Glory of a New World Character Sheets

Nirvana,let's talk combat.

First,let's compare the physical attributes of our characters. Our characters are equally fast,and have equal reaction times. However,as a traceur,Loki is more agile. Your character is easily stronger. As far as powers are concerned,Loki's powers accent his personality and abilities,making him even more of a pain to fight head-on,while your power allows you to gain control of a battle,but only if you have the upper hand.

With this established,let's look at the flow of the fight. Do note that Loki's going full tilt,as anyone would be doing in a fight.

-Loki's in his chair,watching you and Havoc's character. He'll see you coming.

-You swing your knife at his face.

-From here,he has many options to avoid and counter. In fact,I had two ideas previous to the one I finally settled on.

-He goes to block your strike. With the arms where they are,any lethal strike,or any strike that isn't to Loki's arm,is impossible,even if he botched the block. At the same time,he stands up from his chair,at a speed fit for combat,easily less than a quarter second. At the end of this movement,your knife arm is pointed out at your side,reeling back.

-When he's on his feet,he swings the chair behind you with his foot. In order to achieve this,his leg has to move into yours. To achieve this in an acceptable time frame (less than a second),the resulting impact would be irritating and carry enough force to disrupt your stance and balance. Since he struck with his shin to your calf,he's coming out of the impact no worse for wear.

-The foot that swung the chair around isn't coming back out from behind you. He does the straight kick to the abdomen using that foot as his anchor. Should he connect,with your stance and balance disrupted,you WILL tumble into the chair.

-On impact with the chair,Newton's First Law comes into effect: A body in motion will stay in motion,unless acted upon by an outside force. The chair will tumble over onto it's back,with you in it.

My biggest gripe with your post is the fact that you sprang back up from the chair before it tumbled,which would've been impossible without levitation. You lack anything solid to push off of.

This is all assuming Loki's blows connect. With your slash to the face committed,your only way to avoid the block is to disengage by rotating your arm in such a manner to drive your momentum up and over Loki's head. This will avoid the block,but leave your side and back open. In every stage of the assault,you have options to interrupt,if not to necessarily disengage. Some can even stop the assault in it's tracks,while others will screw up easy opportunities for a renewed assault.

Combat is a subject that I refuse to see done wrong. I will use real world techniques and tactics. If I'm on the recieving end of "Anime Fighting" without the means to make it happen,you'll get a reply that will amount to "Shame this isn't an anime".

This applies to EVERYONE in the RP. While "Anime Fighting" is a hoot to watch,it simply doesn't obey the basic physical laws of the universe. While "Anime Fighting" is a possibility in this RP,you still need the appropriate powers to back it up. When fighting,keep physics and biology in mind,in relation to your character's powers and abilities.

I really hate to rant,but fighting follows certain rules,and when they're broken,it just makes me rage. And those rules are Physics and Biology.

TheInfamousHavoc,auto-hits aren't allowed. If anyone tries to,simply treat it as an attempt,and react appropriately...So long as the reaction makes sense,RE my above rant.
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Thank you Riddle. I am happy you brought this up, I have been in rps where this has been a problem. I myself have been a part of this problem, and I am glad of the reminder. 
Alright, can someone please add the No "Passing" rule to prevent back and forth posts between two people? It always aggravates me.
I'm really sorry, plus I am quitting this rp because it is a bit to challenging for me and I also want to leave the site in 1 or 2 days to finish a story I'm writing. Please don't take this personally anyone; plus you guys can control my character if you want.
Nirvana's character will be removed from the RP by Loki(Riddle78) in a manner of his choosing. I do not know if Nirvana's character will die or a fate worse than death. his choice.
Fall, I'm sorry if I'm kind of taking over the good side, I didn't know if you had plans for a leader for the north. I just felt that my character, being as old and knowledgeable as he is, would be a good leader.
TheInfamousHavoc,you're up to bat! Also,EliCarter,no doubt you had plans for plot with that SUV. I saw a prank opportunity,so I took it. There's probably a Canadian Tire (or American equivalent) in the area,so... Yeah? Anyways,people,let's get this RP into high gear!
Heh, sorry about that. I was out the whole day, and never got an alert on my phone. n.n"

No worries~! I'm starting on post of right now!

