Two Thousand Club
Jasmine watched as a Pegasus landed in front of them and she was in full awe and astonishment. "It's... beautiful... What's his name?" She looked at Hikari with a questioned look if she could touch him when Hikari instead helped Jasmine up on top of the pegasus. She gulped and held her breath at A) the comfiest animal she had ever found that she was tempted to go to sleep on him and B) She didn't know about Crystal but... SHE was afraid of heights! Jasmine was a grounded, give-me-the-plants type of girl. She had never ever flown before in her entire life and before she even got a plane she was supposed to be on a PEGASUS?! Relax relax relax you got this. You are strong, kind, and beautiful remember? Think of your mama. Crystal got behind her 'fearing absolutely nothing' and Jasmine SAID nothing and just felt her mouth getting rather dry. She waited until Hikari was in front of her and held on to him for dear life. She closed her eyes. You've got this Jasmine!
Angel Evans That Lass Over There
Angel Evans That Lass Over There
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