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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Play On Words

Musical Goddess
Camp Half-Blood. Seemingly peaceful, seemingly a perfect place for Demigods in training. The comforting smell of strawberries, the sound of swords clanging against each other, the sights of campers talking. It looked perfect. It was perfect. Or so they thought...

Four demigods have gone missing so far. No order. Three guys and a girl, each a different godly parent. Aphrodite, Athena, Hephaestus, and an unknown. There doesn't seem to be any logic to who goes missing. But it's like clockwork. One every three days. Chiron has grown worried, and everyone knows he's trying to think of the best person to lead the quest. Who will join together and lead the quest to save the Demigods?
Ryder Miller

Ryder spun his sword, facing down the two Ares campers. They were both in heavy bronze armor, while Ryder had only his sword. He wasn't concerned, not in the least. Why should he be? He had battled monsters far more threatening than these brutes. He waited patiently for one of them to charge, smiling as one conceded. The larger of the two ran forward, yelling with his sword held high. Ryder just smirked, sidestepping and swiping the flat of his blade at the idiot's ankles, tripping him up and sending him face-first into the dirt. He didn't bother getting back up.

"One down, one to go." Ryder said calmly. The other camper looked far less eager, but charged nonetheless. "Easier than I thought." Ryder continued. He met the Ares camper halfway and slamming the hilt of his sword as hard as he could into his helmet. The guy crumpled, groaning. The helmet now sported a large dent above the eye holes, but anyone watching knew that Ryder was being nice. He could've done a lot worse. "Fun, fun!" He said cheerfully, walking out with his head held high.

Ryder made his way to the rock climbing wall, where a petite figure was struggling to avoid the lava. Climbing wasn't Ryder's forte, in fact he was pretty terrible at it, but it wasn't the girl on the wall's either. She was just too stubborn to let it go. "You're an Ares kid! Stop trying to be good at everything and just stick to what you know!" He called loudly.

Toni O'Brian

Toni almost faltered at Ryder's voice, one hand slipping. She dangled precariously with just three fingers holding her body weight, but managed to find a foothold before the lava burned her too bad. She was just ten feet from the top, she had to finish. Failure wasn't an option. She licked her dry lips, reaching out with her dominant arm to a handhold. It was just a couple inches too far, and she ended up grabbing air. The loss of balance caused her to be too slow, the lava catching her by surprise. She recoiled by reflex, and felt her slippery grip fail. There was a half a second with the terrifying sensation of falling before she slammed into a pair of arms.

"Thanks." She grunted, pushing herself out of Ryder's hands and facing him. Based on the fact that he was only wearing one of his skeletal gloves, he had probably just gotten back from fighting. She loved the gloves, one disguising his dagger, the other his sword, which was lying on the ground beside him. Apparently, he had chosen to drop it and catch Toni. Flattering.

"No problem. You were close that time." He noted, picking up his sword and pressing it against the back of his hand. Immediately, it shrunk into the glove once again, giving him a matching set.

@Rukia @Calynna @S n o w @Bloodybeans
Max was sitting with kids from the cabins of Athena and Aphrodite, telling a story and having a good time. One of his close friends from the Hephaestus cabin approached, and he stepped away for a moment. "Max, I got your bow fixed up, it's in the forge" His friend said happily, and Max followed her.

"so, how small exactly?" Max asked, as Isabelle opened the door for him.

"It retracts small enough to fit into a pocket!" she said cheerfully, excited about her new invention. Max saw the bow, full size laid out in front of him, the lightweight metal coated with a celestial bronze sheen was highlighted by the fire, and he smiled.

"you always know how to deliver" he said and retracted it and placed it into his pocket. "but, what bout arrows?"

"oh, your father will help you with that" she smiled coyly as she started to work at the forge again. Puzzled, Maximus left the forge and headed towards the rock wall @Play On Words


Nico had been watching the battling from afar,although he preferred to not be directly involved in it. The bench by his side was empty,as most of the campers had joined in to the activity.

