and smashed into the human, before grabbing him effortlessly and walking back into the safety of the dark alleyway. Then the monster opened a manhole and jumped down into the dark sewers.

The policeman became conscious about fifteen minutes later, and started begging for mercy. Croc didn't intend to give any. A crocodile's got to eat.

No one would find the body for a long, long time, if at all. And even if it was found a few minutes later, no one would recognise who it was. 

Once he was finished, Killer Croc started to move south via sewer. He was still hungry.
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Harley held back laughter, for the fact that she did really want out of here. She could poke fun at the comish later, right now she needed to go get revenge for her Puddin. She looked over at Charlize and poked her side. "Come on Charliee get us out here" she whispered. Mistah J was always the brains of the operation she didn't have much experience in this.  

"I guess doing things legal doesn't work. I'm already in it." she replied in a hushed tone. Not losing of her stare of Barbara Gordon leaving the premises. "Just follow my lead." Charlize let the two officers force her to stand and walk her out of the room, 'scanning' them.  Two guards for each of them. Containing a pistol, a baton, and a taser due to their posture they were inexperienced in using their weapons which wasn't surprising. This would be easy enough. 

She waited for them to get in the hallway and began to do her work.  She elbowed the man on left then turned her body around to put him on a choke hold whilst giving the cop beside her two kicks to the face and the torso causing him to collapse. She took the gun in a swift motion from one of the men's pocket and shot the guards beside harley. "Get their weapons and go." She knew more guards would be coming shortly so they had to move fast.
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"I guess doing things legal doesn't work. I'm already in it." she replied in a hushed tone. Not losing of her stare of Barbara Gordon leaving the premises. "Just follow my lead." Charlize let the two officers force her to stand and walk her out of the room, 'scanning' them.  Two guards for each of them. Containing a pistol, a baton, and a taser due to their posture they were inexperienced in using their weapons which wasn't surprising. This would be easy enough. 

She waited for them to get in the hallway and began to do her work.  She elbowed the man on left then turned her body around to put him on a choke hold whilst giving the cop beside her two kicks to the face and the torso causing him to collapse. She took the gun in a swift motion from one of the men's pocket and shot the guards beside harley. "Get their weapons and go." She knew more guards would be coming shortly so they had to move fast.

Barb had just made it outside when the sound of chaos coming from within caused her to stop.  And she had a pretty good idea who was responsible.  "Hmm...looks like I won't have to plant Bat-tracers on their belongings after all."  Racing to her Honda, she pulled out the backpack that she always carried with her.  She had specifically parked in a corner of the garage where she knew there was no CCTV coverage.  Just for moments like this.  Checking to make sure she was alone, she slipped out of her work clothes and pulled on her 'other' work clothes.  Quickly snapping her utility belt on, she was all set for action!

Knowing that she wasn't the most popular Bat with the fine men and women of the GCPD, she shot a cable line to the roof of the adjacent police station and swung over.  She figured she would just wait on the rooftop, lying in ambush for Harley and Charlize as they stormed out, ready to either take them down or trail them to where ever they might be headed.
Croc decided to stop on his way, and take look around on the ground above. The heavy metal manhole squeaked as it was pushed out of the way, and if there  had been there, they would have been treated with quite a sight.

Croc slowly climbed out of the sewer, and started sniffing. If any prey was in the area, he would find out. Surprisingly, he received familiar scents. Blood was there, with a hint of clown. Croc hated the clown. Few people could make him more angry, such as Batman and his gang. True, Joker was extremely cunning, but his "jokes" were both irritating and insulting.

Croc straightened to his full height and started growling. The scent wasn't exactly like Joker, but it was similar.

"Clown...," he muttered,"You better watch out. I'm hungry..."

Killer Croc clambered back down the manhole, and started to swim in the dirty water of the sewers. His route would take him straight for the origin of the scent. 
The policeman was armed with a both a baton and a small gun as he patrolled the street, but Croc could not care less about that. Neither would hurt him. So he charged out of the alley and smashed into the human, before grabbing him effortlessly and walking back into the safety of the dark alleyway. Then the monster opened a manhole and jumped down into the dark sewers.

The policeman became conscious about fifteen minutes later, and started begging for mercy. Croc didn't intend to give any. A crocodile's got to eat.

No one would find the body for a long, long time, if at all. And even if it was found a few minutes later, no one would recognise who it was. 

Once he was finished, Killer Croc started to move south via sewer. He was still hungry.

Croc decided to stop on his way, and take look around on the ground above. The heavy metal manhole squeaked as it was pushed out of the way, and if there  had been there, they would have been treated with quite a sight.

Croc slowly climbed out of the sewer, and started sniffing. If any prey was in the area, he would find out. Surprisingly, he received familiar scents. Blood was there, with a hint of clown. Croc hated the clown. Few people could make him more angry, such as Batman and his gang. True, Joker was extremely cunning, but his "jokes" were both irritating and insulting.

Croc straightened to his full height and started growling. The scent wasn't exactly like Joker, but it was similar.