... After, I finish reading yours. o-o;;
Hm, turns out I haven't been getting alerts from any of the roleplays I'm in lately.

And it looks like things kind of died down a bit here. o-o;;

Riddle78 It's your turn to post~!
Character sheets:

Name: Chrono

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Race: Caucasian

Good/Rouge/Bad: Good


(Yes, that is Axton)


- none


- Super Human Reaction Time. Chrono got his name by being quick, he isn't the fastest at feats of great movement, such as running or climbing but he can aim a gun, pick his target, and take the shot before most could ready a defense. Similarly, this also applies to melee combat

- Perception. Chrono can hear, spot, and find people and things that most others would have trouble noticing

Personality: Chrono has always had the interests of the innocent in mind. He wishes to protect and help but will mercilessly hunt any he deems as "evil"

Orientation: straight

History:Chrono grew up on military bases all over the world, leaving him only one reasonable path. He became a soldier. After several years of service he was moved to help the war effort in San Fran, where he was left for dead as the old government abandoned him.


A suppressed HK416 and several magazines, usually slung on his back

A suppressed Sig Sauer, holstered at the hip

A general use knife, good for survival, not particularly powerful for combat

*Boogedy Boo*
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Name: Frederick Sinclair

Alias: General Winters

Age: 34

Race: Caucasian,American

Alignment: Evil


Helmet and all. Stands six foot two,and weighs two hundred pounds.


Cryo. Sinclair's alias exists for this power. Drawing on the moisture in the air around and in him,Sinclair can create ice and snow.

Cryo Immunity. General Winters is immune to the negative effects of low temperatures. As far as he,and the natural laws of the universe,are concerned,he's winter made flesh.


Commanding Presence. When the General speaks,people listen. When the General makes an order,people obey. When the General enters the room,all eyes are on him. He knows EXACTLY how to get your attention,and hold it. He knows EXACTLY how to make people listen and obey.

Blade Fighting. The General is an accomplished blade fighter. No matter the size,he'll know how to use it.

Gunnery. The General knows his way around a gun,but has a particular fondness for machine guns,like the M60 or F.N. Minimi.

Tactics & Strategy. Given the right intel,the General will produce a set of tactics to go with a strategem in order to secure victory.

Strength & Endurance. The General is a physically sound specimen of humanity. He can carry all of his equipment with little trouble,but he won't be running any marathons with it. While not fast or agile,he's learned to shrug off and absorb assaults.

Equipment: He has an M60 machine gun,five spare barrels,and entire armouries worth of ammo to feed it with. On top of that,he has his suit,which is of unknown origin and make,but it's resistant to piercing and slashing.

Personality: Frederick Sinclair is a man of action. He lets his deeds define him,not his stories. As such,he holds fast talkers in great disdain,and demands people prove their worth to him. Finally,he himself is a confident and pragmatic man.

Orientation: He's straight.

Background: Frederick Sinclair served in the American Armed Forces before the war. However,his trade was Supply Tech. Although he was trained to fight,his specialty was keeping the kit checked out,making sure none of it wandered off. When the world and it's governments ended,Frederick was a Warrant Officer,and as such knew much of the ins and outs of the nation's armouries. Seeing an opportunity,Sinclair set out to procure himself an arsenal.

He succeeded,some time later. During that time,he learned of his abilities,and gained his suit. Now,he stands poised to whip the entire South side of San Francisco into shape,and take the city. Order at last.

Riddle78 Camp accepted! 
Characters two and three for me!

Name: Johnny Blue

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: White

Good/Rouge/Bad: Good, seemingly

He dresses in=
however they are darker and you can't see his eyes. He also has this satchel, but it is black, and it holds a lot of stuff.
He stands at 6 foot exactly.

Powers: Johnny can take electricity from his environment and manipulate it to do what he wants it to. He also can control wind, enough to blow a man off his feet and several yards away. However, the wind power is draining, and the electricity one DEMANDS electricity be in his environment, or he cannot use it.

Skills: Johnny is a VERY SKILLED Sniper. As in, if he aims at you, he'll drop you. No ifs, ands, or buts. He's also able to run far. He's also a skilled climber, as he has to climb to most of the places to get a nice shot with his rifle.