His attention dropped back to the book in his hands. Running one finger through the words,he noticed how he had them all stuck to his brain already. All the rituals of passage were as familiar as the alphabet. The truth was that death interested him more than the clattering of swords.

A few campers had indicated that he could be a son of Hades,but that didn't seem quite right to him. Hades claimed his sons,but so far his godly parent remained unknown. Not only that,but he felt a deeper connection to the passage. It was something that went beyond the simple management of the land where the dead stood after their souls left their body. If only he could-

His thoughts were interrupted by the loud noises in the battlefield. Nico sighed and decided to put the reading down for now.

Ryder walked back to the main part of camp with Toni, who smelled strongly of burned hair and clothes. "Next time you'll get it. I think you broke my arms, by the way. You're a lot heavier than you look." He chuckled. She swatted his arm, laughing along with him. She was his only real friend at the camp, which caused the rumors that they were dating to spread like wildfire. They weren't, and he doubted that they ever would. She was a beautiful, popular girl, and he was... Him.

"You'd better watch your back, Miller. I'll stab you." She warned playfully. They both paused their chatter as they noticed an Apollo kid, Maximus, approach. Toni smiled, walking up to him. "Hey, Max." She said, smiling. Ryder just smirked and kept walking, intent on some more practice.

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Luna was almost always seen at the arena at this time of day. If she wasn't there, then there was usually only one place she was generally found, and that was by the beach. That much must have been obvious to most, considering her parentage. It was a great place to cool off and relax, and it was also a great place to think, not that she needed to do much of that unless on a quest.

Today, however, she was in neither place, and instead sitting on the grass, aimlessly watching campers move around and do their job. Nearby she watched the lava rock and one of the Ares campers falling down. She resisted the urge to snigger and instead shifted her attention to other people. The guy catching her. Another guy away reading. Two Aphrodite campers gossiping away, unaware that they were about to step into a puddle -- courtesy of Lunaria or course. She was just getting ready to watch the children of beauty freak out over mud on their new heels when footsteps nearby jolted her attention.

Turning she saw a guy walking in her direction. Or rather, he was going somewhere and she just happened to be in the way. She vaguely recognised him as the son of Hades. After all, there was only one. She didn't recall talking to him much before. Then again, she spoke to a lot of people on a daily basis so she could have, and just not remembered.

@Play On Words


It had been three years and Cerra still had no idea who his dad was.

It had started to get a little frustrating for the eighteen year old. He just wanted to know where he belonged. The Hermes cabin was fun, sure, and he made plenty of friends there and had tons of fun pranking other people, but he still felt as though he didn't belong, because despite them treating him like a brother for three years, he knew they were not really related.

He was confident that he was not a child of Hermes. If anything, he was convinced he was a child of Hephaestus. He loved to build things and he loved the heat. He wasn't a fire wielder, he knew that was rare, but that didn't mean it wasn't true.

The only problem was he just wasn't getting claimed.

So, instead of letting it get to him, like every day, he gr ready for the day and headed out to the arena, mostly to talk to various people there rather than practise.
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As Ryder walked toward the arena, he noticed a girl just sitting around and watching people. Her name was... He had no idea, he had never spoken to her. But she was a daughter of Poseidon, so... Kind of his cousin, although godly relationships don't count. He eyed her suspiciously, but said nothing. As always, there was a trail of dead grass following him, wherever he touched. So there was a brown footprint every time he took a step. And every rodent skeleton within ten feet was rising, skittering around a bit, before sinking back into the ground as he passed. Yes, he looked incredibly friendly.



A small squeal escaped Lunaria as she felt something nudge her leg from underneath. Lifting it from its cross legged position, she saw a little... Was that a skeleton? It appeared as though it was staring at her for a few moments before it started to burrow in the ground and disappear, not even leaving behind a trace. Lunaria raised an eyebrow and shifted her gaze to the son of Hades walking before her. Stretching out her legs again, she felt it slightly poky because the grass had withered slightly. Ignoring it, she spoke, lifting her head all the way to look at him. She would have had to do that anyways, for she was probably smaller than everyone in camp, despite her age.