"Clown...," he muttered,"You better watch out. I'm hungry..."

Killer Croc clambered back down the manhole, and started to swim in the dirty water of the sewers. His route would take him straight for the origin of the scent. 

Batman looked at the empty street. A dissapearance of a policeman? Nothing around here looked to indicate that. Batman decided to snoop around. A baton, and a gun were lying on the street. Maybe that indicates something? They are lying down, so either the policeman left them here, or he was kidnapped. Clearly; he was kidnapped. 'Why leave them here? Whoever kidnapped him must have had little care for taking the things with them. They probably wanted to get out of sight quickly.' Batman looked around, and walked into the dark alley that was the closest to him. An open entrance to the sewers... great. Batman jumped down and saw blood everywhere. After a short scan, he was made aware it was the policeman's blood. Batman started going after the lead of blood, that led him towards the south.

Something was swimming in the water. "Killer Croc." Batman said, recognizing who it was. He put enough voice into it for the reptilian to hear him. "You killed that police officer, didn't you?" he asked.
Batman looked at the empty street. A dissapearance of a policeman? Nothing around here looked to indicate that. Batman decided to snoop around. A baton, and a gun were lying on the street. Maybe that indicates something? They are lying down, so either the policeman left them here, or he was kidnapped. Clearly; he was kidnapped. 'Why leave them here? Whoever kidnapped him must have had little care for taking the things with them. They probably wanted to get out of sight quickly.' Batman looked around, and walked into the dark alley that was the closest to him. An open entrance to the sewers... great. Batman jumped down and saw blood everywhere. After a short scan, he was made aware it was the policeman's blood. Batman started going after the lead of blood, that led him towards the south.

Something was swimming in the water. "Killer Croc." Batman said, recognizing who it was. He put enough voice into it for the reptilian to hear him. "You killed that police officer, didn't you?" he asked.

Croc sprung out of the water at the sound of Batman's voice, claws splayed out and ready for a fight. The reptile growled at the intruder.

"I was hungry. Can't keep an animal from eating another one. I'm still hungry actually." He said.

He started to stride forward, using his size to block any way around. This was Croc's turf, and he'd be damned if let a Bat bully him around.

"C'mon, if you think yourself strong enough..." He challenged.
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Croc sprung out of the water at the sound of Batman's voice, claws splayed out and ready for a fight. The reptile growled at the intruder.

"I was hungry. Can't keep an animal from eating another one. I'm still hungry actually." He said.

He started to stride forward, using his size to block any way around. This was Croc's turf, and he'd be damned if let a Bat bully him around.

"C'mon, if you think yourself strong enough..." He challenged.

Batman continued to say "You're not an animal. You chose to be one. And I'm the vet, here to put you down." and took a Flash-Bang grenade off of his belt, then threw it at Croc. After he did so, he started running the other way, away from Croc, and hid in the shadows to avoid detection. Batman was aware that Croc relied on the sense of smell to find things, so he had to prepare, as hiding in the shadowy corners won't work forever against Croc.
The flash of light blinded Croc, and he roared in rage. He swung his claws to where Batman had been, but felt only air. As his eyes returned to normal, the reptile started to sniff. The Bat was near, but his scent was every where. He could be hiding in any shadow.

"C'mon Batman," he snarled," I'm hungry!"

A thought struck him. It was a plan, though not a very cunning one, it could work. It was simple and crude, because Croc couldn't exactly plan well.

"Won't come out, huh?" He roared. "Well, there's other meals waiting!"

Croc sprang towards the nearest manhole and started to climb out. It was time to get others involved.
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The flash of light blinded Croc, and he roared in rage. He swung his claws to where Batman had been, but felt only air. As his eyes returned to normal, the reptile started to sniff. The Bat was near, but his scent was every where. He could be hiding in any shadow.

"C'mon Batman," he snarled," I'm hungry!"

A thought struck him. It was a plan, though not a very cunning one, it could work. It was simple and crude, because Croc couldn't exactly plan well.

"Won't come out, huh?" He roared. "Well, there's other meals waiting!"

Croc sprang towards the nearest manhole and started to climb out. It was time to get others involved.

Batman, hearing his plan... he knew that Croc was using his weakness against him, but he would play along. Batman stepped out of hiding and shot a Batclaw at Croc's leg, to unallow him exit. Then Batman started to pull it towards him, trying to pull Croc back into the sewer.
Killer Croc nearly fell back in, but smashed a clawed fist down on the concrete outside of the sewer. The claws dug into the ground and held him there. Croc chuckled.

"You wanna come along then?" He laughed harshly.

Croc started to drag himself slowly outside. Batman was strong, stronger than any normal person ought to be. But Croc was stronger.

Eventually, Croc put his right foot on the concrete outside the manhole, and started to walk. Each step was an effort, but the strange game of tug-of-war was enjoyable. He could keep going. Croc started to laugh loudly.

"Batman, you ain't gonna win this. The crocodile is stronger than the bat, I know that much!"
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