Personality: Johnny's the kind of guy who just screams "BADASS." However, he doesn't charge into a fight without a plan so elaborate that if it fails, the Universe was out to get him. However, Johnny may seem like the kind of guy who's very full of himself, while this may be true, he certainly has good reason.

Orientation: Straight.

History: Johnny was taught how to hunt, from a young age. How to be quiet and not attack until least expected. He seemed to like rifles, hitting things from far off, so, at a young age, he started to shoot for marksmanship, and did well. Really well. Some may remember him as one of the champions in a marksmanship contest just before the war.

He fought with his every last breath in this war, and witnessed many a good friend, and family member die, however, this didn't change him. Johnny always looked forward, to tomorrow.

A fifty caliber sniper rifle that fires anti-armor rounds. When he shoots at you, he wants you gone.

Name: Kyra Noelle Fate

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human/Angel

Good/Rouge/Bad: Good.

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc4b2ab7_KyraFate.jpg.c945428db814aa647ef8fda58453af60.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2227" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc4b2ab7_KyraFate.jpg.c945428db814aa647ef8fda58453af60.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> and she dresses in:
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc4b5eb5_Jackboot.jpg.5d94ee0e02dfafb1b756a0b0e2abbf95.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2228" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc4b5eb5_Jackboot.jpg.5d94ee0e02dfafb1b756a0b0e2abbf95.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> She also has these:
A fifteen foot wingspan of those wonderful wings. She also stands at 5'8.

Powers: Kyra's first and most obvious power is flight. As is done with her wings. She is a very good flyer, and can maneuver in some of the harshest winds. Her second power is the ability to use water as a weapon.

However, the major drawbacks to her water based powers are as follows: She needs to be hydrated to use them, and they are tied to her emotions. If she doesn't have control of her emotions, she loses control, however, she's more of a happy go lucky girl, and she doesn't lose control of her powers easy.

Skills: She is skilled with a hanbo, hand to hand combat, and she can fly and fight at the same time. As stated above she is a very skilled, graceful flyer, and she has wicked fast reaction time. To say that if she was in a Mexican Standoff with Clint Eastwood, she'd have her gun out faster, however, she doesn't use guns.

Personality: Kyra is a happy go lucky kind of girl, not one to let things get her down. That's what happens when your mother is a teacher for kindergarteners. She is also very religious, as she serves as proof of Angels existing, she is one.

Orientation: Bisexual.

History: Kyra's father was an angel, who, is well, her father. Duh. She was raised by her human mother, teaching her daughter to be a happy girl, always looking on the bright side of things, and always calling her "My Little Angel" which she literally was. When the war started, Kyra's mother and her took shelter in a church inside San fran, however, the church was raided by an enemy group, and killed Kyra's mother, but she escaped. She misses her mother, but knows God wished her mother back home, and one day soon she may too return to her real home.

Equipment: Kyra has a white hanbo, which she may use as a walking staff, and to test things with. Her staff is about seven feet in length.




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Paragraph One: "Might as well join us. Strength in numbers,right?"

Paragraph Two: "Scarlett! I brought friends!" and "Want one?"
Name: Garth Albrecht

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Alignment: Evil (A man with his own agenda, refusing to allow morality to deny him his goals)

Garth is of average physique, and stands at an unremarkable five foot nine, though he only has his right arm, and has a memorable scar from eye to jaw on the left side of his face.

Powers: None

Veteran of the war: Garth is proficient with firearms, though lacking an arm can no longer use longarm rifles efficiently.

Knife fighter: Disarmed on several occasions, Garth trained to expertise in handling knives of any sort, as well as fighting unarmed when necessary.

Silver-Tongued: Never the best fighter, Garth prefers words to get his job done, such as convincing someone else to do it for him.

Slippery: When trouble comes a knocking, Garth tends to be somewhere else, and not by accident.

Personality: Outwardly mercurial, Garth acts however he thinks will benefit him the most in a given situation, though he is inwardly resentful of most everyone he meets.

Orientation: Asexual

History: Garth has always been a bitter man, and after surviving the war, and even a grenade in close proximity, he's not gotten any more friendly. Garth prefers not to divulge much of his past, and usually deflects any questions toward it as tactfully as possible.