"Does that happen wherever you go? Like
all the time?" she asked curiously. Her voice displayed wonder rather than fear or disgust like probably one of the girls from the Aphrodite cabin. She'd always been fascinated by each and every Godly parent and the traits they passed down to their demigod children. Not everyone was the same and there certainly wasn't anyone like him or her, being a child of the big three.

@Play On Words


Nico had been drifting off on the arena's bleacher,nearly falling asleep as he stood in a sitting position. He woke up in time to correct his posture,which kept him from falling face first into the ground. Now that would certainly rise the opinions that the other campers had about him.

The boy rolled his eyes at himself,stretching on the bench. He noticed a boy approaching,his name popping in his mind. Cerra.

They had been sharing the same cabin for a few years now,but never really shared a conversation. The cabin was always full and Nico mostly kept to the shadows,too shy to start any interactions.

Cerra was the nice and popular type. Nico saw no reason as to why the guy would be interested in talking to him,so he drifted his attention back to the field.



Ryder noticed the different tone that she used. Nobody but Toni accepted him at the camp because of what he called the side effects of being a Hades kid. "Unfortunately." His tone, as usual, was cold. Everything about him was distant, cold, and untrusting. If someone acted kind, he immediately thought they had an ulterior motive. It wasn't just because of his parentage. Nothing truly good, with no strings attached, had happened in his life. "Side effect of being half dead." He said sarcastically. He wasn't half dead, or anywhere near it. But he had the image of it. Very pale, cold skin. Vampiric.

He eyed the girl. Definitely the Poseidon girl, her name started with an 'L', he was sure. She was small, not very threatening looking. But if her powers were anywhere near his, she could cause some damage.

"Hey Toni, what happened to you?" he smirked playfully seeing the ever so proud Ares child looking like she had been overcooked in a toaster. "check out this new gadget Izzy cooked up for me" he knew most people found Isabelle annoying, and while most 'Popular' kids would not mention being around her, he knew that if anyone criticized him for something that meant death to their own popularity. He was loved by the popular crowd. Max pulled out his Bow and unfolded the tips, and pressed the button to extend it. @Play On Words
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"Dude! That's freaking awesome. Izzy made that?" She asked, stunned as she admired the bow. She had no problem with the quirky Hephaestus kid, she found her pretty cool. "And the lava happened to me. I get that this is a halfblood training area, but what summer camp has lava with the rock wall? Got my arm pretty good." She chuckled, extending her arm, which had a pretty bad burn on it. "That's a cool bow, though. I might see if she'll make something for me. A better shield, maybe." She shrugged. Her entire body ached from the rock wall, her back worst of all. She was grateful to Ryder for catching her, but he was a muscular guy, his arms weren't exactly soft. She'd have bruises for sure.

"Here" he softly grabbed hold of her arm and began focusing his energy to heal her arm. when he was done he smiled at her. "I was actually gonna head over to the rock wall after lunch, I hope I have better luck than you...of course, I don't need luck" he said with a stupid grin @Play On Words

Toni smirked when he healed her arm. "Thanks." She said, a bit surprised. She didn't make enemies with anyone if she could help it, she was too good a strategist to do that. Every friend she made was an ally on the battlefield. But she had never spoken in depth with Max. "Appreciate it." She said honestly. She looked around, finally realizing that her friend had left. "Uh... Excuse me, I have to go find Death Boy." She said slowly, walking off and following the footprints of dead grass until he saw her talking to Lunaria, the Poseidon girl. "Score, Ryder." She whispered to herself, continuing past him to the arena. She had done her battle training for the day, and she was in the mood to socialize. She was no prep, no social butterfly. Just smart.
Max proceeded to a group of Aphrodite girls to have lunch with, taking one look back at Toni before continuing.

