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Fantasy Got some ideas for something but no friends lol

Nice. Zara seems badass (sorry if cursing is a trigger, I'll stop)
and yes, I'm ready! (Just saying, im in London and its 11:30)
Oke 👍
That’s good, I love her! I should probably include my position too. Caiden is in the woods surrounding the refugee camp, trying to find his way inside (no ill intent, just lost). I also forgot to mention that he tends to be a little spacey
Also, I am new here so I don’t know everything there is to know about rpnation, but I seems like we can create a private conversation. Would you guys rather start this in one of those?
The air is stale and cold in the dark forest, the stars above giving the refugee camp some extra light. About two hundred humans somberly gather in a large tent to eat a small mea, their ration for the night. Their camp is surrounded by thick trees, and the group has survived for a while... until now.

“Hey! You idiots! There’s some human footprints right here!!” Zara rolled her eyes, turning away from the vampire soldiers and back to the imprints in the mud. She couldn’t believe she had to work with those numbskulls Lord Irin, her employer, called guards.
She frowned suddenly, pointing ahead. “There. That’s a light. There arents any camps on this side of the forest, so that means...” She jumped up onto her horse, taking off. Zara smiled, realizing she had finally found some humans.
(I don’t mind, that sounds fine!)

Caiden stumbles through the darkness, being careful not to make much noise. He was unable to light a torch in fear of being tailed, so he navigates slowly. He had heard of a nearby refugee camp, and planned to get there. Just in case, he draws his sword
The hushed chatter of the group was no more interesting than it had been for weeks, the same conversation about low rations, missing camp members, and the same old vampire stories. Liam had grown bored of the chatter, so he made his way out of the tent, and started towards the forest. Nobody would notice he was gone,the group usually kept to themselves, maybe a few people were friends.

The air was cold and miserable, a small luxury compared to the hot cramped tent. Liam was quite the loner, spending most of his time in the woods, away from the camp. Nobody knew who their parents were, and nobody really cared. Everyone in the group was family, always looking out for each other.

Twigs and leaves crunched underfoot as Liam entered the outskirts of the forest. He looked back to the tent, wondering if he should turn back.
'nah, it'll only be for a few minuets, nobody will notice ' he thought, as he carried on walking. After a good few minutes, he noticed some voices further up. "huh, maybe it's the missing people? " he said to himself, as he cautiously started walking towards the voices.
Zara stopped, her dark, amythest eyes searching the greenery. The snapping of twigs caught her attention, and she leapt down from her horse silently. Walking towards the sounds, she made her movements silent, her years of experience kicking in.
She narrowed her eyes at the figure in the dark, sliding her favorite dagger from its sheath. She jumped, grabbing the unsuspecting human.
“Drop your sword,” she hissed at Caiden.
(Merry Christmas Husky!)

Caiden drops his sword, shocked. He instinctively puts his hands in the air. “Woah, woah..” he says, quietly. “I.. I mean no harm m’am, I swear. I’m human, see?” He chuckles nervously, but there is fear in his eyes “I’d appreciate it if you.. Lowered your blade, please..” His gaze shifts a little sheepishly between her eyes and the ground.
Looking him up and down, Zara laughs to herself. He’s a HUMAN. She thinks, pulling her dagger away.
“Well well, a real life human. I don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve seen one of your kind.” She kicks away his sword for good measure, raising her blade.
“I’m guessing you have some more friends traveling with you... tell me where they are.” She smiles in a terrifying manner.

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