Equipment: Normally, Garth doesn't carry anything with him, instead relying on his wit for defense, though he rarely has difficulty improvising if it comes down to violence.

Name: Simon Anders

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Alignment: Good (Seeking to right the wrongs of others through any means necessary)

Simon is larger than average, athletically built, and standing at about six foot two, the left half of his entire body is covered with savage scars, not including his numerous others, gathered in a spectacularly short period of time all things considered.

Powers: None

Veteran of the war: Simon, having been a soldier in the war, is proficient with the majority of firearms.

Close combat expert: An entire lifetime spent honing skills with martial arts, both armed and not has paid off for Simon, as few normal men can best him in a fight.

Strong presence: For some reason or another, Simon seems to draw attention with ease, whether for good or bad.

Hardy: Simon just never seems to go down from what most people would call incredible punishment, and simply stands up to dust himself off, time and again.

Personality: Stalwart in a word, dogged in another. Simon is endlessly persistent, and follows a strict code of his own making. Above anything else, Simon values justice for misdeeds, and feels that every wrong must be righted by someone, taking that task upon himself in some perspective of heroism.

Orientation: Heterosexual

History: If prodded enough, Simon will reveal that he and Garth had in fact been comrades at one point, both serving in the same unit during the war. A long and stressful campaign for anyone involved, Simon had taken pride in serving his nation, while Garth had been less excited with the idea. It was in the final battle of Garth's career that a fissure formed between the two, or at least the one that had been there expanded greatly.

Under fire from the enemy, without orders, and men dying all around them, Garth tried to reason with Simon that they retreat, but the younger man refused, insisting that the hill they still defended had held tactical importance, and the longer they held it, the longer it was denied from the enemy, the more lives of their allies were spared. It was during this argument that a grenade landed between the two, and hurling his older counterpart aside, Simon dove for cover in the only other place he could think of, over the barricade, into enemy fire. Meanwhile, Garth had been knocked deeper into the trench. Both lost an arm, and Garth nearly lost an eye.

Unfortunately, the event didn't end there, though it did for Garth as he lost consciousness. Hauling his bloodied hide back into the trench, Simon, miraculously lacking bulletholes, hefted the unconscious, now one-armed ally onto his shoulder, and dragged their sorry behinds over a kilometer away, escaping the enemy through blind luck, and both being rescued on the verge of death, both requiring massive blood transfusions.

Not three days later, Simon was awake again, and already moving, demanded to be put back into the fight. Injuries stapled shut, and an experimental prosthetic slapped onto his still messy stump of a shoulder, it took only a month to scrape his way through minimal rehabilitation, and get back into the field, leaving a comatose Garth bedridden, and going on to fight through five more battles at the tender age of twenty-four.

Equipment: Simon has his prosthetic arm, a high-bore, single-action hand cannon, and a boot knife on his person at all times so as to best face any threat that may come his way.

The Hydra is Simon's prosthetic for his left arm, attached after a devastating explosion tore the original appendage from his body. Surviving attachment and rehabilitation before the war was over, and seeing five more battles before it came to an end.

The Hydra is an advanced piece of machinery that can emulate a human limb with nearly perfect emulation through an invasive neural interface, metal spike jammed forcefully into the base of the skull to send messages from the brain directly to the limb, much like an artificial nervous system. Otherwise the limb is nearly identical to a normal human limb besides being made of a sturdy aluminum alloy, and having no sensory input.

Boogedy boo.
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silverpenguinx your character, to me, seems like a Silver Surfer clone, I'm sorry, but I can't allow that.

heartsteal22 I like everything...but the arm. Pretend the war broke out tomorrow, and you know the tech for the war, we can't make arms that do that. 
Also, for future signups, after this post, I'd like that no one else signups as a straight up villain, there are enough as is(This includes Heart's character). Just saying I don't want this to be a villain battle royale. I was trying to be the main villain but I see that is being taken away from me. I WILL GET MY REVENGE!
TheFallOfitAll silver surfer uses energy from his board to shoot beams of energy also silver sufer can fly with his board the only similarity i can see is the type of metal they are made of? How would you suggest i alter him to not make you think of the silver surfer?

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