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Fantasy Godling Academy

Samantha Whitney
Sam couldn't help but chuckle a little bit at Kyle's comment, but she very quickly went back to her blank state of emotion. 'Don't open up' Sam glanced to her right to see a nymph guiding a Godly figure and some sort of dog? person? The God was Artemis as she found out from Torri "Hey.." She raised a hand in greeting. "Sam, daughter of Thanatos." Sam was slightly more uncomfortable meeting this person than anyone else she had met today. It didn't help when she mentioned someones smell. "Uh?" Sam gave up trying to understand exactly what she was talking to and decided just to accept it instead. 'Whatever' The look in Torri's eyes changed from happy greetings to those of greedy hunger, like a wolves. "Eat what!?" Sam pulled her back pack off her back and put it on the floor in between her and Torri, just to make sure it would stay safe.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Nico Nico AquaMarie AquaMarie
Torri leaned over sniffing Sam for a second just before looking to Sam's bag. "Its a pleasure meet you sam, daughter of thanatos" smiling at her warmly as she sat down in a chair and crossed her legs, torri's tail resting in her lap. "You smell like death, most people would be wary of that but its actually sort of comforting....but that could just be the feeling you give off" closing her eyes she kept sniffing the air trying to place where she had smelled that before, the item in the bag had her attention.
SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion
Marina Odeletta Anderson

Before making their way to the library she spotted someone familiar from a former group project to which she happily smiled and waved back at him. “Hi there Kyle, guess we will be working in a group once again,” she replied noticing the boy was quite awake, more than last time she saw him.
Reaching the library Marina happily smiled as she quite enjoyed coming here. This had to be the biggest library she had ever seen. Quickly getting help from one of the nymphs Mari followed the others towards a table and took a seat waiting to see what type of books and information they would receive.
Their waiting was interrupted by Artemis who made her way over to their small group, followed by a girl. She greeted the goddess and waved towards the new student. “Hi there, it's nice to meet you Torri...I am Marina Odeletta Anderson, chosen of Amphitrite..” she greeted the girl with a friendly and soft smile.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf @Heir of Dalania @SuperiorOnion @Nico
Katara turns her head to see a man looking at them, surprised. She’s never seen this man before, has she? He seems so familiar… her dark eyes widen, and she freezes up a little bit. She has seen him before. In her mother’s photographs. She wasn’t expecting to meet him like this. This man is her father.

She closes her eyes, taking a moment to breathe. He’s being so casual, maybe he intends to have the conversation at another time. Where another student isn’t here. That would make sense. For now… let’s just stick to what she was doing. There we go. Now is not the time to ask him all the questions she has.

“We were going to spar for a bit.” She starts, opening her eyes to look at him. Her father. “So, we would need practice weapons, and ideally a chaperone. Would you be willing to help with that?” He seems like he doesn’t have anything to do at the moment, anyway.
Duke of Doge Duke of Doge That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
Nia was left staring at Torri. Her emerald green eyes seemed to sparkle like the night sky. "Woaaahhh. Dog person!" She told herself. The red head then abruptly closing the distance between them and studying Torri from head to toe, to tail. "You're so cuuuuute!~" Nia fawned over the newcomer for a few moments. Then she cleared her throat "Hi I'm Nia." She said with a grin.
AquaMarie AquaMarie SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion Nico Nico Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Nika, oblivious to the thoughts and conflicts of the other two, just nodded her head to support Katara's statement. "We'd really appreciate the help." She didn't know which god was in front of them, just that it wasn't Nike. If it was, she would have immediately ran in for a hug and started talking excitedly about how her school life has gone so far. She did hope that he was someone that would be able to intervene if things went too far, though.
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Marina Odeletta Anderson