Isabelle walked to the arena to watch some fights, she doesn't particularly like violence but she will get whatever entertainment she can. she walked into the arena and leaned against a wall, blowing her hair out of her face

Lunaria was hardly fazed by his tone. It was one she had faced many times before, and that had been worse. Or perhaps she only thought so because she had been much younger at the time. Eitherway, she continued as though she was having a normal chat. "Side effects of being half alive are less amusing, I've heard." She responded with a smirk, plucking up a few strands of dead grass before tossing them back to the muddy floor. The sky was overcast but she knew it would not rain unless Mr.D wanted to. Still, she hadn't gotten used to it so she always wondered if it was going to rain.

"I'm Lunaria by the way. Don't think I've officially met you." She introduced herself nonchalantly, still holding her head back to look at him.

@Play On Words


Letting his gaze slide off to the side, Cerra noticed a boy slowly nodding off to sleep. He was instinctively about to reach out and prevent him from falling to the floor because it looked like that was what was about to happen, but he seemed to have gathered his bearings and straightened himself before that happened.

He locked onto his gaze for a moment before walking over, a welcoming smile on his face.

"Battle practise a little boring for you?" He asked with a small chuckle, letting his hand tap the top of his sword slung through his sheath.


Ryder eyed her warily before nodding, hands dug in his pockets. "Ryder." He said bluntly. He watched Toni walk past them, wondering where she was going. He didn't follow her, instead slowly sitting beside Lunaria. "I'm surprised you aren't socializing." Ryder admitted. "Daughter of Poseidon... People should swarm over you. You're the exact kind of person that everyone wants as an ally." He raised an eyebrow, watching her face in anticipation of a reaction.


Toni watched an exchange between two guys. She had spoken to them both briefly, Nico and Cerra. Cerra seemed a bit more interesting and a lot more attractive. He seemed to be inviting the Thanatos camper to a fight. She walked a bit closer, face impassive, twisting her ring on her finger. She knew that in half a second's time, she could have it turned from a small, silver ring to a large, silver, ornate sword.

@Rukia @Calynna
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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Droid Serif';"><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>-</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Droid Serif';"><span style="font-size:24px;">NICO CASTELLANO</span></span><span style="font-family:'Droid Serif';"><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>-</strong></span></span></p></div>




<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><span style="color:#404040;">Nico</span></strong></span><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong> </strong></span><span style="font-size:14px;">turned around as he heard a voice that seemed to be directed towards him. He frowned for a moment and checked his surroundings,pretty sure that he was mistaken and the boy was talking to someone else.</span></p>

<p><span style="font-size:14px;">

But nope.</span></p>

<p><span style="font-size:14px;">

He turned his attention back to Cerra,blinking with confusion. A normal response would probably be replying,so he did that.</span></p>

<p><span style="font-size:14px;">

</span><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#404040;"><strong>"It's not a real battle,so it's not so interesting. People don't die on these."</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#404040;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#000000;">Realizing his own words,Nico found himself blushing. </span></span><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#404040;"><strong>"N-not that I want people to die. It just would be more...realistic."</strong></span></span></p>

<p><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#404040;">



<span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:14px;">Nico turned his eyes back to the ground,cursing himself for being a weirdo. He met the guy one minute ago and he was probably scaring him already.</span></span></p>

<p><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:14px;">



<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><span style="color:#404040;">"I-I...it's nice to meet you...again. I kinda of know you already. We are in the same cabin."</span></strong></span></p>

<p><span style="font-size:14px;">




<div style="text-align:right;">


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35689-calynna/" data-mentionid="35689"></a><div style="margin-left:25px;"><a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35689-calynna/" data-mentionid="35689"></a><div style="margin-left:25px;"><a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35689-calynna/" data-mentionid="35689"><span style="font-size:12px;">@Calynna</span></a></div><a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35689-calynna/" data-mentionid="35689"></a></div><a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35689-calynna/" data-mentionid="35689"></a><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></div></div>


Isabelle was sitting on some bleachers looking at the campers below, she pulled out a sketchpad while sighing, she felt lonely. she sketched the arena and bystanders below, while smelling the strawberries, the scent drifting through the wind.

