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Fantasy Got some ideas for something but no friends lol

She laughs, throwing Liam down and stepping on his throat. Pointing her dagger in Seth's direction, Zara growled.
"No can do. All three of you are coming with me."
" what the hell are you doing?! You can't negotiate with a psycho! " said Liam, struggling to breathe and remove zaras foot from his throat.
I skillfully hit the vampire in the face with my cane than picking Liam up, I start running.
"If you follow me, I'll shoot you with a silver bullet!"
I said as I ran away with Liam.
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Zara snarled, surprised at Seth's attack.
"A silver bullet?? As if!" She snarled, quickly tying up Caiden and jumping on her horse. Racing after the two humans, she couldn't believe what was happening.
Scoffing, I aim my gun at the Vampire and shoots, but because I was carrying Liam on my shoulder, it just grazes her.
"Damn it!"
I say, putting the gun away.
Zara hisses, feeling the silver burn her shoulder as she rides after them.
"YOU LITTLE MONGREL!!" Riding ahead of them, she leaps from her horse and slap the gun from his hands, grabbing him by the throat.
She gasps, caught completely off guard by the attack. Her life drains out of her much slower than one might expect, and she falls down. AS she gasps in pain, she looks up to him.
"p-please... I can... help you..."
(I know that's usually supposed to kill them instantly but I really like this character:))
She gasps loudly, falling on her back and snarling loudly as the hole in her chest heals slowly.
"I... hate you...."
Liam watched the scene unfold, but stayed silent. Nobody from camp had ever really seen blood before, as it attracts vampires, so the sight of a large gash in zaras chest was a very disturbing sight. Everything that had just happened was scary, confusing and all at once, so he ignored the other two, and tried to understand the events that just took place.

(I'm not dead, lol. I just watched you two, I was a bit confused, didn't wanna mess things up. XD)
"Actually, everyone hates me, they think I'm diferent because of my eye and my skin color..."
I said, sitting down next to Zara.

(Can we have romance in here?)
She sat up, rolling her eyes.
"If the other think you're weird, than humanity has fallen even farther than I thought."
"Humanity is fine, it's the ones that aren't human that's the problem." said Liam spitefuly, still angry with zara.
She frowned, standing and brushing herself off.
"I'm a vampire. That means that whenever a being that has a heartbeat looks at me funny."
At Liam's comment she rolled her eyes again.
"Sorry Bucko but it is what it is. We've been ruling the world for so long now I thought the rest of you might figure it out."
"Yeah, doesn't mean you deserve it.. Humans have feelings too you know, you can't just push us around. I'm sure you've seen how it was before you lot took over, how it should be."

He stood up, facing zara "I don't know what your goal was, asking if I knew where more people where, but I'm going to ask the same question. Where is your group? Vampires don't usually travel alone "

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