Before making their way to the library she spotted someone familiar from a former group project to which she happily smiled and waved back at him. “Hi there Kyle, guess we will be working in a group once again,” she replied noticing the boy was quite awake, more than last time she saw him.
Reaching the library Marina happily smiled as she quite enjoyed coming here. This had to be the biggest library she had ever seen. Quickly getting help from one of the nymphs Mari followed the others towards a table and took a seat waiting to see what type of books and information they would receive.
Their waiting was interrupted by Artemis who made her way over to their small group, followed by a girl. She greeted the goddess and waved towards the new student. “Hi there, it's nice to meet you Torri...I am Marina Odeletta Anderson, chosen of Amphitrite..” she greeted the girl with a friendly and soft smile.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf @Heir of Dalania @SuperiorOnion @Nico
Nia was left staring at Torri. Her emerald green eyes seemed to sparkle like the night sky. "Woaaahhh. Dog person!" She told herself. The red head then abruptly closing the distance between them and studying Torri from head to toe, to tail. "You're so cuuuuute!~" Nia fawned over the newcomer for a few moments. Then she cleared her throat "Hi I'm Nia." She said with a grin.
AquaMarie AquaMarie SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion Nico Nico Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"Its a pleasure to meet both of....you!" Torri quickly darted under the table hiding between Kyle's legs. Curling up into a ball she used her tail to somewhat cover herself to hide her face. "Cute....I'm not cute...not at all!" She said, laughing nervously and peering past her tail to see what was going on around her. "S-So what are you all talking about? Or gathered here for?" Calming down some once she felt safe.
"Fighting is one of the things I do best. Especially when training a bunch of newbies." He flashed a smirk. Joseph did an about face and walked towards the training area, motioning for the two girls to follow. "I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Joseph Manning, also known as the current Enyo. However you students should address me as Sir unless given permission by me to do otherwise." He spoke as he walked. His hands clasped behind his back. "Now then." He approached the edge of the training grounds now. "What kind of weapons do you two want to use?"
That Lass Over There That Lass Over There Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Katara nods, falling into step behind him. She still wants to talk to him, but he obviously has no interest right now. Later, though. She definitely wants to know who her father is after all this time.

“Light, preferably close range. Currently I either fight unarmed, or with a dagger when necessary.” She replies to his question, glad that he’s here to oversee this, at least. If anyone should understand her anger issues, it should be Enyo.

She looks around the training ground, mapping out the space in her mind to try and figure out how to use it best.
Duke of Doge Duke of Doge That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
Nika waited to hear what Katara wanted, but was a little dissatisfied since a rather ambiguous answer came out. She just had to pick what she felt she would be the most comfortable with and roll with it. "... I want a bastard sword." Though she wanted to go polearm for maximum distance, her instincts told her that a sword would be the best choice. Polearms had the weakness of a small striking area, which wouldn't be good against an opponent with a small weapon trying to close the distance. Once the distance was closed, it would be game over. Since her opponent was unarmored, the flexible double-edged sword with agreeable length and large striking area would be best. Fast, long, and could be used with one or both hands, the bastard sword was by far the one that stood out to her of the few such swords she knew, though the side sword was also tempting. It would have been funny if she took a katana to make fun of stereotypes and her nationality, but she was motivated to win this, not just to goof off. Her competitive spirit had been ignited when Katara challenged her.

"Oh, and if it's okay, I'd also like to have gauntlets." This one might seem odd to people who didn't know medieval combat or played too many games and thought armor was useless, but gauntlets were just about the best things ever made. The ability to half-sword, safely catch an opponent's blade with just the hand, deal more damage with a punch, and protect her hands on the handle even more than the hand guard would. As a Nike, Nika saw the best path to victory, and was pursuing it with all her might since she didn't know how their physical capabilities compared. She would have also liked to ask for greaves so that she could use kicks without worry, but that definitely would have been asking for too much.
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Kyle was watching as all this happened, not really saying much. More focused on the task ahead of them. He didn't even notice the new comer until the girl was hiding between his legs. "Uh, can I help you?" he said. His throat bobbing as he was uncomfortable with someone in his personal space. He slowly almost stumbling due to lack of energy. "This is an awkward time to introduce myself but. I'm Kyle, Son of Hypnos." he frowned and almost let out a breath of relief when the Nymph came back with their book. He stood their awkwardly not wanting to back to is chair. A wobble and a yawn, he was already using up too much energy.

AquaMarie AquaMarie SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"Ok..." he said thinking over their answers. He nodded had summoned forward two weapons from thin air. One, a brutal looking modernized design of a Trench Knife. The other, a lightweight, sleek Sai. Joseph handed these to Katara. "These are yours." Once she had them Joseph got another two items. The Bastard Sword Nika requested, the design was entirely ordinary, as the weapon wasn't very flashy to begin with. He also had a single gauntlet made of lightweight leather with metal studs. "You're just getting one unless she gets them too. I want it to be bit more fair. More of a challenge that way."
That Lass Over There That Lass Over There Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Nika frowned, though she took the weapons she was handed without comment. She was doomed. To catch a blade, she needed a full metal guantlet; this leather wouldn't be able to keep a cold block of metal from cutting through it. People who thought leather made good armor also played too many games or watched too many movies. The only service it would do her is making her punches just a little harder, and since she had been relying upon the gauntlet to stop Katara's blades in their tracks so that she could leave her bastard sword free to attack, her entire strategy had gone to shambles. Sure, they weren't fighting with real weapons, but Nika wasn't about to be cheap and use that as an excuse for her being able to safely catch a blade, especially a thrusting one like a Sai. So, her only option was to lose with dignity and try her damnedest anyways.

