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Fantasy Got some ideas for something but no friends lol

Caiden shakes his head “I’m travelling here alone m’am, no one’s here with me. I’m afraid I don’t know of anyone else around here. I promise..” He seems truthful, but nervous from her gaze
“So since you’re alone, you won’t mind me checking out those lights I saw over there in the distance...” She pointed to the faint lights.
Smiling, she crosses her arms. “You seem quite calm for someone who just got their life threatened. What brings you to this forest?”
Caiden chuckles, trying to hide his lingering nervousness “I suppose my life is always in danger, I think it’s important to keep my cool in these situations..” He smiles a little and looks in the direction of the lights “A short while ago I escaped from my previous master, a vampire. I’ve been on the run since then”
She laughed, staying in the shadows. He doesn’t realize yet... She thought to herself, snickering.
"You look quite strong, I'm glad I found you." Zara ran her hand through her hair.
(Sorry I added a bit)
Liam walked through the forest, tuning smooth stones over in his pocket. He was close enough to hear what the voices were saying, something about escaping?

He stepped into the clearing, seeing caiden and zara. He looks at caiden, he didn't recognize him, but the coloring of his skin suggested he was human. Zara however, was completely different.

Her skin was pale, long black hair falling across her shoulders, her eyes a dark shade of purple, slightly glowing in the darkness. Liam caught her gaze. He Was unable to look away, run, or do anything at all. 'what have I got myself into...' He thought.

(Happy Xmas!)
Zara’s hand stopped at the back of her head, her casual motion interrupted. Narrowing her eyes at Liam, she attempted to use her hypnotism. All vampires were capable of hypnotizing animals or humans, but very few could do it for more than a few seconds.
Come here. She commanded Liam through her thoughts. Maybe she had scored even luckier than she first believed.
come here. Huh, it was a simple command, something Liam really wanted to do, he wasn't sure why, but it felt so easy, just to listen, and obey.
He walked over to zara, before stopping a few feet short of where he was supposed to go. "Wha..? How did you.." He said, shaking his head in confusion, torn between the fear of vampires, an the urge to listen to mysterious voice.
She grabbed him by the collar, smirking a bit at his question.
"Easy Sunshine, I just used a little trick I've been working on. Now, do you know where i could find some more friends?" She grinned, her sharp fangs on display for Liam to see.

Secretly, Zara was rejoicing over her accomplishment. Despite her age, all her training, and her skills, she rarely got her hypnosis to work for more than a few seconds. Of course she didn't advertise this, as it was one of her few weaknesses.
He struggled against her grip, but even female vampires were extremely strong. "Let me go, and don't call me pet names you freak. " he said, sounding much more confident than he felt.

Zara smiled, barring her sharp fangs.
"Smile all you like, I'm not telling you anything" he said, mentally kicking himself for being so stupid.

'Why did I listen, everyone knows vampires can hypnotize people.' he thought, glaring at zara
Laughing at his attempts to escape, she shook her head.
"You humans really never learn do you? We are in charge now. We rule the world. You all are like... rats. Infesting the land we have claimed."
Looking over to the newcomer, Zara frowned. Her acute sense of hearing and smell hadn't picked him up, which meant he knew what he was doing. Pulling Liam to herself, she put a blade at his throat.
"Don't move human… or this one dies."

(lol I guess we should make a new order to go in?)

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