"Well in all honesty, so are you." Lunaria responded, finally letting her head drop so she could look at him without having to crane her neck as he took a seat on the grass beside her. "You'd be a pretty neat ally, and you've got some really strong powers. I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to be your ally." she explained, plucking some more dead grass aimlessly as she spoke. "But no, no swarms. The whole 'ally' thing never really swung by me. 'Team' is a more appropriate word for what I'm looking for. Either that or go solo." As she had for so long. Never had trouble before. She shouldn't begin to.


He nodded. "Yup, I know you. I think we sat together once in the dining pavilion although I don't recall you talking much.." He cocked his head to the side as if trying to remember but he couldn't and so brushed it away. There were many people in the Hermes cabin. He had a hard time keeping track sometimes.

He felt a presence behind him and turned to see a familiar looking girl. He knew her face, but not her name.

"Oh, hey," he offered her a smile, turning a little so as to be inviting her in for conversation while at the same time not turning his back on Nico.

@Play On Words :: @Rukia
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"Nobody wants me around, understandably. Guess they don't like the whole death aura thing." Ryder laughed humorlessly. He pressed a single finger against the ground and watched tendrils of dead grass spread with the prolonged contact. "Maybe I'll send a dead mouse after them." He muttered bitterly, not sure why he even bothered getting worked up about it. This girl wouldn't understand. 'Team or flying solo', what a joke. She had the choice of friends, relationships. People admired her powers, they weren't scared of her. Ryder had no choice. It was just 'flying solo' for him.


"It's Cerra, right?" Toni asked, extending a hand. "I'm Toni. Ares kid." She said confidently. She noted the hand on his sword. "Are you jumpy, cautious, or just really eager to stab something? Or is there another option I'm forgetting about?" She asked with a slight smirk playing on her lips.

@Rukia @Calynna
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Nico seemed to be closing into himself when a new person entered the conversation. He quickly snapped himself out of it,imagining he couldn't run away from people for his entire life. Not that he didn't want to do exactly that.

He waited in silence as Cerra spoke to the girl,trying not to glare much at both of them.

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She shrugged. "If you want to send something dead after them, at least make it interesting. I could definitely see someone jumping out of their pants by seeing a skeletal snake. Or an Athena kid could be freaked out by a skeletal spider even." She offered, knowing that she had many times scared the campers from the Athena cabin with spiders. Not that she had anything against them, it was just fun to see them squirm. She wondered why she had never been claimed by Hermes. She figured she was more suited to it. Then again, she did love water so she was happy with what she got.


He nodded. "I know. I could tell as soon as I saw you." He told her with a grin. Recognising people's cabins was easy. Getting their names... Not so much.

"This is Nico." He figured he would introduce him as well since he didn't seem to be much of a talker himself.

"Both Hermes. Well, I mean I'm unclaimed, Nico..." He trailed off, allowing Nico to continue.

@Rukia @Play On Words

"Spiders are hard. Exoskeletons, not bones. Decomposes too quickly." Ryder said, smirking. This was normally the part where they made some excuse to run away. "Snakes at least have a top part, their spine. But they can't move after I bring them back up." He continued darkly.


"Smart guy, huh?" Toni noted with a laugh. She liked this guy. He seemed kind of cocky, kind of confident. Bit like her. "So do you know how to use that sword, or is it just for decoration? You're no Ares kid, that's obvious. And you couldn't stand up against Ryder, I'm sure, almost nobody can. Even beats me, that asshole." She said, grimacing.

"I am one of the happy rejected as well." Nico's voice showed irony for the first time. The fact that he was unclaimed was another reason as to why people though that he was a freak. He had been living in the camp for 17 years,and no God had claimed him so far.

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