She pulled the guantlet onto her right hand, placing the sword in her left hand, her main hand. She swung it once, and as if she had confirmed every facet of the weapon with just that nodded and gripped it with both hands, her right hand resting on the pommel instead of the handle despite the bastard sword having a handle long enough to accommodate both hands. She stood, completely relaxed, placing the sword on her shoulder. "I'm ready! Give me your best! Oh, and I'm not gonna fly since I'm nice." She probably could have tipped the odds back in her favor with the wings that come with being a Nike, but Nika hated unfair advantages in sport.
Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Katara takes her weapons, looking each one over carefully. The knife is simple. Sturdy, good for slashing or stabbing. Probably good for blocking in another case, but not with the sword Nika’s holding. Too much weight behind a strike, and either of Katara’s weapons could snap.

She turns her attention to the sai, humming. She’s never trained with one of these, and they’re a more difficult weapon to use properly. She switches her weapons between hands, putting the knife in her right, and the sai in her left.

She looks up at Nika, her expression focused, her eyes narrowed. Neither of them are wearing armor, save for the gauntlet on Nika’s hand. If Katara is going to win, she’ll have to fight smart and fast.

A smile crosses her lips at Nika’s challenge, and she slides her fingers into the grip of the knife. “Oh, I intend to.” Her voice is lower, almost dangerous sounding, and her face splits into a grin as she darts forward, bluffing a straight charge, then ducks left, trying to get under Nika’s guard with the knife.
Duke of Doge Duke of Doge That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
"Its a pleasure to meet both of....you!" Torri quickly darted under the table hiding between Kyle's legs. Curling up into a ball she used her tail to somewhat cover herself to hide her face. "Cute....I'm not cute...not at all!" She said, laughing nervously and peering past her tail to see what was going on around her. "S-So what are you all talking about? Or gathered here for?" Calming down some once she felt safe.
Kyle was watching as all this happened, not really saying much. More focused on the task ahead of them. He didn't even notice the new comer until the girl was hiding between his legs. "Uh, can I help you?" he said. His throat bobbing as he was uncomfortable with someone in his personal space. He slowly almost stumbling due to lack of energy. "This is an awkward time to introduce myself but. I'm Kyle, Son of Hypnos." he frowned and almost let out a breath of relief when the Nymph came back with their book. He stood their awkwardly not wanting to back to is chair. A wobble and a yawn, he was already using up too much energy.

AquaMarie AquaMarie SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Samantha Whitney
Sam was getting tired of having to explain to every single person what it was they were doing. She glared at Torri for a moment, "I've got a magic bag, finds lost items, its my job to deliver them back. It found an egg and now we are here to research what kind of egg it is." As she said that the nymph that was helping them brought the book. It was rather large and would take a long time to search through. 'This is gonna be difficult.'
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Nico Nico AquaMarie AquaMarie
Samantha Whitney
Sam was getting tired of having to explain to every single person what it was they were doing. She glared at Torri for a moment, "I've got a magic bag, finds lost items, its my job to deliver them back. It found an egg and now we are here to research what kind of egg it is." As she said that the nymph that was helping them brought the book. It was rather large and would take a long time to search through. 'This is gonna be difficult.'
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Nico Nico AquaMarie AquaMarie
Kyle was watching as all this happened, not really saying much. More focused on the task ahead of them. He didn't even notice the new comer until the girl was hiding between his legs. "Uh, can I help you?" he said. His throat bobbing as he was uncomfortable with someone in his personal space. He slowly almost stumbling due to lack of energy. "This is an awkward time to introduce myself but. I'm Kyle, Son of Hypnos." he frowned and almost let out a breath of relief when the Nymph came back with their book. He stood their awkwardly not wanting to back to is chair. A wobble and a yawn, he was already using up too much energy.

AquaMarie AquaMarie SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

"Oh....an egg, let me see it I might be a le to save you a few days of research on it. Dont worry I wont eat it as long as i get some food soon" Crawling out from under the table and sitting on Kyle's lap she looked at Sam. "I've spent quite a while hunting and tracking...but it doesn't hurt to have a killer sense of smell and great hearing" Torri held a hand out to take the egg so she could more closely inspect it. Most eggs she could think of off the top of her head all relatively looked the same, it was the smell that really made the difference. "Kyle you really are comfortable, if you dont become a God you can be own personal chair" looking back and winking at him.
Nico Nico SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion superio Duke of Doge Duke of Doge AquaMarie AquaMarie
Katara takes her weapons, looking each one over carefully. The knife is simple. Sturdy, good for slashing or stabbing. Probably good for blocking in another case, but not with the sword Nika’s holding. Too much weight behind a strike, and either of Katara’s weapons could snap.

She turns her attention to the sai, humming. She’s never trained with one of these, and they’re a more difficult weapon to use properly. She switches her weapons between hands, putting the knife in her right, and the sai in her left.

She looks up at Nika, her expression focused, her eyes narrowed. Neither of them are wearing armor, save for the gauntlet on Nika’s hand. If Katara is going to win, she’ll have to fight smart and fast.

A smile crosses her lips at Nika’s challenge, and she slides her fingers into the grip of the knife. “Oh, I intend to.” Her voice is lower, almost dangerous sounding, and her face splits into a grin as she darts forward, bluffing a straight charge, then ducks left, trying to get under Nika’s guard with the knife.
Duke of Doge Duke of Doge That Lass Over There That Lass Over There

Unfortunately for Katara, Nika wasn't the type to fall for feints. Well, more like she wasn't the type to allow them to happen in the first place. She stepped forward, getting in the middle of the movement to meet Katara head on, and without hesitation she used her right hand on the pommel as a pivot point to speed the blade into a diagonal overhead slash. It wasn't meant to connect, only to scare off Katara and make sure she didn't do something so reckless again. Nika held the upper hand as long as the fight remained reasonable and logical; recklessness like that was a risk to both sides. Nika was good as long as Katara didn't understand these psychological undertones of battle. She stood silently in her place, not following the slash up and just watching Katara for her next move. Making it seem like she was allowing Katara to set the pace.
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Katara hisses in annoyance, forced back out of Nika’s space by the sheer reach of her blade. She glances down at the sai, seeing the tongs’ shape. They look like they might be meant to catch a blade. She quickly changes her focus back to Nika, not wanting her to get an attack in.

Katara darts forward again, and makes an attempt to catch the blade with her sai at about chest height, kicking for one of her knees hard to try and incapacitate her.

Nika has already mentioned that people getting up close and personal could throw her off, and Katara fully intends to use that fact to her advantage. And Katara is exceptionally reckless, but that’s just her nature. Her fighting style is oriented around finishing a fight quickly, in the most viciously efficient way possible. The fact that her powers can stop her from feeling pain help.

Speaking of her powers, her aura is starting to seep out, filling the very air around them with a sense of fury and bloodlust. Katara’s manic grin hasn’t dropped, as she watches Nika carefully for any sign of weakness.
Duke of Doge Duke of Doge That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
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Marina Odeletta Anderson

Marina sat at the table quietly watching the others interact. The blue eyes girl smiled as the nymph made her way over with a very large book. To which Marina quickly pulled the large book towards her and opened it, curiously skimming through it as the others talked. The brunette looked over to Torri as she claimed to able to point out to the group what the egg was, and save them hours and even days of research. To which Marina smiled, that would be a big help. She watched as the girl made her way over to Kyle's lap and to his discomfort sat there. Mari gently shook her head as she flips through the pages of the large book, resting her head on her right hand and she read. She skimmed the book while waiting for Torri to discover what type of egg they were delivering.

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Duke of Doge Duke of Doge SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion Nico Nico
Nika frowned, easily slipping her blade away from Katara's Sai, and right as she released her right hand to grab the troublesome weapon and restrict it's movement a kick flew at her legs, making her stumble back in a hurry and nearly lose her balance. As a result the hand that she shot out for the Sai missed by a long shot, and she just kept stepping backwards to keep the distance between herself and Katara. She was careful to keep her eyes glued to Katara's eyes, looking for that telltale glance toward a target as well as ensuring that she wouldn't make that beginner's mistake. Since Katara was starting to get ideas with her Sai and seemed to have a bad habit of taking the first move when offered, Nika once again two-handed the bastard sword, once again supporting the pommel with her right hand, though this time she pulled the blade back and twisted her body, obviously getting into the sort of thrusting stance you would see with a polearm. It was proof of her respect for Katara that she hadn't spoken since the fight began, putting all her focus on winning.
Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Katara’s dark eyes widen slightly, and she takes a couple quick steps to the right, and following it up with slower steps, working her way around her opponent. She definitely doesn’t want to stay still, since it looks like Nika is preparing to stab her. Easy enough to dodge if you’re quick, very hard to block.

She raises her sai, getting ready to try and catch the blade. She keeps her knife close, ready to strike once Nika stabs, and go for the more open spots caused by a lunge attack. She’s learning as they fight, trying to figure out what Nika’s going to do at a given moment.
Duke of Doge Duke of Doge That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
Nika stopped backing away, and started side-stepping forward with her sword kept up in position, looking like a crab if it weren't for the fact that every muscle in her body was tensed up like a cat ready to pounce. She was slowly closing the distance at a steady and consistent pace, not allowing Katara to leave her front with the slow turning she did as she walked. Her heart pounded in her chest, watching Katara carefully, hoping that the girl would lose her newfound patience and initiate a confrontation just as she had the two times before.

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Katara narrows her eyes. Her normal tactic won’t work here. She’s still not really used to fighting with weapons. Her reach disadvantage is throwing her off, and she’s back trying to figure out how to accommodate for it.

She keeps her guard up with the sai, holding it ready to try and keep that sword away from her, so she can close the distance after Nika attacks. She changes her footing, and moves forward with the sword, bluffing a lunge. Hopefully Nika will move to deflect the fake strike, so Katara can get a real one in.

That Lass Over There That Lass Over There Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
In the end, the few tens of milliseconds that a reach advantage gives can be fatal, especially when a master is fighting.

In the moment that Katara stepped forward, with unbelievable speed obviously aided a little by god powers Nika changed her posture and hold on the sword. In the first step, while Katara was still charging, she simply shifted her right hand from the pommel to the handle, properly two-handing the thrust position. Then, in the next step, Nika took a step back and to the side, lifting her sword out of the lunging position and into a slashing position, before willingly letting her legs collapse beneath her as she spun. Collapse wouldn't be a proper way to describe it - it was much too orderly for that. But the fact remained that she fell, and added to the rotation that she had fallen with she sweeped the bastard sword with all her strength at Katara's legs. The goal was simple. A strike to end a real fight was rarely lethal; rather, it destroyed any options your opponent had. If she could manage to 'chop off' Katara's legs, it would be her victory. Even if she didn't manage that, her suddenly adjusted position would be difficult to respond to with a follow-up attack, so she would be safe for the split second it would take her to recover from this. Nika never took a risky move, after all.

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
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Katara is confused. She doesn't understand what Nika is doing, up until it's too late to try and block. Too much momentum. She could try to jump over, but that would leave her off balance. Might be worth it though. An idea comes to her right at the last moment, and she lunges forward, toward Nika. if she's fast enough, she should get her legs out of the way of the blade, and instead land one foot hard on Nika's arm. Unfortunately, she misjudges the speed of the sword, and whether or not the left foot find's it's target, Katara feels a sharp pain in her right, as the sword makes contact.

That first step came hard, though, and if she managed to stomp down on on it, it would probably make Nika let go, at least with that hand.
That Lass Over There That Lass Over There Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Crazy bit-! Even Nika was capable of getting flustered, apparently. Katara had willingly sacrificed one of her legs to land a hit on her, and it didn't manage to effectively connect either. Granted, it hurt like hell, but she just let go of the sword with her pinned right hand and swung it up with her left, 'chopping off' Katara's other leg. Using the moment of pressure letup that provided, Nika ripped her arm out from under Katara's foot, using the chance to quickly roll away a few feet before springing up into a sitting position. She was panting, scared shitless, and her right arm under the glove was probably skinned decently from ripping it out from under Katara, but she had to accept it since there was no real limb loss. If there was, Katara wouldn't have even had the proper support to step down on her right arm the way she did. She waited, seeing if Katara would give up now that she was down her two legs and Nika was for the most part unharmed. Adrenaline pumping through her veins, she refused to accept their match over until she heard a surrender.

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood Duke of Doge Duke of Doge

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